![iOS 11+](https://img.shields.io/badge/ios-11+-green.svg) ![macOS 10.15+](https://img.shields.io/badge/macos-10.15+-green.svg) [![License GPLv3](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-GPLv3-lightgray.svg)](LICENSE) # TunnelKit This library provides a generic framework for VPN development and a simplified Swift/Obj-C implementation of the OpenVPNĀ® protocol for the Apple platforms. The crypto layer is built on top of [OpenSSL 1.1.1][dep-openssl], which in turn enables support for a certain range of encryption and digest algorithms. ## Getting started The client is known to work with [OpenVPNĀ®][openvpn] 2.3+ servers. - [x] Handshake and tunneling over UDP or TCP - [x] Ciphers - AES-CBC (128/192/256 bit) - AES-GCM (128/192/256 bit, 2.4) - [x] HMAC digests - SHA-1 - SHA-2 (224/256/384/512 bit) - [x] NCP (Negotiable Crypto Parameters, 2.4) - Server-side - [x] TLS handshake - Server validation (CA, EKU) - Client certificate - [x] TLS wrapping - Authentication (`--tls-auth`) - Encryption (`--tls-crypt`) - [x] Compression framing - Via `--comp-lzo` (deprecated in 2.4) - Via `--compress` - [x] Compression algorithms - LZO (via `--comp-lzo` or `--compress lzo`) - [x] Key renegotiation - [x] Replay protection (hardcoded window) The library therefore supports compression framing, just not newer compression. Remember to match server-side compression and framing, otherwise the client will shut down with an error. E.g. if server has `comp-lzo no`, client must use `compressionFraming = .compLZO`. ### Support for .ovpn configuration TunnelKit can parse .ovpn configuration files. Below are a few details worth mentioning. #### Non-standard - Single-byte XOR masking - Via `--scramble xormask ` - XOR all incoming and outgoing bytes by the ASCII value of the character argument - See [Tunnelblick website][about-tunnelblick-xor] for more details #### Unsupported - UDP fragmentation, i.e. `--fragment` - Compression via `--compress` other than empty or `lzo` - Connecting via proxy - External file references (inline `` only) - Static key encryption (non-TLS) - `` blocks - `vpn_gateway` and `net_gateway` literals in routes #### Ignored - Some MTU overrides - `--link-mtu` and variants - `--mssfix` - Multiple `--remote` with different `host` values (first wins) - Static client-side routes Many other flags are ignored too but it's normally not an issue. ## Installation ### Requirements - iOS 11.0+ / macOS 10.15+ - SwiftPM 5.3 - Git (preinstalled with Xcode Command Line Tools) It's highly recommended to use the Git package provided by [Homebrew][dep-brew]. ### Caveats Make sure to set "Enable Bitcode" (iOS) to NO, otherwise the library [would not be able to link OpenSSL][about-pr-bitcode]. Recent versions of Xcode (latest is 13.1) have an issue where the "Frameworks" directory is replicated inside application extensions. This is not a blocker during development, but will prevent your archive from being validated against App Store Connect due to the following error: ERROR ITMS-90206: "Invalid Bundle. The bundle at '*.appex' contains disallowed file 'Frameworks'." You will need to add a "Run Script" phase to your main app target where you manually remove the offending folder, i.e.: rm -rf "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${PLUGINS_FOLDER_PATH}/YourTunnelTarget.appex/Frameworks" for iOS and: rm -rf "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${PLUGINS_FOLDER_PATH}/YourTunnelTarget.appex/Contents/Frameworks" for macOS. ### Demo Download the library codebase locally: $ git clone https://github.com/passepartoutvpn/tunnelkit.git There are demo targets containing a simple app for testing the tunnel, called `BasicTunnel`. Open `Demo/TunnelKit.xcodeproject` in Xcode and run it on both iOS and macOS. For the VPN to work properly, the `BasicTunnel` demo requires: - _App Groups_ and _Keychain Sharing_ capabilities - App IDs with _Packet Tunnel_ entitlements both in the main app and the tunnel extension target. In order to test connectivity in your own environment, modify the file `Demo/Demo/Configuration.swift` to match your VPN server parameters. Example: private let ca = CryptoContainer(pem: """ -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFJDCC... -----END CERTIFICATE----- """) Make sure to also update the following constants in the same files, according to your developer account and your target bundle identifiers: public static let appGroup public static let tunnelIdentifier Remember that the App Group on macOS requires a team ID prefix. ## Documentation The library is split into several modules, in order to decouple the low-level protocol implementation from the platform-specific bridging, namely the [NetworkExtension][ne-home] VPN framework. Full documentation of the public interface is available and can be generated by opening the package in Xcode and running "Build Documentation" (Xcode 13). ### TunnelKitCore Contains the building blocks of a VPN protocol. Eventually, a consumer would implement the `Session` interface, expected to start and control the VPN session. A session is expected to work with generic network interfaces: - `LinkInterface` (e.g. a socket) - `TunnelInterface` (e.g. an `utun` interface) There are no physical network implementations (e.g. UDP or TCP) in this module. ### TunnelKitManager This component includes convenient classes to control the VPN tunnel from your app without the NetworkExtension headaches. Have a look at `VPNProvider` implementations: - `MockVPNProvider` (default, useful to test on simulator) - `NetworkExtensionVPNProvider` (anything based on NetworkExtension) ### TunnelKitAppExtension Provides a layer on top of the NetworkExtension framework. Most importantly, bridges native [NWUDPSession][ne-udp] and [NWTCPConnection][ne-tcp] to an abstract `GenericSocket` interface, thus making a multi-protocol VPN dramatically easier to manage. ### TunnelKitIKE Here you find `NativeProvider`, a generic way to manage a VPN profile based on the native IPSec/IKEv2 protocols. Just wrap a `NEVPNProtocolIPSec` or `NEVPNProtocolIKEv2` object in a `NetworkExtensionVPNConfiguration` and use it to install or connect to the VPN. ### TunnelKitOpenVPN* #### Protocol Here are the low-level entities on top of which an OpenVPN connection is established. Code is mixed Swift and Obj-C, most of it is not exposed to consumers. The protocol implementation in particular depends on OpenSSL. The entry point is the `OpenVPNSession` class. The networking layer is fully abstract and delegated externally with the use of opaque `IOInterface` (`LinkInterface` and `TunnelInterface`) and `OpenVPNSessionDelegate` protocols. #### AppExtension Another goal of this area is packaging up a black box implementation of a [NEPacketTunnelProvider][ne-ptp], which is the essential part of a Packet Tunnel Provider app extension. You will find the main implementation in the `OpenVPNTunnelProvider` class. A debug log snapshot is optionally maintained and shared by the tunnel provider to host apps via the App Group container. #### Manager On the client side, you manage the VPN profile with the `OpenVPNProvider` class, which is a specific implementation of `NetworkExtensionVPNProvider`. ### TunnelKitLZO Due to the restrictive license (GPLv2), LZO support is provided as an optional component. ## License Copyright (c) 2021 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved. ### Part I This project is licensed under the [GPLv3][license-content]. ### Part II As seen in [libsignal-protocol-c][license-signal]: > Additional Permissions For Submission to Apple App Store: Provided that you are otherwise in compliance with the GPLv3 for each covered work you convey (including without limitation making the Corresponding Source available in compliance with Section 6 of the GPLv3), the Author also grants you the additional permission to convey through the Apple App Store non-source executable versions of the Program as incorporated into each applicable covered work as Executable Versions only under the Mozilla Public License version 2.0 (https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/). ### Part III Part I and II do not apply to the LZO library, which remains licensed under the terms of the GPLv2+. ### Contributing By contributing to this project you are agreeing to the terms stated in the [Contributor License Agreement (CLA)][contrib-cla]. For more details please see [CONTRIBUTING][contrib-readme]. ## Credits - [lzo][dep-lzo-website] - Copyright (c) 1996-2017 Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer - [PIATunnel][dep-piatunnel-repo] - Copyright (c) 2018-Present Private Internet Access - [SURFnet][ppl-surfnet] - [SwiftyBeaver][dep-swiftybeaver-repo] - Copyright (c) 2015 Sebastian Kreutzberger - [XMB5][ppl-xmb5] for the [XOR patch][ppl-xmb5-xor] - Copyright (c) 2020 Sam Foxman This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. ([https://www.openssl.org/][dep-openssl]) Copyright (c) 2002-2018 OpenVPN Inc. - OpenVPN is a registered trademark of OpenVPN Inc. ## Contacts Twitter: [@keeshux][about-twitter] Website: [passepartoutvpn.app][about-website] [openvpn]: https://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/overview.html [dep-brew]: https://brew.sh/ [dep-openssl]: https://www.openssl.org/ [ne-home]: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/networkextension [ne-ptp]: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/networkextension/nepackettunnelprovider [ne-udp]: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/networkextension/nwudpsession [ne-tcp]: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/networkextension/nwtcpconnection [license-content]: LICENSE [license-signal]: https://github.com/signalapp/libsignal-protocol-c#license [license-mit]: https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/ [contrib-cla]: CLA.rst [contrib-readme]: CONTRIBUTING.md [dep-piatunnel-repo]: https://github.com/pia-foss/tunnel-apple [dep-swiftybeaver-repo]: https://github.com/SwiftyBeaver/SwiftyBeaver [dep-lzo-website]: http://www.oberhumer.com/opensource/lzo/ [ppl-surfnet]: https://www.surf.nl/en/about-surf/subsidiaries/surfnet [ppl-xmb5]: https://github.com/XMB5 [ppl-xmb5-xor]: https://github.com/passepartoutvpn/tunnelkit/pull/170 [about-tunnelblick-xor]: https://tunnelblick.net/cOpenvpn_xorpatch.html [about-pr-bitcode]: https://github.com/passepartoutvpn/tunnelkit/issues/51 [about-twitter]: https://twitter.com/keeshux [about-website]: https://passepartoutvpn.app