// // TunnelKitProvider.swift // TunnelKit // // Created by Davide De Rosa on 2/1/17. // Copyright © 2018 London Trust Media. All rights reserved. // import NetworkExtension import SwiftyBeaver private let log = SwiftyBeaver.self /** Provides an all-in-one `NEPacketTunnelProvider` implementation for use in a Packet Tunnel Provider extension both on iOS and macOS. */ open class TunnelKitProvider: NEPacketTunnelProvider { // MARK: Tweaks /// An optional string describing host app version on tunnel start. public var appVersion: String? /// The log separator between sessions. public var logSeparator = "--- EOF ---" /// The maximum number of lines in the log. public var maxLogLines = 1000 /// The number of milliseconds after which a DNS resolution fails. public var dnsTimeout = 3000 /// The number of milliseconds after which the tunnel gives up on a connection attempt. public var socketTimeout = 5000 /// The number of milliseconds after which the tunnel is shut down forcibly. public var shutdownTimeout = 2000 /// The number of milliseconds after which a reconnection attempt is issued. public var reconnectionDelay = 1000 /// The number of link failures after which the tunnel is expected to die. public var maxLinkFailures = 3 // MARK: Constants private let memoryLog = MemoryDestination() private let observer = InterfaceObserver() private let tunnelQueue = DispatchQueue(label: TunnelKitProvider.description()) private let prngSeedLength = 64 private let caTmpFilename = "CA.pem" private var cachesURL: URL { return URL(fileURLWithPath: NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.cachesDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0]) } private var tmpCaURL: URL { return cachesURL.appendingPathComponent(caTmpFilename) } // MARK: Tunnel configuration private var cfg: Configuration! private var strategy: ConnectionStrategy! // MARK: Internal state private var proxy: SessionProxy? private var socket: GenericSocket? private var linkFailures = 0 private var pendingStartHandler: ((Error?) -> Void)? private var pendingStopHandler: (() -> Void)? // MARK: NEPacketTunnelProvider (XPC queue) /// :nodoc: open override func startTunnel(options: [String : NSObject]? = nil, completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { let endpoint: AuthenticatedEndpoint do { guard let tunnelProtocol = protocolConfiguration as? NETunnelProviderProtocol else { throw ProviderError.configuration(field: "protocolConfiguration") } guard let providerConfiguration = tunnelProtocol.providerConfiguration else { throw ProviderError.configuration(field: "protocolConfiguration.providerConfiguration") } try endpoint = AuthenticatedEndpoint(protocolConfiguration: tunnelProtocol) try cfg = Configuration.parsed(from: providerConfiguration) } catch let e { var message: String? if let te = e as? ProviderError { switch te { case .credentials(let field): message = "Tunnel credentials unavailable: \(field)" case .configuration(let field): message = "Tunnel configuration incomplete: \(field)" default: break } } NSLog(message ?? "Unexpected error in tunnel configuration: \(e)") completionHandler(e) return } strategy = ConnectionStrategy(hostname: endpoint.hostname, configuration: cfg) if var existingLog = cfg.existingLog { if let i = existingLog.index(of: logSeparator) { existingLog.removeFirst(i + 2) } existingLog.append("") existingLog.append(logSeparator) existingLog.append("") memoryLog.start(with: existingLog) } configureLogging( debug: cfg.shouldDebug, customFormat: cfg.debugLogFormat ) log.info("Starting tunnel...") guard SessionProxy.EncryptionBridge.prepareRandomNumberGenerator(seedLength: prngSeedLength) else { completionHandler(ProviderError.prngInitialization) return } let caPath: String? if let ca = cfg.ca { do { try ca.write(to: tmpCaURL) caPath = tmpCaURL.path } catch { completionHandler(ProviderError.certificateSerialization) return } } else { caPath = nil } cfg.print(appVersion: appVersion) // log.info("Temporary CA is stored to: \(caPath)") var sessionConfiguration = SessionProxy.ConfigurationBuilder(username: endpoint.username, password: endpoint.password) sessionConfiguration.cipher = cfg.cipher sessionConfiguration.digest = cfg.digest sessionConfiguration.caPath = caPath sessionConfiguration.LZOFraming = cfg.LZOFraming if let renegotiatesAfterSeconds = cfg.renegotiatesAfterSeconds { sessionConfiguration.renegotiatesAfter = Double(renegotiatesAfterSeconds) } sessionConfiguration.keepAliveInterval = CoreConfiguration.pingInterval let proxy: SessionProxy do { proxy = try SessionProxy(queue: tunnelQueue, configuration: sessionConfiguration.build()) } catch let e { completionHandler(e) return } proxy.delegate = self self.proxy = proxy logCurrentSSID() pendingStartHandler = completionHandler tunnelQueue.sync { self.connectTunnel() } } /// :nodoc: open override func stopTunnel(with reason: NEProviderStopReason, completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) { pendingStartHandler = nil log.info("Stopping tunnel...") guard let proxy = proxy else { flushLog() completionHandler() return } pendingStopHandler = completionHandler tunnelQueue.schedule(after: .milliseconds(shutdownTimeout)) { guard let pendingHandler = self.pendingStopHandler else { return } log.warning("Tunnel not responding after \(self.shutdownTimeout) milliseconds, forcing stop") self.flushLog() pendingHandler() } tunnelQueue.sync { proxy.shutdown(error: nil) } } /// :nodoc: open override func handleAppMessage(_ messageData: Data, completionHandler: ((Data?) -> Void)? = nil) { var response: Data? switch Message(messageData) { case .requestLog: response = memoryLog.description.data(using: .utf8) case .dataCount: if let proxy = proxy { response = Data() response?.append(UInt64(proxy.bytesIn)) response?.append(UInt64(proxy.bytesOut)) } default: break } completionHandler?(response) } // MARK: Connection (tunnel queue) private func connectTunnel(upgradedSocket: GenericSocket? = nil, preferredAddress: String? = nil) { log.info("Creating link session") // reuse upgraded socket if let upgradedSocket = upgradedSocket, !upgradedSocket.isShutdown { log.debug("Socket follows a path upgrade") connectTunnel(via: upgradedSocket) return } strategy.createSocket(from: self, timeout: dnsTimeout, preferredAddress: preferredAddress, queue: tunnelQueue) { (socket, error) in guard let socket = socket else { self.disposeTunnel(error: error) return } self.connectTunnel(via: socket) } } private func connectTunnel(via socket: GenericSocket) { log.info("Will connect to \(socket)") log.debug("Socket type is \(type(of: socket))") self.socket = socket self.socket?.delegate = self self.socket?.observe(queue: tunnelQueue, activeTimeout: socketTimeout) } private func finishTunnelDisconnection(error: Error?) { if let proxy = proxy, !(reasserting && proxy.canRebindLink()) { proxy.cleanup() } socket?.delegate = nil socket?.unobserve() socket = nil if let error = error { log.error("Tunnel did stop (error: \(error))") } else { log.info("Tunnel did stop on request") } } private func disposeTunnel(error: Error?) { flushLog() // failed to start if (pendingStartHandler != nil) { // // CAUTION // // passing nil to this callback will result in an extremely undesired situation, // because NetworkExtension would interpret it as "successfully connected to VPN" // // if we end up here disposing the tunnel with a pending start handled, we are // 100% sure that something wrong happened while starting the tunnel. in such // case, here we then must also make sure that an error object is ALWAYS // provided, so we do this with optional fallback to .socketActivity // // socketActivity makes sense, given that any other error would normally come // from SessionProxy.stopError. other paths to disposeTunnel() are only coming // from stopTunnel(), in which case we don't need to feed an error parameter to // the stop completion handler // pendingStartHandler?(error ?? ProviderError.socketActivity) pendingStartHandler = nil } // stopped intentionally else if (pendingStopHandler != nil) { pendingStopHandler?() pendingStopHandler = nil } // stopped externally, unrecoverable else { let fm = FileManager.default try? fm.removeItem(at: tmpCaURL) cancelTunnelWithError(error) } } } extension TunnelKitProvider: GenericSocketDelegate { // MARK: GenericSocketDelegate (tunnel queue) func socketDidTimeout(_ socket: GenericSocket) { log.debug("Socket timed out waiting for activity, cancelling...") reasserting = true socket.shutdown() } func socketShouldChangeProtocol(_ socket: GenericSocket) { guard strategy.tryNextProtocol() else { disposeTunnel(error: ProviderError.exhaustedProtocols) return } } func socketDidBecomeActive(_ socket: GenericSocket) { guard let proxy = proxy else { return } if proxy.canRebindLink() { proxy.rebindLink(socket.link(withMTU: cfg.mtu)) reasserting = false } else { proxy.setLink(socket.link(withMTU: cfg.mtu)) } } func socket(_ socket: GenericSocket, didShutdownWithFailure failure: Bool) { guard let proxy = proxy else { return } // upgrade available? let upgradedSocket = socket.upgraded() var shutdownError: Error? if !failure { shutdownError = proxy.stopError } else { shutdownError = proxy.stopError ?? ProviderError.linkError linkFailures += 1 log.debug("Link failures so far: \(linkFailures) (max = \(maxLinkFailures))") } // treat negotiation timeout as socket timeout, UDP is connection-less if proxy.stopError as? SessionError == SessionError.negotiationTimeout { socketShouldChangeProtocol(socket) } finishTunnelDisconnection(error: shutdownError) if reasserting { guard (linkFailures < maxLinkFailures) else { log.debug("Too many link failures (\(linkFailures)), tunnel will die now") reasserting = false disposeTunnel(error: shutdownError) return } log.debug("Disconnection is recoverable, tunnel will reconnect in \(reconnectionDelay) milliseconds...") tunnelQueue.schedule(after: .milliseconds(reconnectionDelay)) { self.connectTunnel(upgradedSocket: upgradedSocket, preferredAddress: socket.remoteAddress) } return } disposeTunnel(error: shutdownError) } func socketHasBetterPath(_ socket: GenericSocket) { log.debug("Stopping tunnel due to a new better path") logCurrentSSID() proxy?.reconnect(error: ProviderError.networkChanged) } } extension TunnelKitProvider: SessionProxyDelegate { // MARK: SessionProxyDelegate (tunnel queue) /// :nodoc: public func sessionDidStart(_ proxy: SessionProxy, remoteAddress: String, address: String, gatewayAddress: String, dnsServers: [String]) { reasserting = false log.info("Session did start") log.info("Returned ifconfig parameters:") log.info("\tTunnel: \(remoteAddress)") log.info("\tOwn address: \(address)") log.info("\tGateway: \(gatewayAddress)") log.info("\tDNS: \(dnsServers)") bringNetworkUp(tunnel: remoteAddress, vpn: address, gateway: gatewayAddress, dnsServers: dnsServers) { (error) in if let error = error { log.error("Failed to configure tunnel: \(error)") self.pendingStartHandler?(error) self.pendingStartHandler = nil return } log.info("Tunnel interface is now UP") proxy.setTunnel(tunnel: NETunnelInterface(impl: self.packetFlow)) self.pendingStartHandler?(nil) self.pendingStartHandler = nil } } /// :nodoc: public func sessionDidStop(_: SessionProxy, shouldReconnect: Bool) { log.info("Session did stop") if shouldReconnect { reasserting = true } socket?.shutdown() } private func bringNetworkUp(tunnel: String, vpn: String, gateway: String, dnsServers: [String], completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { // route all traffic to VPN let defaultRoute = NEIPv4Route.default() defaultRoute.gatewayAddress = gateway let ipv4Settings = NEIPv4Settings(addresses: [vpn], subnetMasks: [""]) ipv4Settings.includedRoutes = [defaultRoute] ipv4Settings.excludedRoutes = [] let dnsSettings = NEDNSSettings(servers: dnsServers) let newSettings = NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings(tunnelRemoteAddress: tunnel) newSettings.ipv4Settings = ipv4Settings newSettings.dnsSettings = dnsSettings setTunnelNetworkSettings(newSettings, completionHandler: completionHandler) } } extension TunnelKitProvider { // MARK: Helpers private func configureLogging(debug: Bool, customFormat: String? = nil) { let logLevel: SwiftyBeaver.Level = (debug ? .debug : .info) let logFormat = customFormat ?? "$Dyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS$d $L $N.$F:$l - $M" if debug { let console = ConsoleDestination() console.useNSLog = true console.minLevel = logLevel console.format = logFormat log.addDestination(console) } let memory = memoryLog memory.minLevel = logLevel memory.format = logFormat memory.maxLines = maxLogLines log.addDestination(memoryLog) } private func flushLog() { log.debug("Flushing log...") if let defaults = cfg.defaults, let key = cfg.debugLogKey { memoryLog.flush(to: defaults, with: key) } } private func logCurrentSSID() { if let ssid = observer.currentWifiNetworkName() { log.debug("Current SSID: '\(ssid)'") } else { log.debug("Current SSID: none (disconnected from WiFi)") } } // private func anyPointer(_ object: Any?) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer { // let anyObject = object as AnyObject // return Unmanaged.passUnretained(anyObject).toOpaque() // } }