Davide De Rosa 3741a17c20 Rewrite Manager package to make it stateless
In order to avoid chaos from multiple profiles, retain the
profile to be installed and remove all the other ones. Also,
make sure to do the removal AFTER install, as doing it
before would trigger the VPN permission alert again.

XXX: there is some weird behavior from NetworkExtension
occasionally sending notifications with a bogus NEVPNManager
object having a nil .localizedDescription and other properties set
to nonsensical values. Discard the notification when such an object
is identified.

Encapsulate extra NetworkExtension settings:

- passwordReference
- onDemandRules
- disconnectsOnSleep


- Only set on-demand if any rules are set
- Assume VPN is enabled even with on-demand disabled
- Use DataCount instead of raw Int pair

Attach useful information to VPN notifications:

- VPN isEnabled
- VPN status
- VPN command error
- Tunnel bundle identifier (if available)

Expose specific OpenVPN/WireGuard shared data via extensions in

Finally, drop incomplete IKE support. No fit.
2022-03-12 10:35:39 +01:00

158 lines
5.7 KiB

import TunnelKitWireGuardCore
import TunnelKitWireGuardManager
import WireGuardKit
import __TunnelKitUtils
import SwiftyBeaver
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright © 2018-2021 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
import Foundation
import NetworkExtension
import os
open class WireGuardTunnelProvider: NEPacketTunnelProvider {
private var cfg: WireGuard.ProviderConfiguration!
private lazy var adapter: WireGuardAdapter = {
return WireGuardAdapter(with: self) { logLevel, message in
wg_log(logLevel.osLogLevel, message: message)
open override func startTunnel(options: [String: NSObject]?, completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
// BEGIN: TunnelKit
guard let tunnelProviderProtocol = protocolConfiguration as? NETunnelProviderProtocol else {
fatalError("Not a NETunnelProviderProtocol")
guard let providerConfiguration = tunnelProviderProtocol.providerConfiguration else {
fatalError("Missing providerConfiguration")
let tunnelConfiguration: TunnelConfiguration
do {
cfg = try fromDictionary(WireGuard.ProviderConfiguration.self, providerConfiguration)
tunnelConfiguration = cfg.configuration.tunnelConfiguration
} catch {
configureLogging(debug: cfg.shouldDebug)
// END: TunnelKit
// Start the tunnel
adapter.start(tunnelConfiguration: tunnelConfiguration) { adapterError in
guard let adapterError = adapterError else {
let interfaceName = self.adapter.interfaceName ?? "unknown"
wg_log(.info, message: "Tunnel interface is \(interfaceName)")
switch adapterError {
case .cannotLocateTunnelFileDescriptor:
wg_log(.error, staticMessage: "Starting tunnel failed: could not determine file descriptor")
self.cfg.lastError = .couldNotDetermineFileDescriptor
case .dnsResolution(let dnsErrors):
let hostnamesWithDnsResolutionFailure = dnsErrors.map { $0.address }
.joined(separator: ", ")
wg_log(.error, message: "DNS resolution failed for the following hostnames: \(hostnamesWithDnsResolutionFailure)")
self.cfg.lastError = .dnsResolutionFailure
case .setNetworkSettings(let error):
wg_log(.error, message: "Starting tunnel failed with setTunnelNetworkSettings returning \(error.localizedDescription)")
self.cfg.lastError = .couldNotSetNetworkSettings
case .startWireGuardBackend(let errorCode):
wg_log(.error, message: "Starting tunnel failed with wgTurnOn returning \(errorCode)")
self.cfg.lastError = .couldNotStartBackend
case .invalidState:
// Must never happen
open override func stopTunnel(with reason: NEProviderStopReason, completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
wg_log(.info, staticMessage: "Stopping tunnel")
adapter.stop { error in
// BEGIN: TunnelKit
self.cfg.lastError = nil
// END: TunnelKit
if let error = error {
wg_log(.error, message: "Failed to stop WireGuard adapter: \(error.localizedDescription)")
#if os(macOS)
// HACK: This is a filthy hack to work around Apple bug 32073323 (dup'd by us as 47526107).
// Remove it when they finally fix this upstream and the fix has been rolled out to
// sufficient quantities of users.
open override func handleAppMessage(_ messageData: Data, completionHandler: ((Data?) -> Void)? = nil) {
guard let completionHandler = completionHandler else { return }
if messageData.count == 1 && messageData[0] == 0 {
adapter.getRuntimeConfiguration { settings in
var data: Data?
if let settings = settings {
data = settings.data(using: .utf8)!
} else {
extension WireGuardTunnelProvider {
private func configureLogging(debug: Bool, customFormat: String? = nil) {
let logLevel: SwiftyBeaver.Level = (debug ? .debug : .info)
let logFormat = customFormat ?? "$Dyyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS$d $L $N.$F:$l - $M"
if debug {
let console = ConsoleDestination()
console.useNSLog = true
console.minLevel = logLevel
console.format = logFormat
let file = FileDestination(logFileURL: cfg.urlForDebugLog)
file.minLevel = logLevel
file.format = logFormat
file.logFileMaxSize = 20000
extension WireGuardLogLevel {
var osLogLevel: OSLogType {
switch self {
case .verbose:
return .debug
case .error:
return .error