Davide De Rosa 3741a17c20 Rewrite Manager package to make it stateless
In order to avoid chaos from multiple profiles, retain the
profile to be installed and remove all the other ones. Also,
make sure to do the removal AFTER install, as doing it
before would trigger the VPN permission alert again.

XXX: there is some weird behavior from NetworkExtension
occasionally sending notifications with a bogus NEVPNManager
object having a nil .localizedDescription and other properties set
to nonsensical values. Discard the notification when such an object
is identified.

Encapsulate extra NetworkExtension settings:

- passwordReference
- onDemandRules
- disconnectsOnSleep


- Only set on-demand if any rules are set
- Assume VPN is enabled even with on-demand disabled
- Use DataCount instead of raw Int pair

Attach useful information to VPN notifications:

- VPN isEnabled
- VPN status
- VPN command error
- Tunnel bundle identifier (if available)

Expose specific OpenVPN/WireGuard shared data via extensions in

Finally, drop incomplete IKE support. No fit.
2022-03-12 10:35:39 +01:00

242 lines
8.9 KiB

// ControlChannel.swift
// TunnelKit
// Created by Davide De Rosa on 9/9/18.
// Copyright (c) 2022 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/passepartoutvpn
// This file is part of TunnelKit.
// TunnelKit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// TunnelKit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with TunnelKit. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import Foundation
import SwiftyBeaver
import TunnelKitCore
import TunnelKitOpenVPNCore
import CTunnelKitCore
import CTunnelKitOpenVPNProtocol
private let log = SwiftyBeaver.self
extension OpenVPN {
class ControlChannelError: Error, CustomStringConvertible {
let description: String
init(_ message: String) {
description = "\(String(describing: ControlChannelError.self))(\(message))"
class ControlChannel {
private let serializer: ControlChannelSerializer
private(set) var sessionId: Data?
var remoteSessionId: Data? {
didSet {
if let id = remoteSessionId {
log.debug("Control: Remote sessionId is \(id.toHex())")
private var queue: BidirectionalState<[ControlPacket]>
private var currentPacketId: BidirectionalState<UInt32>
private var pendingAcks: Set<UInt32>
private var plainBuffer: ZeroingData
private var dataCount: BidirectionalState<Int>
convenience init() {
self.init(serializer: PlainSerializer())
convenience init(withAuthKey key: StaticKey, digest: Digest) throws {
self.init(serializer: try AuthSerializer(withKey: key, digest: digest))
convenience init(withCryptKey key: StaticKey) throws {
self.init(serializer: try CryptSerializer(withKey: key))
private init(serializer: ControlChannelSerializer) {
self.serializer = serializer
sessionId = nil
remoteSessionId = nil
queue = BidirectionalState(withResetValue: [])
currentPacketId = BidirectionalState(withResetValue: 0)
pendingAcks = []
plainBuffer = Z(count: TLSBoxMaxBufferLength)
dataCount = BidirectionalState(withResetValue: 0)
func reset(forNewSession: Bool) throws {
if forNewSession {
try sessionId = SecureRandom.data(length: PacketSessionIdLength)
remoteSessionId = nil
func readInboundPacket(withData data: Data, offset: Int) throws -> ControlPacket {
let packet = try serializer.deserialize(data: data, start: offset, end: nil)
log.debug("Control: Read packet \(packet)")
if let ackIds = packet.ackIds as? [UInt32], let ackRemoteSessionId = packet.ackRemoteSessionId {
try readAcks(ackIds, acksRemoteSessionId: ackRemoteSessionId)
return packet
func enqueueInboundPacket(packet: ControlPacket) -> [ControlPacket] {
queue.inbound.sort { $0.packetId < $1.packetId }
var toHandle: [ControlPacket] = []
for queuedPacket in queue.inbound {
if queuedPacket.packetId < currentPacketId.inbound {
if queuedPacket.packetId != currentPacketId.inbound {
currentPacketId.inbound += 1
return toHandle
func enqueueOutboundPackets(withCode code: PacketCode, key: UInt8, payload: Data, maxPacketSize: Int) {
guard let sessionId = sessionId else {
fatalError("Missing sessionId, do reset(forNewSession: true) first")
let oldIdOut = currentPacketId.outbound
var queuedCount = 0
var offset = 0
repeat {
let subPayloadLength = min(maxPacketSize, payload.count - offset)
let subPayloadData = payload.subdata(offset: offset, count: subPayloadLength)
let packet = ControlPacket(code: code, key: key, sessionId: sessionId, packetId: currentPacketId.outbound, payload: subPayloadData)
currentPacketId.outbound += 1
offset += maxPacketSize
queuedCount += subPayloadLength
} while (offset < payload.count)
assert(queuedCount == payload.count)
// packet count
let packetCount = currentPacketId.outbound - oldIdOut
if (packetCount > 1) {
log.debug("Control: Enqueued \(packetCount) packets [\(oldIdOut)-\(currentPacketId.outbound - 1)]")
} else {
log.debug("Control: Enqueued 1 packet [\(oldIdOut)]")
func writeOutboundPackets() throws -> [Data] {
var rawList: [Data] = []
for packet in queue.outbound {
if let sentDate = packet.sentDate {
let timeAgo = -sentDate.timeIntervalSinceNow
guard (timeAgo >= CoreConfiguration.OpenVPN.retransmissionLimit) else {
log.debug("Control: Skip writing packet with packetId \(packet.packetId) (sent on \(sentDate), \(timeAgo) seconds ago)")
log.debug("Control: Write control packet \(packet)")
let raw = try serializer.serialize(packet: packet)
packet.sentDate = Date()
// track pending acks for sent packets
// log.verbose("Packets now pending ack: \(pendingAcks)")
return rawList
func hasPendingAcks() -> Bool {
return !pendingAcks.isEmpty
// Ruby: handle_acks
private func readAcks(_ packetIds: [UInt32], acksRemoteSessionId: Data) throws {
guard let sessionId = sessionId else {
throw OpenVPNError.missingSessionId
guard acksRemoteSessionId == sessionId else {
log.error("Control: Ack session mismatch (\(acksRemoteSessionId.toHex()) != \(sessionId.toHex()))")
throw OpenVPNError.sessionMismatch
// drop queued out packets if ack-ed
queue.outbound.removeAll {
return packetIds.contains($0.packetId)
// remove ack-ed packets from pending
// log.verbose("Packets still pending ack: \(pendingAcks)")
func writeAcks(withKey key: UInt8, ackPacketIds: [UInt32], ackRemoteSessionId: Data) throws -> Data {
guard let sessionId = sessionId else {
throw OpenVPNError.missingSessionId
let packet = ControlPacket(key: key, sessionId: sessionId, ackIds: ackPacketIds as [NSNumber], ackRemoteSessionId: ackRemoteSessionId)
log.debug("Control: Write ack packet \(packet)")
return try serializer.serialize(packet: packet)
func currentControlData(withTLS tls: TLSBox) throws -> ZeroingData {
var length = 0
try tls.pullRawPlainText(plainBuffer.mutableBytes, length: &length)
return plainBuffer.withOffset(0, count: length)
func addReceivedDataCount(_ count: Int) {
dataCount.inbound += count
func addSentDataCount(_ count: Int) {
dataCount.outbound += count
func currentDataCount() -> DataCount {
return DataCount(UInt(dataCount.inbound), UInt(dataCount.outbound))