Davide De Rosa 49c805af52 Fix a few isHandled
Skip to exclude from strippedLines.
2019-04-03 13:19:47 +02:00

749 lines
26 KiB

// OptionsBundle.swift
// TunnelKit
// Created by Davide De Rosa on 4/3/19.
// Copyright (c) 2019 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/keeshux
// This file is part of TunnelKit.
// TunnelKit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// TunnelKit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with TunnelKit. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import Foundation
import SwiftyBeaver
import __TunnelKitNative
private let log = SwiftyBeaver.self
public struct OptionsBundle {
struct Regex {
// MARK: General
static let cipher = NSRegularExpression("^cipher +[^,\\s]+")
static let auth = NSRegularExpression("^auth +[\\w\\-]+")
static let compLZO = NSRegularExpression("^comp-lzo.*")
static let compress = NSRegularExpression("^compress.*")
static let keyDirection = NSRegularExpression("^key-direction +\\d")
static let ping = NSRegularExpression("^ping +\\d+")
static let renegSec = NSRegularExpression("^reneg-sec +\\d+")
static let blockBegin = NSRegularExpression("^<[\\w\\-]+>")
static let blockEnd = NSRegularExpression("^<\\/[\\w\\-]+>")
// MARK: Client
static let proto = NSRegularExpression("^proto +(udp6?|tcp6?)")
static let port = NSRegularExpression("^port +\\d+")
static let remote = NSRegularExpression("^remote +[^ ]+( +\\d+)?( +(udp6?|tcp6?))?")
static let eku = NSRegularExpression("^remote-cert-tls +server")
static let remoteRandom = NSRegularExpression("^remote-random")
// MARK: Server
static let authToken = NSRegularExpression("^auth-token +[a-zA-Z0-9/=+]+")
static let peerId = NSRegularExpression("^peer-id +[0-9]+")
// MARK: Routing
static let topology = NSRegularExpression("^topology +(net30|p2p|subnet)")
static let ifconfig = NSRegularExpression("^ifconfig +[\\d\\.]+ [\\d\\.]+")
static let ifconfig6 = NSRegularExpression("^ifconfig-ipv6 +[\\da-fA-F:]+/\\d+ [\\da-fA-F:]+")
static let route = NSRegularExpression("^route +[\\d\\.]+( +[\\d\\.]+){0,2}")
static let route6 = NSRegularExpression("^route-ipv6 +[\\da-fA-F:]+/\\d+( +[\\da-fA-F:]+){0,2}")
static let gateway = NSRegularExpression("^route-gateway +[\\d\\.]+")
static let dns = NSRegularExpression("^dhcp-option +DNS6? +[\\d\\.a-fA-F:]+")
// MARK: Unsupported
// static let fragment = NSRegularExpression("^fragment +\\d+")
static let fragment = NSRegularExpression("^fragment")
static let proxy = NSRegularExpression("^\\w+-proxy")
static let externalFiles = NSRegularExpression("^(ca|cert|key|tls-auth|tls-crypt) ")
static let connection = NSRegularExpression("^<connection>")
private enum Topology: String {
case net30
case p2p
case subnet
public let strippedLines: [String]?
public let warning: OptionsError?
// MARK: General
public let cipher: SessionProxy.Cipher?
public let digest: SessionProxy.Digest?
public let compressionFraming: SessionProxy.CompressionFraming?
public let compressionAlgorithm: SessionProxy.CompressionAlgorithm?
public let ca: CryptoContainer?
public let clientCertificate: CryptoContainer?
public let clientKey: CryptoContainer?
public let tlsWrap: SessionProxy.TLSWrap?
public let keepAliveSeconds: TimeInterval?
public let renegotiateAfterSeconds: TimeInterval?
// MARK: Client
public let hostname: String?
public let remotes: [(String, UInt16, SocketType)]
public let checksEKU: Bool
public let randomizeEndpoint: Bool
// MARK: Server
public let authToken: String?
public let peerId: UInt32?
// MARK: Routing
public let ipv4: IPv4Settings?
public let ipv6: IPv6Settings?
public let dnsServers: [String]
public init(from lines: [String], returnsStripped: Bool = false) throws {
var optStrippedLines: [String]? = returnsStripped ? [] : nil
var optWarning: OptionsError?
var unsupportedError: OptionsError?
var currentBlockName: String?
var currentBlock: [String] = []
var optCipher: SessionProxy.Cipher?
var optDigest: SessionProxy.Digest?
var optCompressionFraming: SessionProxy.CompressionFraming?
var optCompressionAlgorithm: SessionProxy.CompressionAlgorithm?
var optCA: CryptoContainer?
var optClientCertificate: CryptoContainer?
var optClientKey: CryptoContainer?
var optKeyDirection: StaticKey.Direction?
var optTLSKeyLines: [Substring]?
var optTLSStrategy: SessionProxy.TLSWrap.Strategy?
var optKeepAliveSeconds: TimeInterval?
var optRenegotiateAfterSeconds: TimeInterval?
var optHostname: String?
var optDefaultProto: SocketType?
var optDefaultPort: UInt16?
var optRemotes: [(String, UInt16?, SocketType?)] = [] // address, port, socket
var optChecksEKU: Bool?
var optRandomizeEndpoint: Bool?
var optAuthToken: String?
var optPeerId: UInt32?
var optTopology: String?
var optIfconfig4Arguments: [String]?
var optIfconfig6Arguments: [String]?
var optGateway4Arguments: [String]?
var optGateway6Arguments: [String]?
var optRoutes4: [(String, String, String?)] = [] // address, netmask, gateway
var optRoutes6: [(String, UInt8, String?)] = [] // destination, prefix, gateway
var optDNSServers: [String] = []
log.verbose("Configuration file:")
for line in lines {
var isHandled = false
var strippedLine = line
defer {
if isHandled {
// MARK: Unsupported
// check blocks first
Regex.connection.enumerateComponents(in: line) { (_) in
unsupportedError = OptionsError.unsupportedConfiguration(option: "<connection> blocks")
Regex.fragment.enumerateComponents(in: line) { (_) in
unsupportedError = OptionsError.unsupportedConfiguration(option: "fragment")
Regex.proxy.enumerateComponents(in: line) { (_) in
unsupportedError = OptionsError.unsupportedConfiguration(option: "proxy: \"\(line)\"")
Regex.externalFiles.enumerateComponents(in: line) { (_) in
unsupportedError = OptionsError.unsupportedConfiguration(option: "external file: \"\(line)\"")
if line.contains("mtu") || line.contains("mssfix") {
isHandled = true
// MARK: Inline content
if unsupportedError == nil {
if currentBlockName == nil {
Regex.blockBegin.enumerateComponents(in: line) {
isHandled = true
let tag = $0.first!
let from = tag.index(after: tag.startIndex)
let to = tag.index(before: tag.endIndex)
currentBlockName = String(tag[from..<to])
currentBlock = []
Regex.blockEnd.enumerateComponents(in: line) {
isHandled = true
let tag = $0.first!
let from = tag.index(tag.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)
let to = tag.index(before: tag.endIndex)
let blockName = String(tag[from..<to])
guard blockName == currentBlockName else {
// first is opening tag
switch blockName {
case "ca":
optCA = CryptoContainer(pem: currentBlock.joined(separator: "\n"))
case "cert":
optClientCertificate = CryptoContainer(pem: currentBlock.joined(separator: "\n"))
case "key":
OptionsBundle.normalizeEncryptedPEMBlock(block: &currentBlock)
optClientKey = CryptoContainer(pem: currentBlock.joined(separator: "\n"))
case "tls-auth":
optTLSKeyLines = currentBlock.map { Substring($0) }
optTLSStrategy = .auth
case "tls-crypt":
optTLSKeyLines = currentBlock.map { Substring($0) }
optTLSStrategy = .crypt
currentBlockName = nil
currentBlock = []
if let _ = currentBlockName {
// MARK: General
Regex.cipher.enumerateArguments(in: line) {
isHandled = true
guard let rawValue = $0.first else {
optCipher = SessionProxy.Cipher(rawValue: rawValue.uppercased())
if optCipher == nil {
unsupportedError = OptionsError.unsupportedConfiguration(option: "cipher \(rawValue)")
Regex.auth.enumerateArguments(in: line) {
isHandled = true
guard let rawValue = $0.first else {
optDigest = SessionProxy.Digest(rawValue: rawValue.uppercased())
if optDigest == nil {
unsupportedError = OptionsError.unsupportedConfiguration(option: "auth \(rawValue)")
Regex.compLZO.enumerateArguments(in: line) {
isHandled = true
optCompressionFraming = .compLZO
if !LZOIsSupported() {
guard let arg = $0.first else {
optWarning = optWarning ?? .unsupportedConfiguration(option: line)
guard arg == "no" else {
unsupportedError = .unsupportedConfiguration(option: line)
} else {
let arg = $0.first
optCompressionAlgorithm = (arg == "no") ? .disabled : .LZO
Regex.compress.enumerateArguments(in: line) {
isHandled = true
optCompressionFraming = .compress
if !LZOIsSupported() {
guard $0.isEmpty else {
unsupportedError = .unsupportedConfiguration(option: line)
} else {
if let arg = $0.first {
optCompressionAlgorithm = (arg == "lzo") ? .LZO : .other
} else {
optCompressionAlgorithm = .disabled
Regex.keyDirection.enumerateArguments(in: line) {
isHandled = true
guard let arg = $0.first, let value = Int(arg) else {
optKeyDirection = StaticKey.Direction(rawValue: value)
Regex.ping.enumerateArguments(in: line) {
isHandled = true
guard let arg = $0.first else {
optKeepAliveSeconds = TimeInterval(arg)
Regex.renegSec.enumerateArguments(in: line) {
isHandled = true
guard let arg = $0.first else {
optRenegotiateAfterSeconds = TimeInterval(arg)
// MARK: Client
Regex.proto.enumerateArguments(in: line) {
isHandled = true
guard let str = $0.first else {
optDefaultProto = SocketType(protoString: str)
if optDefaultProto == nil {
unsupportedError = OptionsError.unsupportedConfiguration(option: "proto \(str)")
Regex.port.enumerateArguments(in: line) {
isHandled = true
guard let str = $0.first else {
optDefaultPort = UInt16(str)
Regex.remote.enumerateArguments(in: line) {
isHandled = true
guard let hostname = $0.first else {
var port: UInt16?
var proto: SocketType?
var strippedComponents = ["remote", "<hostname>"]
if $0.count > 1 {
port = UInt16($0[1])
if $0.count > 2 {
proto = SocketType(protoString: $0[2])
optRemotes.append((hostname, port, proto))
// replace private data
strippedLine = strippedComponents.joined(separator: " ")
Regex.eku.enumerateComponents(in: line) { (_) in
isHandled = true
optChecksEKU = true
Regex.remoteRandom.enumerateComponents(in: line) { (_) in
isHandled = true
optRandomizeEndpoint = true
// MARK: Server
Regex.authToken.enumerateArguments(in: line) {
optAuthToken = $0[0]
Regex.peerId.enumerateArguments(in: line) {
optPeerId = UInt32($0[0])
// MARK: Routing
Regex.topology.enumerateArguments(in: line) {
optTopology = $0.first
Regex.ifconfig.enumerateArguments(in: line) {
optIfconfig4Arguments = $0
Regex.ifconfig6.enumerateArguments(in: line) {
optIfconfig6Arguments = $0
Regex.route.enumerateArguments(in: line) {
let routeEntryArguments = $0
let address = routeEntryArguments[0]
let mask = (routeEntryArguments.count > 1) ? routeEntryArguments[1] : ""
let gateway = (routeEntryArguments.count > 2) ? routeEntryArguments[2] : nil // defaultGateway4
optRoutes4.append((address, mask, gateway))
Regex.route6.enumerateArguments(in: line) {
let routeEntryArguments = $0
let destinationComponents = routeEntryArguments[0].components(separatedBy: "/")
guard destinationComponents.count == 2 else {
guard let prefix = UInt8(destinationComponents[1]) else {
let destination = destinationComponents[0]
let gateway = (routeEntryArguments.count > 1) ? routeEntryArguments[1] : nil // defaultGateway6
optRoutes6.append((destination, prefix, gateway))
Regex.gateway.enumerateArguments(in: line) {
optGateway4Arguments = $0
Regex.dns.enumerateArguments(in: line) {
guard $0.count == 2 else {
if let error = unsupportedError {
throw error
strippedLines = optStrippedLines
warning = optWarning
// MARK: General
cipher = optCipher
digest = optDigest
compressionFraming = optCompressionFraming
compressionAlgorithm = optCompressionAlgorithm
ca = optCA
clientCertificate = optClientCertificate
clientKey = optClientKey
if let keyLines = optTLSKeyLines, let strategy = optTLSStrategy {
let optKey: StaticKey?
switch strategy {
case .auth:
optKey = StaticKey(lines: keyLines, direction: optKeyDirection)
case .crypt:
optKey = StaticKey(lines: keyLines, direction: .client)
if let key = optKey {
tlsWrap = SessionProxy.TLSWrap(strategy: strategy, key: key)
} else {
tlsWrap = nil
} else {
tlsWrap = nil
keepAliveSeconds = optKeepAliveSeconds
renegotiateAfterSeconds = optRenegotiateAfterSeconds
// MARK: Client
optDefaultProto = optDefaultProto ?? .udp
optDefaultPort = optDefaultPort ?? 1194
if !optRemotes.isEmpty {
hostname = optRemotes[0].0
var fullRemotes: [(String, UInt16, SocketType)] = []
let hostname = optRemotes[0].0
optRemotes.forEach {
guard $0.0 == hostname else {
guard let port = $0.1 ?? optDefaultPort else {
guard let socketType = $0.2 ?? optDefaultProto else {
fullRemotes.append((hostname, port, socketType))
remotes = fullRemotes
} else {
hostname = nil
remotes = []
checksEKU = optChecksEKU ?? false
randomizeEndpoint = optRandomizeEndpoint ?? false
// MARK: Server
authToken = optAuthToken
peerId = optPeerId
// MARK: Routing
// excerpts from OpenVPN manpage
// "--ifconfig l rn":
// Set TUN/TAP adapter parameters. l is the IP address of the local VPN endpoint. For TUN devices in point-to-point mode, rn is the IP address of
// the remote VPN endpoint. For TAP devices, or TUN devices used with --topology subnet, rn is the subnet mask of the virtual network segment which
// is being created or connected to.
// "--topology mode":
// Note: Using --topology subnet changes the interpretation of the arguments of --ifconfig to mean "address netmask", no longer "local remote".
if let ifconfig4Arguments = optIfconfig4Arguments {
guard ifconfig4Arguments.count == 2 else {
throw SessionError.malformedPushReply
let address4: String
let addressMask4: String
let defaultGateway4: String
let topology = Topology(rawValue: optTopology ?? "") ?? .net30
switch topology {
case .subnet:
// default gateway required when topology is subnet
guard let gateway4Arguments = optGateway4Arguments, gateway4Arguments.count == 1 else {
throw SessionError.malformedPushReply
address4 = ifconfig4Arguments[0]
addressMask4 = ifconfig4Arguments[1]
defaultGateway4 = gateway4Arguments[0]
address4 = ifconfig4Arguments[0]
addressMask4 = ""
defaultGateway4 = ifconfig4Arguments[1]
let routes4 = optRoutes4.map { IPv4Settings.Route($0.0, $0.1, $0.2 ?? defaultGateway4) }
ipv4 = IPv4Settings(
address: address4,
addressMask: addressMask4,
defaultGateway: defaultGateway4,
routes: routes4
} else {
ipv4 = nil
if let ifconfig6Arguments = optIfconfig6Arguments {
guard ifconfig6Arguments.count == 2 else {
throw SessionError.malformedPushReply
let address6Components = ifconfig6Arguments[0].components(separatedBy: "/")
guard address6Components.count == 2 else {
throw SessionError.malformedPushReply
guard let addressPrefix6 = UInt8(address6Components[1]) else {
throw SessionError.malformedPushReply
let address6 = address6Components[0]
let defaultGateway6 = ifconfig6Arguments[1]
let routes6 = optRoutes6.map { IPv6Settings.Route($0.0, $0.1, $0.2 ?? defaultGateway6) }
ipv6 = IPv6Settings(
address: address6,
addressPrefixLength: addressPrefix6,
defaultGateway: defaultGateway6,
routes: routes6
} else {
ipv6 = nil
dnsServers = optDNSServers
private static func normalizeEncryptedPEMBlock(block: inout [String]) {
// if block.count >= 1 && block[0].contains("ENCRYPTED") {
// return true
// }
// XXX: restore blank line after encryption header (easier than tweaking trimmedLines)
if block.count >= 3 && block[1].contains("Proc-Type") {
block.insert("", at: 3)
// return true
// return false
/// Encapsulates the IPv4 settings for the tunnel.
public struct IPv4Settings: CustomStringConvertible {
/// Represents an IPv4 route in the routing table.
public struct Route: CustomStringConvertible {
/// The destination host or subnet.
public let destination: String
/// The address mask.
public let mask: String
/// The address of the gateway (uses default gateway if not set).
public let gateway: String?
fileprivate init(_ destination: String, _ mask: String?, _ gateway: String?) {
self.destination = destination
self.mask = mask ?? ""
self.gateway = gateway
// MARK: CustomStringConvertible
/// :nodoc:
public var description: String {
return "{\(destination.maskedDescription)/\(mask) \(gateway?.maskedDescription ?? "default")}"
/// The address.
let address: String
/// The address mask.
let addressMask: String
/// The address of the default gateway.
let defaultGateway: String
/// The additional routes.
let routes: [Route]
// MARK: CustomStringConvertible
/// :nodoc:
public var description: String {
return "addr \(address.maskedDescription) netmask \(addressMask) gw \(defaultGateway.maskedDescription) routes \(routes.map { $0.maskedDescription })"
/// Encapsulates the IPv6 settings for the tunnel.
public struct IPv6Settings: CustomStringConvertible {
/// Represents an IPv6 route in the routing table.
public struct Route: CustomStringConvertible {
/// The destination host or subnet.
public let destination: String
/// The address prefix length.
public let prefixLength: UInt8
/// The address of the gateway (uses default gateway if not set).
public let gateway: String?
fileprivate init(_ destination: String, _ prefixLength: UInt8?, _ gateway: String?) {
self.destination = destination
self.prefixLength = prefixLength ?? 3
self.gateway = gateway
// MARK: CustomStringConvertible
/// :nodoc:
public var description: String {
return "{\(destination.maskedDescription)/\(prefixLength) \(gateway?.maskedDescription ?? "default")}"
/// The address.
public let address: String
/// The address prefix length.
public let addressPrefixLength: UInt8
/// The address of the default gateway.
public let defaultGateway: String
/// The additional routes.
public let routes: [Route]
// MARK: CustomStringConvertible
/// :nodoc:
public var description: String {
return "addr \(address.maskedDescription)/\(addressPrefixLength) gw \(defaultGateway.maskedDescription) routes \(routes.map { $0.maskedDescription })"
private extension SocketType {
init?(protoString: String) {
var str = protoString
if str.hasSuffix("6") {
self.init(rawValue: str.uppercased())