* Check if host is present in certificates SAN list * Save .tlsServerHost error as .tlsServerVerification into last error Co-authored-by: Davide De Rosa <keeshux@gmail.com>
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// OpenVPNTunnelProvider+Configuration.swift
// TunnelKit
// Created by Davide De Rosa on 10/23/17.
// Copyright (c) 2020 Davide De Rosa. All rights reserved.
// https://github.com/passepartoutvpn
// This file is part of TunnelKit.
// TunnelKit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// TunnelKit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with TunnelKit. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and
// permission notice:
// Copyright (c) 2018-Present Private Internet Access
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import Foundation
import NetworkExtension
import SwiftyBeaver
private let log = SwiftyBeaver.self
extension OpenVPNTunnelProvider {
// MARK: Configuration
/// The way to create a `OpenVPNTunnelProvider.Configuration` object for the tunnel profile.
public struct ConfigurationBuilder {
/// :nodoc:
public static let defaults = Configuration(
sessionConfiguration: OpenVPN.ConfigurationBuilder().build(),
prefersResolvedAddresses: false,
resolvedAddresses: nil,
mtu: 1250,
shouldDebug: false,
debugLogFormat: nil,
masksPrivateData: true
/// The session configuration.
public var sessionConfiguration: OpenVPN.Configuration
/// Prefers resolved addresses over DNS resolution. `resolvedAddresses` must be set and non-empty. Default is `false`.
/// - Seealso: `fallbackServerAddresses`
public var prefersResolvedAddresses: Bool
/// Resolved addresses in case DNS fails or `prefersResolvedAddresses` is `true` (IPv4 only).
public var resolvedAddresses: [String]?
/// The MTU of the link.
public var mtu: Int
// MARK: Debugging
/// Enables debugging.
public var shouldDebug: Bool
/// Optional debug log format (SwiftyBeaver format).
public var debugLogFormat: String?
/// Mask private data in debug log (default is `true`).
public var masksPrivateData: Bool?
// MARK: Building
Default initializer.
- Parameter ca: The CA certificate.
public init(sessionConfiguration: OpenVPN.Configuration) {
self.sessionConfiguration = sessionConfiguration
prefersResolvedAddresses = ConfigurationBuilder.defaults.prefersResolvedAddresses
resolvedAddresses = nil
mtu = ConfigurationBuilder.defaults.mtu
shouldDebug = ConfigurationBuilder.defaults.shouldDebug
debugLogFormat = ConfigurationBuilder.defaults.debugLogFormat
masksPrivateData = ConfigurationBuilder.defaults.masksPrivateData
fileprivate init(providerConfiguration: [String: Any]) throws {
let S = Configuration.Keys.self
sessionConfiguration = try OpenVPN.Configuration.with(providerConfiguration: providerConfiguration)
prefersResolvedAddresses = providerConfiguration[S.prefersResolvedAddresses] as? Bool ?? ConfigurationBuilder.defaults.prefersResolvedAddresses
resolvedAddresses = providerConfiguration[S.resolvedAddresses] as? [String]
mtu = providerConfiguration[S.mtu] as? Int ?? ConfigurationBuilder.defaults.mtu
shouldDebug = providerConfiguration[S.debug] as? Bool ?? ConfigurationBuilder.defaults.shouldDebug
if shouldDebug {
debugLogFormat = providerConfiguration[S.debugLogFormat] as? String
masksPrivateData = providerConfiguration[S.masksPrivateData] as? Bool ?? ConfigurationBuilder.defaults.masksPrivateData
guard !prefersResolvedAddresses || !(resolvedAddresses?.isEmpty ?? true) else {
throw ProviderConfigurationError.parameter(name: "protocolConfiguration.providerConfiguration[\(S.prefersResolvedAddresses)] is true but no [\(S.resolvedAddresses)]")
Builds a `OpenVPNTunnelProvider.Configuration` object that will connect to the provided endpoint.
- Returns: A `OpenVPNTunnelProvider.Configuration` object with this builder and the additional method parameters.
public func build() -> Configuration {
return Configuration(
sessionConfiguration: sessionConfiguration,
prefersResolvedAddresses: prefersResolvedAddresses,
resolvedAddresses: resolvedAddresses,
mtu: mtu,
shouldDebug: shouldDebug,
debugLogFormat: shouldDebug ? debugLogFormat : nil,
masksPrivateData: masksPrivateData
/// Offers a bridge between the abstract `OpenVPNTunnelProvider.ConfigurationBuilder` and a concrete `NETunnelProviderProtocol` profile.
public struct Configuration: Codable {
struct Keys {
static let appGroup = "AppGroup"
// MARK: SessionConfiguration
static let cipherAlgorithm = "CipherAlgorithm"
static let digestAlgorithm = "DigestAlgorithm"
static let compressionFraming = "CompressionFraming"
static let compressionAlgorithm = "CompressionAlgorithm"
static let ca = "CA"
static let clientCertificate = "ClientCertificate"
static let clientKey = "ClientKey"
static let tlsWrap = "TLSWrap"
static let tlsSecurityLevel = "TLSSecurityLevel"
static let keepAlive = "KeepAlive"
static let keepAliveTimeout = "KeepAliveTimeout"
static let endpointProtocols = "EndpointProtocols"
static let renegotiatesAfter = "RenegotiatesAfter"
static let checksEKU = "ChecksEKU"
static let checksSANHost = "checksSANHost"
static let sanHost = "sanHost"
static let randomizeEndpoint = "RandomizeEndpoint"
static let usesPIAPatches = "UsesPIAPatches"
static let dnsServers = "DNSServers"
static let searchDomains = "SearchDomains"
static let httpProxy = "HTTPProxy"
static let httpsProxy = "HTTPSProxy"
static let proxyAutoConfigurationURL = "ProxyAutoConfigurationURL"
static let proxyBypassDomains = "ProxyBypassDomains"
static let routingPolicies = "RoutingPolicies"
// MARK: Customization
static let prefersResolvedAddresses = "PrefersResolvedAddresses"
static let resolvedAddresses = "ResolvedAddresses"
static let mtu = "MTU"
// MARK: Debugging
static let debug = "Debug"
static let debugLogFormat = "DebugLogFormat"
static let masksPrivateData = "MasksPrivateData"
/// - Seealso: `OpenVPNTunnelProvider.ConfigurationBuilder.sessionConfiguration`
public let sessionConfiguration: OpenVPN.Configuration
/// - Seealso: `OpenVPNTunnelProvider.ConfigurationBuilder.prefersResolvedAddresses`
public let prefersResolvedAddresses: Bool
/// - Seealso: `OpenVPNTunnelProvider.ConfigurationBuilder.resolvedAddresses`
public let resolvedAddresses: [String]?
/// - Seealso: `OpenVPNTunnelProvider.ConfigurationBuilder.mtu`
public let mtu: Int
/// - Seealso: `OpenVPNTunnelProvider.ConfigurationBuilder.shouldDebug`
public let shouldDebug: Bool
/// - Seealso: `OpenVPNTunnelProvider.ConfigurationBuilder.debugLogFormat`
public let debugLogFormat: String?
/// - Seealso: `OpenVPNTunnelProvider.ConfigurationBuilder.masksPrivateData`
public let masksPrivateData: Bool?
// MARK: Shortcuts
static let debugLogFilename = "debug.log"
static let lastErrorKey = "TunnelKitLastError"
fileprivate static let dataCountKey = "TunnelKitDataCount"
Returns the URL of the latest debug log.
- Parameter in: The app group where to locate the log file.
- Returns: The URL of the debug log, if any.
public func urlForLog(in appGroup: String) -> URL? {
guard shouldDebug else {
return nil
guard let parentURL = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: appGroup) else {
return nil
return parentURL.appendingPathComponent(Configuration.debugLogFilename)
Returns the content of the latest debug log.
- Parameter in: The app group where to locate the log file.
- Returns: The content of the debug log, if any.
public func existingLog(in appGroup: String) -> String? {
guard let url = urlForLog(in: appGroup) else {
return nil
return try? String(contentsOf: url)
Returns the last error reported by the tunnel, if any.
- Parameter in: The app group where to locate the error key.
- Returns: The last tunnel error, if any.
public func lastError(in appGroup: String) -> ProviderError? {
guard let rawValue = UserDefaults(suiteName: appGroup)?.string(forKey: Configuration.lastErrorKey) else {
return nil
return ProviderError(rawValue: rawValue)
Clear the last error status.
- Parameter in: The app group where to locate the error key.
public func clearLastError(in appGroup: String) {
UserDefaults(suiteName: appGroup)?.removeObject(forKey: Configuration.lastErrorKey)
Returns the most recent (received, sent) count in bytes.
- Parameter in: The app group where to locate the count pair.
- Returns: The bytes count pair, if any.
public func dataCount(in appGroup: String) -> (Int, Int)? {
guard let rawValue = UserDefaults(suiteName: appGroup)?.dataCountArray else {
return nil
guard rawValue.count == 2 else {
return nil
return (rawValue[0], rawValue[1])
Parses the app group from a provider configuration map.
- Parameter from: The map to parse.
- Returns: The parsed app group.
- Throws: `ProviderError.configuration` if `providerConfiguration` does not contain an app group.
public static func appGroup(from providerConfiguration: [String: Any]) throws -> String {
guard let appGroup = providerConfiguration[Keys.appGroup] as? String else {
throw ProviderConfigurationError.parameter(name: "protocolConfiguration.providerConfiguration[\(Keys.appGroup)]")
return appGroup
Parses a new `OpenVPNTunnelProvider.Configuration` object from a provider configuration map.
- Parameter from: The map to parse.
- Returns: The parsed `OpenVPNTunnelProvider.Configuration` object.
- Throws: `ProviderError.configuration` if `providerConfiguration` is incomplete.
public static func parsed(from providerConfiguration: [String: Any]) throws -> Configuration {
let builder = try ConfigurationBuilder(providerConfiguration: providerConfiguration)
return builder.build()
Returns a dictionary representation of this configuration for use with `NETunnelProviderProtocol.providerConfiguration`.
- Parameter appGroup: The name of the app group in which the tunnel extension lives in.
- Returns: The dictionary representation of `self`.
public func generatedProviderConfiguration(appGroup: String) -> [String: Any] {
let S = Keys.self
guard let ca = sessionConfiguration.ca else {
fatalError("No sessionConfiguration.ca set")
guard let endpointProtocols = sessionConfiguration.endpointProtocols else {
fatalError("No sessionConfiguration.endpointProtocols set")
var dict: [String: Any] = [
S.appGroup: appGroup,
S.prefersResolvedAddresses: prefersResolvedAddresses,
S.ca: ca.pem,
S.endpointProtocols: endpointProtocols.map { $0.rawValue },
S.mtu: mtu,
S.debug: shouldDebug
sessionConfiguration.store(to: &dict)
if let resolvedAddresses = resolvedAddresses {
dict[S.resolvedAddresses] = resolvedAddresses
if let debugLogFormat = debugLogFormat {
dict[S.debugLogFormat] = debugLogFormat
if let masksPrivateData = masksPrivateData {
dict[S.masksPrivateData] = masksPrivateData
return dict
Generates a `NETunnelProviderProtocol` from this configuration.
- Parameter bundleIdentifier: The provider bundle identifier required to locate the tunnel extension.
- Parameter appGroup: The name of the app group in which the tunnel extension lives in.
- Parameter credentials: The optional credentials to authenticate with.
- Returns: The generated `NETunnelProviderProtocol` object.
- Throws: `ProviderError.credentials` if unable to store `credentials.password` to the `appGroup` keychain.
public func generatedTunnelProtocol(withBundleIdentifier bundleIdentifier: String, appGroup: String, credentials: OpenVPN.Credentials? = nil) throws -> NETunnelProviderProtocol {
let protocolConfiguration = NETunnelProviderProtocol()
protocolConfiguration.providerBundleIdentifier = bundleIdentifier
protocolConfiguration.serverAddress = sessionConfiguration.hostname ?? resolvedAddresses?.first
if let username = credentials?.username, let password = credentials?.password {
let keychain = Keychain(group: appGroup)
do {
try keychain.set(password: password, for: username, label: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier)
} catch _ {
throw ProviderConfigurationError.credentials(details: "keychain.set()")
protocolConfiguration.username = username
protocolConfiguration.passwordReference = try? keychain.passwordReference(for: username)
protocolConfiguration.providerConfiguration = generatedProviderConfiguration(appGroup: appGroup)
return protocolConfiguration
func print(appVersion: String?) {
if let appVersion = appVersion {
log.info("App version: \(appVersion)")
log.info("\tMTU: \(mtu)")
log.info("\tDebug: \(shouldDebug)")
log.info("\tMasks private data: \(masksPrivateData ?? true)")
// MARK: Modification
extension OpenVPNTunnelProvider.Configuration {
Returns a `OpenVPNTunnelProvider.ConfigurationBuilder` to use this configuration as a starting point for a new one.
- Returns: An editable `OpenVPNTunnelProvider.ConfigurationBuilder` initialized with this configuration.
public func builder() -> OpenVPNTunnelProvider.ConfigurationBuilder {
var builder = OpenVPNTunnelProvider.ConfigurationBuilder(sessionConfiguration: sessionConfiguration)
builder.prefersResolvedAddresses = prefersResolvedAddresses
builder.resolvedAddresses = resolvedAddresses
builder.mtu = mtu
builder.shouldDebug = shouldDebug
builder.debugLogFormat = debugLogFormat
builder.masksPrivateData = masksPrivateData
return builder
/// :nodoc:
public extension UserDefaults {
@objc var dataCountArray: [Int]? {
get {
return array(forKey: OpenVPNTunnelProvider.Configuration.dataCountKey) as? [Int]
set {
set(newValue, forKey: OpenVPNTunnelProvider.Configuration.dataCountKey)
func removeDataCountArray() {
removeObject(forKey: OpenVPNTunnelProvider.Configuration.dataCountKey)
// MARK: OpenVPN configuration
private extension OpenVPN.Configuration {
static func with(providerConfiguration: [String: Any]) throws -> OpenVPN.Configuration {
let S = OpenVPNTunnelProvider.Configuration.Keys.self
let E = OpenVPNTunnelProvider.ProviderConfigurationError.self
guard let caPEM = providerConfiguration[S.ca] as? String else {
throw E.parameter(name: "protocolConfiguration.providerConfiguration[\(S.ca)]")
guard let endpointProtocolsStrings = providerConfiguration[S.endpointProtocols] as? [String], !endpointProtocolsStrings.isEmpty else {
throw E.parameter(name: "protocolConfiguration.providerConfiguration[\(S.endpointProtocols)] is nil or empty")
var builder = OpenVPNTunnelProvider.ConfigurationBuilder.defaults.sessionConfiguration.builder()
builder.ca = OpenVPN.CryptoContainer(pem: caPEM)
builder.endpointProtocols = try endpointProtocolsStrings.map {
guard let ep = EndpointProtocol(rawValue: $0) else {
throw E.parameter(name: "protocolConfiguration.providerConfiguration[\(S.endpointProtocols)] has a badly formed element")
return ep
if let cipherAlgorithm = providerConfiguration[S.cipherAlgorithm] as? String {
builder.cipher = OpenVPN.Cipher(rawValue: cipherAlgorithm)
if let digestAlgorithm = providerConfiguration[S.digestAlgorithm] as? String {
builder.digest = OpenVPN.Digest(rawValue: digestAlgorithm)
if let compressionFramingValue = providerConfiguration[S.compressionFraming] as? Int, let compressionFraming = OpenVPN.CompressionFraming(rawValue: compressionFramingValue) {
builder.compressionFraming = compressionFraming
if let compressionAlgorithmValue = providerConfiguration[S.compressionAlgorithm] as? Int, let compressionAlgorithm = OpenVPN.CompressionAlgorithm(rawValue: compressionAlgorithmValue) {
builder.compressionAlgorithm = compressionAlgorithm
if let clientPEM = providerConfiguration[S.clientCertificate] as? String {
guard let keyPEM = providerConfiguration[S.clientKey] as? String else {
throw E.parameter(name: "protocolConfiguration.providerConfiguration[\(S.clientKey)]")
builder.clientCertificate = OpenVPN.CryptoContainer(pem: clientPEM)
builder.clientKey = OpenVPN.CryptoContainer(pem: keyPEM)
if let tlsWrapData = providerConfiguration[S.tlsWrap] as? Data {
do {
builder.tlsWrap = try OpenVPN.TLSWrap.deserialized(tlsWrapData)
} catch {
throw E.parameter(name: "protocolConfiguration.providerConfiguration[\(S.tlsWrap)]")
if let tlsSecurityLevel = providerConfiguration[S.tlsSecurityLevel] as? Int {
builder.tlsSecurityLevel = tlsSecurityLevel
if let keepAliveInterval = providerConfiguration[S.keepAlive] as? TimeInterval {
builder.keepAliveInterval = keepAliveInterval
if let keepAliveTimeout = providerConfiguration[S.keepAliveTimeout] as? TimeInterval {
builder.keepAliveTimeout = keepAliveTimeout
if let renegotiatesAfter = providerConfiguration[S.renegotiatesAfter] as? TimeInterval {
builder.renegotiatesAfter = renegotiatesAfter
if let checksEKU = providerConfiguration[S.checksEKU] as? Bool {
builder.checksEKU = checksEKU
if let checksSANHost = providerConfiguration[S.checksSANHost] as? Bool {
builder.checksSANHost = checksSANHost
if let sanHost = providerConfiguration[S.sanHost] as? String {
builder.sanHost = sanHost
if let randomizeEndpoint = providerConfiguration[S.randomizeEndpoint] as? Bool {
builder.randomizeEndpoint = randomizeEndpoint
if let usesPIAPatches = providerConfiguration[S.usesPIAPatches] as? Bool {
builder.usesPIAPatches = usesPIAPatches
if let dnsServers = providerConfiguration[S.dnsServers] as? [String] {
builder.dnsServers = dnsServers
if let searchDomains = providerConfiguration[S.searchDomains] as? [String] {
builder.searchDomains = searchDomains
if let proxyString = providerConfiguration[S.httpProxy] as? String {
guard let proxy = Proxy(rawValue: proxyString) else {
throw E.parameter(name: "protocolConfiguration.providerConfiguration[\(S.httpProxy)] has a badly formed element")
builder.httpProxy = proxy
if let proxyString = providerConfiguration[S.httpsProxy] as? String {
guard let proxy = Proxy(rawValue: proxyString) else {
throw E.parameter(name: "protocolConfiguration.providerConfiguration[\(S.httpsProxy)] has a badly formed element")
builder.httpsProxy = proxy
if let proxyAutoConfigurationURLString = providerConfiguration[S.proxyAutoConfigurationURL] as? String, let proxyAutoConfigurationURL = URL(string: proxyAutoConfigurationURLString) {
builder.proxyAutoConfigurationURL = proxyAutoConfigurationURL
if let proxyBypassDomains = providerConfiguration[S.proxyBypassDomains] as? [String] {
builder.proxyBypassDomains = proxyBypassDomains
if let routingPoliciesStrings = providerConfiguration[S.routingPolicies] as? [String] {
builder.routingPolicies = try routingPoliciesStrings.map {
guard let policy = OpenVPN.RoutingPolicy(rawValue: $0) else {
throw E.parameter(name: "protocolConfiguration.providerConfiguration[\(S.routingPolicies)] has a badly formed element")
return policy
return builder.build()
func store(to dict: inout [String: Any]) {
let S = OpenVPNTunnelProvider.Configuration.Keys.self
if let cipher = cipher {
dict[S.cipherAlgorithm] = cipher.rawValue
if let digest = digest {
dict[S.digestAlgorithm] = digest.rawValue
if let compressionFraming = compressionFraming {
dict[S.compressionFraming] = compressionFraming.rawValue
if let compressionAlgorithm = compressionAlgorithm {
dict[S.compressionAlgorithm] = compressionAlgorithm.rawValue
if let clientCertificate = clientCertificate {
dict[S.clientCertificate] = clientCertificate.pem
if let clientKey = clientKey {
dict[S.clientKey] = clientKey.pem
if let tlsWrapData = tlsWrap?.serialized() {
dict[S.tlsWrap] = tlsWrapData
if let tlsSecurityLevel = tlsSecurityLevel {
dict[S.tlsSecurityLevel] = tlsSecurityLevel
if let keepAliveSeconds = keepAliveInterval {
dict[S.keepAlive] = keepAliveSeconds
if let keepAliveTimeoutSeconds = keepAliveTimeout {
dict[S.keepAliveTimeout] = keepAliveTimeoutSeconds
if let renegotiatesAfterSeconds = renegotiatesAfter {
dict[S.renegotiatesAfter] = renegotiatesAfterSeconds
if let checksEKU = checksEKU {
dict[S.checksEKU] = checksEKU
if let checksSANHost = checksSANHost {
dict[S.checksSANHost] = checksSANHost
if let sanHost = sanHost {
dict[S.sanHost] = sanHost
if let randomizeEndpoint = randomizeEndpoint {
dict[S.randomizeEndpoint] = randomizeEndpoint
if let usesPIAPatches = usesPIAPatches {
dict[S.usesPIAPatches] = usesPIAPatches
if let dnsServers = dnsServers {
dict[S.dnsServers] = dnsServers
if let searchDomains = searchDomains {
dict[S.searchDomains] = searchDomains
if let httpProxy = httpProxy {
dict[S.httpProxy] = httpProxy.rawValue
if let httpsProxy = httpsProxy {
dict[S.httpsProxy] = httpsProxy.rawValue
if let proxyAutoConfigurationURL = proxyAutoConfigurationURL {
dict[S.proxyAutoConfigurationURL] = proxyAutoConfigurationURL.absoluteString
if let proxyBypassDomains = proxyBypassDomains {
dict[S.proxyBypassDomains] = proxyBypassDomains
if let routingPolicies = routingPolicies {
dict[S.routingPolicies] = routingPolicies.map { $0.rawValue }
func print() {
guard let endpointProtocols = endpointProtocols else {
fatalError("No sessionConfiguration.endpointProtocols set")
log.info("\tProtocols: \(endpointProtocols)")
log.info("\tCipher: \(fallbackCipher)")
log.info("\tDigest: \(fallbackDigest)")
log.info("\tCompression framing: \(fallbackCompressionFraming)")
if let compressionAlgorithm = compressionAlgorithm, compressionAlgorithm != .disabled {
log.info("\tCompression algorithm: \(compressionAlgorithm)")
} else {
log.info("\tCompression algorithm: disabled")
if let _ = clientCertificate {
log.info("\tClient verification: enabled")
} else {
log.info("\tClient verification: disabled")
if let tlsWrap = tlsWrap {
log.info("\tTLS wrapping: \(tlsWrap.strategy)")
} else {
log.info("\tTLS wrapping: disabled")
if let tlsSecurityLevel = tlsSecurityLevel {
log.info("\tTLS security level: \(tlsSecurityLevel)")
} else {
log.info("\tTLS security level: default")
if let keepAliveSeconds = keepAliveInterval, keepAliveSeconds > 0 {
log.info("\tKeep-alive interval: \(keepAliveSeconds) seconds")
} else {
log.info("\tKeep-alive interval: never")
if let keepAliveTimeoutSeconds = keepAliveTimeout, keepAliveTimeoutSeconds > 0 {
log.info("\tKeep-alive timeout: \(keepAliveTimeoutSeconds) seconds")
} else {
log.info("\tKeep-alive timeout: never")
if let renegotiatesAfterSeconds = renegotiatesAfter, renegotiatesAfterSeconds > 0 {
log.info("\tRenegotiation: \(renegotiatesAfterSeconds) seconds")
} else {
log.info("\tRenegotiation: never")
if checksEKU ?? false {
log.info("\tServer EKU verification: enabled")
} else {
log.info("\tServer EKU verification: disabled")
if checksSANHost ?? false {
log.info("\tHost SAN verification: enabled (\(sanHost ?? "-"))")
} else {
log.info("\tHost SAN verification: disabled")
if randomizeEndpoint ?? false {
log.info("\tRandomize endpoint: true")
if let routingPolicies = routingPolicies {
log.info("\tGateway: \(routingPolicies.map { $0.rawValue })")
} else {
log.info("\tGateway: not configured")
if let dnsServers = dnsServers, !dnsServers.isEmpty {
log.info("\tDNS: \(dnsServers.maskedDescription)")
} else {
log.info("\tDNS: not configured")
if let searchDomains = searchDomains, !searchDomains.isEmpty {
log.info("\tSearch domains: \(searchDomains.maskedDescription)")
if let httpProxy = httpProxy {
log.info("\tHTTP proxy: \(httpProxy.maskedDescription)")
if let httpsProxy = httpsProxy {
log.info("\tHTTPS proxy: \(httpsProxy.maskedDescription)")
if let proxyAutoConfigurationURL = proxyAutoConfigurationURL {
log.info("\tPAC: \(proxyAutoConfigurationURL)")
if let proxyBypassDomains = proxyBypassDomains {
log.info("\tProxy bypass domains: \(proxyBypassDomains.maskedDescription)")