2018-08-24 00:27:45 +02:00

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// DataPathEncryptionTests.swift
// TunnelKitTests
// Created by Davide De Rosa on 11/07/2018.
// Copyright © 2018 London Trust Media. All rights reserved.
import XCTest
@testable import TunnelKit
@testable import __TunnelKitNative
class DataPathEncryptionTests: XCTestCase {
private var cipherKey: ZeroingData!
private var hmacKey: ZeroingData!
override func setUp() {
cipherKey = try! SecureRandom.safeData(length: 32)
hmacKey = try! SecureRandom.safeData(length: 32)
override func tearDown() {
// Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class.
func testCBC() {
privateTestDataPath(cipher: "aes-128-cbc", digest: "sha256", peerId: nil)
func testFloatingCBC() {
privateTestDataPath(cipher: "aes-128-cbc", digest: "sha256", peerId: 0x64385837)
func testGCM() {
privateTestDataPath(cipher: "aes-256-gcm", digest: nil, peerId: nil)
func testFloatingGCM() {
privateTestDataPath(cipher: "aes-256-gcm", digest: nil, peerId: 0x64385837)
func privateTestDataPath(cipher: String, digest: String?, peerId: UInt32?) {
let box = CryptoBox(cipherAlgorithm: cipher, digestAlgorithm: digest)
try! box.configure(withCipherEncKey: cipherKey, cipherDecKey: cipherKey, hmacEncKey: hmacKey, hmacDecKey: hmacKey)
let enc = box.encrypter().dataPathEncrypter()
let dec = box.decrypter().dataPathDecrypter()
if let peerId = peerId {
XCTAssertEqual(enc.peerId(), peerId & 0xffffff)
XCTAssertEqual(dec.peerId(), peerId & 0xffffff)
// enc.setLZOFraming(true)
// dec.setLZOFraming(true)
let payload = Data(hex: "00112233445566778899")
let packetId: UInt32 = 0x56341200
let key: UInt8 = 4
var encryptedPayload: [UInt8] = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: 1000)
var encryptedPayloadLength: Int = 0
enc.assembleDataPacket(withPacketId: packetId, payload: payload, into: &encryptedPayload, length: &encryptedPayloadLength)
let encrypted = try! enc.encryptedDataPacket(withKey: key, packetId: packetId, payload: encryptedPayload, payloadLength: encryptedPayloadLength)
var decrypted: [UInt8] = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: 1000)
var decryptedLength: Int = 0
var decryptedPacketId: UInt32 = 0
var decryptedPayloadLength: Int = 0
try! dec.decryptDataPacket(encrypted, into: &decrypted, length: &decryptedLength, packetId: &decryptedPacketId)
let decryptedPtr = dec.parsePayload(withDataPacket: &decrypted, packetLength: decryptedLength, length: &decryptedPayloadLength)
let decryptedPayload = Data(bytes: decryptedPtr, count: decryptedPayloadLength)
XCTAssertEqual(payload, decryptedPayload)
XCTAssertEqual(packetId, decryptedPacketId)