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synced 2025-02-16 12:52:06 +00:00
macOS: Adapt to the new applyConfiguration API
Signed-off-by: Roopesh Chander <roop@roopc.net>
This commit is contained in:
@ -263,7 +263,24 @@ class TunnelDetailTableViewController: NSViewController {
func applyTunnelConfiguration(tunnelConfiguration: TunnelConfiguration) {
// Incorporates changes from tunnelConfiguation. Ignores any changes in peer ordering.
func sectionChanged<T>(fields: [T], modelRowsInSection: inout [(isVisible: Bool, modelRow: TableViewModelRow)], tableView: NSTableView, rowOffset: Int, changes: [T: TunnelViewModel.ChangeHandlers.FieldChange]) {
let tableView = self.tableView
func handleSectionFieldsModified<T>(fields: [T], modelRowsInSection: [(isVisible: Bool, modelRow: TableViewModelRow)], rowOffset: Int, changes: [T: TunnelViewModel.Changes.FieldChange]) {
var modifiedRowIndices = IndexSet()
for (index, field) in fields.enumerated() {
guard let change = changes[field] else { continue }
if case .modified(_) = change {
let row = modelRowsInSection[0 ..< index].filter { $0.isVisible }.count
modifiedRowIndices.insert(rowOffset + row)
if !modifiedRowIndices.isEmpty {
tableView.reloadData(forRowIndexes: modifiedRowIndices, columnIndexes: IndexSet(integer: 0))
func handleSectionFieldsAddedOrRemoved<T>(fields: [T], modelRowsInSection: inout [(isVisible: Bool, modelRow: TableViewModelRow)], rowOffset: Int, changes: [T: TunnelViewModel.Changes.FieldChange]) {
for (index, field) in fields.enumerated() {
guard let change = changes[field] else { continue }
let row = modelRowsInSection[0 ..< index].filter { $0.isVisible }.count
@ -275,42 +292,54 @@ class TunnelDetailTableViewController: NSViewController {
tableView.removeRows(at: IndexSet(integer: rowOffset + row), withAnimation: .effectFade)
modelRowsInSection[index].isVisible = false
case .modified:
tableView.removeRows(at: IndexSet(integer: rowOffset + row), withAnimation: [])
tableView.insertRows(at: IndexSet(integer: rowOffset + row), withAnimation: [])
var isChanged = false
let changeHandlers = TunnelViewModel.ChangeHandlers(
interfaceChanged: { [weak self] changes in
guard let self = self else { return }
sectionChanged(fields: TunnelDetailTableViewController.interfaceFields, modelRowsInSection: &self.tableViewModelRowsBySection[0],
tableView: self.tableView, rowOffset: 0, changes: changes)
isChanged = true
peerChangedAt: { [weak self] peerIndex, changes in
guard let self = self else { return }
let sectionIndex = 1 + peerIndex
let rowOffset = self.tableViewModelRowsBySection[0 ..< sectionIndex].flatMap { $0.filter { $0.isVisible } }.count
sectionChanged(fields: TunnelDetailTableViewController.peerFields, modelRowsInSection: &self.tableViewModelRowsBySection[sectionIndex],
tableView: self.tableView, rowOffset: rowOffset, changes: changes)
isChanged = true
peersRemovedAt: { [weak self] peerIndices in
guard let self = self else { return }
for peerIndex in peerIndices {
let changes = self.tunnelViewModel.applyConfiguration(other: tunnelConfiguration)
if !changes.interfaceChanges.isEmpty {
handleSectionFieldsModified(fields: TunnelDetailTableViewController.interfaceFields,
modelRowsInSection: self.tableViewModelRowsBySection[0],
rowOffset: 0, changes: changes.interfaceChanges)
for (peerIndex, peerChanges) in changes.peerChanges {
let sectionIndex = 1 + peerIndex
let rowOffset = self.tableViewModelRowsBySection[0 ..< sectionIndex].flatMap { $0.filter { $0.isVisible } }.count
handleSectionFieldsModified(fields: TunnelDetailTableViewController.peerFields,
modelRowsInSection: self.tableViewModelRowsBySection[sectionIndex],
rowOffset: rowOffset, changes: peerChanges)
let isAnyInterfaceFieldAddedOrRemoved = changes.interfaceChanges.contains { $0.value == .added || $0.value == .removed }
let isAnyPeerFieldAddedOrRemoved = changes.peerChanges.contains { $0.changes.contains { $0.value == .added || $0.value == .removed } }
if isAnyInterfaceFieldAddedOrRemoved || isAnyPeerFieldAddedOrRemoved || !changes.peersRemovedIndices.isEmpty || !changes.peersInsertedIndices.isEmpty {
if isAnyInterfaceFieldAddedOrRemoved {
handleSectionFieldsAddedOrRemoved(fields: TunnelDetailTableViewController.interfaceFields,
modelRowsInSection: &self.tableViewModelRowsBySection[0],
rowOffset: 0, changes: changes.interfaceChanges)
if isAnyPeerFieldAddedOrRemoved {
for (peerIndex, peerChanges) in changes.peerChanges {
let sectionIndex = 1 + peerIndex
let rowOffset = self.tableViewModelRowsBySection[0 ..< sectionIndex].flatMap { $0.filter { $0.isVisible } }.count
handleSectionFieldsAddedOrRemoved(fields: TunnelDetailTableViewController.peerFields, modelRowsInSection: &self.tableViewModelRowsBySection[sectionIndex], rowOffset: rowOffset, changes: peerChanges)
if !changes.peersRemovedIndices.isEmpty {
for peerIndex in changes.peersRemovedIndices {
let sectionIndex = 1 + peerIndex
let rowOffset = self.tableViewModelRowsBySection[0 ..< sectionIndex].flatMap { $0.filter { $0.isVisible } }.count
let count = self.tableViewModelRowsBySection[sectionIndex].filter { $0.isVisible }.count
self.tableView.removeRows(at: IndexSet(integersIn: rowOffset ..< rowOffset + count), withAnimation: .effectFade)
self.tableViewModelRowsBySection.remove(at: sectionIndex)
isChanged = true
peersInsertedAt: { [weak self] peerIndices in
guard let self = self else { return }
for peerIndex in peerIndices {
if !changes.peersInsertedIndices.isEmpty {
for peerIndex in changes.peersInsertedIndices {
let peerData = self.tunnelViewModel.peersData[peerIndex]
let sectionIndex = 1 + peerIndex
let rowOffset = self.tableViewModelRowsBySection[0 ..< sectionIndex].flatMap { $0.filter { $0.isVisible } }.count
@ -322,16 +351,10 @@ class TunnelDetailTableViewController: NSViewController {
self.tableView.insertRows(at: IndexSet(integersIn: rowOffset ..< rowOffset + count), withAnimation: .effectFade)
self.tableViewModelRowsBySection.insert(modelRowsInSection, at: sectionIndex)
isChanged = true
self.tunnelViewModel.applyConfiguration(other: tunnelConfiguration, changeHandlers: changeHandlers)
if isChanged {
private func reloadRuntimeConfiguration() {
Reference in New Issue
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