Simplify C strings

Signed-off-by: Jason A. Donenfeld <>
This commit is contained in:
Jason A. Donenfeld 2018-12-13 19:02:48 +01:00
parent 3bddab8a9e
commit 154774ada2
1 changed files with 6 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -12,9 +12,7 @@ public class Logger {
init(withFilePath filePath: String, withTag tag: String) {
self.tag = tag
self.log = filePath.withCString { fileC -> OpaquePointer? in
self.log = open_log(filePath)
if self.log == nil {
os_log("Cannot open log file for writing. Log will not be saved to file.", log: OSLog.default, type: .error)
@ -22,20 +20,15 @@ public class Logger {
func log(message: String) {
guard let log = log else { return }
String(format: "[%@] %@", tag, message.trimmingCharacters(in: .newlines)).withCString { messageC in
write_msg_to_log(log, messageC)
write_msg_to_log(log, String(format: "[%@] %@", tag, message.trimmingCharacters(in: .newlines)))
func writeLog(mergedWith otherLogFile: String, to targetFile: String) -> Bool {
guard let log = log else { return false }
guard let other = otherLogFile.withCString({ otherC -> OpaquePointer? in
return open_log(otherC)
}) else { return false }
defer { close_log(other) }
return targetFile.withCString { fileC -> Bool in
return write_logs_to_file(fileC, log, other) == 0
guard let other = open_log(otherLogFile) else { return false }
let ret = write_logs_to_file(targetFile, log, other)
return ret == 0
static func configureGlobal(withFilePath filePath: String?, withTag tag: String) {