mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 04:32:02 +00:00
More formatting nits and cyclomatic complexity fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
- line_length
- trailing_whitespace
- todo
- unneeded_parentheses_in_closure_argument
# - trailing_closure
@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ final class TunnelConfiguration: Codable {
struct InterfaceConfiguration: Codable {
var name: String
var privateKey: Data
var addresses: [IPAddressRange] = []
var addresses = [IPAddressRange]()
var listenPort: UInt16?
var mtu: UInt16?
var dns: [DNSServer] = []
var dns = [DNSServer]()
init(name: String, privateKey: Data) {
self.name = name
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ struct PeerConfiguration: Codable {
var allowedIPs: [IPAddressRange] = []
var allowedIPs = [IPAddressRange]()
var endpoint: Endpoint?
var persistentKeepAlive: UInt16?
@ -75,9 +75,7 @@ extension IPAddressRange: Codable {
default: return nil
guard let ipAddress = ipAddressFromData else {
throw DecodingError.invalidData
guard let ipAddress = ipAddressFromData else { throw DecodingError.invalidData }
address = ipAddress
enum DecodingError: Error {
@ -54,13 +54,11 @@ class WgQuickConfigFileParser {
} else {
attributes[key] = value
} else {
if lowercasedLine != "[interface]" && lowercasedLine != "[peer]" {
throw ParseError.invalidLine(line)
} else if lowercasedLine != "[interface]" && lowercasedLine != "[peer]" {
throw ParseError.invalidLine(line)
let isLastLine = (lineIndex == lines.count - 1)
let isLastLine = lineIndex == lines.count - 1
if isLastLine || lowercasedLine == "[interface]" || lowercasedLine == "[peer]" {
// Previous section has ended; process the attributes collected so far
@ -109,7 +107,7 @@ class WgQuickConfigFileParser {
// wg-quick fields
if let addressesString = attributes["address"] {
var addresses: [IPAddressRange] = []
var addresses = [IPAddressRange]()
for addressString in addressesString.split(separator: ",") {
let trimmedString = addressString.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
guard let address = IPAddressRange(from: trimmedString) else { return nil }
@ -118,7 +116,7 @@ class WgQuickConfigFileParser {
interface.addresses = addresses
if let dnsString = attributes["dns"] {
var dnsServers: [DNSServer] = []
var dnsServers = [DNSServer]()
for dnsServerString in dnsString.split(separator: ",") {
let trimmedString = dnsServerString.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
guard let dnsServer = DNSServer(from: trimmedString) else { return nil }
@ -144,7 +142,7 @@ class WgQuickConfigFileParser {
peer.preSharedKey = preSharedKey
if let allowedIPsString = attributes["allowedips"] {
var allowedIPs: [IPAddressRange] = []
var allowedIPs = [IPAddressRange]()
for allowedIPString in allowedIPsString.split(separator: ",") {
let trimmedString = allowedIPString.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines)
guard let allowedIP = IPAddressRange(from: trimmedString) else { return nil }
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ class TunnelViewModel {
static let keyLengthInBase64 = 44
class InterfaceData {
var scratchpad: [InterfaceField: String] = [:]
var fieldsWithError: Set<InterfaceField> = []
var scratchpad = [InterfaceField: String]()
var fieldsWithError = Set<InterfaceField>()
var validatedConfiguration: InterfaceConfiguration?
subscript(field: InterfaceField) -> String {
@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ class TunnelViewModel {
return .error("Interface's private key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding")
var config = InterfaceConfiguration(name: name, privateKey: privateKey)
var errorMessages: [String] = []
var errorMessages = [String]()
if let addressesString = scratchpad[.addresses] {
var addresses: [IPAddressRange] = []
var addresses = [IPAddressRange]()
for addressString in addressesString.split(separator: ",") {
let trimmedString = addressString.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines)
if let address = IPAddressRange(from: trimmedString) {
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class TunnelViewModel {
if let dnsString = scratchpad[.dns] {
var dnsServers: [DNSServer] = []
var dnsServers = [DNSServer]()
for dnsServerString in dnsString.split(separator: ",") {
let trimmedString = dnsServerString.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines)
if let dnsServer = DNSServer(from: trimmedString) {
@ -177,14 +177,14 @@ class TunnelViewModel {
class PeerData {
var index: Int
var scratchpad: [PeerField: String] = [:]
var fieldsWithError: Set<PeerField> = []
var scratchpad = [PeerField: String]()
var fieldsWithError = Set<PeerField>()
var validatedConfiguration: PeerConfiguration?
// For exclude private IPs
var shouldAllowExcludePrivateIPsControl: Bool = false /* Read-only from the VC's point of view */
var excludePrivateIPsValue: Bool = false /* Read-only from the VC's point of view */
fileprivate var numberOfPeers: Int = 0
private(set) var shouldAllowExcludePrivateIPsControl = false
private(set) var excludePrivateIPsValue = false
fileprivate var numberOfPeers = 0
init(index: Int) {
self.index = index
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ class TunnelViewModel {
return .error("Peer's public key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding")
var config = PeerConfiguration(publicKey: publicKey)
var errorMessages: [String] = []
var errorMessages = [String]()
if let preSharedKeyString = scratchpad[.preSharedKey] {
if let preSharedKey = Data(base64Encoded: preSharedKeyString), preSharedKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength {
config.preSharedKey = preSharedKey
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ class TunnelViewModel {
if let allowedIPsString = scratchpad[.allowedIPs] {
var allowedIPs: [IPAddressRange] = []
var allowedIPs = [IPAddressRange]()
for allowedIPString in allowedIPsString.split(separator: ",") {
let trimmedString = allowedIPString.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines)
if let allowedIP = IPAddressRange(from: trimmedString) {
@ -352,11 +352,9 @@ class TunnelViewModel {
let ipv6Addresses = allowedIPStrings.filter { $0.contains(":") }
let modifiedAllowedIPStrings: [String]
if isOn {
modifiedAllowedIPStrings = ipv6Addresses +
TunnelViewModel.PeerData.ipv4DefaultRouteModRFC1918String + dnsServerStrings
modifiedAllowedIPStrings = ipv6Addresses + TunnelViewModel.PeerData.ipv4DefaultRouteModRFC1918String + dnsServerStrings
} else {
modifiedAllowedIPStrings = ipv6Addresses +
modifiedAllowedIPStrings = ipv6Addresses + [TunnelViewModel.PeerData.ipv4DefaultRouteString]
scratchpad[.allowedIPs] = modifiedAllowedIPStrings.joined(separator: ", ")
validatedConfiguration = nil // The configuration has been modified, and needs to be saved
@ -374,7 +372,7 @@ class TunnelViewModel {
init(tunnelConfiguration: TunnelConfiguration?) {
let interfaceData: InterfaceData = InterfaceData()
var peersData: [PeerData] = []
var peersData = [PeerData]()
if let tunnelConfiguration = tunnelConfiguration {
interfaceData.validatedConfiguration = tunnelConfiguration.interface
for (index, peerConfiguration) in tunnelConfiguration.peers.enumerated() {
@ -423,7 +421,7 @@ class TunnelViewModel {
case .error(let errorMessage):
return .error(errorMessage)
case .saved(let interfaceConfiguration):
var peerConfigurations: [PeerConfiguration] = []
var peerConfigurations = [PeerConfiguration]()
for peerSaveResult in peerSaveResults {
switch peerSaveResult {
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ import UIKit
import os.log
class ErrorPresenter {
static func showErrorAlert(error: WireGuardAppError, from sourceVC: UIViewController?,
onPresented: (() -> Void)? = nil, onDismissal: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
static func showErrorAlert(error: WireGuardAppError, from sourceVC: UIViewController?, onPresented: (() -> Void)? = nil, onDismissal: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
guard let sourceVC = sourceVC else { return }
guard let (title, message) = error.alertText() else { return }
let (title, message) = error.alertText()
let okAction = UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default) { _ in
@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ class ErrorPresenter {
sourceVC.present(alert, animated: true, completion: onPresented)
static func showErrorAlert(title: String, message: String, from sourceVC: UIViewController?,
onPresented: (() -> Void)? = nil, onDismissal: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
static func showErrorAlert(title: String, message: String, from sourceVC: UIViewController?, onPresented: (() -> Void)? = nil, onDismissal: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
guard let sourceVC = sourceVC else { return }
let okAction = UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default) { _ in
@ -322,9 +322,9 @@ private class KeyValueCell: CopyableLabelTableViewCell {
let keyLabel: UILabel
let valueLabel: ScrollableLabel
var isStackedHorizontally: Bool = false
var isStackedVertically: Bool = false
var contentSizeBasedConstraints: [NSLayoutConstraint] = []
var isStackedHorizontally = false
var isStackedVertically = false
var contentSizeBasedConstraints = [NSLayoutConstraint]()
override init(style: UITableViewCell.CellStyle, reuseIdentifier: String?) {
keyLabel = UILabel()
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ private class KeyValueCell: CopyableLabelTableViewCell {
func configureForContentSize() {
var constraints: [NSLayoutConstraint] = []
var constraints = [NSLayoutConstraint]()
if self.traitCollection.preferredContentSizeCategory.isAccessibilityCategory {
// Stack vertically
if !isStackedVertically {
@ -334,52 +334,45 @@ extension TunnelEditTableViewController {
switch field {
case .publicKey:
cell.placeholderText = "Required"
case .preSharedKey, .endpoint, .allowedIPs:
cell.keyboardType = .default
case .preSharedKey, .endpoint:
cell.placeholderText = "Optional"
cell.keyboardType = .default
case .allowedIPs:
cell.placeholderText = "Optional"
cell.keyboardType = .numbersAndPunctuation
case .persistentKeepAlive:
cell.placeholderText = "Off"
case .excludePrivateIPs, .deletePeer:
switch field {
case .persistentKeepAlive:
cell.keyboardType = .numberPad
case .allowedIPs:
cell.keyboardType = .numbersAndPunctuation
case .excludePrivateIPs, .deletePeer:
cell.keyboardType = .default
// Show erroring fields
cell.isValueValid = (!peerData.fieldsWithError.contains(field))
// Bind values to view model
cell.isValueValid = !peerData.fieldsWithError.contains(field)
cell.value = peerData[field]
if field != .allowedIPs {
cell.onValueChanged = { [weak peerData] value in
peerData?[field] = value
// Compute state of exclude private IPs live
if field == .allowedIPs {
cell.onValueBeingEdited = { [weak self, weak peerData] value in
if let peerData = peerData, let self = self {
let oldValue = peerData.shouldAllowExcludePrivateIPsControl
peerData[.allowedIPs] = value
if oldValue != peerData.shouldAllowExcludePrivateIPsControl {
if let row = self.peerFields.firstIndex(of: .excludePrivateIPs) {
if peerData.shouldAllowExcludePrivateIPsControl {
self.tableView.insertRows(at: [IndexPath(row: row, section: indexPath.section)], with: .fade)
} else {
self.tableView.deleteRows(at: [IndexPath(row: row, section: indexPath.section)], with: .fade)
guard let self = self, let peerData = peerData else { return }
let oldValue = peerData.shouldAllowExcludePrivateIPsControl
peerData[.allowedIPs] = value
if oldValue != peerData.shouldAllowExcludePrivateIPsControl {
if let row = self.peerFields.firstIndex(of: .excludePrivateIPs) {
if peerData.shouldAllowExcludePrivateIPsControl {
self.tableView.insertRows(at: [IndexPath(row: row, section: indexPath.section)], with: .fade)
} else {
self.tableView.deleteRows(at: [IndexPath(row: row, section: indexPath.section)], with: .fade)
} else {
cell.onValueBeingEdited = nil
cell.onValueChanged = { [weak peerData] value in
peerData?[field] = value
return cell
@ -410,7 +403,7 @@ extension TunnelEditTableViewController {
cell.isOn = activateOnDemandSetting.isActivateOnDemandEnabled
cell.onSwitchToggled = { [weak self] isOn in
guard let self = self else { return }
let indexPaths: [IndexPath] = (1 ..< 4).map { IndexPath(row: $0, section: indexPath.section) }
let indexPaths = (1 ..< 4).map { IndexPath(row: $0, section: indexPath.section) }
if isOn {
self.activateOnDemandSetting.isActivateOnDemandEnabled = true
if self.activateOnDemandSetting.activateOnDemandOption == .none {
@ -529,7 +522,7 @@ private class KeyValueCell: UITableViewCell {
var isStackedHorizontally: Bool = false
var isStackedVertically: Bool = false
var contentSizeBasedConstraints: [NSLayoutConstraint] = []
var contentSizeBasedConstraints = [NSLayoutConstraint]()
private var textFieldValueOnBeginEditing: String = ""
@ -573,7 +566,7 @@ private class KeyValueCell: UITableViewCell {
func configureForContentSize() {
var constraints: [NSLayoutConstraint] = []
var constraints = [NSLayoutConstraint]()
if self.traitCollection.preferredContentSizeCategory.isAccessibilityCategory {
// Stack vertically
if !isStackedVertically {
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ class TunnelsListTableViewController: UIViewController {
ErrorPresenter.showErrorAlert(error: error, from: self)
let configs: [TunnelConfiguration?] = result.value!
let configs = result.value!
tunnelsManager.addMultiple(tunnelConfigurations: configs.compactMap { $0 }) { [weak self] numberSuccessful in
if numberSuccessful == configs.count {
@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ enum TunnelsManagerError: WireGuardAppError {
case tunnelActivationFailedInternalError // startTunnel() succeeded, but activation failed
case tunnelActivationFailedNoInternetConnection // startTunnel() succeeded, but activation failed since no internet
func alertText() -> (String, String)? {
//swiftlint:disable:next cyclomatic_complexity
func alertText() -> AlertText {
switch self {
case .tunnelNameEmpty:
return ("No name provided", "Can't create tunnel with an empty name")
@ -46,7 +47,6 @@ enum TunnelsManagerError: WireGuardAppError {
return ("Unable to modify tunnel", "Internal error")
case .vpnSystemErrorOnRemoveTunnel:
return ("Unable to remove tunnel", "Internal error")
case .attemptingActivationWhenTunnelIsNotInactive:
return ("Activation failure", "The tunnel is already active or in the process of being activated")
case .attemptingActivationWhenAnotherTunnelIsOperational(let otherTunnelName):
@ -267,44 +267,41 @@ class TunnelsManager {
private func startObservingTunnelStatuses() {
if statusObservationToken != nil { return }
statusObservationToken = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(
forName: .NEVPNStatusDidChange,
object: nil,
queue: OperationQueue.main) { [weak self] statusChangeNotification in
guard let self = self else { return }
guard let session = statusChangeNotification.object as? NETunnelProviderSession else { return }
guard let tunnelProvider = session.manager as? NETunnelProviderManager else { return }
guard let tunnel = self.tunnels.first(where: { $0.tunnelProvider == tunnelProvider }) else { return }
guard statusObservationToken == nil else { return }
os_log("Tunnel '%{public}@' connection status changed to '%{public}@'",
log: OSLog.default, type: .debug, tunnel.name, "\(tunnel.tunnelProvider.connection.status)")
statusObservationToken = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .NEVPNStatusDidChange, object: nil, queue: OperationQueue.main) { [weak self] statusChangeNotification in
guard let self = self else { return }
guard let session = statusChangeNotification.object as? NETunnelProviderSession else { return }
guard let tunnelProvider = session.manager as? NETunnelProviderManager else { return }
guard let tunnel = self.tunnels.first(where: { $0.tunnelProvider == tunnelProvider }) else { return }
// In case our attempt to start the tunnel, didn't succeed
if tunnel == self.tunnelBeingActivated {
if session.status == .disconnected {
if InternetReachability.currentStatus() == .notReachable {
let error = TunnelsManagerError.tunnelActivationFailedNoInternetConnection
self.activationDelegate?.tunnelActivationFailed(tunnel: tunnel, error: error)
self.tunnelBeingActivated = nil
} else if session.status == .connected {
self.tunnelBeingActivated = nil
os_log("Tunnel '%{public}@' connection status changed to '%{public}@'",
log: OSLog.default, type: .debug, tunnel.name, "\(tunnel.tunnelProvider.connection.status)")
// In case our attempt to start the tunnel, didn't succeed
if tunnel == self.tunnelBeingActivated {
if session.status == .disconnected {
if InternetReachability.currentStatus() == .notReachable {
let error = TunnelsManagerError.tunnelActivationFailedNoInternetConnection
self.activationDelegate?.tunnelActivationFailed(tunnel: tunnel, error: error)
self.tunnelBeingActivated = nil
} else if session.status == .connected {
self.tunnelBeingActivated = nil
// In case we're restarting the tunnel
if (tunnel.status == .restarting) && (session.status == .disconnected || session.status == .disconnecting) {
// Don't change tunnel.status when disconnecting for a restart
if session.status == .disconnected {
self.tunnelBeingActivated = tunnel
tunnel.startActivation { _ in }
// In case we're restarting the tunnel
if (tunnel.status == .restarting) && (session.status == .disconnected || session.status == .disconnecting) {
// Don't change tunnel.status when disconnecting for a restart
if session.status == .disconnected {
self.tunnelBeingActivated = tunnel
tunnel.startActivation { _ in }
// Update tunnel status
@ -2,5 +2,6 @@
// Copyright © 2018 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
protocol WireGuardAppError: Error {
func alertText() -> (/* title */ String, /* message */ String)?
typealias AlertText = (title: String, message: String)
func alertText() -> AlertText
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ enum ZipArchiveError: WireGuardAppError {
case cantOpenOutputZipFileForWriting
case badArchive
func alertText() -> (String, String)? {
func alertText() -> AlertText {
switch self {
case .cantOpenInputZipFile:
return ("Unable to read zip archive", "The zip archive could not be read.")
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class ZipArchive {
static func unarchive(url: URL, requiredFileExtensions: [String]) throws -> [(fileBaseName: String, contents: Data)] {
var results: [(fileBaseName: String, contents: Data)] = []
var results = [(fileBaseName: String, contents: Data)]()
guard let zipFile = unzOpen64(url.path) else {
throw ZipArchiveError.cantOpenInputZipFile
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import UIKit
enum ZipExporterError: WireGuardAppError {
case noTunnelsToExport
func alertText() -> (String, String)? {
func alertText() -> AlertText {
switch self {
case .noTunnelsToExport:
return ("Nothing to export", "There are no tunnels to export")
@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ enum ZipExporterError: WireGuardAppError {
class ZipExporter {
static func exportConfigFiles(tunnelConfigurations: [TunnelConfiguration], to url: URL,
completion: @escaping (WireGuardAppError?) -> Void) {
static func exportConfigFiles(tunnelConfigurations: [TunnelConfiguration], to url: URL, completion: @escaping (WireGuardAppError?) -> Void) {
guard !tunnelConfigurations.isEmpty else {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import UIKit
enum ZipImporterError: WireGuardAppError {
case noTunnelsInZipArchive
func alertText() -> (String, String)? {
func alertText() -> AlertText {
switch self {
case .noTunnelsInZipArchive:
return ("No tunnels in zip archive", "No .conf tunnel files were found inside the zip archive.")
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class DNSResolver {
dispatchGroup.wait() // TODO: Timeout?
var hostnamesWithDnsResolutionFailure: [String] = []
var hostnamesWithDnsResolutionFailure = [String]()
assert(endpoints.count == resolvedEndpoints.count)
for tuple in zip(endpoints, resolvedEndpoints) {
let endpoint = tuple.0
@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ class PacketTunnelProvider: NEPacketTunnelProvider {
/// Begin the process of establishing the tunnel.
override func startTunnel(options: [String: NSObject]?,
completionHandler startTunnelCompletionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
override func startTunnel(options: [String: NSObject]?, completionHandler startTunnelCompletionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
guard let tunnelProviderProtocol = self.protocolConfiguration as? NETunnelProviderProtocol,
let tunnelConfiguration = tunnelProviderProtocol.tunnelConfiguration() else {
@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ class PacketTunnelProvider: NEPacketTunnelProvider {
// Resolve endpoint domains
let endpoints = tunnelConfiguration.peers.map { $0.endpoint }
var resolvedEndpoints: [Endpoint?] = []
var resolvedEndpoints = [Endpoint?]()
do {
resolvedEndpoints = try DNSResolver.resolveSync(endpoints: endpoints)
} catch DNSResolverError.dnsResolutionFailed(let hostnames) {
@ -60,16 +60,13 @@ class PacketTunnelSettingsGenerator {
func generateNetworkSettings() -> NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings {
// Remote address
/* iOS requires a tunnel endpoint, whereas in WireGuard it's valid for
* a tunnel to have no endpoint, or for there to be many endpoints, in
* which case, displaying a single one in settings doesn't really
* make sense. So, we fill it in with this placeholder, which is not
* a valid IP address that will actually route over the Internet.
var remoteAddress: String = ""
var remoteAddress = ""
let endpointsCompact = resolvedEndpoints.compactMap { $0 }
if endpointsCompact.count == 1 {
switch endpointsCompact.first!.host {
@ -84,15 +81,11 @@ class PacketTunnelSettingsGenerator {
let networkSettings = NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings(tunnelRemoteAddress: remoteAddress)
// DNS
let dnsServerStrings = tunnelConfiguration.interface.dns.map { $0.stringRepresentation() }
let dnsSettings = NEDNSSettings(servers: dnsServerStrings)
dnsSettings.matchDomains = [""] // All DNS queries must first go through the VPN's DNS
networkSettings.dnsSettings = dnsSettings
// MTU
let mtu = tunnelConfiguration.interface.mtu ?? 0
if mtu == 0 {
// 0 imples automatic MTU, where we set overhead as 80 bytes, which is the worst case for WireGuard
@ -101,103 +94,24 @@ class PacketTunnelSettingsGenerator {
networkSettings.mtu = NSNumber(value: mtu)
// Addresses from interface addresses
let (ipv4Routes, ipv6Routes) = routes()
let (ipv4IncludedRoutes, ipv6IncludedRoutes) = includedRoutes()
let (ipv4ExcludedRoutes, ipv6ExcludedRoutes) = excludedRoutes()
var ipv4Addresses: [String] = []
var ipv4SubnetMasks: [String] = []
var ipv6Addresses: [String] = []
var ipv6NetworkPrefixLengths: [NSNumber] = []
for addressRange in tunnelConfiguration.interface.addresses {
if addressRange.address is IPv4Address {
ipv4SubnetMasks.append(PacketTunnelSettingsGenerator.ipv4SubnetMaskString(of: addressRange))
} else if addressRange.address is IPv6Address {
ipv6NetworkPrefixLengths.append(NSNumber(value: addressRange.networkPrefixLength))
// Included routes from AllowedIPs
var ipv4IncludedRouteAddresses: [String] = []
var ipv4IncludedRouteSubnetMasks: [String] = []
var ipv6IncludedRouteAddresses: [String] = []
var ipv6IncludedRouteNetworkPrefixLengths: [NSNumber] = []
for peer in tunnelConfiguration.peers {
for addressRange in peer.allowedIPs {
if addressRange.address is IPv4Address {
ipv4IncludedRouteSubnetMasks.append(PacketTunnelSettingsGenerator.ipv4SubnetMaskString(of: addressRange))
} else if addressRange.address is IPv6Address {
ipv6IncludedRouteNetworkPrefixLengths.append(NSNumber(value: addressRange.networkPrefixLength))
// Excluded routes from endpoints
var ipv4ExcludedRouteAddresses: [String] = []
var ipv4ExcludedRouteSubnetMasks: [String] = []
var ipv6ExcludedRouteAddresses: [String] = []
var ipv6ExcludedRouteNetworkPrefixLengths: [NSNumber] = []
for endpoint in resolvedEndpoints {
guard let endpoint = endpoint else { continue }
switch endpoint.host {
case .ipv4(let address):
ipv4ExcludedRouteSubnetMasks.append("") // A single IPv4 address
case .ipv6(let address):
ipv6ExcludedRouteNetworkPrefixLengths.append(NSNumber(value: UInt8(128))) // A single IPv6 address
// Apply IPv4 settings
let ipv4Settings = NEIPv4Settings(addresses: ipv4Addresses, subnetMasks: ipv4SubnetMasks)
assert(ipv4IncludedRouteAddresses.count == ipv4IncludedRouteSubnetMasks.count)
ipv4Settings.includedRoutes = zip(ipv4IncludedRouteAddresses, ipv4IncludedRouteSubnetMasks).map {
NEIPv4Route(destinationAddress: $0.0, subnetMask: $0.1)
assert(ipv4ExcludedRouteAddresses.count == ipv4ExcludedRouteSubnetMasks.count)
ipv4Settings.excludedRoutes = zip(ipv4ExcludedRouteAddresses, ipv4ExcludedRouteSubnetMasks).map {
NEIPv4Route(destinationAddress: $0.0, subnetMask: $0.1)
let ipv4Settings = NEIPv4Settings(addresses: ipv4Routes.map { $0.destinationAddress }, subnetMasks: ipv4Routes.map { $0.destinationSubnetMask })
ipv4Settings.includedRoutes = ipv4IncludedRoutes
ipv4Settings.excludedRoutes = ipv4ExcludedRoutes
networkSettings.ipv4Settings = ipv4Settings
// Apply IPv6 settings
/* Big fat ugly hack for broken iOS networking stack: the smallest prefix that will have
* any effect on iOS is a /120, so we clamp everything above to /120. This is potentially
* very bad, if various network parameters were actually relying on that subnet being
* intentionally small. TODO: talk about this with upstream iOS devs.
let ipv6Settings = NEIPv6Settings(addresses: ipv6Addresses, networkPrefixLengths: ipv6NetworkPrefixLengths.map { NSNumber(value: min(120, $0.intValue)) })
assert(ipv6IncludedRouteAddresses.count == ipv6IncludedRouteNetworkPrefixLengths.count)
ipv6Settings.includedRoutes = zip(ipv6IncludedRouteAddresses, ipv6IncludedRouteNetworkPrefixLengths).map {
NEIPv6Route(destinationAddress: $0.0, networkPrefixLength: $0.1)
assert(ipv6ExcludedRouteAddresses.count == ipv6ExcludedRouteNetworkPrefixLengths.count)
ipv6Settings.excludedRoutes = zip(ipv6ExcludedRouteAddresses, ipv6ExcludedRouteNetworkPrefixLengths).map {
NEIPv6Route(destinationAddress: $0.0, networkPrefixLength: $0.1)
let ipv6Settings = NEIPv6Settings(addresses: ipv6Routes.map { $0.destinationAddress }, networkPrefixLengths: ipv6Routes.map { $0.destinationNetworkPrefixLength })
ipv6Settings.includedRoutes = ipv6IncludedRoutes
ipv6Settings.excludedRoutes = ipv6ExcludedRoutes
networkSettings.ipv6Settings = ipv6Settings
// Done
return networkSettings
static func ipv4SubnetMaskString(of addressRange: IPAddressRange) -> String {
private func ipv4SubnetMaskString(of addressRange: IPAddressRange) -> String {
let length: UInt8 = addressRange.networkPrefixLength
assert(length <= 32)
var octets: [UInt8] = [0, 0, 0, 0]
@ -208,6 +122,57 @@ class PacketTunnelSettingsGenerator {
octets[3] = UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: subnetMask)
return octets.map { String($0) }.joined(separator: ".")
private func routes() -> ([NEIPv4Route], [NEIPv6Route]) {
var ipv4Routes = [NEIPv4Route]()
var ipv6Routes = [NEIPv6Route]()
for addressRange in tunnelConfiguration.interface.addresses {
if addressRange.address is IPv4Address {
ipv4Routes.append(NEIPv4Route(destinationAddress: "\(addressRange.address)", subnetMask: ipv4SubnetMaskString(of: addressRange)))
} else if addressRange.address is IPv6Address {
/* Big fat ugly hack for broken iOS networking stack: the smallest prefix that will have
* any effect on iOS is a /120, so we clamp everything above to /120. This is potentially
* very bad, if various network parameters were actually relying on that subnet being
* intentionally small. TODO: talk about this with upstream iOS devs.
ipv6Routes.append(NEIPv6Route(destinationAddress: "\(addressRange.address)", networkPrefixLength: NSNumber(value: min(120, addressRange.networkPrefixLength))))
return (ipv4Routes, ipv6Routes)
private func includedRoutes() -> ([NEIPv4Route], [NEIPv6Route]) {
var ipv4IncludedRoutes = [NEIPv4Route]()
var ipv6IncludedRoutes = [NEIPv6Route]()
for peer in tunnelConfiguration.peers {
for addressRange in peer.allowedIPs {
if addressRange.address is IPv4Address {
ipv4IncludedRoutes.append(NEIPv4Route(destinationAddress: "\(addressRange.address)", subnetMask: ipv4SubnetMaskString(of: addressRange)))
} else if addressRange.address is IPv6Address {
ipv6IncludedRoutes.append(NEIPv6Route(destinationAddress: "\(addressRange.address)", networkPrefixLength: NSNumber(value: addressRange.networkPrefixLength)))
return (ipv4IncludedRoutes, ipv6IncludedRoutes)
private func excludedRoutes() -> ([NEIPv4Route], [NEIPv6Route]) {
var ipv4ExcludedRoutes = [NEIPv4Route]()
var ipv6ExcludedRoutes = [NEIPv6Route]()
for endpoint in resolvedEndpoints {
guard let endpoint = endpoint else { continue }
switch endpoint.host {
case .ipv4(let address):
ipv4ExcludedRoutes.append(NEIPv4Route(destinationAddress: "\(address)", subnetMask: ""))
case .ipv6(let address):
ipv6ExcludedRoutes.append(NEIPv6Route(destinationAddress: "\(address)", networkPrefixLength: NSNumber(value: UInt8(128))))
return (ipv4ExcludedRoutes, ipv6ExcludedRoutes)
private extension Data {
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