mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 12:52:06 +00:00
Tunnel creation: Validate the data and prepare to save to a configuration
Signed-off-by: Roopesh Chander <roop@roopc.net>
This commit is contained in:
@ -52,30 +52,206 @@ class TunnelEditTableViewController: UITableViewController {
class InterfaceData {
var scratchpad: [InterfaceEditField: String] = [:]
var fieldsWithError: Set<InterfaceEditField> = []
var validatedConfiguration: InterfaceConfiguration? = nil
subscript(field: InterfaceEditField) -> String {
get {
ensureScratchpadIsPrepared() // When starting to read a config, setup the scratchpad to serve as a cache
return scratchpad[field] ?? ""
set(stringValue) {
scratchpad[field] = stringValue
ensureScratchpadIsPrepared() // When starting to edit a config, setup the scratchpad
validatedConfiguration = nil // The configuration will need to be revalidated
if (stringValue.isEmpty) {
scratchpad.removeValue(forKey: field)
} else {
scratchpad[field] = stringValue
func ensureScratchpadIsPrepared() {
guard (scratchpad.isEmpty) else { return } // Already prepared
guard let config = validatedConfiguration else { return } // Nothing to prepare it with
scratchpad[.name] = config.name
scratchpad[.privateKey] = config.privateKey.base64EncodedString()
if (!config.addresses.isEmpty) {
scratchpad[.addresses] = config.addresses.map { $0.stringRepresentation() }.joined(separator: ", ")
if let listenPort = config.listenPort {
scratchpad[.listenPort] = String(listenPort)
if let mtu = config.mtu {
scratchpad[.mtu] = String(mtu)
if let dns = config.dns {
scratchpad[.dns] = String(dns)
func validate() -> (success: Bool, errorMessage: String) {
var firstErrorMessage: String? = nil
func setErrorMessage(_ errorMessage: String) {
if (firstErrorMessage == nil) {
firstErrorMessage = errorMessage
guard let name = scratchpad[.name] else {
return(false, "Interface name is required")
guard let privateKeyString = scratchpad[.privateKey] else {
return (false, "Interface's private key is required")
guard let privateKey = Data(base64Encoded: privateKeyString), privateKey.count == 32 else {
return(false, "Interface's private key should be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding")
var config = InterfaceConfiguration(name: name, privateKey: privateKey)
if let addressesString = scratchpad[.addresses] {
var addresses: [IPAddressRange] = []
for addressString in addressesString.split(separator: ",") {
let trimmedString = addressString.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines)
if let address = IPAddressRange(from: trimmedString) {
} else {
setErrorMessage("Interface addresses should be a list of comma-separated IP addresses in CIDR notation")
config.addresses = addresses
if let listenPortString = scratchpad[.listenPort] {
if let listenPort = UInt64(listenPortString) {
config.listenPort = listenPort
} else {
setErrorMessage("Interface's listen port should be a number")
if let mtuString = scratchpad[.mtu] {
if let mtu = UInt64(mtuString) {
config.mtu = mtu
} else {
setErrorMessage("Interface's MTU should be a number")
// TODO: Validate DNS
if let dnsString = scratchpad[.dns] {
config.dns = dnsString
if let firstErrorMessage = firstErrorMessage {
return (false, firstErrorMessage)
validatedConfiguration = config
return (true, "")
class PeerData {
var index: Int
var scratchpad: [PeerEditField: String] = [:]
var fieldsWithError: Set<PeerEditField> = []
var validatedConfiguration: PeerConfiguration? = nil
init(index: Int) {
self.index = index
subscript(field: PeerEditField) -> String {
get {
ensureScratchpadIsPrepared() // When starting to read a config, setup the scratchpad to serve as a cache
return scratchpad[field] ?? ""
set(stringValue) {
scratchpad[field] = stringValue
ensureScratchpadIsPrepared() // When starting to edit a config, setup the scratchpad
validatedConfiguration = nil // The configuration will need to be revalidated
if (stringValue.isEmpty) {
scratchpad.removeValue(forKey: field)
} else {
scratchpad[field] = stringValue
func ensureScratchpadIsPrepared() {
guard (scratchpad.isEmpty) else { return }
guard let config = validatedConfiguration else { return }
scratchpad[.publicKey] = config.publicKey.base64EncodedString()
if let preSharedKey = config.preSharedKey {
scratchpad[.preSharedKey] = preSharedKey.base64EncodedString()
if (!config.allowedIPs.isEmpty) {
scratchpad[.allowedIPs] = config.allowedIPs.map { $0.stringRepresentation() }.joined(separator: ", ")
if let endpoint = config.endpoint {
scratchpad[.endpoint] = endpoint.stringRepresentation()
if let persistentKeepAlive = config.persistentKeepAlive {
scratchpad[.persistentKeepAlive] = String(persistentKeepAlive)
func validate() -> (success: Bool, errorMessage: String) {
var firstErrorMessage: String? = nil
func setErrorMessage(_ errorMessage: String) {
if (firstErrorMessage == nil) {
firstErrorMessage = errorMessage
guard let publicKeyString = scratchpad[.publicKey] else {
return (success: false, errorMessage: "Peer's public key is required")
guard let publicKey = Data(base64Encoded: publicKeyString), publicKey.count == 32 else {
return (success: false, errorMessage: "Peer's public key should be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding")
var config = PeerConfiguration(publicKey: publicKey)
if let preSharedKeyString = scratchpad[.publicKey] {
if let preSharedKey = Data(base64Encoded: preSharedKeyString), preSharedKey.count == 32 {
config.preSharedKey = preSharedKey
} else {
setErrorMessage("Peer's pre-shared key should be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding")
if let allowedIPsString = scratchpad[.allowedIPs] {
var allowedIPs: [IPAddressRange] = []
for allowedIPString in allowedIPsString.split(separator: ",") {
let trimmedString = allowedIPString.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines)
if let allowedIP = IPAddressRange(from: trimmedString) {
} else {
setErrorMessage("Peer's allowedIPs should be a list of comma-separated IP addresses in CIDR notation")
config.allowedIPs = allowedIPs
if let endpointString = scratchpad[.endpoint] {
if let endpoint = Endpoint(from: endpointString) {
config.endpoint = endpoint
} else {
setErrorMessage("Peer's endpoint should be of the form 'host:port' or '[host]:port'")
if let persistentKeepAliveString = scratchpad[.persistentKeepAlive] {
if let persistentKeepAlive = UInt64(persistentKeepAliveString) {
config.persistentKeepAlive = persistentKeepAlive
} else {
setErrorMessage("Peer's persistent keepalive should be a number")
if let firstErrorMessage = firstErrorMessage {
return (false, firstErrorMessage)
validatedConfiguration = config
scratchpad = [:]
return (true, "")
var interfaceData: InterfaceData
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