Model: Endpoint host should not have invalid characters

Signed-off-by: Roopesh Chander <>
This commit is contained in:
Roopesh Chander 2018-10-23 16:14:10 +05:30
parent b2f2756d9c
commit bcf8abb1de

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@ -23,26 +23,29 @@ extension Endpoint {
// Separation of host and port is based on 'parse_endpoint' function in
guard (!string.isEmpty) else { return nil }
let startOfPort: String.Index
let hostString: String
if (string.first! == "[") {
// Look for IPv6-style endpoint, like [::1]:80
let startOfHost = string.index(after: string.startIndex)
guard let endOfHost = string.dropFirst().firstIndex(of: "]") else { return nil }
let afterEndOfHost = string.index(after: endOfHost)
guard (string[afterEndOfHost] == ":") else { return nil }
let startOfPort = string.index(after: afterEndOfHost)
let hostString = String(string[startOfHost ..< endOfHost])
guard let endpointPort = NWEndpoint.Port(String(string[startOfPort ..< string.endIndex])) else { return nil }
host = NWEndpoint.Host(hostString)
port = endpointPort
startOfPort = string.index(after: afterEndOfHost)
hostString = String(string[startOfHost ..< endOfHost])
} else {
// Look for an IPv4-style endpoint, like
guard let endOfHost = string.firstIndex(of: ":") else { return nil }
let startOfPort = string.index(after: endOfHost)
let hostString = String(string[string.startIndex ..< endOfHost])
guard let endpointPort = NWEndpoint.Port(String(string[startOfPort ..< string.endIndex])) else { return nil }
host = NWEndpoint.Host(hostString)
port = endpointPort
startOfPort = string.index(after: endOfHost)
hostString = String(string[string.startIndex ..< endOfHost])
guard let endpointPort = NWEndpoint.Port(String(string[startOfPort ..< string.endIndex])) else { return nil }
let invalidCharacterIndex = hostString.unicodeScalars.firstIndex { (c) -> Bool in
return !CharacterSet.urlHostAllowed.contains(c)
guard (invalidCharacterIndex == nil) else { return nil }
host = NWEndpoint.Host(hostString)
port = endpointPort
func stringRepresentation() -> String {
switch (host) {