mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 10:52:03 +00:00
iOS: Refactor importFromFile
So that it can be used in macOS as well
This commit is contained in:
@ -107,6 +107,10 @@
6FB1BDDA21D5170800A991BF /* NetworkExtension.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6FB1BDB621D4F8B800A991BF /* NetworkExtension.framework */; };
6FBA101521D613F90051C35F /* Application.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6FBA101321D613F30051C35F /* Application.swift */; };
6FBA101821D656000051C35F /* StatusMenu.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6FBA101621D655340051C35F /* StatusMenu.swift */; };
6FBA103B21D6B4290051C35F /* ErrorPresenterProtocol.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6FBA103A21D6B4280051C35F /* ErrorPresenterProtocol.swift */; };
6FBA103E21D6B6D70051C35F /* TunnelImporter.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6FBA103D21D6B6D70051C35F /* TunnelImporter.swift */; };
6FBA103F21D6B6FF0051C35F /* TunnelImporter.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6FBA103D21D6B6D70051C35F /* TunnelImporter.swift */; };
6FBA104021D6B7040051C35F /* ErrorPresenterProtocol.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6FBA103A21D6B4280051C35F /* ErrorPresenterProtocol.swift */; };
6FDEF7E421846C1A00D8FBF6 /* libwg-go.a in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6FDEF7E321846C1A00D8FBF6 /* libwg-go.a */; };
6FDEF7E62185EFB200D8FBF6 /* QRScanViewController.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6FDEF7E52185EFAF00D8FBF6 /* QRScanViewController.swift */; };
6FDEF7FB21863B6100D8FBF6 /* unzip.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6FDEF7F621863B6100D8FBF6 /* unzip.c */; };
@ -250,6 +254,8 @@
6FB1BDB621D4F8B800A991BF /* NetworkExtension.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = NetworkExtension.framework; path = Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.14.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/NetworkExtension.framework; sourceTree = DEVELOPER_DIR; };
6FBA101321D613F30051C35F /* Application.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = Application.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
6FBA101621D655340051C35F /* StatusMenu.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = StatusMenu.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
6FBA103A21D6B4280051C35F /* ErrorPresenterProtocol.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = ErrorPresenterProtocol.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
6FBA103D21D6B6D70051C35F /* TunnelImporter.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = TunnelImporter.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
6FDEF7E321846C1A00D8FBF6 /* libwg-go.a */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = archive.ar; path = "libwg-go.a"; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
6FDEF7E52185EFAF00D8FBF6 /* QRScanViewController.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = QRScanViewController.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
6FDEF7F621863B6100D8FBF6 /* unzip.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; path = unzip.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@ -383,6 +389,8 @@
6FB1BD5E21D2607A00A991BF /* macOS */,
6F7774DE217181B1006A79B3 /* iOS */,
6F628C3C217F09E9003482A3 /* TunnelViewModel.swift */,
6FBA103D21D6B6D70051C35F /* TunnelImporter.swift */,
6FBA103A21D6B4280051C35F /* ErrorPresenterProtocol.swift */,
path = UI;
sourceTree = "<group>";
@ -1022,12 +1030,14 @@
6FB1BDBB21D50F0200A991BF /* Localizable.strings in Sources */,
6FB1BDBC21D50F0200A991BF /* ringlogger.c in Sources */,
6FB1BDBD21D50F0200A991BF /* ringlogger.h in Sources */,
6FBA103F21D6B6FF0051C35F /* TunnelImporter.swift in Sources */,
6FB1BDBE21D50F0200A991BF /* Logger.swift in Sources */,
6FB1BDBF21D50F0200A991BF /* TunnelConfiguration+WgQuickConfig.swift in Sources */,
6FB1BDC021D50F0200A991BF /* NETunnelProviderProtocol+Extension.swift in Sources */,
6FBA101821D656000051C35F /* StatusMenu.swift in Sources */,
6FB1BDC121D50F0200A991BF /* String+ArrayConversion.swift in Sources */,
6FB1BDC221D50F0300A991BF /* LegacyConfigMigration.swift in Sources */,
6FBA104021D6B7040051C35F /* ErrorPresenterProtocol.swift in Sources */,
6FB1BDC321D50F0300A991BF /* TunnelConfiguration.swift in Sources */,
6FB1BDC421D50F0300A991BF /* IPAddressRange.swift in Sources */,
6FB1BDC521D50F0300A991BF /* Endpoint.swift in Sources */,
@ -1090,6 +1100,7 @@
6F628C3D217F09E9003482A3 /* TunnelViewModel.swift in Sources */,
5F4541A621C4449E00994C13 /* ButtonCell.swift in Sources */,
5F45419821C2D60500994C13 /* KeyValueCell.swift in Sources */,
6FBA103E21D6B6D70051C35F /* TunnelImporter.swift in Sources */,
6F919EC3218A2AE90023B400 /* ErrorPresenter.swift in Sources */,
5F9696AA21CD6AE6008063FE /* LegacyConfigMigration.swift in Sources */,
6F5A2B4821AFF49A0081EDD8 /* FileManager+Extension.swift in Sources */,
@ -1104,6 +1115,7 @@
6F628C41217F47DB003482A3 /* TunnelDetailTableViewController.swift in Sources */,
6F61F1EB21B937EF00483816 /* WireGuardResult.swift in Sources */,
6F7774F321774263006A79B3 /* TunnelEditTableViewController.swift in Sources */,
6FBA103B21D6B4290051C35F /* ErrorPresenterProtocol.swift in Sources */,
6FDEF802218646BA00D8FBF6 /* ZipArchive.swift in Sources */,
5F45419021C2D53800994C13 /* SwitchCell.swift in Sources */,
6FB1017921C57DE600766195 /* MockTunnels.swift in Sources */,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright © 2018 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
protocol ErrorPresenterProtocol {
static func showErrorAlert(title: String, message: String, from sourceVC: AnyObject?, onPresented: (() -> Void)?, onDismissal: (() -> Void)?)
extension ErrorPresenterProtocol {
static func showErrorAlert(title: String, message: String, from sourceVC: AnyObject?, onPresented: (() -> Void)?) {
showErrorAlert(title: title, message: message, from: sourceVC, onPresented: onPresented, onDismissal: nil)
static func showErrorAlert(title: String, message: String, from sourceVC: AnyObject?, onDismissal: (() -> Void)?) {
showErrorAlert(title: title, message: message, from: sourceVC, onPresented: nil, onDismissal: onDismissal)
static func showErrorAlert(title: String, message: String, from sourceVC: AnyObject?) {
showErrorAlert(title: title, message: message, from: sourceVC, onPresented: nil, onDismissal: nil)
static func showErrorAlert(error: WireGuardAppError, from sourceVC: AnyObject?, onPresented: (() -> Void)? = nil, onDismissal: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
let (title, message) = error.alertText
showErrorAlert(title: title, message: message, from: sourceVC, onPresented: onPresented, onDismissal: onDismissal)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright © 2018 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
import Foundation
class TunnelImporter {
static func importFromFile(url: URL, into tunnelsManager: TunnelsManager, sourceVC: AnyObject?, errorPresenterType: ErrorPresenterProtocol.Type, completionHandler: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
if url.pathExtension == "zip" {
ZipImporter.importConfigFiles(from: url) { result in
if let error = result.error {
errorPresenterType.showErrorAlert(error: error, from: sourceVC)
let configs = result.value!
tunnelsManager.addMultiple(tunnelConfigurations: configs.compactMap { $0 }) { numberSuccessful in
if numberSuccessful == configs.count {
let title = tr(format: "alertImportedFromZipTitle (%d)", numberSuccessful)
let message = tr(format: "alertImportedFromZipMessage (%1$d of %2$d)", numberSuccessful, configs.count)
errorPresenterType.showErrorAlert(title: title, message: message, from: sourceVC, onPresented: completionHandler)
} else /* if (url.pathExtension == "conf") -- we assume everything else is a conf */ {
let fileBaseName = url.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
if let fileContents = try? String(contentsOf: url),
let tunnelConfiguration = try? TunnelConfiguration(fromWgQuickConfig: fileContents, called: fileBaseName) {
tunnelsManager.add(tunnelConfiguration: tunnelConfiguration) { result in
if let error = result.error {
errorPresenterType.showErrorAlert(error: error, from: sourceVC, onPresented: completionHandler)
} else {
} else {
errorPresenterType.showErrorAlert(title: tr("alertUnableToImportTitle"), message: tr("alertUnableToImportMessage"),
from: sourceVC, onPresented: completionHandler)
@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey: Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
mainVC?.tunnelsListVC?.importFromFile(url: url) {
guard let tunnelsManager = mainVC?.tunnelsManager else { return true }
TunnelImporter.importFromFile(url: url, into: tunnelsManager, sourceVC: mainVC, errorPresenterType: ErrorPresenter.self) {
_ = FileManager.deleteFile(at: url)
return true
@ -4,14 +4,9 @@
import UIKit
import os.log
class ErrorPresenter {
static func showErrorAlert(error: WireGuardAppError, from sourceVC: UIViewController?, onPresented: (() -> Void)? = nil, onDismissal: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
let (title, message) = error.alertText
showErrorAlert(title: title, message: message, from: sourceVC, onPresented: onPresented, onDismissal: onDismissal)
static func showErrorAlert(title: String, message: String, from sourceVC: UIViewController?, onPresented: (() -> Void)? = nil, onDismissal: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
guard let sourceVC = sourceVC else { return }
class ErrorPresenter: ErrorPresenterProtocol {
static func showErrorAlert(title: String, message: String, from sourceVC: AnyObject?, onPresented: (() -> Void)?, onDismissal: (() -> Void)?) {
guard let sourceVC = sourceVC as? UIViewController else { return }
let okAction = UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default) { _ in
@ -157,49 +157,13 @@ class TunnelsListTableViewController: UIViewController {
scanQRCodeNC.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
present(scanQRCodeNC, animated: true)
func importFromFile(url: URL, completionHandler: (() -> Void)?) {
guard let tunnelsManager = tunnelsManager else { return }
if url.pathExtension == "zip" {
ZipImporter.importConfigFiles(from: url) { [weak self] result in
if let error = result.error {
ErrorPresenter.showErrorAlert(error: error, from: self)
let configs = result.value!
tunnelsManager.addMultiple(tunnelConfigurations: configs.compactMap { $0 }) { [weak self] numberSuccessful in
if numberSuccessful == configs.count {
let title = tr(format: "alertImportedFromZipTitle (%d)", numberSuccessful)
let message = tr(format: "alertImportedFromZipMessage (%1$d of %2$d)", numberSuccessful, configs.count)
ErrorPresenter.showErrorAlert(title: title, message: message, from: self, onPresented: completionHandler)
} else /* if (url.pathExtension == "conf") -- we assume everything else is a conf */ {
let fileBaseName = url.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
if let fileContents = try? String(contentsOf: url),
let tunnelConfiguration = try? TunnelConfiguration(fromWgQuickConfig: fileContents, called: fileBaseName) {
tunnelsManager.add(tunnelConfiguration: tunnelConfiguration) { [weak self] result in
if let error = result.error {
ErrorPresenter.showErrorAlert(error: error, from: self, onPresented: completionHandler)
} else {
} else {
ErrorPresenter.showErrorAlert(title: tr("alertUnableToImportTitle"), message: tr("alertUnableToImportMessage"),
from: self, onPresented: completionHandler)
extension TunnelsListTableViewController: UIDocumentPickerDelegate {
func documentPicker(_ controller: UIDocumentPickerViewController, didPickDocumentsAt urls: [URL]) {
urls.forEach {
importFromFile(url: $0, completionHandler: nil)
guard let tunnelsManager = tunnelsManager else { return }
urls.forEach { url in
TunnelImporter.importFromFile(url: url, into: tunnelsManager, sourceVC: self, errorPresenterType: ErrorPresenter.self)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user