Key: Constant time encoding

This commit is contained in:
Jason A. Donenfeld 2019-02-08 00:44:14 +01:00
parent 443ecb1e20
commit e2c717212b
9 changed files with 207 additions and 62 deletions

View File

@ -22,3 +22,6 @@ cyclomatic_complexity:
error: 25
warning: 45
warning: 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright © 2018-2019 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
import Foundation
extension Data {
func isKey() -> Bool {
return self.count == 32
func hexKey() -> String? {
if self.count != 32 {
return nil
var nibble1, nibble2: UInt
var hex: [UInt8] = Array(repeating: 0, count: 64)
for i in 0..<32 {
let n = UInt(self[i])
nibble1 = 87 + (n >> 4)
nibble1 += (((UInt(bitPattern: Int(n >> 4) - 10)) >> 8) & 217)
nibble2 = 87 + (n & 0xf)
nibble2 += (((UInt(bitPattern: Int(n & 0xf) - 10)) >> 8) & 217)
hex[i * 2] = UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: nibble1)
hex[i * 2 + 1] = UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: nibble2)
return String(bytes: hex, encoding: .ascii)
private func decodeHex(c: UInt8) -> (UInt8, UInt8) {
var alpha0, alpha, num0, num, val, ret: UInt8
num = c ^ 48
num0 = UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: UInt(bitPattern: Int(num) - 10) >> 8)
alpha = UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: Int(c & 223) - 55)
alpha0 = UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: (UInt(bitPattern: Int(alpha) - 10) ^ UInt(bitPattern: Int(alpha) - 16)) >> 8)
ret = UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: UInt(bitPattern: Int(num0 | alpha0) - 1) >> 8)
val = (num0 & num) | (alpha0 & alpha)
return (val, ret)
init?(hexKey hexString: String) {
let hex = [UInt8](hexString.utf8)
if hex.count != 64 {
return nil
self.init(repeating: 0, count: 32)
var ret: UInt8 = 0
for i in stride(from: 0, to: 64, by: 2) {
var v1, v2, r: UInt8
(v1, r) = decodeHex(c: hex[i])
ret |= r
(v2, r) = decodeHex(c: hex[i + 1])
ret |= r
self[i / 2] = (v1 << 4) | v2
if 1 & (UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: Int(ret) - 1) >> 8) != 0 {
return nil
private func encodeBase64<T: RandomAccessCollection>(dest: inout ArraySlice<UInt8>, src: T) where T.Index == Int, T.Element == UInt8 {
let a = Int((src[src.startIndex + 0] >> 2) & 63)
let b = Int(((src[src.startIndex + 0] << 4) | (src[src.startIndex + 1] >> 4)) & 63)
let c = Int(((src[src.startIndex + 1] << 2) | (src[src.startIndex + 2] >> 6)) & 63)
let d = Int(src[src.startIndex + 2] & 63)
for (i, x) in [a, b, c, d].enumerated() {
var y: Int = x + 65
y += ((25 - x) >> 8) & 6
y -= ((51 - x) >> 8) & 75
y -= ((61 - x) >> 8) & 15
y += ((62 - x) >> 8) & 3
dest[dest.startIndex + i] = UInt8(y)
func base64Key() -> String? {
if self.count != 32 {
return nil
var base64: [UInt8] = Array(repeating: 0, count: 44)
for i in 0..<(32 / 3) {
encodeBase64(dest: &base64[(i * 4)..<(i * 4 + 4)], src: self[(i * 3)..<(i * 3 + 3)])
encodeBase64(dest: &base64[40..<44], src: [self[30], self[31], 0])
base64[43] = 61
return String(bytes: base64, encoding: .ascii)
private func decodeBase64<T: RandomAccessCollection>(src: T) -> Int where T.Index == Int, T.Element == UInt8 {
var val: Int = 0
for i in 0..<4 {
let n = Int(src[src.startIndex + i])
var a: Int = -1
var b: Int
b = ((((65 - 1) - n) & (n - (90 + 1))) >> 8)
a += b & (n - 64)
b = ((((97 - 1) - n) & (n - (122 + 1))) >> 8)
a += b & (n - 70)
b = ((((48 - 1) - n) & (n - (57 + 1))) >> 8)
a += b & (n + 5)
b = ((((43 - 1) - n) & (n - (43 + 1))) >> 8)
a += b & 63
b = ((((47 - 1) - n) & (n - (47 + 1))) >> 8)
a += b & 64
val |= a << (18 - 6 * i)
return val
init?(base64Key base64String: String) {
let base64 = [UInt8](base64String.utf8)
if base64.count != 44 || base64[43] != 61 {
return nil
self.init(repeating: 0, count: 32)
var ret: UInt8 = 0
var val: Int
for i in 0..<(32/3) {
val = decodeBase64(src: base64[(i * 4)..<(i * 4 + 4)])
ret |= UInt8(UInt32(val) >> UInt32(31))
self[i * 3 + 0] = UInt8((val >> 16) & 0xff)
self[i * 3 + 1] = UInt8((val >> 8) & 0xff)
self[i * 3 + 2] = UInt8(val & 0xff)
val = decodeBase64(src: [base64[40], base64[41], base64[42], 65])
ret |= UInt8((UInt32(val) >> 31) | UInt32(val & 0xff))
self[30] = UInt8((val >> 16) & 0xff)
self[31] = UInt8((val >> 8) & 0xff)
if 1 & (UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: Int(ret) - 1) >> 8) != 0 {
return nil

View File

@ -126,7 +126,9 @@ extension TunnelConfiguration {
func asWgQuickConfig() -> String {
var output = "[Interface]\n"
output.append("PrivateKey = \(interface.privateKey.base64EncodedString())\n")
if let privateKey = interface.privateKey.base64Key() {
output.append("PrivateKey = \(privateKey)\n")
if let listenPort = interface.listenPort {
output.append("ListenPort = \(listenPort)\n")
@ -144,9 +146,11 @@ extension TunnelConfiguration {
for peer in peers {
output.append("PublicKey = \(peer.publicKey.base64EncodedString())\n")
if let preSharedKey = peer.preSharedKey {
output.append("PresharedKey = \(preSharedKey.base64EncodedString())\n")
if let publicKey = peer.publicKey.base64Key() {
output.append("PublicKey = \(publicKey)\n")
if let preSharedKey = peer.preSharedKey?.base64Key {
output.append("PresharedKey = \(preSharedKey)\n")
if !peer.allowedIPs.isEmpty {
let allowedIPsString = { $0.stringRepresentation }.joined(separator: ", ")
@ -168,7 +172,7 @@ extension TunnelConfiguration {
guard let privateKeyString = attributes["privatekey"] else {
throw ParseError.interfaceHasNoPrivateKey
guard let privateKey = Data(base64Encoded: privateKeyString), privateKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else {
guard let privateKey = Data(base64Key: privateKeyString), privateKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else {
throw ParseError.interfaceHasInvalidPrivateKey(privateKeyString)
var interface = InterfaceConfiguration(privateKey: privateKey)
@ -212,12 +216,12 @@ extension TunnelConfiguration {
guard let publicKeyString = attributes["publickey"] else {
throw ParseError.peerHasNoPublicKey
guard let publicKey = Data(base64Encoded: publicKeyString), publicKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else {
guard let publicKey = Data(base64Key: publicKeyString), publicKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else {
throw ParseError.peerHasInvalidPublicKey(publicKeyString)
var peer = PeerConfiguration(publicKey: publicKey)
if let preSharedKeyString = attributes["presharedkey"] {
guard let preSharedKey = Data(base64Encoded: preSharedKeyString), preSharedKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else {
guard let preSharedKey = Data(base64Key: preSharedKeyString), preSharedKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else {
throw ParseError.peerHasInvalidPreSharedKey(preSharedKeyString)
peer.preSharedKey = preSharedKey

View File

@ -29,6 +29,10 @@
5FF7B96521CC95FA00A7DD74 /* PeerConfiguration.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 5FF7B96421CC95FA00A7DD74 /* PeerConfiguration.swift */; };
5FF7B96621CC95FA00A7DD74 /* PeerConfiguration.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 5FF7B96421CC95FA00A7DD74 /* PeerConfiguration.swift */; };
6B586C51220CACB600427C51 /* NetworkExtension.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6FF4AC462120B9E0002C96EB /* NetworkExtension.framework */; };
6B586C53220CBA6D00427C51 /* Key.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6B586C52220CBA6D00427C51 /* Key.swift */; };
6B586C54220CBA6D00427C51 /* Key.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6B586C52220CBA6D00427C51 /* Key.swift */; };
6B586C55220CBA6D00427C51 /* Key.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6B586C52220CBA6D00427C51 /* Key.swift */; };
6B586C56220CBA6D00427C51 /* Key.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6B586C52220CBA6D00427C51 /* Key.swift */; };
6B5C5E27220A48D30024272E /* Keychain.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6B5C5E26220A48D30024272E /* Keychain.swift */; };
6B5C5E28220A48D30024272E /* Keychain.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6B5C5E26220A48D30024272E /* Keychain.swift */; };
6B5C5E29220A48D30024272E /* Keychain.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 6B5C5E26220A48D30024272E /* Keychain.swift */; };
@ -240,6 +244,7 @@
5F9696AF21CD7128008063FE /* TunnelConfiguration+WgQuickConfig.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "TunnelConfiguration+WgQuickConfig.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
5FF7B96121CC95DE00A7DD74 /* InterfaceConfiguration.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = InterfaceConfiguration.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
5FF7B96421CC95FA00A7DD74 /* PeerConfiguration.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = PeerConfiguration.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
6B586C52220CBA6D00427C51 /* Key.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = Key.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
6B5C5E26220A48D30024272E /* Keychain.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = Keychain.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
6B62E45E220A6FA900EF34A6 /* PrivateDataConfirmation.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = PrivateDataConfirmation.swift; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
6B707D8321F918D4000A8F73 /* TunnelConfiguration+UapiConfig.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "TunnelConfiguration+UapiConfig.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@ -488,6 +493,7 @@
6F628C3E217F3413003482A3 /* DNSServer.swift */,
5FF7B96121CC95DE00A7DD74 /* InterfaceConfiguration.swift */,
5FF7B96421CC95FA00A7DD74 /* PeerConfiguration.swift */,
6B586C52220CBA6D00427C51 /* Key.swift */,
path = Model;
sourceTree = "<group>";
@ -1087,6 +1093,7 @@
5FF7B96621CC95FA00A7DD74 /* PeerConfiguration.swift in Sources */,
5F9696AE21CD6F72008063FE /* String+ArrayConversion.swift in Sources */,
6FFA5D8F2194370D0001E2F7 /* IPAddressRange.swift in Sources */,
6B586C54220CBA6D00427C51 /* Key.swift in Sources */,
6FFA5D902194370D0001E2F7 /* Endpoint.swift in Sources */,
5FF7B96321CC95DE00A7DD74 /* InterfaceConfiguration.swift in Sources */,
6FFA5D9321943BC90001E2F7 /* DNSResolver.swift in Sources */,
@ -1129,6 +1136,7 @@
6FCD99B121E0EDA900BA4C82 /* TunnelEditViewController.swift in Sources */,
6FB1BDCA21D50F1700A991BF /* x25519.c in Sources */,
6FB1BDCB21D50F1700A991BF /* Curve25519.swift in Sources */,
6B586C55220CBA6D00427C51 /* Key.swift in Sources */,
6F9B582921E8D6D100544D02 /* PopupRow.swift in Sources */,
6FB1BDBB21D50F0200A991BF /* Localizable.strings in Sources */,
6FB1BDBC21D50F0200A991BF /* ringlogger.c in Sources */,
@ -1175,6 +1183,7 @@
6FB1BDA621D4F53300A991BF /* NETunnelProviderProtocol+Extension.swift in Sources */,
6FB1BDA721D4F53300A991BF /* String+ArrayConversion.swift in Sources */,
6FB1BDA921D4F53300A991BF /* TunnelConfiguration.swift in Sources */,
6B586C56220CBA6D00427C51 /* Key.swift in Sources */,
6FB1BDAA21D4F53300A991BF /* IPAddressRange.swift in Sources */,
6FB1BDAB21D4F53300A991BF /* Endpoint.swift in Sources */,
6FB1BDAC21D4F53300A991BF /* DNSServer.swift in Sources */,
@ -1196,6 +1205,7 @@
5F45417D21C1B23600994C13 /* UITableViewCell+Reuse.swift in Sources */,
5F45419221C2D55800994C13 /* CheckmarkCell.swift in Sources */,
6FE254FF219C60290028284D /* ZipExporter.swift in Sources */,
6B586C53220CBA6D00427C51 /* Key.swift in Sources */,
6F693A562179E556008551C1 /* Endpoint.swift in Sources */,
6FDEF7E62185EFB200D8FBF6 /* QRScanViewController.swift in Sources */,
6FFA5D952194454A0001E2F7 /* NETunnelProviderProtocol+Extension.swift in Sources */,

View File

@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ extension TunnelConfiguration {
guard let privateKeyString = attributes["private_key"] else {
throw ParseError.interfaceHasNoPrivateKey
guard let privateKey = Data(hexEncoded: privateKeyString), privateKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else {
guard let privateKey = Data(hexKey: privateKeyString), privateKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else {
throw ParseError.interfaceHasInvalidPrivateKey(privateKeyString)
var interface = InterfaceConfiguration(privateKey: privateKey)
@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ extension TunnelConfiguration {
guard let publicKeyString = attributes["public_key"] else {
throw ParseError.peerHasNoPublicKey
guard let publicKey = Data(hexEncoded: publicKeyString), publicKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else {
guard let publicKey = Data(hexKey: publicKeyString), publicKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else {
throw ParseError.peerHasInvalidPublicKey(publicKeyString)
var peer = PeerConfiguration(publicKey: publicKey)
if let preSharedKeyString = attributes["preshared_key"] {
guard let preSharedKey = Data(hexEncoded: preSharedKeyString), preSharedKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else {
guard let preSharedKey = Data(hexKey: preSharedKeyString), preSharedKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else {
throw ParseError.peerHasInvalidPreSharedKey(preSharedKeyString)
// TODO(zx2c4): does the compiler optimize this away?
@ -184,24 +184,3 @@ extension TunnelConfiguration {
return peer
extension Data {
//swiftlint:disable identifier_name
init?(hexEncoded hexString: String) {
if hexString.count % 2 != 0 {
return nil
let len = hexString.count / 2
self.init(capacity: len)
for i in 0..<len {
let j = hexString.index(hexString.startIndex, offsetBy: i * 2)
let k = hexString.index(j, offsetBy: 2)
let bytes = hexString[j..<k]
if var num = UInt8(bytes, radix: 16) {
append(&num, count: 1)
} else {
return nil

View File

@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ class TunnelViewModel {
scratchpad[field] = stringValue
if field == .privateKey {
if stringValue.count == TunnelViewModel.keyLengthInBase64, let privateKey = Data(base64Encoded: stringValue), privateKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength {
let publicKey = Curve25519.generatePublicKey(fromPrivateKey: privateKey)
scratchpad[.publicKey] = publicKey.base64EncodedString()
if stringValue.count == TunnelViewModel.keyLengthInBase64, let privateKey = Data(base64Key: stringValue), privateKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength {
let publicKey = Curve25519.generatePublicKey(fromPrivateKey: privateKey).base64Key() ?? ""
scratchpad[.publicKey] = publicKey
} else {
scratchpad.removeValue(forKey: .publicKey)
@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ class TunnelViewModel {
private static func createScratchPad(from config: InterfaceConfiguration, name: String) -> [InterfaceField: String] {
var scratchpad = [InterfaceField: String]()
scratchpad[.name] = name
scratchpad[.privateKey] = config.privateKey.base64EncodedString()
scratchpad[.publicKey] = config.publicKey.base64EncodedString()
scratchpad[.privateKey] = config.privateKey.base64Key() ?? ""
scratchpad[.publicKey] = config.publicKey.base64Key() ?? ""
if !config.addresses.isEmpty {
scratchpad[.addresses] = { $0.stringRepresentation }.joined(separator: ", ")
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ class TunnelViewModel {
return .error(tr("alertInvalidInterfaceMessagePrivateKeyRequired"))
guard let privateKey = Data(base64Encoded: privateKeyString), privateKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else {
guard let privateKey = Data(base64Key: privateKeyString), privateKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else {
return .error(tr("alertInvalidInterfaceMessagePrivateKeyInvalid"))
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ class TunnelViewModel {
return validatedConfiguration.publicKey
if let scratchPadPublicKey = scratchpad[.publicKey] {
return Data(base64Encoded: scratchPadPublicKey)
return Data(base64Key: scratchPadPublicKey)
return nil
@ -300,9 +300,11 @@ class TunnelViewModel {
private static func createScratchPad(from config: PeerConfiguration) -> [PeerField: String] {
var scratchpad = [PeerField: String]()
scratchpad[.publicKey] = config.publicKey.base64EncodedString()
if let preSharedKey = config.preSharedKey {
scratchpad[.preSharedKey] = preSharedKey.base64EncodedString()
if let publicKey = config.publicKey.base64Key() {
scratchpad[.publicKey] = publicKey
if let preSharedKey = config.preSharedKey?.base64Key() {
scratchpad[.preSharedKey] = preSharedKey
if !config.allowedIPs.isEmpty {
scratchpad[.allowedIPs] = { $0.stringRepresentation }.joined(separator: ", ")
@ -335,14 +337,14 @@ class TunnelViewModel {
return .error(tr("alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyRequired"))
guard let publicKey = Data(base64Encoded: publicKeyString), publicKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else {
guard let publicKey = Data(base64Key: publicKeyString), publicKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else {
return .error(tr("alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyInvalid"))
var config = PeerConfiguration(publicKey: publicKey)
var errorMessages = [String]()
if let preSharedKeyString = scratchpad[.preSharedKey] {
if let preSharedKey = Data(base64Encoded: preSharedKeyString), preSharedKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength {
if let preSharedKey = Data(base64Key: preSharedKeyString), preSharedKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength {
config.preSharedKey = preSharedKey
} else {

View File

@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ extension TunnelEditTableViewController {
cell.onTapped = { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.tunnelViewModel.interfaceData[.privateKey] = Curve25519.generatePrivateKey().base64EncodedString()
self.tunnelViewModel.interfaceData[.privateKey] = Curve25519.generatePrivateKey().base64Key() ?? ""
if let privateKeyRow = self.interfaceFieldsBySection[indexPath.section].firstIndex(of: .privateKey),
let publicKeyRow = self.interfaceFieldsBySection[indexPath.section].firstIndex(of: .publicKey) {
let privateKeyIndex = IndexPath(row: privateKeyRow, section: indexPath.section)

View File

@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ class TunnelEditViewController: NSViewController {
let tunnelConfiguration = tunnel.tunnelConfiguration!
nameRow.value =
textView.string = tunnelConfiguration.asWgQuickConfig()
publicKeyRow.value = tunnelConfiguration.interface.publicKey.base64EncodedString()
textView.privateKeyString = tunnelConfiguration.interface.privateKey.base64EncodedString()
publicKeyRow.value = tunnelConfiguration.interface.publicKey.base64Key() ?? ""
textView.privateKeyString = tunnelConfiguration.interface.privateKey.base64Key() ?? ""
if tunnel.activateOnDemandSetting.isActivateOnDemandEnabled {
selectedActivateOnDemandOption = tunnel.activateOnDemandSetting.activateOnDemandOption
} else {
@ -115,17 +115,17 @@ class TunnelEditViewController: NSViewController {
// Creating a new tunnel
let privateKey = Curve25519.generatePrivateKey()
let publicKey = Curve25519.generatePublicKey(fromPrivateKey: privateKey)
let bootstrappingText = "[Interface]\nPrivateKey = \(privateKey.base64EncodedString())\n"
publicKeyRow.value = publicKey.base64EncodedString()
let bootstrappingText = "[Interface]\nPrivateKey = \(privateKey.base64Key() ?? "")\n"
publicKeyRow.value = publicKey.base64Key() ?? ""
textView.string = bootstrappingText
selectedActivateOnDemandOption = .none
privateKeyObservationToken = textView.observe(\.privateKeyString) { [weak publicKeyRow] textView, _ in
if let privateKeyString = textView.privateKeyString,
let privateKey = Data(base64Encoded: privateKeyString),
let privateKey = Data(base64Key: privateKeyString),
privateKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength {
let publicKey = Curve25519.generatePublicKey(fromPrivateKey: privateKey)
publicKeyRow?.value = publicKey.base64EncodedString()
publicKeyRow?.value = publicKey.base64Key() ?? ""
} else {
publicKeyRow?.value = ""

View File

@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ class PacketTunnelSettingsGenerator {
func endpointUapiConfiguration() -> String {
var wgSettings = ""
for (index, peer) in tunnelConfiguration.peers.enumerated() {
if let publicKey = peer.publicKey.hexKey() {
if let endpoint = resolvedEndpoints[index]?.withReresolvedIP() {
if case .name(_, _) = { assert(false, "Endpoint is not resolved") }
@ -28,8 +30,9 @@ class PacketTunnelSettingsGenerator {
func uapiConfiguration() -> String {
var wgSettings = ""
let privateKey = tunnelConfiguration.interface.privateKey.hexEncodedString()
if let privateKey = tunnelConfiguration.interface.privateKey.hexKey() {
if let listenPort = tunnelConfiguration.interface.listenPort {
@ -38,9 +41,11 @@ class PacketTunnelSettingsGenerator {
assert(tunnelConfiguration.peers.count == resolvedEndpoints.count)
for (index, peer) in tunnelConfiguration.peers.enumerated() {
if let preSharedKey = peer.preSharedKey {
if let publicKey = peer.publicKey.hexKey() {
if let preSharedKey = peer.preSharedKey?.hexKey() {
if let endpoint = resolvedEndpoints[index]?.withReresolvedIP() {
if case .name(_, _) = { assert(false, "Endpoint is not resolved") }
@ -149,9 +154,3 @@ class PacketTunnelSettingsGenerator {
return (ipv4IncludedRoutes, ipv6IncludedRoutes)
private extension Data {
func hexEncodedString() -> String {
return { String(format: "%02x", $0) }.joined()