Config file parsing: Fix bug when there are comments at the end

This commit is contained in:
Roopesh Chander 2019-01-24 16:23:07 +05:30
parent 8c4475111b
commit e95cb6e6bd
1 changed files with 28 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -54,38 +54,38 @@ extension TunnelConfiguration {
trimmedLine = trimmedLine.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
let lowercasedLine = trimmedLine.lowercased()
guard !trimmedLine.isEmpty else { continue }
let lowercasedLine = line.lowercased()
if let equalsIndex = line.firstIndex(of: "=") {
// Line contains an attribute
let keyWithCase = line[..<equalsIndex].trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
let key = keyWithCase.lowercased()
let value = line[line.index(equalsIndex, offsetBy: 1)...].trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
let keysWithMultipleEntriesAllowed: Set<String> = ["address", "allowedips", "dns"]
if let presentValue = attributes[key] {
if keysWithMultipleEntriesAllowed.contains(key) {
attributes[key] = presentValue + "," + value
if !trimmedLine.isEmpty {
if let equalsIndex = line.firstIndex(of: "=") {
// Line contains an attribute
let keyWithCase = line[..<equalsIndex].trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
let key = keyWithCase.lowercased()
let value = line[line.index(equalsIndex, offsetBy: 1)...].trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
let keysWithMultipleEntriesAllowed: Set<String> = ["address", "allowedips", "dns"]
if let presentValue = attributes[key] {
if keysWithMultipleEntriesAllowed.contains(key) {
attributes[key] = presentValue + "," + value
} else {
throw ParseError.multipleEntriesForKey(keyWithCase)
} else {
throw ParseError.multipleEntriesForKey(keyWithCase)
attributes[key] = value
} else {
attributes[key] = value
let interfaceSectionKeys: Set<String> = ["privatekey", "listenport", "address", "dns", "mtu"]
let peerSectionKeys: Set<String> = ["publickey", "presharedkey", "allowedips", "endpoint", "persistentkeepalive"]
if parserState == .inInterfaceSection {
guard interfaceSectionKeys.contains(key) else {
throw ParseError.interfaceHasUnrecognizedKey(keyWithCase)
} else if parserState == .inPeerSection {
guard peerSectionKeys.contains(key) else {
throw ParseError.peerHasUnrecognizedKey(keyWithCase)
} else if lowercasedLine != "[interface]" && lowercasedLine != "[peer]" {
throw ParseError.invalidLine(line)
let interfaceSectionKeys: Set<String> = ["privatekey", "listenport", "address", "dns", "mtu"]
let peerSectionKeys: Set<String> = ["publickey", "presharedkey", "allowedips", "endpoint", "persistentkeepalive"]
if parserState == .inInterfaceSection {
guard interfaceSectionKeys.contains(key) else {
throw ParseError.interfaceHasUnrecognizedKey(keyWithCase)
} else if parserState == .inPeerSection {
guard peerSectionKeys.contains(key) else {
throw ParseError.peerHasUnrecognizedKey(keyWithCase)
} else if lowercasedLine != "[interface]" && lowercasedLine != "[peer]" {
throw ParseError.invalidLine(line)
let isLastLine = lineIndex == lines.count - 1