// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // Copyright © 2018-2023 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved. import UIKit class TunnelDetailTableViewController: UITableViewController { private enum Section { case status case interface case peer(index: Int, peer: TunnelViewModel.PeerData) case onDemand case delete } static let interfaceFields: [TunnelViewModel.InterfaceField] = [ .name, .publicKey, .addresses, .listenPort, .mtu, .dns ] static let peerFields: [TunnelViewModel.PeerField] = [ .publicKey, .preSharedKey, .endpoint, .allowedIPs, .persistentKeepAlive, .rxBytes, .txBytes, .lastHandshakeTime ] static let onDemandFields: [ActivateOnDemandViewModel.OnDemandField] = [ .onDemand, .ssid ] let tunnelsManager: TunnelsManager let tunnel: TunnelContainer var tunnelViewModel: TunnelViewModel var onDemandViewModel: ActivateOnDemandViewModel private var sections = [Section]() private var interfaceFieldIsVisible = [Bool]() private var peerFieldIsVisible = [[Bool]]() private var statusObservationToken: AnyObject? private var onDemandObservationToken: AnyObject? private var reloadRuntimeConfigurationTimer: Timer? init(tunnelsManager: TunnelsManager, tunnel: TunnelContainer) { self.tunnelsManager = tunnelsManager self.tunnel = tunnel tunnelViewModel = TunnelViewModel(tunnelConfiguration: tunnel.tunnelConfiguration) onDemandViewModel = ActivateOnDemandViewModel(tunnel: tunnel) super.init(style: .grouped) loadSections() loadVisibleFields() statusObservationToken = tunnel.observe(\.status) { [weak self] _, _ in guard let self = self else { return } if tunnel.status == .active { self.startUpdatingRuntimeConfiguration() } else if tunnel.status == .inactive { self.reloadRuntimeConfiguration() self.stopUpdatingRuntimeConfiguration() } } onDemandObservationToken = tunnel.observe(\.isActivateOnDemandEnabled) { [weak self] tunnel, _ in // Handle On-Demand getting turned on/off outside of the app self?.onDemandViewModel = ActivateOnDemandViewModel(tunnel: tunnel) self?.updateActivateOnDemandFields() } } required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") } override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() title = tunnelViewModel.interfaceData[.name] navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .edit, target: self, action: #selector(editTapped)) tableView.estimatedRowHeight = 44 tableView.rowHeight = UITableView.automaticDimension tableView.register(SwitchCell.self) tableView.register(KeyValueCell.self) tableView.register(ButtonCell.self) tableView.register(ChevronCell.self) restorationIdentifier = "TunnelDetailVC:\(tunnel.name)" } private func loadSections() { sections.removeAll() sections.append(.status) sections.append(.interface) for (index, peer) in tunnelViewModel.peersData.enumerated() { sections.append(.peer(index: index, peer: peer)) } sections.append(.onDemand) sections.append(.delete) } private func loadVisibleFields() { let visibleInterfaceFields = tunnelViewModel.interfaceData.filterFieldsWithValueOrControl(interfaceFields: TunnelDetailTableViewController.interfaceFields) interfaceFieldIsVisible = TunnelDetailTableViewController.interfaceFields.map { visibleInterfaceFields.contains($0) } peerFieldIsVisible = tunnelViewModel.peersData.map { peer in let visiblePeerFields = peer.filterFieldsWithValueOrControl(peerFields: TunnelDetailTableViewController.peerFields) return TunnelDetailTableViewController.peerFields.map { visiblePeerFields.contains($0) } } } override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { if tunnel.status == .active { self.startUpdatingRuntimeConfiguration() } } override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) { stopUpdatingRuntimeConfiguration() } @objc func editTapped() { PrivateDataConfirmation.confirmAccess(to: tr("iosViewPrivateData")) { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } let editVC = TunnelEditTableViewController(tunnelsManager: self.tunnelsManager, tunnel: self.tunnel) editVC.delegate = self let editNC = UINavigationController(rootViewController: editVC) editNC.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen self.present(editNC, animated: true) } } func startUpdatingRuntimeConfiguration() { reloadRuntimeConfiguration() reloadRuntimeConfigurationTimer?.invalidate() let reloadTimer = Timer(timeInterval: 1 /* second */, repeats: true) { [weak self] _ in self?.reloadRuntimeConfiguration() } reloadRuntimeConfigurationTimer = reloadTimer RunLoop.main.add(reloadTimer, forMode: .common) } func stopUpdatingRuntimeConfiguration() { reloadRuntimeConfigurationTimer?.invalidate() reloadRuntimeConfigurationTimer = nil } func applyTunnelConfiguration(tunnelConfiguration: TunnelConfiguration) { // Incorporates changes from tunnelConfiguation. Ignores any changes in peer ordering. guard let tableView = self.tableView else { return } let sections = self.sections let interfaceSectionIndex = sections.firstIndex { if case .interface = $0 { return true } else { return false } }! let firstPeerSectionIndex = interfaceSectionIndex + 1 let interfaceFieldIsVisible = self.interfaceFieldIsVisible let peerFieldIsVisible = self.peerFieldIsVisible func handleSectionFieldsModified(fields: [T], fieldIsVisible: [Bool], section: Int, changes: [T: TunnelViewModel.Changes.FieldChange]) { for (index, field) in fields.enumerated() { guard let change = changes[field] else { continue } if case .modified(let newValue) = change { let row = fieldIsVisible[0 ..< index].filter { $0 }.count let indexPath = IndexPath(row: row, section: section) if let cell = tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as? KeyValueCell { cell.value = newValue } } } } func handleSectionRowsInsertedOrRemoved(fields: [T], fieldIsVisible fieldIsVisibleInput: [Bool], section: Int, changes: [T: TunnelViewModel.Changes.FieldChange]) { var fieldIsVisible = fieldIsVisibleInput var removedIndexPaths = [IndexPath]() for (index, field) in fields.enumerated().reversed() where changes[field] == .removed { let row = fieldIsVisible[0 ..< index].filter { $0 }.count removedIndexPaths.append(IndexPath(row: row, section: section)) fieldIsVisible[index] = false } if !removedIndexPaths.isEmpty { tableView.deleteRows(at: removedIndexPaths, with: .automatic) } var addedIndexPaths = [IndexPath]() for (index, field) in fields.enumerated() where changes[field] == .added { let row = fieldIsVisible[0 ..< index].filter { $0 }.count addedIndexPaths.append(IndexPath(row: row, section: section)) fieldIsVisible[index] = true } if !addedIndexPaths.isEmpty { tableView.insertRows(at: addedIndexPaths, with: .automatic) } } let changes = self.tunnelViewModel.applyConfiguration(other: tunnelConfiguration) if !changes.interfaceChanges.isEmpty { handleSectionFieldsModified(fields: TunnelDetailTableViewController.interfaceFields, fieldIsVisible: interfaceFieldIsVisible, section: interfaceSectionIndex, changes: changes.interfaceChanges) } for (peerIndex, peerChanges) in changes.peerChanges { handleSectionFieldsModified(fields: TunnelDetailTableViewController.peerFields, fieldIsVisible: peerFieldIsVisible[peerIndex], section: firstPeerSectionIndex + peerIndex, changes: peerChanges) } let isAnyInterfaceFieldAddedOrRemoved = changes.interfaceChanges.contains { $0.value == .added || $0.value == .removed } let isAnyPeerFieldAddedOrRemoved = changes.peerChanges.contains { $0.changes.contains { $0.value == .added || $0.value == .removed } } let peersRemovedSectionIndices = changes.peersRemovedIndices.map { firstPeerSectionIndex + $0 } let peersInsertedSectionIndices = changes.peersInsertedIndices.map { firstPeerSectionIndex + $0 } if isAnyInterfaceFieldAddedOrRemoved || isAnyPeerFieldAddedOrRemoved || !peersRemovedSectionIndices.isEmpty || !peersInsertedSectionIndices.isEmpty { tableView.beginUpdates() if isAnyInterfaceFieldAddedOrRemoved { handleSectionRowsInsertedOrRemoved(fields: TunnelDetailTableViewController.interfaceFields, fieldIsVisible: interfaceFieldIsVisible, section: interfaceSectionIndex, changes: changes.interfaceChanges) } if isAnyPeerFieldAddedOrRemoved { for (peerIndex, peerChanges) in changes.peerChanges { handleSectionRowsInsertedOrRemoved(fields: TunnelDetailTableViewController.peerFields, fieldIsVisible: peerFieldIsVisible[peerIndex], section: firstPeerSectionIndex + peerIndex, changes: peerChanges) } } if !peersRemovedSectionIndices.isEmpty { tableView.deleteSections(IndexSet(peersRemovedSectionIndices), with: .automatic) } if !peersInsertedSectionIndices.isEmpty { tableView.insertSections(IndexSet(peersInsertedSectionIndices), with: .automatic) } self.loadSections() self.loadVisibleFields() tableView.endUpdates() } else { self.loadSections() self.loadVisibleFields() } } private func reloadRuntimeConfiguration() { tunnel.getRuntimeTunnelConfiguration { [weak self] tunnelConfiguration in guard let tunnelConfiguration = tunnelConfiguration else { return } guard let self = self else { return } self.applyTunnelConfiguration(tunnelConfiguration: tunnelConfiguration) } } private func updateActivateOnDemandFields() { guard let onDemandSection = sections.firstIndex(where: { if case .onDemand = $0 { return true } else { return false } }) else { return } let numberOfTableViewOnDemandRows = tableView.numberOfRows(inSection: onDemandSection) let ssidRowIndexPath = IndexPath(row: 1, section: onDemandSection) switch (numberOfTableViewOnDemandRows, onDemandViewModel.isWiFiInterfaceEnabled) { case (1, true): tableView.insertRows(at: [ssidRowIndexPath], with: .automatic) case (2, false): tableView.deleteRows(at: [ssidRowIndexPath], with: .automatic) default: break } tableView.reloadSections(IndexSet(integer: onDemandSection), with: .automatic) } } extension TunnelDetailTableViewController: TunnelEditTableViewControllerDelegate { func tunnelSaved(tunnel: TunnelContainer) { tunnelViewModel = TunnelViewModel(tunnelConfiguration: tunnel.tunnelConfiguration) onDemandViewModel = ActivateOnDemandViewModel(tunnel: tunnel) loadSections() loadVisibleFields() title = tunnel.name restorationIdentifier = "TunnelDetailVC:\(tunnel.name)" tableView.reloadData() } func tunnelEditingCancelled() { // Nothing to do } } extension TunnelDetailTableViewController { override func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int { return sections.count } override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int { switch sections[section] { case .status: return 1 case .interface: return interfaceFieldIsVisible.filter { $0 }.count case .peer(let peerIndex, _): return peerFieldIsVisible[peerIndex].filter { $0 }.count case .onDemand: return onDemandViewModel.isWiFiInterfaceEnabled ? 2 : 1 case .delete: return 1 } } override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, titleForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> String? { switch sections[section] { case .status: return tr("tunnelSectionTitleStatus") case .interface: return tr("tunnelSectionTitleInterface") case .peer: return tr("tunnelSectionTitlePeer") case .onDemand: return tr("tunnelSectionTitleOnDemand") case .delete: return nil } } override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { switch sections[indexPath.section] { case .status: return statusCell(for: tableView, at: indexPath) case .interface: return interfaceCell(for: tableView, at: indexPath) case .peer(let index, let peer): return peerCell(for: tableView, at: indexPath, with: peer, peerIndex: index) case .onDemand: return onDemandCell(for: tableView, at: indexPath) case .delete: return deleteConfigurationCell(for: tableView, at: indexPath) } } private func statusCell(for tableView: UITableView, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { let cell: SwitchCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(for: indexPath) func update(cell: SwitchCell?, with tunnel: TunnelContainer) { guard let cell = cell else { return } let status = tunnel.status let isOnDemandEngaged = tunnel.isActivateOnDemandEnabled let isSwitchOn = (status == .activating || status == .active || isOnDemandEngaged) cell.switchView.setOn(isSwitchOn, animated: true) if isOnDemandEngaged && !(status == .activating || status == .active) { cell.switchView.onTintColor = UIColor.systemYellow } else { cell.switchView.onTintColor = UIColor.systemGreen } var text: String switch status { case .inactive: text = tr("tunnelStatusInactive") case .activating: text = tr("tunnelStatusActivating") case .active: text = tr("tunnelStatusActive") case .deactivating: text = tr("tunnelStatusDeactivating") case .reasserting: text = tr("tunnelStatusReasserting") case .restarting: text = tr("tunnelStatusRestarting") case .waiting: text = tr("tunnelStatusWaiting") } if tunnel.hasOnDemandRules { text += isOnDemandEngaged ? tr("tunnelStatusAddendumOnDemand") : "" cell.switchView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true cell.isEnabled = true } else { cell.switchView.isUserInteractionEnabled = (status == .inactive || status == .active) cell.isEnabled = (status == .inactive || status == .active) } if tunnel.hasOnDemandRules && !isOnDemandEngaged && status == .inactive { text = tr("tunnelStatusOnDemandDisabled") } cell.textLabel?.text = text } update(cell: cell, with: tunnel) cell.statusObservationToken = tunnel.observe(\.status) { [weak cell] tunnel, _ in update(cell: cell, with: tunnel) } cell.isOnDemandEnabledObservationToken = tunnel.observe(\.isActivateOnDemandEnabled) { [weak cell] tunnel, _ in update(cell: cell, with: tunnel) } cell.hasOnDemandRulesObservationToken = tunnel.observe(\.hasOnDemandRules) { [weak cell] tunnel, _ in update(cell: cell, with: tunnel) } cell.onSwitchToggled = { [weak self] isOn in guard let self = self else { return } if self.tunnel.hasOnDemandRules { self.tunnelsManager.setOnDemandEnabled(isOn, on: self.tunnel) { error in if error == nil && !isOn { self.tunnelsManager.startDeactivation(of: self.tunnel) } } } else { if isOn { self.tunnelsManager.startActivation(of: self.tunnel) } else { self.tunnelsManager.startDeactivation(of: self.tunnel) } } } return cell } private func interfaceCell(for tableView: UITableView, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { let visibleInterfaceFields = TunnelDetailTableViewController.interfaceFields.enumerated().filter { interfaceFieldIsVisible[$0.offset] }.map { $0.element } let field = visibleInterfaceFields[indexPath.row] let cell: KeyValueCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(for: indexPath) cell.key = field.localizedUIString cell.value = tunnelViewModel.interfaceData[field] return cell } private func peerCell(for tableView: UITableView, at indexPath: IndexPath, with peerData: TunnelViewModel.PeerData, peerIndex: Int) -> UITableViewCell { let visiblePeerFields = TunnelDetailTableViewController.peerFields.enumerated().filter { peerFieldIsVisible[peerIndex][$0.offset] }.map { $0.element } let field = visiblePeerFields[indexPath.row] let cell: KeyValueCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(for: indexPath) cell.key = field.localizedUIString if field == .persistentKeepAlive { cell.value = tr(format: "tunnelPeerPersistentKeepaliveValue (%@)", peerData[field]) } else if field == .preSharedKey { cell.value = tr("tunnelPeerPresharedKeyEnabled") } else { cell.value = peerData[field] } return cell } private func onDemandCell(for tableView: UITableView, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { let field = TunnelDetailTableViewController.onDemandFields[indexPath.row] if field == .onDemand { let cell: KeyValueCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(for: indexPath) cell.key = field.localizedUIString cell.value = onDemandViewModel.localizedInterfaceDescription cell.copyableGesture = false return cell } else { assert(field == .ssid) if onDemandViewModel.ssidOption == .anySSID { let cell: KeyValueCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(for: indexPath) cell.key = field.localizedUIString cell.value = onDemandViewModel.ssidOption.localizedUIString cell.copyableGesture = false return cell } else { let cell: ChevronCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(for: indexPath) cell.message = field.localizedUIString cell.detailMessage = onDemandViewModel.localizedSSIDDescription return cell } } } private func deleteConfigurationCell(for tableView: UITableView, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { let cell: ButtonCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(for: indexPath) cell.buttonText = tr("deleteTunnelButtonTitle") cell.hasDestructiveAction = true cell.onTapped = { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } ConfirmationAlertPresenter.showConfirmationAlert(message: tr("deleteTunnelConfirmationAlertMessage"), buttonTitle: tr("deleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitle"), from: cell, presentingVC: self) { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } self.tunnelsManager.remove(tunnel: self.tunnel) { error in if error != nil { print("Error removing tunnel: \(String(describing: error))") return } } } } return cell } } extension TunnelDetailTableViewController { override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> IndexPath? { if case .onDemand = sections[indexPath.section], case .ssid = TunnelDetailTableViewController.onDemandFields[indexPath.row] { return indexPath } return nil } override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) { if case .onDemand = sections[indexPath.section], case .ssid = TunnelDetailTableViewController.onDemandFields[indexPath.row] { let ssidDetailVC = SSIDOptionDetailTableViewController(title: onDemandViewModel.ssidOption.localizedUIString, ssids: onDemandViewModel.selectedSSIDs) navigationController?.pushViewController(ssidDetailVC, animated: true) } tableView.deselectRow(at: indexPath, animated: true) } }