// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // Copyright © 2018-2021 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved. import UIKit class QuickActionItem: UIApplicationShortcutItem { static let type = "WireGuardTunnelActivateAndShow" init(tunnelName: String) { super.init(type: QuickActionItem.type, localizedTitle: tunnelName, localizedSubtitle: nil, icon: nil, userInfo: nil) } static func createItems(allTunnelNames: [String]) -> [QuickActionItem] { let numberOfItems = 10 // Currently, only 4 items shown by iOS, but that can increase in the future. // iOS will discard additional items we give it. var tunnelNames = RecentTunnelsTracker.recentlyActivatedTunnelNames(limit: numberOfItems) let numberOfSlotsRemaining = numberOfItems - tunnelNames.count if numberOfSlotsRemaining > 0 { let moreTunnels = allTunnelNames.filter { !tunnelNames.contains($0) }.prefix(numberOfSlotsRemaining) tunnelNames.append(contentsOf: moreTunnels) } return tunnelNames.map { QuickActionItem(tunnelName: $0) } } }