# Installing WireGuard tunnels using Configuration Profiles WireGuard configurations can be installed using Configuration Profiles through .mobileconfig files. ### Top-level payload entries A .mobileconfig file is a plist file in XML format. The top-level XML item is a top-level payload dictionary (dict). This payload dictionary should contain the following keys: - `PayloadDisplayName` (string): The name of the configuration profile, visible when installing the profile - `PayloadType` (string): Should be `Configuration` - `PayloadVersion` (integer): Should be `1` - `PayloadIdentifier` (string): A reverse-DNS style unique identifier for the profile file. If you install another .mobileconfig file with the same identifier, the new one overwrites the old one. - `PayloadUUID` (string): A randomly generated UUID for this payload - `PayloadContent` (array): Should contain an array of payload dictionaries. Each of these payload dictionaries can represent a WireGuard tunnel configuration. Here's an example .mobileconfig with the above fields filled in: ~~~ PayloadDisplayName WireGuard Demo Configuration Profile PayloadType Configuration PayloadVersion 1 PayloadIdentifier com.your-org.wireguard.FCC9BF80-C540-44C1-B243-521FDD1B2905 PayloadUUID F346AAF4-53A2-4FA1-ACA3-EEE74DBED029 PayloadContent ~~~ ### WireGuard payload entries Each WireGuard configuration payload dictionary should contain the following keys: - `PayloadDisplayName` (string): Should be `VPN` - `PayloadType` (string): Should be `com.apple.vpn.managed` - `PayloadVersion` (integer): Should be `1` - `PayloadIdentifier` (string): A reverse-DNS style unique identifier for the WireGuard configuration profile. - `PayloadUUID` (string): A randomly generated UUID for this payload - `UserDefinedName` (string): The name of the WireGuard tunnel. This name shall be used to represent the tunnel in the WireGuard app, and in the System UI for VPNs (Settings > VPN on iOS, System Preferences > Network on macOS). - `VPNType` (string): Should be `VPN` - `VPNSubType` (string): Should be set as the bundle identifier of the WireGuard app. - iOS: `com.wireguard.ios` - macOS: `com.wireguard.macos` - `VendorConfig` (dict): Should be a dictionary with the following key: - `WgQuickConfig` (string): Should be a WireGuard configuration in [wg-quick(8)] / [wg(8)] format. The keys 'FwMark', 'Table', 'PreUp', 'PostUp', 'PreDown', 'PostDown' and 'SaveConfig' are not supported. - `VPN` (dict): Should be a dictionary with the following keys: - `RemoteAddress` (string): A non-empty string. This string is displayed as the server name in the System UI for VPNs (Settings > VPN on iOS, System Preferences > Network on macOS). - `AuthenticationMethod` (string): Should be `Password` Here's an example WireGuard configuration payload dictionary: ~~~ PayloadDisplayName VPN PayloadType com.apple.vpn.managed PayloadVersion 1 PayloadIdentifier com.your-org.wireguard.demo-profile-1.demo-tunnel PayloadUUID 44CDFE9F-4DC7-472A-956F-61C68055117C UserDefinedName Demo from MobileConfig file VPNType VPN VPNSubType com.wireguard.ios VendorConfig WgQuickConfig [Interface] PrivateKey = mInDaw06K0NgfULRObHJjkWD3ahUC8XC1tVjIf6W+Vo= Address = DNS =, [Peer] PublicKey = JRI8Xc0zKP9kXk8qP84NdUQA04h6DLfFbwJn4g+/PFs= Endpoint = demo.wireguard.com:12912 AllowedIPs = VPN RemoteAddress demo.wireguard.com:12912 AuthenticationMethod Password ~~~ ### Caveats Configurations added via .mobileconfig will not be migrated into keychain until the WireGuard application is opened once. [wg-quick(8)]: https://git.zx2c4.com/WireGuard/about/src/tools/man/wg-quick.8 [wg(8)]: https://git.zx2c4.com/WireGuard/about/src/tools/man/wg.8