"actionCancel" = "Cancel·la"; "actionSave" = "Guarda"; "tunnelsListSettingsButtonTitle" = "Configuració"; "tunnelsListCenteredAddTunnelButtonTitle" = "Afegir un túnel"; "tunnelsListSwipeDeleteButtonTitle" = "Elimina"; "tunnelsListSelectButtonTitle" = "Selecciona"; "tunnelsListSelectAllButtonTitle" = "Selecciona tots"; "tunnelsListDeleteButtonTitle" = "Elimina"; "tunnelsListSelectedTitle (%d)" = "%d seleccionat(s)"; "macToggleStatusButtonDeactivate" = "Desactiva"; "macToggleStatusButtonDeactivating" = "Desactivant…"; "macToggleStatusButtonReasserting" = "Reactivant…"; "macToggleStatusButtonRestarting" = "S'està reiniciant…"; "macToggleStatusButtonWaiting" = "Esperant…"; "tunnelSectionTitleInterface" = "Interfície"; "tunnelInterfaceName" = "Nom"; "tunnelInterfacePrivateKey" = "Clau privada"; "tunnelInterfacePublicKey" = "Clau pública"; "tunnelInterfaceGenerateKeypair" = "Genera una parella de claus"; "tunnelInterfaceAddresses" = "Adreces"; "tunnelInterfaceDNS" = "Servidors DNS"; "tunnelInterfaceStatus" = "Estat"; "tunnelSectionTitlePeer" = "Parell"; "tunnelPeerPublicKey" = "Clau pública"; "tunnelPeerAllowedIPs" = "IPs permeses"; "tunnelPeerRxBytes" = "Dades rebudes"; "tunnelPeerTxBytes" = "Dades enviades"; "tunnelPeerExcludePrivateIPs" = "Exclou IPs privades"; "tunnelOnDemandEthernet" = "Ethernet"; "tunnelOnDemandAnySSID" = "Qualsevol SSID"; "tunnelOnDemandOnlyTheseSSIDs" = "Només aquestes SSIDs"; "tunnelOnDemandExceptTheseSSIDs" = "Excepte aquestes SSIDs"; "tunnelOnDemandOnlySSID (%d)" = "Només %d SSID"; "tunnelOnDemandOnlySSIDs (%d)" = "Només %d SSIDs"; "tunnelOnDemandExceptSSID (%d)" = "Excepte %d SSID"; "tunnelOnDemandExceptSSIDs (%d)" = "Excepte %d SSIDs"; "tunnelOnDemandSectionTitleAddSSIDs" = "Afegir SSIDs"; "tunnelOnDemandAddMessageAddConnectedSSID (%@)" = "Afegir connectada: %@"; "tunnelOnDemandAddMessageAddNewSSID" = "Afegir nova"; "tunnelOnDemandKey" = "Sota demanda"; "tunnelHandshakeTimestampSeconds (%d)" = "%d segons"; "tunnelHandshakeTimestampHours hh:mm:ss (%@)" = "%@ hores"; "tunnelHandshakeTimestampMinutes mm:ss (%@)" = "%@ minuts"; "tunnelPeerPresharedKeyEnabled" = "activat"; /* Alert title for error in the peer data */ "alertInvalidPeerTitle" = "Parell no vàlid"; /* Any one of the following alert messages can go with the above title */ "alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyRequired" = "Clau pública del parell requerida"; "alertInvalidPeerMessageAllowedIPsInvalid" = "Les IPs permeses de parells han de ser una llista separada per comes, opcionalment en notació CIDR"; "alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyDuplicated" = "Dos o més parells no poden tindre la mateixa clau pública"; // Scanning QR code UI "scanQRCodeViewTitle" = "Escaneja un codi QR"; // Scanning QR code alerts "alertScanQRCodeCameraUnsupportedTitle" = "Càmera no suportada"; "alertScanQRCodeCameraUnsupportedMessage" = "Aquest dispositiu no pot escanejar codis QR"; "alertScanQRCodeInvalidQRCodeTitle" = "Codi QR no vàlid"; "alertScanQRCodeInvalidQRCodeMessage" = "El QR escanejat no és una configuració de WireGuard vàlida"; "alertScanQRCodeUnreadableQRCodeTitle" = "Codi no vàlid"; "alertScanQRCodeUnreadableQRCodeMessage" = "El codi escanejat no s'ha pogut llegir"; // Settings UI "settingsViewTitle" = "Configuració"; "settingsSectionTitleAbout" = "Quant a"; "settingsSectionTitleTunnelLog" = "Registre"; "settingsViewLogButtonTitle" = "Mostra el registre"; // Log view "logViewTitle" = "Registre"; // Log alerts "alertUnableToRemovePreviousLogTitle" = "Ha fallat l'exportació"; "alertUnableToWriteLogTitle" = "Ha fallat l'exportació"; "macMenuManageTunnels" = "Gestiona túnels"; "macMenuCut" = "Talla"; "macMenuCopy" = "Copia"; "newTunnelViewTitle" = "New configuration"; "macMenuDeleteSelected" = "Delete Selected"; "alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationInvalid" = "The configuration is invalid."; "tunnelPeerEndpoint" = "Endpoint"; "tunnelInterfaceMTU" = "MTU"; "alertInvalidInterfaceMessageListenPortInvalid" = "Interface’s listen port must be between 0 and 65535, or unspecified"; "addPeerButtonTitle" = "Add peer"; "tunnelHandshakeTimestampSystemClockBackward" = "(System clock wound backwards)"; "macMenuTitle" = "WireGuard"; "macAlertNoInterface" = "Configuration must have an ‘Interface’ section."; "macNameFieldExportZip" = "Export tunnels to:"; "editTunnelViewTitle" = "Edit configuration"; "alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationUnknown" = "Unknown system error."; "macEditDiscard" = "Discard"; "macSheetButtonExportZip" = "Save"; "macWindowTitleManageTunnels" = "Manage WireGuard Tunnels"; "tunnelsListTitle" = "WireGuard"; "macConfirmAndQuitAlertInfo" = "If you close the tunnels manager, WireGuard will continue to be available from the menu bar icon."; "macUnusableTunnelInfo" = "In case this tunnel was created by another user, only that user can view, edit, or activate this tunnel."; "alertTunnelActivationErrorTunnelIsNotInactiveMessage" = "The tunnel is already active or in the process of being activated"; "alertTunnelActivationSetNetworkSettingsMessage" = "Unable to apply network settings to tunnel object."; "macMenuExportTunnels" = "Export Tunnels to Zip…"; "macMenuShowAllApps" = "Show All"; "alertCantOpenInputConfFileTitle" = "Unable to import from file"; "macMenuHideApp" = "Hide WireGuard"; "macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertInfo" = "You cannot undo this action."; "macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitleDeleting" = "Deleting…"; "tunnelPeerPersistentKeepalive" = "Persistent keepalive"; "alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConnectionFailed" = "The connection failed."; "macButtonEdit" = "Edit"; "macAlertPublicKeyInvalid" = "Public key is invalid"; "tunnelOnDemandOptionWiFiOnly" = "Wi-Fi only"; "macNameFieldExportLog" = "Save log to:"; "alertSystemErrorOnAddTunnelTitle" = "Unable to create tunnel"; "macConfirmAndQuitAlertMessage" = "Do you want to close the tunnels manager or quit WireGuard entirely?"; "alertTunnelActivationSavedConfigFailureMessage" = "Unable to retrieve tunnel information from the saved configuration."; "tunnelOnDemandOptionOff" = "Off"; "tunnelOnDemandSectionTitleSelectedSSIDs" = "SSIDs"; "macAlertInfoUnrecognizedInterfaceKey" = "Valid keys are: ‘PrivateKey’, ‘ListenPort’, ‘Address’, ‘DNS’ and ‘MTU’."; "macLogColumnTitleTime" = "Time"; "actionOK" = "OK"; "alertTunnelNameEmptyMessage" = "Cannot create tunnel with an empty name"; "alertInvalidInterfaceMessageMTUInvalid" = "Interface’s MTU must be between 576 and 65535, or unspecified"; "tunnelOnDemandWiFi" = "Wi-Fi"; "alertTunnelNameEmptyTitle" = "No name provided"; "alertUnableToWriteLogMessage" = "Unable to write logs to file"; "macToggleStatusButtonActivating" = "Activating…"; "macMenuQuit" = "Quit WireGuard"; "macMenuAddEmptyTunnel" = "Add Empty Tunnel…"; "tunnelStatusDeactivating" = "Deactivating"; "alertInvalidInterfaceTitle" = "Invalid interface"; "tunnelSectionTitleStatus" = "Status"; "macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitleDelete" = "Delete"; "alertTunnelActivationFailureOnDemandAddendum" = " This tunnel has Activate On Demand enabled, so this tunnel might be re-activated automatically by the OS. You may turn off Activate On Demand in this app by editing the tunnel configuration."; "alertTunnelActivationFailureTitle" = "Activation failure"; "macLogButtonTitleClose" = "Close"; "tunnelOnDemandSSIDViewTitle" = "SSIDs"; "tunnelOnDemandOptionCellularOnly" = "Cellular only"; "tunnelEditPlaceholderTextOptional" = "Optional"; "settingsExportZipButtonTitle" = "Export zip archive"; "tunnelSectionTitleOnDemand" = "On-Demand Activation"; "deleteTunnelsConfirmationAlertButtonTitle" = "Delete"; "alertInvalidInterfaceMessageNameRequired" = "Interface name is required"; "tunnelEditPlaceholderTextAutomatic" = "Automatic"; "macViewPrivateData" = "view tunnel private keys"; "alertInvalidPeerMessageEndpointInvalid" = "Peer’s endpoint must be of the form ‘host:port’ or ‘[host]:port’"; "alertTunnelActivationErrorTunnelIsNotInactiveTitle" = "Activation in progress"; "addTunnelMenuImportFile" = "Create from file or archive"; "deletePeerConfirmationAlertButtonTitle" = "Delete"; "addTunnelMenuQRCode" = "Create from QR code"; "alertInvalidPeerMessagePreSharedKeyInvalid" = "Peer’s preshared key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding"; "macAppExitingWithActiveTunnelInfo" = "The tunnel will remain active after exiting. You may disable it by reopening this application or through the Network panel in System Preferences."; "macMenuEdit" = "Edit"; "donateLink" = "♥ Donate to the WireGuard Project"; "macMenuWindow" = "Window"; "tunnelStatusRestarting" = "Restarting"; "tunnelHandshakeTimestampNow" = "Now"; "alertTunnelActivationFailureMessage" = "The tunnel could not be activated. Please ensure that you are connected to the Internet."; "tunnelInterfaceListenPort" = "Listen port"; "tunnelOnDemandOptionEthernetOnly" = "Ethernet only"; "macMenuHideOtherApps" = "Hide Others"; "alertCantOpenInputZipFileMessage" = "The zip archive could not be read."; "alertInvalidInterfaceMessagePrivateKeyInvalid" = "Interface’s private key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding"; "deleteTunnelButtonTitle" = "Delete tunnel"; "alertInvalidInterfaceMessageDNSInvalid" = "Interface’s DNS servers must be a list of comma-separated IP addresses"; "tunnelStatusInactive" = "Inactive"; "macAlertPrivateKeyInvalid" = "Private key is invalid."; "deleteTunnelConfirmationAlertMessage" = "Delete this tunnel?"; "macDeleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitleCancel" = "Cancel"; "alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationDisabled" = "The configuration is disabled."; "alertInvalidPeerMessagePersistentKeepaliveInvalid" = "Peer’s persistent keepalive must be between 0 to 65535, or unspecified"; "macMenuNetworksNone" = "Networks: None"; "tunnelOnDemandSSIDsKey" = "SSIDs"; "alertCantOpenOutputZipFileForWritingMessage" = "Could not open zip file for writing."; "macMenuSelectAll" = "Select All"; "alertInvalidPeerMessagePublicKeyInvalid" = "Peer’s public key must be a 32-byte key in base64 encoding"; "tunnelOnDemandCellular" = "Cellular"; "macConfirmAndQuitAlertQuitWireGuard" = "Quit WireGuard"; "alertSystemErrorOnRemoveTunnelTitle" = "Unable to remove tunnel"; "macFieldOnDemand" = "On-Demand:"; "macMenuCloseWindow" = "Close Window"; "macSheetButtonExportLog" = "Save"; "tunnelOnDemandOptionWiFiOrCellular" = "Wi-Fi or cellular"; "alertSystemErrorOnModifyTunnelTitle" = "Unable to modify tunnel"; "alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationReadWriteFailed" = "Reading or writing the configuration failed."; "macMenuEditTunnel" = "Edit…"; "macButtonImportTunnels" = "Import tunnel(s) from file"; "macAppExitingWithActiveTunnelMessage" = "WireGuard is exiting with an active tunnel"; "alertSystemErrorMessageTunnelConfigurationStale" = "The configuration is stale."; "tunnelPeerPreSharedKey" = "Preshared key"; "alertTunnelDNSFailureMessage" = "One or more endpoint domains could not be resolved."; "alertInvalidInterfaceMessageAddressInvalid" = "Interface addresses must be a list of comma-separated IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation"; "alertNoTunnelsInImportedZipArchiveTitle" = "No tunnels in zip archive"; "alertTunnelDNSFailureTitle" = "DNS resolution failure"; "macLogButtonTitleSave" = "Save…"; "macMenuToggleStatus" = "Toggle Status"; "macMenuMinimize" = "Minimize"; "deletePeerButtonTitle" = "Delete peer"; "alertCantOpenInputZipFileTitle" = "Unable to read zip archive"; "alertSystemErrorOnListingTunnelsTitle" = "Unable to list tunnels"; "settingsVersionKeyWireGuardForIOS" = "WireGuard for iOS"; "macMenuPaste" = "Paste"; "macAlertMultipleInterfaces" = "Configuration must have only one ‘Interface’ section."; "macAppStoreUpdatingAlertMessage" = "App Store would like to update WireGuard"; "macUnusableTunnelMessage" = "The configuration for this tunnel cannot be found in the keychain."; "macToolTipEditTunnel" = "Edit tunnel (⌘E)"; "tunnelEditPlaceholderTextStronglyRecommended" = "Strongly recommended"; "macMenuZoom" = "Zoom"; "alertBadArchiveTitle" = "Unable to read zip archive"; "macExportPrivateData" = "export tunnel private keys"; "alertTunnelAlreadyExistsWithThatNameTitle" = "Name already exists"; "iosViewPrivateData" = "Authenticate to view tunnel private keys."; "tunnelPeerLastHandshakeTime" = "Latest handshake"; "macAlertPreSharedKeyInvalid" = "Preshared key is invalid"; "alertBadConfigImportTitle" = "Unable to import tunnel"; "macEditSave" = "Save"; "macConfirmAndQuitAlertCloseWindow" = "Close Tunnels Manager"; "macMenuFile" = "File"; "tunnelStatusActivating" = "Activating"; "macToolTipToggleStatus" = "Toggle status (⌘T)"; "alertTunnelActivationSystemErrorTitle" = "Activation failure"; "alertInvalidInterfaceMessagePrivateKeyRequired" = "Interface’s private key is required"; "alertNoTunnelsToExportTitle" = "Nothing to export"; "scanQRCodeTipText" = "Tip: Generate with `qrencode -t ansiutf8 < tunnel.conf`"; "alertNoTunnelsToExportMessage" = "There are no tunnels to export"; "macMenuImportTunnels" = "Import Tunnel(s) from File…"; "macMenuViewLog" = "View Log"; "macAlertInfoUnrecognizedPeerKey" = "Valid keys are: ‘PublicKey’, ‘PresharedKey’, ‘AllowedIPs’, ‘Endpoint’ and ‘PersistentKeepalive’"; "tunnelOnDemandNoSSIDs" = "No SSIDs"; "deleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonTitle" = "Delete"; "tunnelEditPlaceholderTextOff" = "Off"; "addTunnelMenuHeader" = "Add a new WireGuard tunnel"; "macUnusableTunnelButtonTitleDeleteTunnel" = "Delete tunnel"; "tunnelEditPlaceholderTextRequired" = "Required"; "tunnelStatusReasserting" = "Reactivating"; "macMenuTunnel" = "Tunnel"; "alertTunnelAlreadyExistsWithThatNameMessage" = "A tunnel with that name already exists"; "macLogColumnTitleLogMessage" = "Log message"; "iosExportPrivateData" = "Authenticate to export tunnel private keys."; "macMenuAbout" = "About WireGuard"; "macSheetButtonImport" = "Import"; "alertScanQRCodeNamePromptTitle" = "Please name the scanned tunnel"; "alertUnableToRemovePreviousLogMessage" = "The pre-existing log could not be cleared"; "alertTunnelActivationBackendFailureMessage" = "Unable to turn on Go backend library."; "settingsSectionTitleExportConfigurations" = "Export configurations"; "alertBadArchiveMessage" = "Bad or corrupt zip archive."; "settingsVersionKeyWireGuardGoBackend" = "WireGuard Go Backend"; "macFieldOnDemandSSIDs" = "SSIDs:"; "deletePeerConfirmationAlertMessage" = "Delete this peer?"; "alertCantOpenOutputZipFileForWritingTitle" = "Unable to create zip archive"; "tunnelStatusActive" = "Active"; "tunnelStatusWaiting" = "Waiting"; "alertNoTunnelsInImportedZipArchiveMessage" = "No .conf tunnel files were found inside the zip archive."; "alertTunnelActivationFileDescriptorFailureMessage" = "Unable to determine TUN device file descriptor."; "addTunnelMenuFromScratch" = "Create from scratch"; "tunnelOnDemandOptionWiFiOrEthernet" = "Wi-Fi or ethernet"; "macToggleStatusButtonActivate" = "Activate"; "macAlertNameIsEmpty" = "Name is required";