Andrej Mihajlov ec57408570 Move all source files to Sources/ and rename WireGuardKit targets
Signed-off-by: Andrej Mihajlov <and@mullvad.net>
2020-12-03 13:32:24 +01:00

134 lines
5.5 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright © 2018-2019 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
import NetworkExtension
enum ActivateOnDemandOption: Equatable {
case off
case wiFiInterfaceOnly(ActivateOnDemandSSIDOption)
case nonWiFiInterfaceOnly
case anyInterface(ActivateOnDemandSSIDOption)
#if os(iOS)
private let nonWiFiInterfaceType: NEOnDemandRuleInterfaceType = .cellular
#elseif os(macOS)
private let nonWiFiInterfaceType: NEOnDemandRuleInterfaceType = .ethernet
enum ActivateOnDemandSSIDOption: Equatable {
case anySSID
case onlySpecificSSIDs([String])
case exceptSpecificSSIDs([String])
extension ActivateOnDemandOption {
func apply(on tunnelProviderManager: NETunnelProviderManager) {
let rules: [NEOnDemandRule]?
switch self {
case .off:
rules = nil
case .wiFiInterfaceOnly(let ssidOption):
rules = ssidOnDemandRules(option: ssidOption) + [NEOnDemandRuleDisconnect(interfaceType: nonWiFiInterfaceType)]
case .nonWiFiInterfaceOnly:
rules = [NEOnDemandRuleConnect(interfaceType: nonWiFiInterfaceType), NEOnDemandRuleDisconnect(interfaceType: .wiFi)]
case .anyInterface(let ssidOption):
if case .anySSID = ssidOption {
rules = [NEOnDemandRuleConnect(interfaceType: .any)]
} else {
rules = ssidOnDemandRules(option: ssidOption) + [NEOnDemandRuleConnect(interfaceType: nonWiFiInterfaceType)]
tunnelProviderManager.onDemandRules = rules
tunnelProviderManager.isOnDemandEnabled = self != .off
init(from tunnelProviderManager: NETunnelProviderManager) {
if tunnelProviderManager.isOnDemandEnabled, let onDemandRules = tunnelProviderManager.onDemandRules {
self = ActivateOnDemandOption.create(from: onDemandRules)
} else {
self = .off
private static func create(from rules: [NEOnDemandRule]) -> ActivateOnDemandOption {
switch rules.count {
case 0:
return .off
case 1:
let rule = rules[0]
guard rule.action == .connect else { return .off }
return .anyInterface(.anySSID)
case 2:
guard let connectRule = rules.first(where: { $0.action == .connect }) else {
wg_log(.error, message: "Unexpected onDemandRules set on tunnel provider manager: \(rules.count) rules found but no connect rule.")
return .off
guard let disconnectRule = rules.first(where: { $0.action == .disconnect }) else {
wg_log(.error, message: "Unexpected onDemandRules set on tunnel provider manager: \(rules.count) rules found but no disconnect rule.")
return .off
if connectRule.interfaceTypeMatch == .wiFi && disconnectRule.interfaceTypeMatch == nonWiFiInterfaceType {
return .wiFiInterfaceOnly(.anySSID)
} else if connectRule.interfaceTypeMatch == nonWiFiInterfaceType && disconnectRule.interfaceTypeMatch == .wiFi {
return .nonWiFiInterfaceOnly
} else {
wg_log(.error, message: "Unexpected onDemandRules set on tunnel provider manager: \(rules.count) rules found but interface types are inconsistent.")
return .off
case 3:
guard let ssidRule = rules.first(where: { $0.interfaceTypeMatch == .wiFi && $0.ssidMatch != nil }) else { return .off }
guard let nonWiFiRule = rules.first(where: { $0.interfaceTypeMatch == nonWiFiInterfaceType }) else { return .off }
let ssids = ssidRule.ssidMatch!
switch (ssidRule.action, nonWiFiRule.action) {
case (.connect, .connect):
return .anyInterface(.onlySpecificSSIDs(ssids))
case (.connect, .disconnect):
return .wiFiInterfaceOnly(.onlySpecificSSIDs(ssids))
case (.disconnect, .connect):
return .anyInterface(.exceptSpecificSSIDs(ssids))
case (.disconnect, .disconnect):
return .wiFiInterfaceOnly(.exceptSpecificSSIDs(ssids))
wg_log(.error, message: "Unexpected onDemandRules set on tunnel provider manager: \(rules.count) rules found")
return .off
wg_log(.error, message: "Unexpected number of onDemandRules set on tunnel provider manager: \(rules.count) rules found")
return .off
private extension NEOnDemandRuleConnect {
convenience init(interfaceType: NEOnDemandRuleInterfaceType, ssids: [String]? = nil) {
interfaceTypeMatch = interfaceType
ssidMatch = ssids
private extension NEOnDemandRuleDisconnect {
convenience init(interfaceType: NEOnDemandRuleInterfaceType, ssids: [String]? = nil) {
interfaceTypeMatch = interfaceType
ssidMatch = ssids
private func ssidOnDemandRules(option: ActivateOnDemandSSIDOption) -> [NEOnDemandRule] {
switch option {
case .anySSID:
return [NEOnDemandRuleConnect(interfaceType: .wiFi)]
case .onlySpecificSSIDs(let ssids):
return [NEOnDemandRuleConnect(interfaceType: .wiFi, ssids: ssids),
NEOnDemandRuleDisconnect(interfaceType: .wiFi)]
case .exceptSpecificSSIDs(let ssids):
return [NEOnDemandRuleDisconnect(interfaceType: .wiFi, ssids: ssids),
NEOnDemandRuleConnect(interfaceType: .wiFi)]