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synced 2025-02-10 09:52:05 +00:00
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106 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright © 2018-2021 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
import Foundation
enum ZipArchiveError: WireGuardAppError {
case cantOpenInputZipFile
case cantOpenOutputZipFileForWriting
case badArchive
case noTunnelsInZipArchive
var alertText: AlertText {
switch self {
case .cantOpenInputZipFile:
return (tr("alertCantOpenInputZipFileTitle"), tr("alertCantOpenInputZipFileMessage"))
case .cantOpenOutputZipFileForWriting:
return (tr("alertCantOpenOutputZipFileForWritingTitle"), tr("alertCantOpenOutputZipFileForWritingMessage"))
case .badArchive:
return (tr("alertBadArchiveTitle"), tr("alertBadArchiveMessage"))
case .noTunnelsInZipArchive:
return (tr("alertNoTunnelsInImportedZipArchiveTitle"), tr("alertNoTunnelsInImportedZipArchiveMessage"))
enum ZipArchive {}
extension ZipArchive {
static func archive(inputs: [(fileName: String, contents: Data)], to destinationURL: URL) throws {
let destinationPath = destinationURL.path
guard let zipFile = zipOpen(destinationPath, APPEND_STATUS_CREATE) else {
throw ZipArchiveError.cantOpenOutputZipFileForWriting
for input in inputs {
let fileName = input.fileName
let contents = input.contents
zipOpenNewFileInZip(zipFile, fileName.cString(using: .utf8), nil, nil, 0, nil, 0, nil, Z_DEFLATED, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)
contents.withUnsafeBytes { rawBufferPointer -> Void in
zipWriteInFileInZip(zipFile, rawBufferPointer.baseAddress, UInt32(contents.count))
zipClose(zipFile, nil)
static func unarchive(url: URL, requiredFileExtensions: [String]) throws -> [(fileBaseName: String, contents: Data)] {
var results = [(fileBaseName: String, contents: Data)]()
let requiredFileExtensionsLowercased = requiredFileExtensions.map { $0.lowercased() }
guard let zipFile = unzOpen64(url.path) else {
throw ZipArchiveError.cantOpenInputZipFile
defer {
guard unzGoToFirstFile(zipFile) == UNZ_OK else { throw ZipArchiveError.badArchive }
var resultOfGoToNextFile: Int32
repeat {
guard unzOpenCurrentFile(zipFile) == UNZ_OK else { throw ZipArchiveError.badArchive }
let bufferSize = 16384 // 16 KiB
let fileNameBuffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>.allocate(capacity: bufferSize)
let dataBuffer = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>.allocate(capacity: bufferSize)
defer {
guard unzGetCurrentFileInfo64(zipFile, nil, fileNameBuffer, UInt(bufferSize), nil, 0, nil, 0) == UNZ_OK else { throw ZipArchiveError.badArchive }
let lastChar = String(cString: fileNameBuffer).suffix(1)
let isDirectory = (lastChar == "/" || lastChar == "\\")
let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithFileSystemRepresentation: fileNameBuffer, isDirectory: isDirectory, relativeTo: nil)
if !isDirectory && requiredFileExtensionsLowercased.contains(fileURL.pathExtension.lowercased()) {
var unzippedData = Data()
var bytesRead: Int32 = 0
repeat {
bytesRead = unzReadCurrentFile(zipFile, dataBuffer, UInt32(bufferSize))
if bytesRead > 0 {
let dataRead = dataBuffer.withMemoryRebound(to: UInt8.self, capacity: bufferSize) {
return Data(bytes: $0, count: Int(bytesRead))
} while bytesRead > 0
results.append((fileBaseName: fileURL.deletingPathExtension().lastPathComponent, contents: unzippedData))
guard unzCloseCurrentFile(zipFile) == UNZ_OK else { throw ZipArchiveError.badArchive }
resultOfGoToNextFile = unzGoToNextFile(zipFile)
} while resultOfGoToNextFile == UNZ_OK
if resultOfGoToNextFile == UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE {
return results
} else {
throw ZipArchiveError.badArchive