mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 12:42:02 +00:00
249 lines
11 KiB
249 lines
11 KiB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright © 2018-2019 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
import Foundation
extension TunnelConfiguration {
enum ParserState {
case inInterfaceSection
case inPeerSection
case notInASection
enum ParseError: Error {
case invalidLine(String.SubSequence)
case noInterface
case multipleInterfaces
case interfaceHasNoPrivateKey
case interfaceHasInvalidPrivateKey(String)
case interfaceHasInvalidListenPort(String)
case interfaceHasInvalidAddress(String)
case interfaceHasInvalidDNS(String)
case interfaceHasInvalidMTU(String)
case interfaceHasUnrecognizedKey(String)
case peerHasNoPublicKey
case peerHasInvalidPublicKey(String)
case peerHasInvalidPreSharedKey(String)
case peerHasInvalidAllowedIP(String)
case peerHasInvalidEndpoint(String)
case peerHasInvalidPersistentKeepAlive(String)
case peerHasUnrecognizedKey(String)
case multiplePeersWithSamePublicKey
case multipleEntriesForKey(String)
//swiftlint:disable:next function_body_length cyclomatic_complexity
convenience init(fromWgQuickConfig wgQuickConfig: String, called name: String? = nil) throws {
var interfaceConfiguration: InterfaceConfiguration?
var peerConfigurations = [PeerConfiguration]()
let lines = wgQuickConfig.split(separator: "\n")
var parserState = ParserState.notInASection
var attributes = [String: String]()
for (lineIndex, line) in lines.enumerated() {
var trimmedLine: String
if let commentRange = line.range(of: "#") {
trimmedLine = String(line[..<commentRange.lowerBound])
} else {
trimmedLine = String(line)
trimmedLine = trimmedLine.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
guard !trimmedLine.isEmpty else { continue }
let lowercasedLine = line.lowercased()
if let equalsIndex = line.firstIndex(of: "=") {
// Line contains an attribute
let keyWithCase = line[..<equalsIndex].trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
let key = keyWithCase.lowercased()
let value = line[line.index(equalsIndex, offsetBy: 1)...].trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
let keysWithMultipleEntriesAllowed: Set<String> = ["address", "allowedips", "dns"]
if let presentValue = attributes[key] {
if keysWithMultipleEntriesAllowed.contains(key) {
attributes[key] = presentValue + "," + value
} else {
throw ParseError.multipleEntriesForKey(keyWithCase)
} else {
attributes[key] = value
let interfaceSectionKeys: Set<String> = ["privatekey", "listenport", "address", "dns", "mtu"]
let peerSectionKeys: Set<String> = ["publickey", "presharedkey", "allowedips", "endpoint", "persistentkeepalive"]
if parserState == .inInterfaceSection {
guard interfaceSectionKeys.contains(key) else {
throw ParseError.interfaceHasUnrecognizedKey(keyWithCase)
} else if parserState == .inPeerSection {
guard peerSectionKeys.contains(key) else {
throw ParseError.peerHasUnrecognizedKey(keyWithCase)
} else if lowercasedLine != "[interface]" && lowercasedLine != "[peer]" {
throw ParseError.invalidLine(line)
let isLastLine = lineIndex == lines.count - 1
if isLastLine || lowercasedLine == "[interface]" || lowercasedLine == "[peer]" {
// Previous section has ended; process the attributes collected so far
if parserState == .inInterfaceSection {
let interface = try TunnelConfiguration.collate(interfaceAttributes: attributes)
guard interfaceConfiguration == nil else { throw ParseError.multipleInterfaces }
interfaceConfiguration = interface
} else if parserState == .inPeerSection {
let peer = try TunnelConfiguration.collate(peerAttributes: attributes)
if lowercasedLine == "[interface]" {
parserState = .inInterfaceSection
} else if lowercasedLine == "[peer]" {
parserState = .inPeerSection
let peerPublicKeysArray = peerConfigurations.map { $0.publicKey }
let peerPublicKeysSet = Set<Data>(peerPublicKeysArray)
if peerPublicKeysArray.count != peerPublicKeysSet.count {
throw ParseError.multiplePeersWithSamePublicKey
if let interfaceConfiguration = interfaceConfiguration {
self.init(name: name, interface: interfaceConfiguration, peers: peerConfigurations)
} else {
throw ParseError.noInterface
func asWgQuickConfig() -> String {
var output = "[Interface]\n"
output.append("PrivateKey = \(interface.privateKey.base64EncodedString())\n")
if let listenPort = interface.listenPort {
output.append("ListenPort = \(listenPort)\n")
if !interface.addresses.isEmpty {
let addressString = interface.addresses.map { $0.stringRepresentation }.joined(separator: ", ")
output.append("Address = \(addressString)\n")
if !interface.dns.isEmpty {
let dnsString = interface.dns.map { $0.stringRepresentation }.joined(separator: ", ")
output.append("DNS = \(dnsString)\n")
if let mtu = interface.mtu {
output.append("MTU = \(mtu)\n")
for peer in peers {
output.append("PublicKey = \(peer.publicKey.base64EncodedString())\n")
if let preSharedKey = peer.preSharedKey {
output.append("PresharedKey = \(preSharedKey.base64EncodedString())\n")
if !peer.allowedIPs.isEmpty {
let allowedIPsString = peer.allowedIPs.map { $0.stringRepresentation }.joined(separator: ", ")
output.append("AllowedIPs = \(allowedIPsString)\n")
if let endpoint = peer.endpoint {
output.append("Endpoint = \(endpoint.stringRepresentation)\n")
if let persistentKeepAlive = peer.persistentKeepAlive {
output.append("PersistentKeepalive = \(persistentKeepAlive)\n")
return output
//swiftlint:disable:next cyclomatic_complexity
private static func collate(interfaceAttributes attributes: [String: String]) throws -> InterfaceConfiguration {
guard let privateKeyString = attributes["privatekey"] else {
throw ParseError.interfaceHasNoPrivateKey
guard let privateKey = Data(base64Encoded: privateKeyString), privateKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else {
throw ParseError.interfaceHasInvalidPrivateKey(privateKeyString)
var interface = InterfaceConfiguration(privateKey: privateKey)
if let listenPortString = attributes["listenport"] {
guard let listenPort = UInt16(listenPortString) else {
throw ParseError.interfaceHasInvalidListenPort(listenPortString)
interface.listenPort = listenPort
if let addressesString = attributes["address"] {
var addresses = [IPAddressRange]()
for addressString in addressesString.splitToArray(trimmingCharacters: .whitespaces) {
guard let address = IPAddressRange(from: addressString) else {
throw ParseError.interfaceHasInvalidAddress(addressString)
interface.addresses = addresses
if let dnsString = attributes["dns"] {
var dnsServers = [DNSServer]()
for dnsServerString in dnsString.splitToArray(trimmingCharacters: .whitespaces) {
guard let dnsServer = DNSServer(from: dnsServerString) else {
throw ParseError.interfaceHasInvalidDNS(dnsServerString)
interface.dns = dnsServers
if let mtuString = attributes["mtu"] {
guard let mtu = UInt16(mtuString) else {
throw ParseError.interfaceHasInvalidMTU(mtuString)
interface.mtu = mtu
return interface
//swiftlint:disable:next cyclomatic_complexity
private static func collate(peerAttributes attributes: [String: String]) throws -> PeerConfiguration {
guard let publicKeyString = attributes["publickey"] else {
throw ParseError.peerHasNoPublicKey
guard let publicKey = Data(base64Encoded: publicKeyString), publicKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else {
throw ParseError.peerHasInvalidPublicKey(publicKeyString)
var peer = PeerConfiguration(publicKey: publicKey)
if let preSharedKeyString = attributes["presharedkey"] {
guard let preSharedKey = Data(base64Encoded: preSharedKeyString), preSharedKey.count == TunnelConfiguration.keyLength else {
throw ParseError.peerHasInvalidPreSharedKey(preSharedKeyString)
peer.preSharedKey = preSharedKey
if let allowedIPsString = attributes["allowedips"] {
var allowedIPs = [IPAddressRange]()
for allowedIPString in allowedIPsString.splitToArray(trimmingCharacters: .whitespacesAndNewlines) {
guard let allowedIP = IPAddressRange(from: allowedIPString) else {
throw ParseError.peerHasInvalidAllowedIP(allowedIPString)
peer.allowedIPs = allowedIPs
if let endpointString = attributes["endpoint"] {
guard let endpoint = Endpoint(from: endpointString) else {
throw ParseError.peerHasInvalidEndpoint(endpointString)
peer.endpoint = endpoint
if let persistentKeepAliveString = attributes["persistentkeepalive"] {
guard let persistentKeepAlive = UInt16(persistentKeepAliveString) else {
throw ParseError.peerHasInvalidPersistentKeepAlive(persistentKeepAliveString)
peer.persistentKeepAlive = persistentKeepAlive
return peer