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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright © 2018 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
import NetworkExtension
import os.log
enum PacketTunnelProviderError: Error {
case invalidOptions
case couldNotStartWireGuard
case coultNotSetNetworkSettings
/// A packet tunnel provider object.
class PacketTunnelProvider: NEPacketTunnelProvider {
// MARK: Properties
private var wgHandle: Int32?
// MARK: NEPacketTunnelProvider
/// Begin the process of establishing the tunnel.
override func startTunnel(options: [String: NSObject]?,
completionHandler startTunnelCompletionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
os_log("Starting tunnel", log: OSLog.default, type: .info)
guard let options = options else {
os_log("Starting tunnel failed: No options passed. Possible connection request from preferences", log: OSLog.default, type: .error)
// displayMessage is deprecated API
displayMessage("Please use the WireGuard app to start WireGuard tunnels") { (_) in
guard let interfaceName = options[.interfaceName] as? String,
let wireguardSettings = options[.wireguardSettings] as? String,
let remoteAddress = options[.remoteAddress] as? String,
let dnsServers = options[.dnsServers] as? [String],
let mtu = options[.mtu] as? NSNumber,
// IPv4 settings
let ipv4Addresses = options[.ipv4Addresses] as? [String],
let ipv4SubnetMasks = options[.ipv4SubnetMasks] as? [String],
let ipv4IncludedRouteAddresses = options[.ipv4IncludedRouteAddresses] as? [String],
let ipv4IncludedRouteSubnetMasks = options[.ipv4IncludedRouteSubnetMasks] as? [String],
let ipv4ExcludedRouteAddresses = options[.ipv4ExcludedRouteAddresses] as? [String],
let ipv4ExcludedRouteSubnetMasks = options[.ipv4ExcludedRouteSubnetMasks] as? [String],
// IPv6 settings
let ipv6Addresses = options[.ipv6Addresses] as? [String],
let ipv6NetworkPrefixLengths = options[.ipv6NetworkPrefixLengths] as? [NSNumber],
let ipv6IncludedRouteAddresses = options[.ipv6IncludedRouteAddresses] as? [String],
let ipv6IncludedRouteNetworkPrefixLengths = options[.ipv6IncludedRouteNetworkPrefixLengths] as? [NSNumber],
let ipv6ExcludedRouteAddresses = options[.ipv6ExcludedRouteAddresses] as? [String],
let ipv6ExcludedRouteNetworkPrefixLengths = options[.ipv6ExcludedRouteNetworkPrefixLengths] as? [NSNumber]
else {
os_log("Starting tunnel failed: Invalid options passed", log: OSLog.default, type: .error)
let fd = packetFlow.value(forKeyPath: "socket.fileDescriptor") as! Int32
if fd < 0 {
os_log("Starting tunnel failed: Could not determine file descriptor", log: OSLog.default, type: .error)
let handle = connect(interfaceName: interfaceName, settings: wireguardSettings, fd: fd)
if handle < 0 {
os_log("Starting tunnel failed: Could not start WireGuard", log: OSLog.default, type: .error)
wgHandle = handle
// Network settings
let networkSettings = NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings(tunnelRemoteAddress: remoteAddress)
// IPv4 settings
let ipv4Settings = NEIPv4Settings(addresses: ipv4Addresses, subnetMasks: ipv4SubnetMasks)
assert(ipv4IncludedRouteAddresses.count == ipv4IncludedRouteSubnetMasks.count)
ipv4Settings.includedRoutes = zip(ipv4IncludedRouteAddresses, ipv4IncludedRouteSubnetMasks).map {
NEIPv4Route(destinationAddress: $0.0, subnetMask: $0.1)
assert(ipv4ExcludedRouteAddresses.count == ipv4ExcludedRouteSubnetMasks.count)
ipv4Settings.excludedRoutes = zip(ipv4ExcludedRouteAddresses, ipv4ExcludedRouteSubnetMasks).map {
NEIPv4Route(destinationAddress: $0.0, subnetMask: $0.1)
networkSettings.ipv4Settings = ipv4Settings
// IPv6 settings
/* Big fat ugly hack for broken iOS networking stack: the smallest prefix that will have
* any effect on iOS is a /120, so we clamp everything above to /120. This is potentially
* very bad, if various network parameters were actually relying on that subnet being
* intentionally small. TODO: talk about this with upstream iOS devs.
let ipv6Settings = NEIPv6Settings(addresses: ipv6Addresses, networkPrefixLengths: ipv6NetworkPrefixLengths.map { NSNumber(value: min(120, $0.intValue)) })
assert(ipv6IncludedRouteAddresses.count == ipv6IncludedRouteNetworkPrefixLengths.count)
ipv6Settings.includedRoutes = zip(ipv6IncludedRouteAddresses, ipv6IncludedRouteNetworkPrefixLengths).map {
NEIPv6Route(destinationAddress: $0.0, networkPrefixLength: $0.1)
assert(ipv6ExcludedRouteAddresses.count == ipv6ExcludedRouteNetworkPrefixLengths.count)
ipv6Settings.excludedRoutes = zip(ipv6ExcludedRouteAddresses, ipv6ExcludedRouteNetworkPrefixLengths).map {
NEIPv6Route(destinationAddress: $0.0, networkPrefixLength: $0.1)
networkSettings.ipv6Settings = ipv6Settings
// DNS
networkSettings.dnsSettings = NEDNSSettings(servers: dnsServers)
// MTU
if (mtu == 0) {
// 0 imples automatic MTU, where we set overhead as 80 bytes, which is the worst case for WireGuard
networkSettings.tunnelOverheadBytes = 80
} else {
networkSettings.mtu = mtu
setTunnelNetworkSettings(networkSettings) { (error) in
if let error = error {
os_log("Starting tunnel failed: Error setting network settings: %s", log: OSLog.default, type: .error, error.localizedDescription)
} else {
startTunnelCompletionHandler(nil /* No errors */)
/// Begin the process of stopping the tunnel.
override func stopTunnel(with reason: NEProviderStopReason, completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
os_log("Stopping tunnel", log: OSLog.default, type: .info)
if let handle = wgHandle {
private func configureLogger() {
wgSetLogger { (level, msgCStr) in
let logType: OSLogType
switch level {
case 0:
logType = .debug
case 1:
logType = .info
case 2:
logType = .error
logType = .default
let msg = (msgCStr != nil) ? String(cString: msgCStr!) : ""
os_log("%{public}s", log: OSLog.default, type: logType, msg)
private func connect(interfaceName: String, settings: String, fd: Int32) -> Int32 { // swiftlint:disable:this cyclomatic_complexity
return withStringsAsGoStrings(interfaceName, settings) { (nameGoStr, settingsGoStr) -> Int32 in
return wgTurnOn(nameGoStr, settingsGoStr, fd)
private func withStringsAsGoStrings<R>(_ str1: String, _ str2: String, closure: (gostring_t, gostring_t) -> R) -> R {
return str1.withCString { (s1cStr) -> R in
let gstr1 = gostring_t(p: s1cStr, n: str1.utf8.count)
return str2.withCString { (s2cStr) -> R in
let gstr2 = gostring_t(p: s2cStr, n: str2.utf8.count)
return closure(gstr1, gstr2)