Jason A. Donenfeld 54e3333b72 WireGuardApp: add CrowdIn syncer and run it
Signed-off-by: Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>
2020-12-11 11:34:19 +01:00

89 lines
2.8 KiB

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Copyright © 2018-2019 WireGuard LLC. All Rights Reserved.
// Generic alert action names
"actionOK" = "好";
"actionCancel" = "取消";
"actionSave" = "儲存";
// Tunnels list UI
"tunnelsListTitle" = "WireGuard";
"tunnelsListSettingsButtonTitle" = "設定";
"tunnelsListCenteredAddTunnelButtonTitle" = "新增通道";
"tunnelsListSwipeDeleteButtonTitle" = "刪除";
"tunnelsListSelectButtonTitle" = "選擇";
"tunnelsListSelectAllButtonTitle" = "全選";
"tunnelsListDeleteButtonTitle" = "刪除";
"tunnelsListSelectedTitle (%d)" = "已選擇了 %d";
// Tunnels list menu
"addTunnelMenuHeader" = "新增一個 WireGuard 通道";
"addTunnelMenuImportFile" = "從檔案或是壓縮檔中建立";
"addTunnelMenuQRCode" = "從 QR code 中建立";
"addTunnelMenuFromScratch" = "從空白開始建立";
// Tunnels list alerts
"alertImportedFromMultipleFilesTitle (%d)" = "已建立 %d 個通道";
"alertImportedFromZipTitle (%d)" = "已建立 %d 個通道";
"alertBadConfigImportTitle" = "無法匯入通道";
"deleteTunnelsConfirmationAlertButtonTitle" = "刪除";
"deleteTunnelConfirmationAlertButtonMessage (%d)" = "是否刪除 %d 個通道?";
"deleteTunnelsConfirmationAlertButtonMessage (%d)" = "是否刪除 %d 個通道?";
// Tunnel detail and edit UI
"newTunnelViewTitle" = "新增設定";
"editTunnelViewTitle" = "修改設定";
"tunnelSectionTitleStatus" = "ㄓ望太";
"tunnelStatusInactive" = "未啟用";
"tunnelStatusActivating" = "啟用中";
"tunnelStatusActive" = "已啟用";
"tunnelStatusDeactivating" = "停用中";
"tunnelStatusReasserting" = "重新啟用中";
"tunnelStatusRestarting" = "重新啟動中";
"tunnelStatusWaiting" = "等待中";
"macToggleStatusButtonActivate" = "啟動";
"macToggleStatusButtonActivating" = "啟動中...";
"macToggleStatusButtonDeactivate" = "停用";
"macToggleStatusButtonDeactivating" = "停用中...";
"macToggleStatusButtonReasserting" = "重新啟用中...";
"macToggleStatusButtonRestarting" = "重新啟動中....";
"macToggleStatusButtonWaiting" = "等待中...";
"tunnelSectionTitleInterface" = "介面";
"tunnelInterfaceName" = "名稱";
"tunnelInterfacePrivateKey" = "私人金鑰";
"tunnelInterfacePublicKey" = "公開金鑰";
"tunnelInterfaceGenerateKeypair" = "產生金鑰對";
"tunnelInterfaceListenPort" = "監聽埠";
"tunnelInterfaceMTU" = "MTU";
"tunnelInterfaceDNS" = "DNS 伺服器";
"tunnelEditPlaceholderTextAutomatic" = "自動";
"tunnelHandshakeTimestampNow" = "現在";
// Settings UI
"settingsViewTitle" = "設定";
"settingsSectionTitleAbout" = "關於";
"macMenuAbout" = "關於 WireGuard";
"macMenuQuit" = "離開 WireGuard";
"macMenuHideApp" = "隱藏 WireGuard";
"macMenuCut" = "剪下";
"macMenuCopy" = "複製";
"macMenuPaste" = "貼上";
"macMenuSelectAll" = "全選";
"macMenuMinimize" = "最小化";