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use response;
use handler::ErrorHandler;
use codegen::StaticCatchInfo;
use error::Error;
use request::Request;
use std::fmt;
use yansi::Color::*;
/// An error catching route.
/// Catchers are routes that run when errors occur. They correspond directly
/// with the HTTP error status code they will be handling and are registered
/// with Rocket via the [Rocket::catch](/rocket/struct.Rocket.html#method.catch)
/// method. For example, to handle "404 not found" errors, a catcher for the
/// "404" status code is registered.
/// Because error handlers are only called when all routes are exhausted, they
/// should not fail nor forward. If an error catcher fails, the user will
/// receive no response. If an error catcher forwards, Rocket will respond with
/// an internal server error.
/// # Built-In Catchers
/// Rocket has many built-in, pre-registered default catchers. In particular,
/// Rocket has catchers for all of the following status codes: 400, 401, 402,
/// 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417,
/// 418, 421, 426, 428, 429, 431, 451, 500, 501, 503, and 510. As such, catchers
/// only need to be registered if an error needs to be handled in a custom
/// fashion.
/// # Code Generation
/// Catchers should rarely be used directly. Instead, they are typically
/// declared using the `catch` decorator, as follows:
/// ```rust
/// #![feature(plugin, decl_macro)]
/// #![plugin(rocket_codegen)]
/// extern crate rocket;
/// use rocket::{catch, Request};
/// #[catch(500)]
/// fn internal_error() -> &'static str {
/// "Whoops! Looks like we messed up."
/// }
/// #[catch(404)]
/// fn not_found(req: &Request) -> String {
/// format!("I couldn't find '{}'. Try something else?", req.uri())
/// }
/// fn main() {
/// # if false { // We don't actually want to launch the server in an example.
/// rocket::ignite().catch(catchers![internal_error, not_found]).launch();
/// # }
/// }
/// ```
/// A function decorated with `catch` must take exactly zero or one arguments.
/// If the catcher takes an argument, it must be of type `&Request`.
pub struct Catcher {
/// The HTTP status code to match against.
pub code: u16,
/// The catcher's associated handler.
pub handler: ErrorHandler,
crate is_default: bool,
impl Catcher {
/// Creates a catcher for the given status code using the given error
/// handler. This should only be used when routing manually.
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
2017-02-02 10:16:21 +00:00
/// # #![allow(unused_variables)]
/// use rocket::{Catcher, Request, Error};
/// use rocket::response::{Result, Responder};
/// use rocket::response::status::Custom;
/// use rocket::http::Status;
/// fn handle_404<'r>(_: Error, req: &'r Request) -> Result<'r> {
/// let res = Custom(Status::NotFound, format!("404: {}", req.uri()));
/// res.respond_to(req)
/// }
/// fn handle_500<'r>(_: Error, req: &'r Request) -> Result<'r> {
/// "Whoops, we messed up!".respond_to(req)
/// }
/// let not_found_catcher = Catcher::new(404, handle_404);
/// let internal_server_error_catcher = Catcher::new(500, handle_500);
/// ```
pub fn new(code: u16, handler: ErrorHandler) -> Catcher {
2018-07-28 16:58:10 +00:00
Catcher { code, handler, is_default: false }
Overhaul URI types. This is fairly large commit with several entangled logical changes. The primary change in this commit is to completely overhaul how URI handling in Rocket works. Prior to this commit, the `Uri` type acted as an origin API. Its parser was minimal and lenient, allowing URIs that were invalid according to RFC 7230. By contrast, the new `Uri` type brings with it a strict RFC 7230 compliant parser. The `Uri` type now represents any kind of valid URI, not simply `Origin` types. Three new URI types were introduced: * `Origin` - represents valid origin URIs * `Absolute` - represents valid absolute URIs * `Authority` - represents valid authority URIs The `Origin` type replaces `Uri` in many cases: * As fields and method inputs of `Route` * The `&Uri` request guard is now `&Origin` * The `uri!` macro produces an `Origin` instead of a `Uri` The strict nature of URI parsing cascaded into the following changes: * Several `Route` methods now `panic!` on invalid URIs * The `Rocket::mount()` method is (correctly) stricter with URIs * The `Redirect` constructors take a `TryInto<Uri>` type * Dispatching of a `LocalRequest` correctly validates URIs Overall, URIs are now properly and uniformly handled throughout Rocket's codebase, resulting in a more reliable and correct system. In addition to these URI changes, the following changes are also part of this commit: * The `LocalRequest::cloned_dispatch()` method was removed in favor of chaining `.clone().dispatch()`. * The entire Rocket codebase uses `crate` instead of `pub(crate)` as a visibility modifier. * Rocket uses the `crate_visibility_modifier` and `try_from` features. A note on unsafety: this commit introduces many uses of `unsafe` in the URI parser. All of these uses are a result of unsafely transforming byte slices (`&[u8]` or similar) into strings (`&str`). The parser ensures that these casts are safe, but of course, we must label their use `unsafe`. The parser was written to be as generic and efficient as possible and thus can parse directly from byte sources. Rocket, however, does not make use of this fact and so would be able to remove all uses of `unsafe` by parsing from an existing `&str`. This should be considered in the future. Fixes #443. Resolves #263.
2018-07-29 01:26:15 +00:00
crate fn handle<'r>(&self, e: Error, r: &'r Request) -> response::Result<'r> {
(self.handler)(e, r)
fn new_default(code: u16, handler: ErrorHandler) -> Catcher {
2018-07-28 16:58:10 +00:00
Catcher { code, handler, is_default: true, }
impl<'a> From<&'a StaticCatchInfo> for Catcher {
fn from(info: &'a StaticCatchInfo) -> Catcher {
Catcher::new(info.code, info.handler)
impl fmt::Display for Catcher {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", Blue.paint(&self.code))
macro_rules! error_page_template {
($code:expr, $name:expr, $description:expr) => (
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>"#, $code, " ", $name, r#"</title>
<body align="center">
<div align="center">
<h1>"#, $code, ": ", $name, r#"</h1>
<p>"#, $description, r#"</p>
<hr />
macro_rules! default_catchers {
($($code:expr, $name:expr, $description:expr, $fn_name:ident),+) => (
let mut map = HashMap::new();
fn $fn_name<'r>(_: Error, req: &'r Request) -> response::Result<'r> {
content::Html(error_page_template!($code, $name, $description))
map.insert($code, Catcher::new_default($code, $fn_name));
pub mod defaults {
use super::Catcher;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use request::Request;
use response::{self, content, status, Responder};
use http::Status;
use error::Error;
pub fn get() -> HashMap<u16, Catcher> {
default_catchers! {
400, "Bad Request", "The request could not be understood by the server due
to malformed syntax.", handle_400,
401, "Unauthorized", "The request requires user authentication.",
402, "Payment Required", "The request could not be processed due to lack of
payment.", handle_402,
403, "Forbidden", "The server refused to authorize the request.", handle_403,
404, "Not Found", "The requested resource could not be found.", handle_404,
405, "Method Not Allowed", "The request method is not supported for the
requested resource.", handle_405,
406, "Not Acceptable", "The requested resource is capable of generating
only content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the
request.", handle_406,
407, "Proxy Authentication Required", "Authentication with the proxy is
required.", handle_407,
408, "Request Timeout", "The server timed out waiting for the
request.", handle_408,
409, "Conflict", "The request could not be processed because of a conflict
in the request.", handle_409,
410, "Gone", "The resource requested is no longer available and will not be
available again.", handle_410,
411, "Length Required", "The request did not specify the length of its
content, which is required by the requested resource.", handle_411,
412, "Precondition Failed", "The server does not meet one of the
preconditions specified in the request.", handle_412,
413, "Payload Too Large", "The request is larger than the server is
willing or able to process.", handle_413,
414, "URI Too Long", "The URI provided was too long for the server to
process.", handle_414,
415, "Unsupported Media Type", "The request entity has a media type which
the server or resource does not support.", handle_415,
416, "Range Not Satisfiable", "The portion of the requested file cannot be
supplied by the server.", handle_416,
417, "Expectation Failed", "The server cannot meet the requirements of the
Expect request-header field.", handle_417,
418, "I'm a teapot", "I was requested to brew coffee, and I am a
teapot.", handle_418,
421, "Misdirected Request", "The server cannot produce a response for this
request.", handle_421,
422, "Unprocessable Entity", "The request was well-formed but was unable to
be followed due to semantic errors.", handle_422,
426, "Upgrade Required", "Switching to the protocol in the Upgrade header
field is required.", handle_426,
428, "Precondition Required", "The server requires the request to be
conditional.", handle_428,
429, "Too Many Requests", "Too many requests have been received
recently.", handle_429,
431, "Request Header Fields Too Large", "The server is unwilling to process
the request because either an individual header field, or all
the header fields collectively, are too large.", handle_431,
451, "Unavailable For Legal Reasons", "The requested resource is
unavailable due to a legal demand to deny access to this
resource.", handle_451,
500, "Internal Server Error", "The server encountered an internal error
while processing this request.", handle_500,
501, "Not Implemented", "The server either does not recognize the request
method, or it lacks the ability to fulfill the request.", handle_501,
503, "Service Unavailable", "The server is currently unavailable.",
504, "Gateway Timeout", "The server did not receive a timely
response from an upstream server.", handle_504,
510, "Not Extended", "Further extensions to the request are required for
the server to fulfill it.", handle_510