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//! Traits, utilities, and a macro for easy database connection pooling.
//! # Overview
//! This crate provides traits, utilities, and a procedural macro for
//! configuring and accessing database connection pools in Rocket. A _database
//! connection pool_ is a data structure that maintains active database
//! connections for later use in the application. This implementation is backed
//! by [`r2d2`] and exposes connections through request guards.
//! Databases are individually configured through Rocket's regular configuration
//! mechanisms. Connecting a Rocket application to a database using this library
//! occurs in three simple steps:
//! 1. Configure your databases in `Rocket.toml`.
//! (see [Configuration](#configuration))
//! 2. Associate a request guard type and fairing with each database.
//! (see [Guard Types](#guard-types))
//! 3. Use the request guard to retrieve a connection in a handler.
//! (see [Handlers](#handlers))
//! For a list of supported databases, see [Provided Databases](#provided). This
//! support can be easily extended by implementing the [`Poolable`] trait. See
//! [Extending](#extending) for more.
//! ## Example
//! Before using this library, the feature corresponding to your database type
//! in `rocket_sync_db_pools` must be enabled:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies.rocket_sync_db_pools]
//! version = "=0.1.0-rc.3"
//! features = ["diesel_sqlite_pool"]
//! ```
//! See [Provided](#provided) for a list of supported database and their
//! associated feature name.
//! In whichever configuration source you choose, configure a `databases`
//! dictionary with an internal dictionary for each database, here `sqlite_logs`
//! in a TOML source:
//! ```toml
//! [default.databases]
//! sqlite_logs = { url = "/path/to/database.sqlite" }
//! ```
//! In your application's source code, one-time:
//! ```rust
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
//! # #[cfg(feature = "diesel_sqlite_pool")]
//! # mod test {
//! use rocket_sync_db_pools::{database, diesel};
//! #[database("sqlite_logs")]
//! struct LogsDbConn(diesel::SqliteConnection);
//! #[launch]
//! fn rocket() -> _ {
//! rocket::build().attach(LogsDbConn::fairing())
//! }
//! # } fn main() {}
//! ```
//! Whenever a connection to the database is needed:
//! ```rust
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket_sync_db_pools;
//! #
//! # #[cfg(feature = "diesel_sqlite_pool")]
//! # mod test {
//! # use rocket_sync_db_pools::diesel;
//! #
//! # #[database("sqlite_logs")]
//! # struct LogsDbConn(diesel::SqliteConnection);
//! #
//! # type Logs = ();
//! # type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, ()>;
//! #
//! #[get("/logs/<id>")]
//! async fn get_logs(conn: LogsDbConn, id: usize) -> Result<Logs> {
//! # /*
//!|c| Logs::by_id(c, id)).await
//! # */
//! # Ok(())
//! }
//! # } fn main() {}
//! ```
//! # Usage
//! ## Configuration
//! Databases can be configured as any other values. Using the default
//! configuration provider, either via `Rocket.toml` or environment variables.
//! You can also use a custom provider.
//! ### `Rocket.toml`
//! To configure a database via `Rocket.toml`, add a table for each database to
//! the `databases` table where the key is a name of your choice. The table
//! should have a `url` key and, optionally, `pool_size` and `timeout` keys.
//! This looks as follows:
//! ```toml
//! # Option 1:
//! [global.databases]
//! sqlite_db = { url = "db.sqlite" }
//! # Option 2:
//! [global.databases.my_db]
//! url = "postgres://root:root@localhost/my_db"
//! # With `pool_size` and `timeout` keys:
//! [global.databases.sqlite_db]
//! url = "db.sqlite"
//! pool_size = 20
//! timeout = 5
//! ```
//! The table _requires_ one key:
//! * `url` - the URl to the database
//! Additionally, all configurations accept the following _optional_ keys:
//! * `pool_size` - the size of the pool, i.e., the number of connections to
//! pool (defaults to the configured number of workers * 4)
//! * `timeout` - max number of seconds to wait for a connection to become
//! available (defaults to `5`)
//! Additional options may be required or supported by other adapters.
//! ### Procedurally
//! Databases can also be configured procedurally via `rocket::custom()`.
//! The example below does just this:
//! ```rust
//! # #[cfg(feature = "diesel_sqlite_pool")] {
//! # use rocket::launch;
//! use rocket::figment::{value::{Map, Value}, util::map};
//! #[launch]
//! fn rocket() -> _ {
//! let db: Map<_, Value> = map! {
//! "url" => "db.sqlite".into(),
//! "pool_size" => 10.into(),
//! "timeout" => 5.into(),
//! };
//! let figment = rocket::Config::figment()
//! .merge(("databases", map!["my_db" => db]));
//! rocket::custom(figment)
//! }
//! # rocket();
//! # }
//! ```
//! ### Environment Variables
//! Lastly, databases can be configured via environment variables by specifying
//! the `databases` table as detailed in the [Environment Variables
//! configuration
//! guide](
//! ```bash
//! ROCKET_DATABASES='{my_db={url="db.sqlite"}}'
//! ```
//! Multiple databases can be specified in the `ROCKET_DATABASES` environment variable
//! as well by comma separating them:
//! ```bash
//! ROCKET_DATABASES='{my_db={url="db.sqlite"},my_pg_db={url="postgres://root:root@localhost/my_pg_db"}}'
//! ```
//! ## Guard Types
//! Once a database has been configured, the `#[database]` attribute can be used
//! to tie a type in your application to a configured database. The database
//! attribute accepts a single string parameter that indicates the name of the
//! database. This corresponds to the database name set as the database's
//! configuration key.
//! See [`ExampleDb`](example::ExampleDb) for everything that the macro
//! generates. Specifically, it generates:
//! * A [`FromRequest`] implementation for the decorated type.
//! * A [`Sentinel`](rocket::Sentinel) implementation for the decorated type.
//! * A [`fairing()`](example::ExampleDb::fairing()) method to initialize the
//! database.
//! * A [`run()`](example::ExampleDb::run()) method to execute blocking
//! database operations in an `async`-safe manner.
//! * A [`pool()`](example::ExampleDb::pool()) method to retrieve the
//! backing connection pool.
//! The attribute can only be applied to tuple structs with one field. The
//! internal type of the structure must implement [`Poolable`].
//! ```rust
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket_sync_db_pools;
//! # #[cfg(feature = "diesel_sqlite_pool")]
//! # mod test {
//! use rocket_sync_db_pools::diesel;
//! #[database("my_db")]
//! struct MyDatabase(diesel::SqliteConnection);
//! # }
//! ```
//! Other databases can be used by specifying their respective [`Poolable`]
//! type:
//! ```rust
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket_sync_db_pools;
//! # #[cfg(feature = "postgres_pool")]
//! # mod test {
//! use rocket_sync_db_pools::postgres;
//! #[database("my_pg_db")]
//! struct MyPgDatabase(postgres::Client);
//! # }
//! ```
//! The fairing returned from the generated `fairing()` method _must_ be
//! attached for the request guard implementation to succeed. Putting the pieces
//! together, a use of the `#[database]` attribute looks as follows:
//! ```rust
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket_sync_db_pools;
//! #
//! # #[cfg(feature = "diesel_sqlite_pool")] {
//! # use rocket::figment::{value::{Map, Value}, util::map};
//! use rocket_sync_db_pools::diesel;
//! #[database("my_db")]
//! struct MyDatabase(diesel::SqliteConnection);
//! #[launch]
//! fn rocket() -> _ {
//! # let db: Map<_, Value> = map![
//! # "url" => "db.sqlite".into(), "pool_size" => 10.into()
//! # ];
//! # let figment = rocket::Config::figment().merge(("databases", map!["my_db" => db]));
//! rocket::custom(figment).attach(MyDatabase::fairing())
//! }
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## Handlers
//! Finally, use your type as a request guard in a handler to retrieve a
//! connection wrapper for the database:
//! ```rust
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket_sync_db_pools;
//! #
//! # #[cfg(feature = "diesel_sqlite_pool")]
//! # mod test {
//! # use rocket_sync_db_pools::diesel;
//! #[database("my_db")]
//! struct MyDatabase(diesel::SqliteConnection);
//! #[get("/")]
//! fn my_handler(conn: MyDatabase) {
//! // ...
//! }
//! # }
//! ```
//! A connection can be retrieved and used with the `run()` method:
//! ```rust
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket_sync_db_pools;
//! #
//! # #[cfg(feature = "diesel_sqlite_pool")]
//! # mod test {
//! # use rocket_sync_db_pools::diesel;
//! # type Data = ();
//! #[database("my_db")]
//! struct MyDatabase(diesel::SqliteConnection);
//! fn load_from_db(conn: &diesel::SqliteConnection) -> Data {
//! // Do something with connection, return some data.
//! # ()
//! }
//! #[get("/")]
//! async fn my_handler(mut conn: MyDatabase) -> Data {
//!|c| load_from_db(c)).await
//! }
//! # }
//! ```
//! # Database Support
//! Built-in support is provided for many popular databases and drivers. Support
//! can be easily extended by [`Poolable`] implementations.
//! ## Provided
//! The list below includes all presently supported database adapters and their
//! corresponding [`Poolable`] type.
2023-03-23 21:40:42 +00:00
// Note: Keep this table in sync with site/guide/
//! | Kind | Driver | Version | `Poolable` Type | Feature |
//! |----------|-----------------------|-----------|--------------------------------|------------------------|
//! | Sqlite | [Diesel] | `2` | [`diesel::SqliteConnection`] | `diesel_sqlite_pool` |
//! | Postgres | [Diesel] | `2` | [`diesel::PgConnection`] | `diesel_postgres_pool` |
//! | MySQL | [Diesel] | `2` | [`diesel::MysqlConnection`] | `diesel_mysql_pool` |
//! | Postgres | [Rust-Postgres] | `0.19` | [`postgres::Client`] | `postgres_pool` |
//! | Sqlite | [`Rusqlite`] | `0.27` | [`rusqlite::Connection`] | `sqlite_pool` |
//! | Memcache | [`memcache`] | `0.15` | [`memcache::Client`] | `memcache_pool` |
//! [Diesel]:
//! [`diesel::SqliteConnection`]:
//! [`diesel::PgConnection`]:
//! [`diesel::MysqlConnection`]:
//! [Rust-Postgres]:
//! [`postgres::Client`]:
//! [`Rusqlite`]:
//! [`rusqlite::Connection`]:
//! [`diesel::PgConnection`]:
//! [`memcache`]:
//! [`memcache::Client`]:
//! The above table lists all the supported database adapters in this library.
//! In order to use particular `Poolable` type that's included in this library,
//! you must first enable the feature listed in the "Feature" column. The
//! interior type of your decorated database type should match the type in the
//! "`Poolable` Type" column.
//! ## Extending
//! Extending Rocket's support to your own custom database adapter (or other
//! database-like struct that can be pooled by `r2d2`) is as easy as
//! implementing the [`Poolable`] trait. See the documentation for [`Poolable`]
//! for more details on how to implement it.
//! [`FromRequest`]: rocket::request::FromRequest
//! [request guards]: rocket::request::FromRequest
//! [`Poolable`]: crate::Poolable
#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
#![doc(html_favicon_url = "")]
#![doc(html_logo_url = "")]
#![cfg_attr(nightly, feature(doc_cfg))]
pub extern crate rocket;
feature = "diesel_sqlite_pool",
feature = "diesel_postgres_pool",
feature = "diesel_mysql_pool"
pub use diesel;
#[cfg(feature = "postgres_pool")] pub use postgres;
#[cfg(feature = "postgres_pool")] pub use r2d2_postgres;
#[cfg(feature = "sqlite_pool")] pub use rusqlite;
#[cfg(feature = "sqlite_pool")] pub use r2d2_sqlite;
#[cfg(feature = "memcache_pool")] pub use memcache;
#[cfg(feature = "memcache_pool")] pub use r2d2_memcache;
pub use r2d2;
mod poolable;
mod config;
mod error;
mod connection;
pub use self::poolable::{Poolable, PoolResult};
pub use self::config::Config;
pub use self::error::Error;
pub use rocket_sync_db_pools_codegen::*;
pub use self::connection::*;
/// Example of code generated by the `#[database]` attribute.
#[cfg(all(nightly, doc, feature = "diesel_sqlite_pool"))]
pub mod example {
use crate::diesel;
/// Example of code generated by the `#[database]` attribute.
/// This implementation of `ExampleDb` was generated by:
/// ```rust
/// use rocket_sync_db_pools::{database, diesel};
/// #[database("example")]
/// pub struct ExampleDb(diesel::SqliteConnection);
/// ```
pub struct ExampleDb(crate::Connection<Self, diesel::SqliteConnection>);
impl ExampleDb {
/// Returns a fairing that initializes the database connection pool
/// associated with `Self`.
/// The fairing _must_ be attached before `Self` can be used as a
/// request guard.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket_sync_db_pools;
/// #
/// # #[cfg(feature = "diesel_sqlite_pool")] {
/// use rocket_sync_db_pools::diesel;
/// #[database("my_db")]
/// struct MyConn(diesel::SqliteConnection);
/// #[launch]
/// fn rocket() -> _ {
/// rocket::build().attach(MyConn::fairing())
/// }
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn fairing() -> impl crate::rocket::fairing::Fairing {
<crate::ConnectionPool<Self, diesel::SqliteConnection>>::fairing(
"'example' Database Pool",
/// Returns an opaque type that represents the connection pool backing
/// connections of type `Self` _as long as_ the fairing returned by
/// [`Self::fairing()`] is attached and has run on `__rocket`.
/// The returned pool is `Clone`. Values of type `Self` can be retrieved
/// from the pool by calling `pool.get().await` which has the same
/// signature and semantics as [`Self::get_one()`].
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket_sync_db_pools;
/// #
/// # #[cfg(feature = "diesel_sqlite_pool")] {
/// use rocket::tokio::{task, time};
/// use rocket::fairing::AdHoc;
/// use rocket_sync_db_pools::diesel;
/// #[database("my_db")]
/// struct MyConn(diesel::SqliteConnection);
/// #[launch]
/// fn rocket() -> _ {
/// rocket::build()
/// .attach(MyConn::fairing())
/// .attach(AdHoc::try_on_ignite("Background DB", |rocket| async {
/// let pool = match MyConn::pool(&rocket) {
/// Some(pool) => pool.clone(),
/// None => return Err(rocket)
/// };
/// // Start a background task that runs some database
/// // operation every 10 seconds. If a connection isn't
/// // available, retries 10 + timeout seconds later.
/// tokio::task::spawn(async move {
/// loop {
/// time::sleep(time::Duration::from_secs(10)).await;
/// if let Some(conn) = pool.get().await {
///|c| { /* perform db ops */ }).await;
/// }
/// }
/// });
/// Ok(rocket)
/// }))
/// }
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn pool<P: crate::rocket::Phase>(
__rocket: &crate::rocket::Rocket<P>,
) -> Option<&crate::ConnectionPool<Self, diesel::SqliteConnection>>
<crate::ConnectionPool<Self, diesel::SqliteConnection>>::pool(
/// Runs the provided function `__f` in an async-safe blocking thread.
/// The function is supplied with a mutable reference to the raw
/// connection (a value of type `&mut Self.0`). `.await`ing the return
/// value of this function yields the value returned by `__f`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket_sync_db_pools;
/// #
/// # #[cfg(feature = "diesel_sqlite_pool")] {
/// use rocket_sync_db_pools::diesel;
/// #[database("my_db")]
/// struct MyConn(diesel::SqliteConnection);
/// #[get("/")]
/// async fn f(conn: MyConn) {
/// // The type annotation is illustrative and isn't required.
/// let result =|c: &mut diesel::SqliteConnection| {
/// // Use `c`.
/// }).await;
/// }
/// # }
/// ```
pub async fn run<F, R>(&self, __f: F) -> R
F: FnOnce(&mut diesel::SqliteConnection) -> R + Send + 'static,
R: Send + 'static,
/// Retrieves a connection of type `Self` from the `rocket` instance.
/// Returns `Some` as long as `Self::fairing()` has been attached and
/// there is a connection available within at most `timeout` seconds.
pub async fn get_one<P: crate::rocket::Phase>(
__rocket: &crate::rocket::Rocket<P>,
) -> Option<Self> {
<crate::ConnectionPool<Self, diesel::SqliteConnection>>::get_one(
/// Retrieves a connection from the database pool or fails with a
/// `Status::ServiceUnavailable` if doing so times out.
impl<'r> crate::rocket::request::FromRequest<'r> for ExampleDb {
type Error = ();
fn from_request<'life0, 'async_trait>(
__r: &'r crate::rocket::request::Request<'life0>,
) -> ::core::pin::Pin<
dyn ::core::future::Future<
Output = crate::rocket::request::Outcome<Self, ()>,
> + ::core::marker::Send
+ 'async_trait,
'r: 'async_trait,
'life0: 'async_trait,
Self: 'async_trait,
Box::pin(async move {
if let ::core::option::Option::Some(__ret) = ::core::option::Option::None::<
crate::rocket::request::Outcome<Self, ()>,
> {
return __ret;
let __r = __r;
let __ret: crate::rocket::request::Outcome<Self, ()> = {
< crate :: Connection < Self , diesel :: SqliteConnection > >
:: from_request (__r) . await . map (Self)
impl crate::rocket::Sentinel for ExampleDb {
fn abort(
__r: &crate::rocket::Rocket<crate::rocket::Ignite>,
) -> bool {
<crate::Connection<Self, diesel::SqliteConnection>>::abort(__r)