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use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use derive_utils::{Spanned, Result};
use syn::{DataStruct, Fields, Data, Type, LitStr, DeriveInput, Ident, Visibility};
struct DatabaseInvocation {
/// The name of the structure on which `#[database(..)] struct This(..)` was invoked.
type_name: Ident,
/// The visibility of the structure on which `#[database(..)] struct This(..)` was invoked.
visibility: Visibility,
/// The database name as passed in via #[database('database name')].
db_name: String,
/// The entire structure that the `database` attribute was called on.
structure: DataStruct,
/// The type inside the structure: struct MyDb(ThisType).
connection_type: Type,
const EXAMPLE: &str = "example: `struct MyDatabase(diesel::SqliteConnection);`";
const ONLY_ON_STRUCTS_MSG: &str = "`database` attribute can only be used on structs";
const ONLY_UNNAMED_FIELDS: &str = "`database` attribute can only be applied to \
structs with exactly one unnamed field";
const NO_GENERIC_STRUCTS: &str = "`database` attribute cannot be applied to a struct \
with a generic type";
fn parse_invocation(attr: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> Result<DatabaseInvocation> {
let attr_stream2 = ::proc_macro2::TokenStream::from(attr);
let attr_span = attr_stream2.span();
let string_lit = ::syn::parse2::<LitStr>(attr_stream2)
.map_err(|_| attr_span.error("expected string literal"))?;
let input = ::syn::parse::<DeriveInput>(input).unwrap();
if !input.generics.params.is_empty() {
return Err(input.span().error(NO_GENERIC_STRUCTS));
let structure = match {
Data::Struct(s) => s,
_ => return Err(input.span().error(ONLY_ON_STRUCTS_MSG))
let inner_type = match structure.fields {
Fields::Unnamed(ref fields) if fields.unnamed.len() == 1 => {
let first = fields.unnamed.first().expect("checked length");
_ => return Err(structure.fields.span().error(ONLY_UNNAMED_FIELDS).help(EXAMPLE))
Ok(DatabaseInvocation {
type_name: input.ident,
visibility: input.vis,
db_name: string_lit.value(),
structure: structure,
connection_type: inner_type,
pub fn database_attr(attr: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let invocation = parse_invocation(attr, input)?;
// Store everything we're going to need to generate code.
let connection_type = &invocation.connection_type;
let name = &invocation.db_name;
let request_guard_type = &invocation.type_name;
let vis = &invocation.visibility;
let pool_type = Ident::new(&format!("{}Pool", request_guard_type), request_guard_type.span());
let fairing_name = format!("'{}' Database Pool", name);
// A few useful paths.
let databases = quote!(::rocket_contrib::databases);
let r2d2 = quote!(#databases::r2d2);
let request = quote!(::rocket::request);
Ok(quote! {
/// The request guard type.
#vis struct #request_guard_type(
pub #r2d2::PooledConnection<<#connection_type as #databases::Poolable>::Manager>
/// The pool type.
#vis struct #pool_type(
#r2d2::Pool<<#connection_type as #databases::Poolable>::Manager>
impl #request_guard_type {
/// Returns a fairing that initializes the associated database
/// connection pool.
pub fn fairing() -> impl ::rocket::fairing::Fairing {
use #databases::Poolable;
::rocket::fairing::AdHoc::on_attach(#fairing_name, |rocket| {
let pool = #databases::database_config(#name, rocket.config())
match pool {
Ok(Ok(p)) => Ok(rocket.manage(#pool_type(p))),
Err(config_error) => {
&format!("Database configuration failure: '{}'", #name));
::rocket::logger::log_err(true, &format!("{}", config_error));
Ok(Err(pool_error)) => {
&format!("Failed to initialize pool for '{}'", #name));
::rocket::logger::log_err(true, &format!("{:?}", pool_error));
/// Retrieves a connection of type `Self` from the `rocket`
/// instance. Returns `Some` as long as `Self::fairing()` has been
/// attached and there is at least one connection in the pool.
pub fn get_one(rocket: &::rocket::Rocket) -> Option<Self> {
.and_then(|pool| pool.0.get().ok())
impl ::std::ops::Deref for #request_guard_type {
type Target = #connection_type;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<'a, 'r> #request::FromRequest<'a, 'r> for #request_guard_type {
type Error = ();
fn from_request(request: &'a #request::Request<'r>) -> #request::Outcome<Self, ()> {
use ::rocket::{Outcome, http::Status};
let pool = request.guard::<::rocket::State<#pool_type>>()?;
match pool.0.get() {
Ok(conn) => Outcome::Success(#request_guard_type(conn)),
Err(_) => Outcome::Failure((Status::ServiceUnavailable, ())),