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# Panels: displayed in a tabbed arrangement.
name = "Routing"
checked = true
content = '''
Rocket's main task is to route incoming requests to the appropriate request
handler using your application's declared routes. Routes are declared using
Rocket's _route_ attributes. The attribute describes the requests that match the
route. The attribute is placed on top of a function that is the request handler
for that route.
As an example, consider the simple route below:
fn index() -> &'static str {
"Hello, world!"
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This `index` route matches any incoming HTTP `GET` request to `/`, the index.
The handler returns a `String`. Rocket automatically converts the string into a
well-formed HTTP response that includes the appropriate `Content-Type` and body
encoding metadata.
name = "Dynamic Params"
content = '''
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Rocket automatically parses dynamic data in path segments into any desired type.
To illustrate, let's use the following route:
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fn hello(name: &str, age: u8) -> String {
format!("Hello, {} year old named {}!", age, name)
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This `hello` route has two dynamic parameters, identified with angle brackets,
declared in the route URI: `<name>` and `<age>`. Rocket maps each parameter to
an identically named function argument: `name: &str` and `age: u8`. The dynamic
data in the incoming request is parsed automatically into a value of the
argument's type. The route is called only when parsing succeeds.
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Parsing is directed by the
[`FromParam`](@api/rocket/request/trait.FromParam.html) trait. Rocket implements
`FromParam` for many standard types, including both `&str` and `u8`. You can
implement it for your own types, too!
name = "Handling Data"
content = '''
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Rocket can automatically parse body data, too!
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#[post("/login", data = "<login>")]
fn login(login: Form<UserLogin>) -> String {
format!("Hello, {}!", login.name)
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The dynamic parameter declared in the `data` route attribute parameter again
maps to a function argument. Here, `login` maps to `login: Form<UserLogin>`.
Parsing is again trait-directed, this time by the
[`FromData`](@api/rocket/data/trait.FromData.html) trait.
The [`Form`](@api/rocket/form/struct.Form.html) type is Rocket's [robust form
data parser](@guide/requests/#forms). It automatically parses the request body into the internal type,
here `UserLogin`. Other built-in `FromData` types include
[`Json`](@api/rocket/serde/json/struct.Json.html), and
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[`MsgPack`](@api/rocket/serde/msgpack/struct.MsgPack.html). As always, you can
implement `FromData` for your own types, too!
name = "Request Guards"
content = '''
In addition to dynamic path and data parameters, request handlers can also
contain a third type of parameter: _request guards_. Request guards aren't
declared in the route attribute, and any number of them can appear in the
request handler signature.
Request guards _protect_ the handler from running unless some set of conditions
are met by the incoming request metadata. For instance, if you are writing an
API that requires sensitive calls to be accompanied by an API key in the request
header, Rocket can protect those calls via a custom `ApiKey` request guard:
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fn sensitive(key: ApiKey) { ... }
`ApiKey` protects the `sensitive` handler from running incorrectly. In order for
Rocket to call the `sensitive` handler, the `ApiKey` type needs to be derived
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through a [`FromRequest`](@api/rocket/request/trait.FromRequest.html)
implementation, which in this case, validates the API key header. Request guards
are a powerful and unique Rocket concept; they centralize application policy and
invariants through types.
name = "Responders"
content = '''
2017-08-29 17:32:13 +00:00
The return type of a request handler can be any type that implements
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fn route() -> T { ... }
Above, T must implement `Responder`. Rocket implements `Responder` for many of
the standard library types including `&str`, `String`, `File`, `Option`, and
`Result`. Rocket also implements custom responders such as
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[`Flash`](@api/rocket/response/struct.Flash.html), and
The task of a `Responder` is to generate a
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[`Response`](@api/rocket/response/struct.Response.html), if possible.
`Responder`s can fail with a status code. When they do, Rocket calls the
corresponding error catcher, a `catch` route, which can be declared as follows:
fn not_found() -> T { ... }
name = "Launching"
content = '''
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Finally, we get to launch our application! Rocket begins dispatching requests to
routes after they've been _mounted_ and the application has been _launched_.
These two steps, usually wrtten in a `rocket` function, look like:
fn rocket() -> _ {
rocket::build().mount("/base", routes![index, another])
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The `mount` call takes a _base_ and a set of routes via the `routes!` macro. The
base path (`/base` above) is prepended to the path of every route in the list,
effectively namespacing the routes. `#[launch]` creates a `main` function that
starts the server. In development, Rocket prints useful information to the
console to let you know everything is okay.
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🚀 Rocket has launched from
# Steps to "How Rocket Works"
name = "Validation"
color = "blue"
content = '''
First, Rocket validates a matching request by ensuring that all of the types in
a given handler can be derived from the incoming request. If the types cannot be
derived, the request is forwarded to the next matching route until a routes
types validate or there are no more routes to try. If all routes fail, a
customizable **404** error is returned.
#[post("/user", data = "<new_user>")]
fn new_user(admin: AdminUser, new_user: Form<User>) -> T {
For the `new_user` handler above to be called, the following conditions must
* The request method must be `POST`.
* The request path must be `/user`.
* The request must contain `data` in its body.
* The request metadata must authenticate an `AdminUser`.
* The request body must be a form that parses into a `User` struct.
name = "Processing"
color = "purple"
content = '''
Next, the request is processed by an arbitrary handler. This is where most of
the business logic in an application resides, and the part of your applications
youll likely spend the most time writing. In Rocket, handlers are simply
functions - thats it! The only caveat is that the functions return type must
implement the `Responder` trait. The `new_user` function above is an example of
a handler.
name = "Response"
color = "red"
content = '''
Finally, Rocket responds to the client by transforming the return value of the
handler into an HTTP response. The HTTP response generated from the returned
value depends on the types specific `Responder` trait implementation.
fn route() -> T { ... }
If the function above is used as a handler, for instance, then the type `T` must
implement `Responder`. Rocket provides many useful responder types out of the
box. They include:
* `Json<T>`: Serializes the structure T into JSON and returns it to
the client.
* `Template`: Renders a template file and returns it to the client.
* `Redirect`: Returns a properly formatted HTTP redirect.
* `NamedFile`: Streams a given file to the client with the
Content-Type taken from the files extension.
* `Stream`: Streams data to the client from an arbitrary `Read` value.
* Many Primitive Types: `String`, `&str`, `File`, `Option`, `Result`, and
others all implement the `Responder` trait.