mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 13:42:05 +00:00
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ glob = "0.3"
rocket = { version = "0.5.0-dev", path = "../lib", features = ["json"] }
pretty_assertions = "0.7"
version_check = "0.9"
trybuild = "1.0"
time = "0.2.11"
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
use devise::{*, ext::{TypeExt, SpanDiagnosticExt}};
use syn::visit_mut::VisitMut;
use syn::visit::Visit;
use syn::{visit_mut::VisitMut, visit::Visit};
use proc_macro2::{TokenStream, TokenTree, Span};
use quote::{ToTokens, TokenStreamExt};
use crate::syn_ext::IdentExt;
use crate::name::Name;
@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ pub enum FieldName {
pub struct FieldAttr {
pub name: Option<FieldName>,
pub validate: Option<SpanWrapped<syn::Expr>>,
pub default: Option<SpanWrapped<syn::Expr>>,
pub default: Option<syn::Expr>,
pub default_with: Option<syn::Expr>,
impl FieldAttr {
@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ impl std::ops::Deref for FieldName {
impl quote::ToTokens for FieldName {
impl ToTokens for FieldName {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
(self as &Name).to_tokens(tokens)
@ -208,7 +209,6 @@ struct ValidationMutator<'a> {
impl ValidationMutator<'_> {
fn visit_token_stream(&mut self, tt: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
use quote::{ToTokens, TokenStreamExt};
use TokenTree::*;
let mut iter = tt.into_iter();
@ -329,43 +329,62 @@ pub fn validators<'v>(
pub fn default<'v>(field: Field<'v>) -> Result<Option<syn::Expr>> {
let mut exprs = FieldAttr::from_attrs(FieldAttr::NAME, &field.attrs)?
.filter_map(|a| a.default)
.map(move |expr| {
use syn::{Expr, Lit, ExprLit};
// As a result of calling `#expr.into()`, type inference fails for
// two common expressions: integer literals and the bare `None`. As
// a result, we cheat: if the syntax matches either of these two
// conditions, we provide the field type as a hint.
let is_int_lit = matches!(*expr, Expr::Lit(ExprLit { lit: Lit::Int(_), .. }));
let is_none = matches!(*expr, Expr::Path(ref e) if e.path.is_ident("None"));
let ty = field.stripped_ty();
let ty_hint = (is_int_lit || is_none)
.then(|| quote!(#ty))
.unwrap_or_else(|| quote!(_));
let opt_expr = if is_none {
quote_spanned!(expr.span => None)
} else if is_int_lit {
quote_spanned!(expr.span => Some(#expr))
} else {
quote_spanned!(expr.span => Some({ #expr }.into()))
syn::parse2(quote_spanned!(expr.span => {
let __default: Option<#ty_hint> = #opt_expr;
/// Take an $expr in `default = $expr` and turn it into a `Some($expr.into())`.
/// As a result of calling `into()`, type inference fails for two common
/// expressions: integer literals and the bare `None`. As a result, we cheat: if
/// the expr matches either condition, we pass them through unchanged.
fn default_expr(expr: &syn::Expr) -> TokenStream {
use syn::{Expr, Lit, ExprLit};
let first: Option<syn::Expr> = exprs.next();
if let Some(expr) = exprs.next() {
return Err(expr.span()
.error("duplicate `default` form field attribute")
.help("form fields can have at most one `default`"));
if matches!(expr, Expr::Path(e) if e.path.is_ident("None")) {
} else if matches!(expr, Expr::Lit(ExprLit { lit: Lit::Int(_), .. })) {
quote_spanned!(expr.span() => Some(#expr))
} else {
quote_spanned!(expr.span() => Some({ #expr }.into()))
pub fn default<'v>(field: Field<'v>) -> Result<Option<TokenStream>> {
let attrs = FieldAttr::from_attrs(FieldAttr::NAME, &field.attrs)?;
// Expressions in `default = `, except for `None`, are wrapped in `Some()`.
let mut expr = attrs.iter().filter_map(|a| a.default.as_ref()).map(default_expr);
// Expressions in `default_with` are passed through directly.
let mut expr_with = attrs.iter()
.filter_map(|a| a.default_with.as_ref())
.map(|e| e.to_token_stream());
// Pull the first `default` and `default_with` expressions.
let (default, default_with) = (expr.next(), expr_with.next());
// If there are any more of either, emit an error.
if let (Some(e), _) | (_, Some(e)) = (expr.next(), expr_with.next()) {
return Err(e.span()
.error("duplicate default field expression")
.help("at most one `default` or `default_with` is allowed"));
// Emit the final expression of type `Option<#ty>` unless both `default` and
// `default_with` were provided in which case we error.
let ty = field.stripped_ty();
match (default, default_with) {
(Some(e1), Some(e2)) => {
return Err(e1.span()
.error("duplicate default expressions")
.help("only one of `default` or `default_with` must be used")
.span_note(e2.span(), "other default expression is here"));
(Some(e), None) | (None, Some(e)) => {
Ok(Some(quote_spanned!(e.span() => {
let __default: Option<#ty> = #e;
(None, None) => Ok(None)
pub fn first_duplicate<K: Spanned, V: PartialEq + Spanned>(
@ -230,36 +230,33 @@ pub fn derive_from_form(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
.try_field_map(|_, f| {
let (ident, ty, name_view) = (f.ident(), f.stripped_ty(), f.name_view()?);
let validator = validators(f, &ident, true)?;
let user_default = default(f)?;
let default = user_default
.map(|expr| quote_spanned!(ty.span() =>
#expr.or_else(|| <#ty as #_form::FromForm<'__f>>::default(_opts))
.ok_or_else(|| #_form::ErrorKind::Missing.into())
.unwrap_or_else(|| quote_spanned!(ty.span() =>
<#ty as #_form::FromForm<'__f>>::default(_opts)
.ok_or_else(|| #_form::ErrorKind::Missing.into())
let default = default(f)?
.unwrap_or_else(|| quote_spanned!(ty.span() => {
<#ty as #_form::FromForm<'__f>>::default(__opts)
let _err = _Err;
Ok(quote_spanned! { ty.span() => {
let _name = #name_view;
let _opts = __c.__opts;
let __name = #name_view;
let __opts = __c.__opts;
.map(<#ty as #_form::FromForm<'__f>>::finalize)
.unwrap_or_else(|| #default)
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
#default.ok_or_else(|| #_form::ErrorKind::Missing.into())
.and_then(|#ident| {
let mut _es = #_form::Errors::new();
#(if let #_err(_e) = #validator { _es.extend(_e); })*
let mut __es = #_form::Errors::new();
#(if let #_err(__e) = #validator { __es.extend(__e); })*
match _es.is_empty() {
match __es.is_empty() {
true => #_Ok(#ident),
false => #_Err(_es)
false => #_Err(__es)
.map_err(|_e| _e.with_name(_name))
.map_err(|_e| match _e.is_empty() {
.map_err(|__e| __e.with_name(__name))
.map_err(|__e| match __e.is_empty() {
true => #_form::ErrorKind::Unknown.into(),
false => _e,
false => __e,
@ -549,7 +549,6 @@ pub fn derive_from_form_field(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
/// ```rust
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
/// #
/// #[derive(FromForm)]
/// struct MyStruct<'r> {
/// field: usize,
@ -558,7 +557,7 @@ pub fn derive_from_form_field(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
/// other: &'r str,
/// #[field(validate = range(1..), default = 3)]
/// r#type: usize,
/// #[field(default = true)]
/// #[field(default = None)]
/// is_nice: bool,
/// }
/// ```
@ -569,8 +568,8 @@ pub fn derive_from_form_field(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
/// implementation parses a form whose field names match the field names of the
/// structure on which the derive was applied. Each field's value is parsed with
/// the [`FromForm`] implementation of the field's type. The `FromForm`
/// implementation succeeds only when all of the field parses succeed or return
/// a default. Errors are collected into a [`form::Errors`] and return if
/// implementation succeeds only when all fields parse successfully or return a
/// default. Errors are collected into a [`form::Errors`] and returned if
/// non-empty after parsing all fields.
/// The derive accepts one field attribute: `field`, with the following syntax:
@ -578,26 +577,28 @@ pub fn derive_from_form_field(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
/// ```text
/// field := name? default? validate*
/// name := 'name' '=' name_val
/// name := 'name' '=' name_val ','?
/// name_val := '"' FIELD_NAME '"'
/// | 'uncased(' '"' FIELD_NAME '"' ')
/// default := 'default' '=' EXPR
/// default := 'default' '=' EXPR ','?
/// | 'default_with' '=' EXPR ','?
/// validate := 'validate' '=' EXPR
/// validate := 'validate' '=' EXPR ','?
/// FIELD_NAME := valid field name, according to the HTML5 spec
/// EXPR := valid expression, as defined by Rust
/// ```
/// The attribute can be applied any number of times on a field. When applied,
/// the attribute looks as follows:
/// The attribute can be applied any number of times on a field as long as at
/// most _one_ of `default` or `default_with` is present per field:
/// ```rust
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
/// #
/// #[derive(FromForm)]
/// struct MyStruct {
/// #[field(name = uncased("number"))]
/// #[field(default = 42)]
/// field: usize,
/// #[field(name = "renamed_field")]
/// #[field(name = uncased("anotherName"))]
@ -615,12 +616,42 @@ pub fn derive_from_form_field(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
/// case-preserving. When more than one `name` attribute is applied, the field
/// will match against _any_ of the names.
/// **`validate`**
/// **`validate = expr`**
/// The validation expression will be run if the field type parses successfully.
/// The expression must return a value of type `Result<(), form::Errors>`. On
/// `Err`, the errors are added to the thus-far collected errors. If more than
/// one `validate` attribute is applied, _all_ validations are run.
/// The validation `expr` is run if the field type parses successfully. The
/// expression must return a value of type `Result<(), form::Errors>`. On `Err`,
/// the errors are added to the thus-far collected errors. If more than one
/// `validate` attribute is applied, _all_ validations are run.
/// **`default = expr`**
/// If `expr` is not literally `None`, the parameter sets the default value of
/// the field to be `expr.into()`. If `expr` _is_ `None`, the parameter _unsets_
/// the default value of the field, if any. The expression is only evaluated if
/// the attributed field is missing in the incoming form.
/// Except when `expr` is `None`, `expr` must be of type `T: Into<F>` where `F`
/// is the field's type.
/// **`default_with = expr`**
/// The parameter sets the default value of the field to be exactly `expr` which
/// must be of type `Option<F>` where `F` is the field's type. If the expression
/// evaluates to `None`, there is no default. Otherwise the value wrapped in
/// `Some` is used. The expression is only evaluated if the attributed field is
/// missing in the incoming form.
/// ```rust
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
/// use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
/// #[derive(FromForm)]
/// struct MyForm {
/// // `NonZeroUsize::new()` return an `Option<NonZeroUsize>`.
/// #[field(default_with = NonZeroUsize::new(42))]
/// num: NonZeroUsize,
/// }
/// ```
/// [`FromForm`]: rocket::form::FromForm
/// [`form::Errors`]: rocket::form::Errors
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
use std::{collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap}, net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr}, num::NonZeroI32};
use std::net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr};
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use rocket::form::{self, Form, Strict, FromForm, FromFormField, Errors};
@ -615,153 +617,90 @@ fn test_multipart() {
fn test_hashmap() -> HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert("key", "value");
fn test_btreemap() -> BTreeMap<&'static str, &'static str> {
let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
map.insert("key", "value");
mod default_macro_tests {
struct Form1 {
#[field(default = 10)]
field: i8,
struct Form2 {
#[field(default = 10)]
field: u8,
struct Form3 {
#[field(default = 10)]
field: usize,
struct Form4 {
#[field(default = 10)]
field: usize,
struct Form5 {
fn test_default_removed() {
#[derive(FromForm, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct FormNoDefault {
#[field(default = None)]
field: usize,
struct Form6 {
field1: bool,
#[field(default = None)]
field: usize,
struct Form7 {
field2: Option<usize>,
#[field(default = None)]
field: String,
field3: Option<Option<usize>>,
#[field(default_with = None)]
field4: bool,
struct Form8<'a> {
#[field(default = None)]
field: &'a str,
let form_string = &["field1=false", "field2=10", "field3=23", "field4"].join("&");
let form1: Option<FormNoDefault> = lenient(&form_string).ok();
assert_eq!(form1, Some(FormNoDefault {
field1: false,
field2: Some(10),
field3: Some(Some(23)),
field4: true,
// #[derive(rocket::FromForm)]
// struct Form9<'a> {
// #[field(default = None)]
// field: Cow<'a, str>,
// }
let form_string = &["field1=true", "field2=10", "field3=23", "field4"].join("&");
let form1: Option<FormNoDefault> = lenient(&form_string).ok();
assert_eq!(form1, Some(FormNoDefault {
field1: true,
field2: Some(10),
field3: Some(Some(23)),
field4: true,
struct Form10 {
#[field(default = "string")]
field: String,
// Field 1 missing.
let form_string = &["field2=20", "field3=10", "field4"].join("&");
struct Form11<'a> {
#[field(default = "string")]
field: &'a str,
// Field 2 missing.
let form_string = &["field1=true", "field3=10", "field4"].join("&");
// #[derive(rocket::FromForm)]
// struct Form12 {
// #[field(default = "string")]
// field: Cow<'static, str>,
// }
// Field 3 missing.
let form_string = &["field1=true", "field2=10", "field4=false"].join("&");
// #[derive(rocket::FromForm)]
// struct Form13<'a> {
// #[field(default = "string".to_string())]
// field: Cow<'a, str>,
// }
struct Form14 {
#[field(default = 'a')]
field: String,
struct Form15 {
#[field(default = 10 + 2)]
field: u8,
struct Form16 {
#[field(default = 10 + 2)]
field: i8,
struct Form17 {
#[field(default = 10 + 2)]
field: i64,
struct Form18 {
#[field(default = 10 + 2usize)]
field: usize,
struct Form19 {
#[field(default = 10 + 2usize)]
field: usize,
// Field 4 missing.
let form_string = &["field1=true", "field2=10", "field3=23"].join("&");
fn test_defaults() {
fn test_hashmap() -> HashMap<&'static str, &'static str> {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert("key", "value");
fn test_btreemap() -> BTreeMap<&'static str, &'static str> {
let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
map.insert("key", "value");
#[derive(FromForm, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct FormWithDefaults<'a> {
field2: i128,
field5: bool,
#[field(default = 100)]
field1: usize,
field2: i128,
#[field(default = true)]
field3: bool,
#[field(default = false)]
field4: bool,
field5: bool,
#[field(default = 254 + 1)]
field6: u8,
#[field(default = Some(true))]
opt: Option<bool>,
#[field(default = Ok("hello".to_string()))]
opt1: Option<bool>,
#[field(default = false)]
opt2: Option<bool>,
#[field(default = Ok("hello".into()))]
res: form::Result<'a, String>,
#[field(default = Ok("hello"))]
res2: form::Result<'a, &'a str>,
#[field(default = vec![1, 2, 3])]
vec_num: Vec<usize>,
#[field(default = vec!["wow", "a", "string", "nice"])]
@ -770,12 +709,14 @@ fn test_defaults() {
hashmap: HashMap<&'a str, &'a str>,
#[field(default = test_btreemap())]
btreemap: BTreeMap<&'a str, &'a str>,
#[field(default = false)]
#[field(default_with = Some(false))]
boolean: bool,
#[field(default = 3)]
#[field(default_with = (|| Some(777))())]
unsigned: usize,
#[field(default = NonZeroI32::new(3).unwrap())]
nonzero: NonZeroI32,
#[field(default = std::num::NonZeroI32::new(3).unwrap())]
nonzero: std::num::NonZeroI32,
#[field(default_with = std::num::NonZeroI32::new(9001))]
nonzero2: std::num::NonZeroI32,
#[field(default = 3.0)]
float: f64,
#[field(default = "wow")]
@ -797,24 +738,31 @@ fn test_defaults() {
datetime: time::PrimitiveDateTime,
let form_string = &["field1=101", "field2=102"].join("&");
// `field2` has no default.
// every other field should.
let form_string = &["field2=102"].join("&");
let form1: Option<FormWithDefaults> = lenient(&form_string).ok();
assert_eq!(form1, Some(FormWithDefaults {
field1: 101,
field1: 100,
field2: 102,
field3: true,
field4: false,
field5: false,
opt: Some(true),
res: Ok("hello".to_string()),
field6: 255,
opt1: Some(true),
opt2: Some(false),
res: Ok("hello".into()),
res2: Ok("hello"),
vec_num: vec![1, 2, 3],
vec_str: vec!["wow", "a", "string", "nice"],
hashmap: test_hashmap(),
btreemap: test_btreemap(),
boolean: false,
unsigned: 3,
nonzero: NonZeroI32::new(3).unwrap(),
unsigned: 777,
nonzero: std::num::NonZeroI32::new(3).unwrap(),
nonzero2: std::num::NonZeroI32::new(9001).unwrap(),
float: 3.0,
str_ref: "wow",
string: "wowie".to_string(),
@ -824,16 +772,12 @@ fn test_defaults() {
time: time::time!(01:15:00),
datetime: time::PrimitiveDateTime::new(time::date!(2021-05-27), time::time!(01:15:00)),
let form2: Option<FormWithDefaults> = strict(&form_string).ok();
let form_string = &[
// Ensure actual form field values take precendence.
let form_string = &["field1=101", "field2=102", "field3=true", "field5=true"].join("&");
let form3: Option<FormWithDefaults> = lenient(&form_string).ok();
assert_eq!(form3, Some(FormWithDefaults {
field1: 101,
@ -841,8 +785,10 @@ fn test_defaults() {
field3: true,
field4: false,
field5: true,
..form1.unwrap() // cannot fail due to assertio and keeps test more concise
// And that strict parsing still works.
let form4: Option<FormWithDefaults> = strict(&form_string).ok();
assert_eq!(form4, Some(FormWithDefaults {
field1: 101,
@ -850,6 +796,49 @@ fn test_defaults() {
field3: true,
field4: false,
field5: true,
..form3.unwrap() // cannot fail due to assertio and keeps test more concise
fn test_lazy_default() {
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
static VAL: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(40);
fn f() -> usize {
VAL.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed)
fn opt_f() -> Option<usize> {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, FromForm)]
struct MyForm {
#[field(default = f())]
missing0: usize,
#[field(default = VAL.load(Ordering::Relaxed))]
missing1: usize,
#[field(default_with = opt_f())]
missing2: usize,
#[field(default_with = opt_f())]
a: usize,
#[field(default = f())]
b: usize,
#[field(default = VAL.load(Ordering::Relaxed))]
missing3: usize,
// Ensure actual form field values take precendence.
let form_string = &["a=100", "b=300"].join("&");
let form3: Option<MyForm> = lenient(&form_string).ok();
assert_eq!(form3, Some(MyForm {
missing0: 40,
missing1: 41,
missing2: 41,
a: 100,
b: 300,
missing3: 42
@ -376,6 +376,58 @@ note: error occurred while deriving `FromForm`
| ^^^^^^^^
= note: this error originates in the derive macro `FromForm` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error: duplicate default field expression
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:181:23
181 | #[field(default = 2)]
| ^
= help: at most one `default` or `default_with` is allowed
note: error occurred while deriving `FromForm`
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:178:10
178 | #[derive(FromForm)]
| ^^^^^^^^
= note: this error originates in the derive macro `FromForm` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error: duplicate default expressions
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:187:23
187 | #[field(default = 1, default_with = None)]
| ^
= help: only one of `default` or `default_with` must be used
note: other default expression is here
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:187:41
187 | #[field(default = 1, default_with = None)]
| ^^^^
note: error occurred while deriving `FromForm`
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:185:10
185 | #[derive(FromForm)]
| ^^^^^^^^
= note: this error originates in the derive macro `FromForm` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error: duplicate default expressions
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:194:23
194 | #[field(default = 1)]
| ^
= help: only one of `default` or `default_with` must be used
note: other default expression is here
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:193:28
193 | #[field(default_with = None)]
| ^^^^
note: error occurred while deriving `FromForm`
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:191:10
191 | #[derive(FromForm)]
| ^^^^^^^^
= note: this error originates in the derive macro `FromForm` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error[E0425]: cannot find function `unknown` in this scope
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:150:24
@ -430,3 +482,16 @@ error[E0277]: the trait bound `i32: From<&str>` is not satisfied
<i32 as From<i8>>
and 5 others
= note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `Into<i32>` for `&str`
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:200:33
200 | #[field(default_with = Some("hi"))]
| ^^^^ expected struct `std::string::String`, found `&str`
help: try using a conversion method
200 | #[field(default_with = Some("hi".to_string()))]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
200 | #[field(default_with = Some("hi".to_string()))]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@ -403,6 +403,63 @@ error: [note] error occurred while deriving `FromForm`
= note: this error originates in a derive macro (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error: duplicate default field expression
--- help: at most one `default` or `default_with` is allowed
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:181:23
181 | #[field(default = 2)]
| ^
error: [note] error occurred while deriving `FromForm`
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:178:10
178 | #[derive(FromForm)]
| ^^^^^^^^
= note: this error originates in a derive macro (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error: duplicate default expressions
--- help: only one of `default` or `default_with` must be used
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:187:23
187 | #[field(default = 1, default_with = None)]
| ^
error: [note] other default expression is here
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:187:41
187 | #[field(default = 1, default_with = None)]
| ^^^^
error: [note] error occurred while deriving `FromForm`
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:185:10
185 | #[derive(FromForm)]
| ^^^^^^^^
= note: this error originates in a derive macro (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error: duplicate default expressions
--- help: only one of `default` or `default_with` must be used
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:194:23
194 | #[field(default = 1)]
| ^
error: [note] other default expression is here
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:193:28
193 | #[field(default_with = None)]
| ^^^^
error: [note] error occurred while deriving `FromForm`
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:191:10
191 | #[derive(FromForm)]
| ^^^^^^^^
= note: this error originates in a derive macro (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error[E0425]: cannot find function `unknown` in this scope
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:150:24
@ -457,3 +514,16 @@ error[E0277]: the trait bound `i32: From<&str>` is not satisfied
<i32 as From<i8>>
and 5 others
= note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `Into<i32>` for `&str`
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> $DIR/from_form.rs:200:33
200 | #[field(default_with = Some("hi"))]
| ^^^^ expected struct `std::string::String`, found `&str`
help: try using a conversion method
200 | #[field(default_with = Some("hi".to_string()))]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
200 | #[field(default_with = Some("hi".to_string()))]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@ -172,7 +172,33 @@ struct Default0 {
struct Default1 {
#[field(default = 1, default = 2)]
double_default: i32,
double_default: usize,
struct Default2 {
#[field(default = 1)]
#[field(default = 2)]
double_default: usize,
struct Default3 {
#[field(default = 1, default_with = None)]
double_default: usize,
struct Default4 {
#[field(default_with = None)]
#[field(default = 1)]
double_default: usize,
struct Default5 {
#[field(default_with = Some("hi"))]
no_conversion_from_with: String,
fn main() { }
@ -56,23 +56,6 @@ use crate::form::prelude::*;
/// can access fields of `T` transparently through a `Form<T>`, as seen above
/// with `user_input.value`.
/// ### Defaults
/// When deriving a `FromForm` implementation it is possible to provide a
/// default that is then used when no value is provided. For a form field of
/// type `T`, the provided default can be any expression of type `U` such that
/// `U` implements `Into<T>`.
/// ```rust
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
/// use rocket::form::Form;
/// #[derive(FromForm)]
/// struct UserInput<'r> {
/// #[field(default = "anonymous")]
/// value: &'r str
/// }
/// ```
/// ## Data Limits
/// The total amount of data accepted by the `Form` data guard is limited by the
@ -810,8 +810,35 @@ struct MyForm<'v> {
# rocket_guide_tests::assert_form_parses_ok!(MyForm, "");
The default can be overridden or unset using the `#[field(default = expr)` field
attribute. If `expr` is not literally `None`, the parameter sets the default
value of the field to be `expr.into()`. If `expr` _is_ `None`, the parameter
_unsets_ the default value of the field, if any.
# use rocket::form::FromForm;
struct MyForm {
// Set the default value to be `"hello"`.
// Note how an `&str` is automatically converted into a `String`.
#[field(default = "hello")]
greeting: String,
// Remove the default value of `false`, requiring all parses of `MyForm`
// to contain an `is_friendly` field.
#[field(default = None)]
is_friendly: bool,
See the [`FromForm` derive] documentation for full details on the `default`
attribute parameter as well documentation on the more expressive `default_with`
parameter option.
[`Errors<'_>`]: @api/rocket/form/struct.Errors.html
[`form::Result`]: @api/rocket/form/type.Result.html
[`FromForm` derive]: @api/rocket/derive.FromForm.html
### Field Renaming
@ -956,47 +983,6 @@ If a field's validation doesn't depend on other fields (validation is _local_),
it is validated prior to those fields that do. For `CreditCard`, `cvv` and
`expiration` will be validated prior to `number`.
### Defaults
The [`FromForm`] trait allows types to specify a default value if one isn't
provided in a submitted form. This includes types such as `bool`, useful for
checkboxes, and `Option<T>`. Additionally, `FromForm` is implemented for
`Result<T, Errors<'_>>` where the error value is [`Errors<'_>`]. All of these
types can be used just like any other form field:
# use rocket::form::FromForm;
use rocket::form::Errors;
struct MyForm<'v> {
maybe_string: Option<String>,
ok_or_error: Result<Vec<String>, Errors<'v>>,
here: bool,
# rocket_guide_tests::assert_form_parses_ok!(MyForm, "");
Additionally, this default may be overridden when usng the `FromForm` derive
macro. The default specified in the macro is applied both in `Lenient` and
`Strict` mode. Furthermore, in `Lenient` mode, it takes precendence over the
default specified by the `FromForm` trait implementation of the field.
# use rocket::form::FromForm;
struct MyForm {
#[field(default = "hello")]
greet: String, // <String as FromForm> does not provide a default, so we set one here
#[field(default = true)]
is_friendly: bool, // The default for bool is `false`, but we override it here
[`Errors<'_>`]: @api/rocket/form/struct.Errors.html
### Collections
Rocket's form support allows your application to express _any_ structure with
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