Cleaned up routing code. It's nearing completion!

* Should be able to write a simple O(n) router using the collision functions.
* Still need to split things up into multiple files.
This commit is contained in:
Sergio Benitez 2016-03-18 19:05:29 -07:00
parent 40559736fc
commit 3764afbf1e
2 changed files with 208 additions and 53 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
extern crate hyper;
pub mod method;
@ -59,7 +61,8 @@ impl Rocket {
pub fn mount(&mut self, base: &str, routes: &[&Route<'static>]) -> &mut Self {
pub fn mount(&mut self, base: &'static str, routes: &[&Route<'static>])
-> &mut Self {
println!("🛰 Mounting '{}':", base);
for route in routes {
if self.handler.is_none() {
@ -74,7 +77,8 @@ impl Rocket {
pub fn mount_and_launch(mut self, base: &str, routes: &[&Route<'static>]) {
pub fn mount_and_launch(mut self, base: &'static str,
routes: &[&Route<'static>]) {
self.mount(base, routes);

View File

@ -1,51 +1,85 @@
use method::Method;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf, Component};
use std::path::{PathBuf, Component};
use std::collections::hash_map::HashMap;
// FIXME: Split this up into multiple files: Collider, Route, Router, etc.
// FIXME: Implement the following:
// Collider<Route> for &str;
trait Collider<T = Self> {
fn collides_with(&self, other: &T) -> bool;
macro_rules! comp_to_str {
($component:expr) => (
match $component {
&Component::Normal(ref comp) => {
if let Some(string) = comp.to_str() { string }
else { return true }
_ => return true
fn check_match_until(c: char, a: &str, b: &str, dir: bool) -> bool {
let (a_len, b_len) = (a.len() as isize, b.len() as isize);
let (mut i, mut j, delta) = if dir {
(0, 0, 1)
} else {
(a_len - 1, b_len - 1, -1)
while i >= 0 && j >= 0 && i < a_len && j < b_len {
let (c1, c2) = (a.char_at(i as usize), b.char_at(j as usize));
if c1 == c || c2 == c {
} else if c1 != c2 {
return false;
} else {
i += delta;
j += delta;
return true;
impl<'a> Collider for Component<'a> {
fn collides_with(&self, other: &Component<'a>) -> bool {
let (a, b) = (comp_to_str!(self), comp_to_str!(other));
check_match_until('<', a, b, true) && check_match_until('>', a, b, false)
struct Route {
method: Method,
mount: &'static str,
route: &'static str,
n_components: usize,
path: PathBuf
pub struct Router {
paths: Vec<PathBuf> // for now, to check for collisions
routes: Vec<Route> // for now, to check for collisions
fn is_variadic(c: &Component) -> bool {
match c {
&Component::Normal(ref comp) => comp.to_str().unwrap().starts_with("<"),
_ => false
impl Route {
fn new(m: Method, mount: &'static str, route: &'static str) -> Route {
let deduped_path = Route::dedup(mount, route);
let path = PathBuf::from(deduped_path);
fn routes_collide(n: usize, a: &Path, b: &Path) -> bool {
let mut matches = 0;
let mut a_components = a.components();
let mut b_components = b.components();
while let Some(ref c1) = {
if let Some(ref c2) = {
if c1 == c2 {
matches += 1;
} else if is_variadic(c1) || is_variadic(c2) {
matches += 1;
Route {
method: m,
mount: mount,
route: route,
n_components: path.components().count(),
path: path
// println!("Checked {:?} against {:?}: {}/{}", a, b, matches, n);
matches == n
// TODO: Are /hello and /hello/ the same? Or not? Currently, they're treated as
// such by Path, which is passed on to the collisions stuff.
impl Router {
pub fn new() -> Router {
Router {
paths: Vec::new()
// TODO: Use `method` argument
pub fn add_route(&mut self, _method: Method, base: &str, route: &str) {
// Allocate enough space for the worst case.
fn dedup(base: &'static str, route: &'static str) -> String {
let mut deduped = String::with_capacity(base.len() + route.len() + 1);
let mut last = '\0';
@ -57,18 +91,54 @@ impl Router {
last = c;
let path = PathBuf::from(deduped);
println!("Mounted: {:?}", path);
impl Collider for Route {
fn collides_with(&self, b: &Route) -> bool {
if self.n_components != b.n_components || self.method != b.method {
return false;
let mut matches = 0;
let mut a_components = self.path.components();
let mut b_components = b.path.components();
while let Some(ref c1) = {
if let Some(ref c2) = {
if c1.collides_with(c2) {
matches += 1;
// println!("Checked {:?} against {:?}: {}/{}", a, b, matches, n);
matches == self.n_components
// TODO: Are /hello and /hello/ the same? Or not? Currently, they're treated as
// such by Path, which is passed on to the collisions stuff.
impl Router {
pub fn new() -> Router {
Router {
routes: Vec::new()
// TODO: Use `method` argument
pub fn add_route(&mut self, method: Method, base: &'static str,
route: &'static str) {
let route = Route::new(method, base, route);
println!("Mounted: {:?}", route);
pub fn has_collisions(&self) -> bool {
let mut map: HashMap<usize, Vec<&Path>> = HashMap::new();
for route in &self.paths {
let num_components = route.components().count();
println!("Found {} for {:?}", num_components, route);
let mut map: HashMap<usize, Vec<&Route>> = HashMap::new();
for route in &self.routes {
let num_components = route.path.components().count();
let mut list = if map.contains_key(&num_components) {
} else {
@ -76,18 +146,17 @@ impl Router {
let mut result = false;
for (num_components, routes) in map.iter() {
for (_, routes) in map {
for i in 0..routes.len() {
for j in 0..routes.len() {
if i == j { continue }
let a_route = &routes[i];
let b_route = &routes[j];
if routes_collide(*num_components, a_route, b_route) {
let (a_route, b_route) = (&routes[i], &routes[j]);
if a_route.collides_with(b_route) {
result = true;
println!("{:?} and {:?} collide!", a_route, b_route);
@ -98,3 +167,85 @@ impl Router {
mod tests {
use super::{Route, Collider};
use Method;
use Method::*;
fn m_collide(a: (Method, &'static str), b: (Method, &'static str)) -> bool {
let route_a = Route::new(a.0, "/", a.1);
route_a.collides_with(&Route::new(b.0, "/", b.1))
fn collide(a: &'static str, b: &'static str) -> bool {
let route_a = Route::new(Get, "/", a);
route_a.collides_with(&Route::new(Get, "/", b))
fn simple_collisions() {
assert!(collide("a", "a"));
assert!(collide("/a", "/a"));
assert!(collide("/hello", "/hello"));
assert!(collide("/hello", "/hello/"));
assert!(collide("/hello/there/how/ar", "/hello/there/how/ar"));
assert!(collide("/hello/there", "/hello/there/"));
fn simple_param_collisions() {
assert!(collide("/hello/<name>", "/hello/<person>"));
assert!(collide("/hello/<name>/hi", "/hello/<person>/hi"));
assert!(collide("/hello/<name>/hi/there", "/hello/<person>/hi/there"));
assert!(collide("/<name>/hi/there", "/<person>/hi/there"));
assert!(collide("/<name>/hi/there", "/dude/<name>/there"));
assert!(collide("/<name>/<a>/<b>", "/<a>/<b>/<c>"));
assert!(collide("/<name>/<a>/<b>/", "/<a>/<b>/<c>/"));
fn medium_param_collisions() {
assert!(collide("/hello/<name>", "/hello/bob"));
assert!(collide("/<name>", "//bob"));
fn hard_param_collisions() {
assert!(collide("/<name>bob", "/<name>b"));
assert!(collide("/a<b>c", "/abc"));
assert!(collide("/a<b>c", "/azooc"));
assert!(collide("/a<b>", "/a"));
assert!(collide("/<b>", "/a"));
assert!(collide("/<a>/<b>", "/a/b<c>"));
assert!(collide("/<a>/bc<b>", "/a/b<c>"));
assert!(collide("/<a>/bc<b>d", "/a/b<c>"));
fn non_collisions() {
assert!(!collide("/a", "/b"));
assert!(!collide("/a/b", "/a"));
assert!(!collide("/a/b", "/a/c"));
assert!(!collide("/a/hello", "/a/c"));
assert!(!collide("/hello", "/a/c"));
assert!(!collide("/hello/there", "/hello/there/guy"));
assert!(!collide("/b<a>/there", "/hi/there"));
assert!(!collide("/<a>/<b>c", "/hi/person"));
assert!(!collide("/<a>/<b>cd", "/hi/<a>e"));
assert!(!collide("/a<a>/<b>", "/b<b>/<a>"));
assert!(!collide("/a/<b>", "/b/<b>"));
assert!(!collide("/a<a>/<b>", "/b/<b>"));
fn method_dependent_non_collisions() {
assert!(!m_collide((Get, "/"), (Post, "/")));
assert!(!m_collide((Post, "/"), (Put, "/")));
assert!(!m_collide((Put, "/a"), (Put, "/")));
assert!(!m_collide((Post, "/a"), (Put, "/")));
assert!(!m_collide((Get, "/a"), (Put, "/")));
assert!(!m_collide((Get, "/hello"), (Put, "/hello")));