diff --git a/lib/src/catcher.rs b/lib/src/catcher.rs
index 1910bf0f..b772e1fd 100644
--- a/lib/src/catcher.rs
+++ b/lib/src/catcher.rs
@@ -20,19 +20,15 @@ pub struct Catcher {
impl Catcher {
pub fn new(code: u16, handler: ErrorHandler) -> Catcher {
- Catcher::new_with_default(code, handler, false)
+ Catcher { code: code, handler: handler, is_default: false }
pub fn handle<'b, 'r>(&self, err: Error, request: &'b Request<'r>) -> Response<'b> {
(self.handler)(err, request)
- fn new_with_default(code: u16, handler: ErrorHandler, default: bool) -> Catcher {
- Catcher {
- code: code,
- handler: handler,
- is_default: default,
- }
+ fn new_default(code: u16, handler: ErrorHandler) -> Catcher {
+ Catcher { code: code, handler: handler, is_default: true, }
pub fn is_default(&self) -> bool {
@@ -52,6 +48,48 @@ impl fmt::Display for Catcher {
+macro_rules! error_page_template {
+ ($code:expr, $name:expr, $description:expr) => (
+ concat!(r#"
+ "#, $code, " ", $name, r#"
"#, $code, " ", $name, r#"
"#, $description, r#"
+ "#
+ )
+ )
+macro_rules! default_errors {
+ ($($code:expr, $name:expr, $description:expr, $fn_name:ident),+) => (
+ let mut map = HashMap::new();
+ $(
+ fn $fn_name<'r>(_: Error, _r: &'r Request) -> Response<'r> {
+ Response::with_status(
+ StatusCode::Unregistered($code),
+ data::HTML(error_page_template!($code, $name, $description))
+ )
+ }
+ map.insert($code, Catcher::new_default($code, $fn_name));
+ )+
+ map
+ )
pub mod defaults {
use super::Catcher;
@@ -63,52 +101,69 @@ pub mod defaults {
use error::Error;
use http::hyper::StatusCode;
- pub fn not_found<'r>(_error: Error, _request: &'r Request) -> Response<'r> {
- Response::with_status(StatusCode::NotFound, data::HTML(r#"
- 404: Not Found
404: Not Found
The page you were looking for could not be found.
- "#))
- }
- pub fn internal_error<'r>(_error: Error,
- _request: &'r Request)
- -> Response<'r> {
- Response::with_status(StatusCode::InternalServerError, data::HTML(r#"
- 500: Internal Server Error
500: Internal Server Error
The server encountered a problem processing your request.
- "#))
- }
pub fn get() -> HashMap {
- let mut map = HashMap::new();
- map.insert(404, Catcher::new_with_default(404, not_found, true));
- map.insert(500, Catcher::new_with_default(500, internal_error, true));
- map
+ default_errors! {
+ 400, "Bad Request", "The request could not be understood by the server due
+ to malformed syntax.", handle_400,
+ 401, "Unauthorized", "The request requires user authentication.",
+ handle_401,
+ 403, "Forbidden", "The request was forbidden by the server.
+ Check authentication.", handle_403,
+ 402, "Payment Required", "The request could not be processed due to lack of
+ payment.", handle_402,
+ 404, "Not Found", "The requested resource could not be found.", handle_404,
+ 405, "Method Not Allowed", "The request method is not supported for the
+ requested resource.", handle_405,
+ 406, "Not Acceptable", "The requested resource is capable of generating
+ only content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the
+ request.", handle_406,
+ 407, "Proxy Authentication Required", "Authentication with the proxy is
+ required.", handle_407,
+ 408, "Request Timeout", "The server timed out waiting for the
+ request.", handle_408,
+ 409, "Conflict", "The request could not be processed because of a conflict
+ in the request.", handle_409,
+ 410, "Gone", "The resource requested is no longer available and will not be
+ available again.", handle_410,
+ 411, "Length Required", "The request did not specify the length of its
+ content, which is required by the requested resource.", handle_411,
+ 412, "Precondition Failed", "The server does not meet one of the
+ preconditions specified in the request.", handle_412,
+ 413, "Payload Too Large", "The request is larger than the server is
+ willing or able to process.", handle_413,
+ 414, "URI Too Long", "The URI provided was too long for the server to
+ process.", handle_414,
+ 415, "Unsupported Media Type", "The request entity has a media type which
+ the server or resource does not support.", handle_415,
+ 416, "Range Not Satisfiable", "The portion of the requested file cannot be
+ supplied by the server.", handle_416,
+ 417, "Expectation Failed", "The server cannot meet the requirements of the
+ Expect request-header field.", handle_417,
+ 418, "I'm a teapot", "I was requested to brew coffee, and I am a
+ teapot.", handle_418,
+ 421, "Misdirected Request", "The server cannot produce a response for this
+ request.", handle_421,
+ 426, "Upgrade Required", "Switching to the protocol in the Upgrade header
+ field is required.", handle_426,
+ 428, "Precondition Required", "The server requires the request to be
+ conditional.", handle_428,
+ 429, "Too Many Requests", "Too many requests have been received
+ recently.", handle_429,
+ 431, "Request Header Fields Too Large", "The server is unwilling to process
+ the request because either an individual header field, or all
+ the header fields collectively, are too large.", handle_431,
+ 451, "Unavailable For Legal Reasons", "The requested resource is
+ unavailable due to a legal demand to deny access to this
+ resource.", handle_451,
+ 500, "Internal Server Error", "The server encountered an internal error
+ while processing this request.", handle_500,
+ 501, "Not Implemented", "The server either does not recognize the request
+ method, or it lacks the ability to fulfill the request.", handle_501,
+ 503, "Service Unavailable", "The server is currently unavailable.",
+ handle_503,
+ 510, "Not Extended", "Further extensions to the request are required for
+ the server to fulfill it.", handle_510
+ }