Sync core 'UriDisplay' and 'FromUriParam' impls.

This commit is contained in:
Sergio Benitez 2021-07-02 08:17:22 -07:00
parent 2cee4b4594
commit 75d851d011
3 changed files with 108 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -537,3 +537,37 @@ fn test_simple_ignored() {
uri!(ignore_with_q3(&mut 5, "boo", "hi b", "ho")) => "/hi/5/foo/boo?hi=hi%20b&hey=ho",
fn test_maps() {
use std::collections::{HashMap, BTreeMap};
use rocket::figment::util::map;
#[get("/?<bar>")] fn hmap(mut bar: HashMap<String, usize>) {
let _ = uri!(bmap(&bar));
let _ = uri!(bmap(&mut bar));
let _ = uri!(bmap(bar));
assert_uri_eq! {
uri!(hmap(map!["foo" => 10])) => "/?bar.k:0=foo&bar.v:0=10",
uri!(hmap(map!["foo".to_string() => 10])) => "/?bar.k:0=foo&bar.v:0=10",
uri!(hmap(&map!["foo".to_string() => 10])) => "/?bar.k:0=foo&bar.v:0=10",
uri!(hmap(&mut map!["foo".to_string() => 10])) => "/?bar.k:0=foo&bar.v:0=10",
uri!(hmap(&map!["foo" => 10])) => "/?bar.k:0=foo&bar.v:0=10",
#[get("/?<bar>")] fn bmap(mut bar: BTreeMap<&str, usize>) {
let _ = uri!(hmap(&bar));
let _ = uri!(hmap(&mut bar));
let _ = uri!(hmap(bar));
assert_uri_eq! {
uri!(bmap(map!["foo" => 10])) => "/?bar.k:0=foo&bar.v:0=10",
uri!(bmap(map!["foo".to_string() => 10])) => "/?bar.k:0=foo&bar.v:0=10",
uri!(bmap(&map!["foo".to_string() => 10])) => "/?bar.k:0=foo&bar.v:0=10",
uri!(bmap(&mut map!["foo".to_string() => 10])) => "/?bar.k:0=foo&bar.v:0=10",
uri!(bmap(&map!["foo" => 10])) => "/?bar.k:0=foo&bar.v:0=10",

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use crate::uri::fmt::UriDisplay;
@ -191,25 +192,28 @@ pub trait FromUriParam<P: Part, T> {
fn from_uri_param(param: T) -> Self::Target;
use std::{borrow::Cow, net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr}};
macro_rules! impl_conversion_ref {
($(($($l:tt)+) $A:ty => $B:ty),*) => ( impl_conversion_ref!(@_ $(($($l)+,) $A => $B),*); );
($($A:ty => $B:ty),*) => ( impl_conversion_ref!(@_ $(() $A => $B),*); );
($(($($l:tt)+) $A:ty => $B:ty),* $(,)?) => (
impl_conversion_ref!(@_ $(($($l)+,) $A => $B),*);
(@_ $(($($l:tt)*) $A:ty => $B:ty),*) => ($(
($($A:ty => $B:ty),* $(,)?) => (
impl_conversion_ref!(@_ $(() $A => $B),*);
(@_ $(($($l:tt)*) $A:ty => $B:ty),* $(,)?) => ($(
impl_conversion_ref!([P] ($($l)* P: $crate::uri::fmt::Part) $A => $B);
($([$P:ty] ($($l:tt)*) $A:ty => $B:ty),*) => ($(
($([$P:ty] ($($l:tt)*) $A:ty => $B:ty),* $(,)?) => ($(
impl_conversion_ref!(@_ [$P] ($($l)*) $A => $B);
impl_conversion_ref!(@_ [$P] ('x, $($l)*) &'x $A => $B);
impl_conversion_ref!(@_ [$P] ('x, $($l)*) &'x mut $A => $B);
($([$P:ty] $A:ty => $B:ty),*) => ( impl_conversion_ref!($([$P] () $A => $B),*););
($([$P:ty] $A:ty => $B:ty),* $(,)?) => ( impl_conversion_ref!($([$P] () $A => $B),*););
(@_ [$P:ty] ($($l:tt)*) $A:ty => $B:ty) => (
impl<$($l)*> $crate::uri::fmt::FromUriParam<$P, $A> for $B {
@ -272,18 +276,28 @@ macro_rules! impl_conversion_ref {
/// [`Query`]: crate::uri::fmt::Query
macro_rules! impl_from_uri_param_identity {
($(($($l:tt)*) $T:ty),*) => ($( impl_conversion_ref!(($($l)*) $T => $T); )*);
($([$P:ty] ($($l:tt)*) $T:ty),*) => ($( impl_conversion_ref!([$P] ($($l)*) $T => $T); )*);
($([$P:ty] $T:ty),*) => ($( impl_conversion_ref!([$P] $T => $T); )*);
($($T:ty),*) => ($( impl_conversion_ref!($T => $T); )*);
($(($($l:tt)*) $T:ty),* $(,)?) => ($( impl_conversion_ref!(($($l)*) $T => $T); )*);
($([$P:ty] ($($l:tt)*) $T:ty),* $(,)?) => ($( impl_conversion_ref!([$P] ($($l)*) $T => $T); )*);
($([$P:ty] $T:ty),* $(,)?) => ($( impl_conversion_ref!([$P] $T => $T); )*);
($($T:ty),* $(,)?) => ($( impl_conversion_ref!($T => $T); )*);
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr, SocketAddrV4, SocketAddrV6};
use std::num::{
NonZeroIsize, NonZeroI8, NonZeroI16, NonZeroI32, NonZeroI64, NonZeroI128,
NonZeroUsize, NonZeroU8, NonZeroU16, NonZeroU32, NonZeroU64, NonZeroU128,
impl_from_uri_param_identity! {
i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, isize,
u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, usize,
f32, f64, bool,
IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr
IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr, SocketAddrV4, SocketAddrV6,
NonZeroIsize, NonZeroI8, NonZeroI16, NonZeroI32, NonZeroI64, NonZeroI128,
NonZeroUsize, NonZeroU8, NonZeroU16, NonZeroU32, NonZeroU64, NonZeroU128,
time::Date, time::Time, time::PrimitiveDateTime,
impl_from_uri_param_identity! {
@ -380,3 +394,48 @@ impl<A, E, T: FromUriParam<fmt::Query, A>> FromUriParam<fmt::Query, Result<A, E>
macro_rules! impl_map_conversion {
($From:ident => $To:ident) => (
impl<K, V, A, B> FromUriParam<fmt::Query, $From<A, B>> for $To<K, V>
where A: UriDisplay<fmt::Query>, K: FromUriParam<fmt::Query, A>,
B: UriDisplay<fmt::Query>, V: FromUriParam<fmt::Query, B>
type Target = $From<A, B>;
fn from_uri_param(param: $From<A, B>) -> Self::Target {
(& $([$mut:tt])? $From:ident => $To:ident) => (
impl<'a, K, V, A, B> FromUriParam<fmt::Query, &'a $($mut)? $From<A, B>> for $To<K, V>
where A: UriDisplay<fmt::Query>, K: FromUriParam<fmt::Query, A>,
B: UriDisplay<fmt::Query>, V: FromUriParam<fmt::Query, B>
type Target = &'a $From<A, B>;
fn from_uri_param(param: &'a $($mut)? $From<A, B>) -> Self::Target {
impl_map_conversion!(HashMap => HashMap);
impl_map_conversion!(HashMap => BTreeMap);
impl_map_conversion!(BTreeMap => BTreeMap);
impl_map_conversion!(BTreeMap => HashMap);
impl_map_conversion!(&HashMap => HashMap);
impl_map_conversion!(&HashMap => BTreeMap);
impl_map_conversion!(&BTreeMap => BTreeMap);
impl_map_conversion!(&BTreeMap => HashMap);
impl_map_conversion!(&[mut] HashMap => HashMap);
impl_map_conversion!(&[mut] HashMap => BTreeMap);
impl_map_conversion!(&[mut] BTreeMap => BTreeMap);
impl_map_conversion!(&[mut] BTreeMap => HashMap);

View File

@ -342,6 +342,7 @@ use std::num::{
NonZeroUsize, NonZeroU8, NonZeroU16, NonZeroU32, NonZeroU64, NonZeroU128,
// Keep in-sync with the 'FromUriParam' impls.
impl_with_display! {
i8, i16, i32, i64, i128, isize,
u8, u16, u32, u64, u128, usize,
@ -367,6 +368,7 @@ macro_rules! impl_with_string {
use std::net::{SocketAddr, SocketAddrV4, SocketAddrV6};
// Keep in-sync with the 'FromUriParam' impls.
impl_with_string! {
time::Date => |d| d.format("%F"),
time::PrimitiveDateTime => |d| d.format("%FT%T"),
@ -377,7 +379,7 @@ impl_with_string! {
// These are second level implementations: they all defer to an existing
// implementation.
// implementation. Keep in-sync with `FromUriParam` impls.
/// Percent-encodes the raw string. Defers to `str`.
impl<P: Part> UriDisplay<P> for String {