Add more examples to wrapping responders guide.

Co-authored-by: RotesWasser <>
This commit is contained in:
Sergio Benitez 2021-06-02 18:04:15 -07:00
parent 27519a97ea
commit 9f5a587dc3
1 changed files with 40 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -49,24 +49,57 @@ fn new(id: usize) -> status::Accepted<String> {
Similarly, the types in the [`content` module](@api/rocket/response/content/)
can be used to override the Content-Type of a response. For instance, to set the
Content-Type of `&'static str` to JSON, you can use the [`content::Json`] type
as follows:
Content-Type of `&'static str` to JSON, as well as setting the status code to an
arbitrary one like `418 I'm a teapot`, combine [`content::Json`] with
# #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
# fn main() {}
use rocket::response::content;
use rocket::http::Status;
use rocket::response::{content, status};
fn json() -> content::Json<&'static str> {
content::Json("{ \"hi\": \"world\" }")
fn json() -> status::Custom<content::Json<&'static str>> {
status::Custom(Status::ImATeapot, content::Json("{ \"hi\": \"world\" }"))
! warning: This is _not_ the same as the [`Json`] in [`serde`]!
! warning: This is _not_ the same as [`serde::json::Json`]!
The built-in `(Status, R)` and `(ContentType, R)` responders, where `R:
Responder`, are short-hands for the `status::Custom` and `content::Custom`
# #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
use rocket::http::{Status, ContentType};
fn json() -> (Status, (ContentType, &'static str)) {
(Status::ImATeapot, (ContentType::JSON, "{ \"hi\": \"world\" }"))
For pithy reusability, it is advisable to derive a [custom responder]:
# #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
#[response(status = 418, content_type = "json")]
struct RawTeapotJson(&'static str);
fn json() -> RawTeapotJson {
RawTeapotJson("{ \"hi\": \"world\" }")
[`Accepted`]: @api/rocket/response/status/struct.Accepted.html
[`content::Json`]: @api/rocket/response/content/struct.Json.html
[`status::Custom`]: @api/rocket/response/status/struct.Custom.html
[`serde::json::Json`]: @api/rocket/serde/json/struct.Json.html
[custom responder]: #custom-responders
### Errors