Complete rewrite of macro parsing and item generation.

This commit is contained in:
Sergio Benitez 2016-09-04 01:05:17 -07:00
parent 99074a913d
commit a42d7f8668
32 changed files with 1073 additions and 781 deletions

View File

@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
extern crate rocket;
use rocket::{Rocket, Error, Request};
#[route(GET, path = "/hello/<name>/<age>")]
fn hello(name: &str, age: i8) -> String {
format!("Hello, {} year old named {}!", age, name)
#[error(code = "404")]
fn not_found<'r>(_error: Error, request: &'r Request<'r>) -> String {
format!("<p>Sorry, but '{}' is not a valid path!</p>
<p>Try visiting /hello/&lt;name&gt;/&lt;age&gt; instead.</p>",

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
extern crate rocket;
use rocket::Rocket;
#[GET(path = "/hello/<name>/<age>")]
fn hello(name: &str, age: i8) -> String {
format!("Hello, {} year old named {}!", age, name)

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
extern crate rocket;
use rocket::Rocket;
#[GET(path = "/")]
fn root() -> &'static str {
"Hello, world!"

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use content_type::ContentType;
pub struct StaticRouteInfo {
pub method: Method,
pub path: &'static str,
pub content_type: ContentType,
pub accept: Option<ContentType>,
pub handler: Handler,
pub rank: Option<isize>,

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
pub use response::mime::{Mime, TopLevel, SubLevel};
use response::mime::{Param};
use std::default::Default;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::borrow::Borrow;
@ -50,6 +51,13 @@ impl ContentType {
is_some!(is_html: Application/Html);
impl Default for ContentType {
fn default() -> ContentType {
impl Into<Mime> for ContentType {
fn into(self) -> Mime {
Mime(self.0, self.1, self.2.unwrap_or_default())

View File

@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ impl fmt::Display for Route {
impl<'a> From<&'a StaticRouteInfo> for Route {
fn from(info: &'a StaticRouteInfo) -> Route {
let mut route = Route::new(info.method, info.path, info.handler);
route.content_type = info.content_type.clone();
route.content_type = info.accept.clone().unwrap_or(ContentType::any());
if let Some(rank) = info.rank {
route.rank = rank;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
use utils::*;
use syntax::codemap::{Span};
use syntax::ast::{MetaItem};
use syntax::ext::base::{Annotatable, ExtCtxt};
use parser::ErrorParams;
pub fn error_decorator(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span, meta_item: &MetaItem,
annotated: &Annotatable, push: &mut FnMut(Annotatable)) {
let error = ErrorParams::from(ecx, sp, meta_item, annotated);
let user_fn_name = error.annotated_fn.ident();
let catch_fn_name = user_fn_name.prepend(CATCH_FN_PREFIX);
let code = error.code.node;
emit_item(push, quote_item!(ecx,
fn $catch_fn_name<'rocket>(err: ::rocket::Error,
req: &'rocket ::rocket::Request<'rocket>)
-> ::rocket::Response<'rocket> {
rocket::Response::with_raw_status($code, $user_fn_name(err, req))
).expect("catch function"));
let struct_name = user_fn_name.prepend(CATCH_STRUCT_PREFIX);
emit_item(push, quote_item!(ecx,
pub static $struct_name: rocket::StaticCatchInfo = rocket::StaticCatchInfo {
code: $code,
handler: $catch_fn_name
).expect("catch info struct"));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
mod route;
mod error;
pub use self::route::*;
pub use self::error::*;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
use std::collections::HashSet;
use utils::{emit_item, span, sep_by_tok, SpanExt, IdentExt, ArgExt, option_as_expr};
use parser::RouteParams;
use syntax::codemap::{Span, Spanned};
use syntax::tokenstream::TokenTree;
use syntax::ast::{Arg, Ident, Stmt, Expr, MetaItem, Path};
use syntax::ext::base::{Annotatable, ExtCtxt};
use syntax::ext::build::AstBuilder;
use syntax::parse::token::{self, str_to_ident};
use syntax::ptr::P;
use rocket::{Method, ContentType};
use rocket::content_type::{TopLevel, SubLevel};
fn method_variant_to_expr(ecx: &ExtCtxt, method: Method) -> Path {
quote_enum!(ecx, method => ::rocket::Method {
Options, Get, Post, Put, Delete, Head, Trace, Connect, Patch;
fn top_level_to_expr(ecx: &ExtCtxt, level: &TopLevel) -> Path {
quote_enum!(ecx, *level => ::rocket::content_type::TopLevel {
Star, Text, Image, Audio, Video, Application, Multipart, Model, Message;
Ext(ref s) => quote_path!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::TopLevel::Ext($s))
fn sub_level_to_expr(ecx: &ExtCtxt, level: &SubLevel) -> Path {
quote_enum!(ecx, *level => ::rocket::content_type::SubLevel {
Star, Plain, Html, Xml, Javascript, Css, EventStream, Json,
WwwFormUrlEncoded, Msgpack, OctetStream, FormData, Png, Gif, Bmp, Jpeg;
Ext(ref s) => quote_path!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::SubLevel::Ext($s))
fn accept_to_path(ecx: &ExtCtxt, accept: Option<ContentType>) -> Option<Path> {|ct| {
let top_level = top_level_to_expr(ecx, &ct.0);
let sub_level = sub_level_to_expr(ecx, &ct.1);
quote_path!(ecx, ::rocket::ContentType($top_level, $sub_level, None))
trait RouteGenerateExt {
fn generate_form_statement(&self, ecx: &ExtCtxt) -> Option<Stmt>;
fn generate_param_statements(&self, ecx: &ExtCtxt) -> Vec<Stmt>;
fn generate_fn_arguments(&self, ecx: &ExtCtxt) -> Vec<TokenTree>;
fn explode(&self, ecx: &ExtCtxt) -> (&String, Path, P<Expr>, P<Expr>);
impl RouteGenerateExt for RouteParams {
fn generate_form_statement(&self, ecx: &ExtCtxt) -> Option<Stmt> {
let name = self.form_param.as_ref().map(|p| p.value());
let arg: &Arg = match name.and_then(|p| self.annotated_fn.find_input(p)) {
Some(arg) => arg,
None => return None
let (name, ty) = (arg.ident().unwrap(), &arg.ty);
let $name: $ty =
if let Ok(s) = ::std::str::from_utf8( {
if let Ok(v) = ::rocket::form::FromForm::from_form_string(s) {
} else {
return ::rocket::Response::not_found();
} else {
return ::rocket::Response::server_error();
).expect("form statement"))
// TODO: Add some kind of logging facility in Rocket to get be able to log
// an error/debug message if parsing a parameter fails.
fn generate_param_statements(&self, ecx: &ExtCtxt) -> Vec<Stmt> {
let path_params = self.path_params(ecx);
let all = &self.annotated_fn.decl().inputs;
let declared: HashSet<&str> =|p| p.node).collect();
let arg_declared = |arg: &&Arg| declared.contains(&*;
let mut fn_param_statements = vec![];
for (i, arg) in all.iter().filter(&arg_declared).enumerate() {
let (ident, ty) = (arg.ident().unwrap(), &arg.ty);
let $ident: $ty = match _req.get_param($i) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(_) => return ::rocket::Response::forward()
).expect("declared param parsing statement"));
for arg in all.iter().filter(|p| !arg_declared(p)) {
let (ident, ty) = (arg.ident().unwrap(), &arg.ty);
let $ident: $ty = match
<$ty as ::rocket::request::FromRequest>::from_request(&_req) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(_e) => return ::rocket::Response::forward()
).expect("undeclared param parsing statement"));
fn generate_fn_arguments(&self, ecx: &ExtCtxt) -> Vec<TokenTree> {
let args = self.annotated_fn.decl().inputs.iter().map(|a| {
a.ident().expect("function decl pat -> ident").clone()
sep_by_tok(ecx, &args, token::Comma)
fn explode(&self, ecx: &ExtCtxt) -> (&String, Path, P<Expr>, P<Expr>) {
let path = &self.path.node;
let method = method_variant_to_expr(ecx, self.method.node);
let accept = self.accept.as_ref().map(|kv| kv.value().clone());
let content_type = option_as_expr(ecx, &accept_to_path(ecx, accept));
let rank = option_as_expr(ecx, &self.rank);
(path, method, content_type, rank)
// FIXME: Compilation fails when parameters have the same name as the function!
fn generic_route_decorator(known_method: Option<Spanned<Method>>,
ecx: &mut ExtCtxt,
sp: Span,
meta_item: &MetaItem,
annotated: &Annotatable,
push: &mut FnMut(Annotatable)) {
// Initialize the logger.
// Parse the route and generate the code to create the form and param vars.
let route = RouteParams::from(ecx, sp, known_method, meta_item, annotated);
let form_statement = route.generate_form_statement(ecx);
let param_statements = route.generate_param_statements(ecx);
let fn_arguments = route.generate_fn_arguments(ecx);
// Generate and emit the wrapping function with the Rocket handler signature.
let user_fn_name = route.annotated_fn.ident();
let route_fn_name = user_fn_name.prepend(ROUTE_FN_PREFIX);
emit_item(push, quote_item!(ecx,
fn $route_fn_name<'rocket>(_req: &'rocket ::rocket::Request<'rocket>)
-> ::rocket::Response<'rocket> {
let result = $user_fn_name($fn_arguments);
// Generate and emit the static route info that uses the just generated
// function as its handler. A proper Rocket route will be created from this.
let struct_name = user_fn_name.prepend(ROUTE_STRUCT_PREFIX);
let (path, method, content_type, rank) = route.explode(ecx);
emit_item(push, quote_item!(ecx,
pub static $struct_name: ::rocket::StaticRouteInfo =
::rocket::StaticRouteInfo {
method: $method,
path: $path,
handler: $route_fn_name,
accept: $content_type,
rank: $rank,
pub fn route_decorator(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt,
sp: Span,
meta_item: &MetaItem,
annotated: &Annotatable,
push: &mut FnMut(Annotatable)) {
generic_route_decorator(None, ecx, sp, meta_item, annotated, push);
macro_rules! method_decorator {
($name:ident, $method:ident) => (
pub fn $name(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span, meta_item: &MetaItem,
annotated: &Annotatable, push: &mut FnMut(Annotatable)) {
let i_sp = meta_item.span.shorten_to( as u32);
let method = Some(span(Method::$method, i_sp));
generic_route_decorator(method, ecx, sp, meta_item, annotated, push);
method_decorator!(get_decorator, Get);
method_decorator!(put_decorator, Put);
method_decorator!(post_decorator, Post);
method_decorator!(delete_decorator, Delete);
method_decorator!(patch_decorator, Patch);

View File

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
use utils::*;
use meta_item_parser::MetaItemParser;
use syntax::codemap::{Span};
use syntax::ast::{MetaItem};
use syntax::ext::base::{Annotatable, ExtCtxt};
use syntax::print::pprust::{item_to_string};
struct Params {
code: KVSpanned<u16>,
fn get_error_params(ecx: &ExtCtxt, meta_item: &MetaItem) -> Params {
// Ensure we've been supplied with a k = v meta item. Error out if not.
let params = meta_item.expect_list(ecx, "Bad use. Expected: #[error(...)]");
// Now grab all of the required and optional parameters.
let req: [&'static str; 1] = ["code"];
let kv_pairs = get_key_values(ecx, meta_item.span, &req, &[], &*params);
// Ensure we have a code, just to keep parsing and generating errors.
let code = kv_pairs.get("code").map_or(KVSpanned::dummy(404), |c| {
let numeric_code = match c.node.parse() {
Ok(n) => n,
Err(_) => {
let msg = "Error codes must be integer strings. (e.g. \"404\")";
ecx.span_err(c.v_span, msg);
if numeric_code < 400 || numeric_code > 599 {
ecx.span_err(c.v_span, "Error codes must be >= 400 and <= 599.");
c.clone().map(|_| { numeric_code })
Params {
code: code,
pub fn error_decorator(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span, meta_item: &MetaItem,
annotated: &Annotatable, push: &mut FnMut(Annotatable)) {
let parser = MetaItemParser::new(ecx, meta_item, annotated, &sp);
let item = parser.expect_item();
let error_params = get_error_params(ecx, meta_item);
debug!("Error parameters are: {:?}", error_params);
let fn_name = item.ident;
let catch_fn_name = prepend_ident(CATCH_FN_PREFIX, &item.ident);
let catch_code = error_params.code.node;
let catch_fn_item = quote_item!(ecx,
fn $catch_fn_name<'rocket>(err: ::rocket::Error,
req: &'rocket ::rocket::Request<'rocket>)
-> ::rocket::Response<'rocket> {
// TODO: Figure out what type signature of catcher should be.
let result = $fn_name(err, req);
rocket::Response::with_raw_status($catch_code, result)
debug!("{}", item_to_string(&catch_fn_item));
let struct_name = prepend_ident(CATCH_STRUCT_PREFIX, &item.ident);
pub static $struct_name: rocket::StaticCatchInfo = rocket::StaticCatchInfo {
code: $catch_code,
handler: $catch_fn_name

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
use utils::*;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use syntax::tokenstream::TokenTree;
use syntax::ast::Expr;
use syntax::ext::base::{ExtCtxt, MacResult, MacEager};
use syntax::parse::token::Token;
use syntax::ptr::P;
const DEBUG: bool = false;
pub fn errors_macro(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt, _sp: Span, args: &[TokenTree])
-> Box<MacResult + 'static> {
let mut parser = ecx.new_parser_from_tts(args);
let mut paths = parse_paths(&mut parser).unwrap_or_else(|mut e| {
// Prefix each path terminator
prefix_paths(CATCH_STRUCT_PREFIX, &mut paths);
// Build up the P<Expr> for each path.
let path_exprs: Vec<P<Expr>> = paths.iter().map(|p| {
quote_expr!(ecx, rocket::Catcher::from(&$p))
// Now put them all in one vector and return the thing.
let path_list = token_separate(ecx, &path_exprs, Token::Comma);
let output = quote_expr!(ecx, vec![$path_list]).unwrap();

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
#![crate_type = "dylib"]
#![feature(quote, concat_idents, plugin_registrar, rustc_private)]
#[macro_use] extern crate syntax;
#[macro_use] extern crate log;
@ -10,54 +13,41 @@ extern crate rocket;
extern crate env_logger;
#[macro_use] mod utils;
mod routes_macro;
mod errors_macro;
mod route_decorator;
mod error_decorator;
mod derive_form;
mod meta_item_parser;
mod parser;
mod macros;
mod decorators;
use rustc_plugin::Registry;
use syntax::ext::base::SyntaxExtension;
use syntax::parse::token::intern;
use routes_macro::routes_macro;
use errors_macro::errors_macro;
use route_decorator::*;
use error_decorator::error_decorator;
use derive_form::from_form_derive;
const ROUTE_STRUCT_PREFIX: &'static str = "static_rocket_route_info_for_";
const CATCH_STRUCT_PREFIX: &'static str = "static_rocket_catch_info_for_";
const ROUTE_FN_PREFIX: &'static str = "rocket_route_fn_";
const CATCH_FN_PREFIX: &'static str = "rocket_catch_fn_";
macro_rules! register_decorators {
($registry:expr, $($name:expr => $func:expr),+) => (
($registry:expr, $($name:expr => $func:ident),+) => (
pub fn plugin_registrar(reg: &mut Registry) {
reg.register_macro("routes", routes_macro);
reg.register_macro("errors", errors_macro);
reg.register_macro("routes", macros::routes);
reg.register_macro("errors", macros::errors);
"derive_FromForm" => from_form_derive,
"route" => generic_route_decorator,
// "derive_FromForm" => from_form_derive
"error" => error_decorator,
"GET" => get_decorator,
"PUT" => put_decorator,
"POST" => post_decorator,
"DELETE" => delete_decorator,
"OPTIONS" => options_decorator,
"HEAD" => head_decorator,
"TRACE" => trace_decorator,
"CONNECT" => connect_decorator,
"PATCH" => patch_decorator
"route" => route_decorator,
"get" => get_decorator,
"put" => put_decorator,
"post" => post_decorator,
"delete" => delete_decorator,
"patch" => patch_decorator

macros/src/macros/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
use utils::{sep_by_tok, ParserExt, IdentExt};
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use syntax::tokenstream::TokenTree;
use syntax::ast::{Path, Expr};
use syntax::ext::base::{DummyResult, ExtCtxt, MacResult, MacEager};
use syntax::parse::token::Token;
use syntax::ptr::P;
pub fn prefix_paths(prefix: &str, paths: &mut Vec<Path>) {
for p in paths {
let last = p.segments.len() - 1;
let last_seg = &mut p.segments[last];
last_seg.identifier = last_seg.identifier.prepend(prefix);
pub fn prefixing_vec_macro<F>(prefix: &str,
mut to_expr: F,
ecx: &mut ExtCtxt,
sp: Span,
args: &[TokenTree])
-> Box<MacResult + 'static>
where F: FnMut(&ExtCtxt, Path) -> P<Expr>
let mut parser = ecx.new_parser_from_tts(args);
let paths = parser.parse_paths();
if let Ok(mut paths) = paths {
// Prefix each path terminator and build up the P<Expr> for each path.
prefix_paths(prefix, &mut paths);
let path_exprs: Vec<P<Expr>> = paths.into_iter()
.map(|path| to_expr(ecx, path))
// Now put them all in one vector and return the thing.
let path_list = sep_by_tok(ecx, &path_exprs, Token::Comma);
let output = quote_expr!(ecx, vec![$path_list]).unwrap();
} else {
pub fn routes(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span, args: &[TokenTree])
-> Box<MacResult + 'static> {
prefixing_vec_macro(ROUTE_STRUCT_PREFIX, |ecx, path| {
quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::Route::from(&$path))
}, ecx, sp, args)
pub fn errors(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span, args: &[TokenTree])
-> Box<MacResult + 'static> {
prefixing_vec_macro(CATCH_STRUCT_PREFIX, |ecx, path| {
quote_expr!(ecx, rocket::Catcher::from(&$path))
}, ecx, sp, args)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
use syntax::ast::*;
use syntax::ext::base::{ExtCtxt, Annotatable};
use syntax::codemap::{Span, Spanned, dummy_spanned};
use utils::{span, MetaItemExt};
use super::Function;
/// This structure represents the parsed `error` attribute.
pub struct ErrorParams {
pub annotated_fn: Function,
pub code: Spanned<u16>,
impl ErrorParams {
/// Parses the route attribute from the given decorator context. If the
/// parse is not successful, this function exits early with the appropriate
/// error message to the user.
pub fn from(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt,
sp: Span,
meta_item: &MetaItem,
annotated: &Annotatable)
-> ErrorParams {
let function = Function::from(annotated).unwrap_or_else(|item_sp| {
ecx.span_err(sp, "this attribute can only be used on functions...");
ecx.span_fatal(item_sp, "...but was applied to the item above.");
let meta_items = meta_item.meta_item_list().unwrap_or_else(|| {
ecx.struct_span_fatal(sp, "incorrect use of attribute")
.help("attributes in Rocket must have the form: #[name(...)]")
if meta_items.len() < 1 {
ecx.span_fatal(sp, "attribute requires the `code` parameter");
} else if meta_items.len() > 1 {
ecx.span_fatal(sp, "attribute can only have one `code` parameter");
ErrorParams {
annotated_fn: function,
code: parse_code(ecx, &meta_items[0])
fn parse_code(ecx: &ExtCtxt, meta_item: &NestedMetaItem) -> Spanned<u16> {
let code_from_u64 = |n: Spanned<u64>| {
if n.node < 400 || n.node > 599 {
ecx.span_err(n.span, "code must be >= 400 and <= 599.");
span(0, n.span)
} else {
span(n.node as u16, n.span)
let sp = meta_item.span();
if let Some((name, lit)) = meta_item.name_value() {
if name != "code" {
ecx.span_err(sp, "the first key, if any, must be 'code'");
} else if let LitKind::Int(n, _) = lit.node {
return code_from_u64(span(n, lit.span))
} else {
ecx.span_err(lit.span, "`code` value must be an integer")
} else if let Some(n) = meta_item.int_lit() {
return code_from_u64(span(n, sp))
} else {
ecx.struct_span_err(sp, r#"expected `code = int` or an integer literal"#)
.help(r#"you can specify the code directly as an integer,
e.g: #[error(404)], or as a key-value pair,
e.g: $[error(code = 404)]"#)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
use syntax::ast::*;
use syntax::codemap::{Span, Spanned};
use syntax::ext::base::Annotatable;
use utils::{ArgExt, span};
pub struct Function(Spanned<(Ident, FnDecl)>);
impl Function {
pub fn from(annotated: &Annotatable) -> Result<Function, Span> {
let inner = match *annotated {
Annotatable::Item(ref item) => match item.node {
ItemKind::Fn(ref decl, ..) => {
span((item.ident, decl.clone().unwrap()), item.span)
_ => return Err(item.span)
Annotatable::TraitItem(ref item) => return Err(item.span),
Annotatable::ImplItem(ref item) => return Err(item.span),
pub fn ident(&self) -> &Ident {
pub fn decl(&self) -> &FnDecl {
pub fn find_input<'a>(&'a self, name: &str) -> Option<&'a Arg> {
self.decl().inputs.iter().filter(|arg| arg.named(name)).next()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
use syntax::codemap::{Spanned, Span, dummy_spanned, DUMMY_SP};
use syntax::ext::base::ExtCtxt;
use syntax::tokenstream::TokenTree;
use syntax::ext::quote::rt::ToTokens;
use utils::span;
/// A spanned key-value pair in an attribute.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct KVSpanned<V> {
/// Span for the full key/value pair.
pub span: Span,
/// The spanned key.
pub key: Spanned<String>,
/// The spanned value.
pub value: Spanned<V>
impl<V> KVSpanned<V> {
/// Maps the inner value of this span using `f`. The key, value, and full
/// spans will remain the same in the new KVSpan.
pub fn map<U, F: FnOnce(V) -> U>(self, f: F) -> KVSpanned<U> {
KVSpanned {
span: self.span,
key: self.key,
value: span(f(self.value.node), self.value.span)
/// Maps a reference of the inner value of this span using `f`. The key,
/// value, and full spans will remain the same in the new KVSpan.
pub fn map_ref<U, F: FnOnce(&V) -> U>(&self, f: F) -> KVSpanned<U> {
KVSpanned {
span: self.span,
key: self.key.clone(),
value: span(f(&self.value.node), self.value.span)
/// Returns the unspanned key. Purely for convenience.
pub fn key(&self) -> &String {
/// Returns the unspanned value. Purely for convenience.
pub fn value(&self) -> &V {
impl<T: Default> Default for KVSpanned<T> {
/// Returns a dummy KVSpan with an empty key for the default value of T.
fn default() -> KVSpanned<T> {
dummy_kvspanned("", T::default())
impl<T: ToTokens> ToTokens for KVSpanned<T> {
fn to_tokens(&self, cx: &ExtCtxt) -> Vec<TokenTree> {
/// Creates a KVSpanned value with dummy (meaningless) spans.
pub fn dummy_kvspanned<T, S: ToString>(key: S, value: T) -> KVSpanned<T> {
KVSpanned {
span: DUMMY_SP,
key: dummy_spanned(key.to_string()),
value: dummy_spanned(value),

View File

@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ pub trait RouteDecoratorExt {
impl<'a, 'c> RouteDecoratorExt for MetaItemParser<'a, 'c> {
fn bad_method(&self, sp: Span, message: &str) {
let message = format!("{} Valid methods are: [GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, \
let message = format!("{} {}", message,
"Valid methods are: [GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, PATCH]");
self.ctxt.span_err(sp, message.as_str());

macros/src/parser/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
mod keyvalue;
mod route;
mod error;
mod param;
mod function;
pub use self::keyvalue::KVSpanned;
pub use self::route::RouteParams;
pub use self::error::ErrorParams;
pub use self::param::ParamIter;
pub use self::function::Function;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
use syntax::ext::base::ExtCtxt;
use syntax::codemap::{Span, Spanned, BytePos};
use utils::span;
pub struct ParamIter<'s, 'a, 'c: 'a> {
ctxt: &'a ExtCtxt<'c>,
span: Span,
string: &'s str
impl<'s, 'a, 'c: 'a> ParamIter<'s, 'a, 'c> {
pub fn new(c: &'a ExtCtxt<'c>, s: &'s str, p: Span) -> ParamIter<'s, 'a, 'c> {
ParamIter {
ctxt: c,
span: p,
string: s
impl<'s, 'a, 'c> Iterator for ParamIter<'s, 'a, 'c> {
type Item = Spanned<&'s str>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Spanned<&'s str>> {
// Find the start and end indexes for the next parameter, if any.
let (start, end) = match (self.string.find('<'), self.string.find('>')) {
(Some(i), Some(j)) => (i, j),
_ => return None
// Ensure we found a valid parameter.
if end <= start {
self.ctxt.span_err(self.span, "Parameter list is malformed.");
return None;
// Calculate the parameter and the span for the parameter.
let param = &self.string[(start + 1)..end];
let mut param_span = self.span;
param_span.lo = self.span.lo + BytePos(start as u32);
param_span.hi = self.span.lo + BytePos((end + 1) as u32);
// Check for nonemptiness and that the characters are correct.
if param.is_empty() {
self.ctxt.span_err(param_span, "Parameter names cannot be empty.");
} else if param.contains(|c: char| !c.is_alphanumeric()) {
self.ctxt.span_err(param_span, "Parameters must be alphanumeric.");
} else {
self.string = &self.string[(end + 1)..];
self.span.lo = self.span.lo + BytePos((end + 1) as u32);
Some(span(param, param_span))

macros/src/parser/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use syntax::ast::*;
use syntax::ext::base::{ExtCtxt, Annotatable};
use syntax::codemap::{Span, Spanned, dummy_spanned};
use utils::{span, MetaItemExt, SpanExt, ArgExt};
use super::ParamIter;
use super::keyvalue::KVSpanned;
use rocket::{Method, ContentType};
pub struct Function(Spanned<(Ident, FnDecl)>);
impl Function {
fn from(annotated: &Annotatable) -> Result<Function, Span> {
let inner = match *annotated {
Annotatable::Item(ref item) => match item.node {
ItemKind::Fn(ref decl, ..) => {
span((item.ident, decl.clone().unwrap()), item.span)
_ => return Err(item.span)
Annotatable::TraitItem(ref item) => return Err(item.span),
Annotatable::ImplItem(ref item) => return Err(item.span),
pub fn ident(&self) -> &Ident {
pub fn decl(&self) -> &FnDecl {
pub fn find_input<'a>(&'a self, name: &str) -> Option<&'a Arg> {
self.decl().inputs.iter().filter(|arg| arg.named(name)).next()
/// This structure represents the parsed `route` attribute.
/// It contains all of the information supplied by the user and the span where
/// the user supplied the information. This structure can only be obtained by
/// calling the `RouteParams::from` function and passing in the entire decorator
/// environment.
pub struct RouteParams {
pub annotated_fn: Function,
pub method: Spanned<Method>,
pub path: Spanned<String>,
pub form_param: Option<KVSpanned<String>>,
pub accept: Option<KVSpanned<ContentType>>,
pub rank: Option<KVSpanned<isize>>,
impl RouteParams {
/// Parses the route attribute from the given decorator context. If the
/// parse is not successful, this function exits early with the appropriate
/// error message to the user.
pub fn from(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt,
sp: Span,
known_method: Option<Spanned<Method>>,
meta_item: &MetaItem,
annotated: &Annotatable)
-> RouteParams {
let function = Function::from(annotated).unwrap_or_else(|item_sp| {
ecx.span_err(sp, "this attribute can only be used on functions...");
ecx.span_fatal(item_sp, "...but was applied to the item above.");
let meta_items = meta_item.meta_item_list().unwrap_or_else(|| {
ecx.struct_span_fatal(sp, "incorrect use of attribute")
.help("attributes in Rocket must have the form: #[name(...)]")
if meta_items.len() < 1 {
ecx.span_fatal(sp, "attribute requires at least 1 parameter");
// Figure out the method. If it is known (i.e, because we're parsing a
// helper attribute), use that method directly. Otherwise, try to parse
// it from the list of meta items.
let (method, attr_params) = match known_method {
Some(method) => (method, meta_items),
None => (parse_method(ecx, &meta_items[0]), &meta_items[1..])
if attr_params.len() < 1 {
ecx.struct_span_fatal(sp, "attribute requires at least a path")
.help(r#"example: #[get("/my/path")] or #[get(path = "/hi")]"#)
let path = parse_path(ecx, &attr_params[0]);
// Parse all of the optional parameters.
// TODO: Factor this out for use in Error.
let mut seen_keys = HashSet::new();
let (mut rank, mut form, mut accept) = Default::default();
for param in &attr_params[1..] {
let kv_opt = kv_from_nested(&param);
if kv_opt.is_none() {
ecx.span_err(param.span(), "expected key = value");
let kv = kv_opt.unwrap();
match kv.key().as_str() {
"rank" => rank = parse_opt(ecx, &kv, parse_rank),
"form" => form = parse_opt(ecx, &kv, parse_form),
"accept" => accept = parse_opt(ecx, &kv, parse_accept),
_ => {
let msg = format!("{} is not a known parameter", kv.key());
ecx.span_err(kv.span, &msg);
if seen_keys.contains(kv.key()) {
let msg = format!("{} was already defined", kv.key());
ecx.struct_span_warn(param.span, &msg)
.note("the last declared value will be used")
} else {
RouteParams {
method: method,
path: path,
form_param: form,
accept: accept,
rank: rank,
annotated_fn: function,
pub fn path_params<'s, 'a, 'c: 'a>(&'s self,
ecx: &'a ExtCtxt<'c>)
-> ParamIter<'s, 'a, 'c> {
ParamIter::new(ecx, self.path.node.as_str(), self.path.span)
fn is_valid_method(method: Method) -> bool {
use rocket::Method::*;
match method {
Get | Put | Post | Delete | Patch => true,
_ => false
pub fn kv_from_nested(item: &NestedMetaItem) -> Option<KVSpanned<LitKind>> {
item.name_value().map(|(name, value)| {
let k_span = item.span().shorten_to(name.len() as u32);
KVSpanned {
key: span(name.to_string(), k_span),
value: value.clone(),
span: item.span(),
fn parse_method(ecx: &ExtCtxt, meta_item: &NestedMetaItem) -> Spanned<Method> {
if let Some(word) = meta_item.word() {
if let Ok(method) = Method::from_str(&* {
if is_valid_method(method) {
return span(method, word.span());
} else {
let msg = format!("{} is not a valid method.",;
ecx.span_err(word.span(), &msg);
// Fallthrough. Return default method.
ecx.struct_span_err(meta_item.span, "expected a valid HTTP method")
.help("valid methods are: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, PATCH")
return dummy_spanned(Method::Get);
fn parse_path(ecx: &ExtCtxt, meta_item: &NestedMetaItem) -> Spanned<String> {
let sp = meta_item.span();
if let Some((name, lit)) = meta_item.name_value() {
if name != "path" {
ecx.span_err(sp, "the first key, if any, must be 'path'");
} else if let LitKind::Str(ref s, _) = lit.node {
return span(s.to_string(), lit.span);
} else {
ecx.span_err(lit.span, "`path` value must be a string")
} else if let Some(s) = meta_item.str_lit() {
return span(s.to_string(), sp);
} else {
ecx.struct_span_err(sp, r#"expected `path = string` or a path string"#)
.help(r#"you can specify the path directly as a string, \
e.g: "/hello/world", or as a key-value pair, \
e.g: path = "/hello/world" "#)
fn parse_opt<O, T, F>(ecx: &ExtCtxt, kv: &KVSpanned<T>, f: F) -> Option<KVSpanned<O>>
where F: Fn(&ExtCtxt, &KVSpanned<T>) -> O
Some(kv.map_ref(|_| f(ecx, kv)))
fn parse_form(ecx: &ExtCtxt, kv: &KVSpanned<LitKind>) -> String {
if let LitKind::Str(ref s, _) = *kv.value() {
if s.starts_with('<') && s.ends_with('>') {
let form_param = s[1..(s.len() - 1)].to_string();
if form_param.chars().all(char::is_alphanumeric) {
return form_param;
ecx.span_err(kv.value.span, "parameter name must be alphanumeric");
} else {
ecx.struct_span_err(kv.span, r#"expected `form = "<name>"`"#)
.help(r#"form, if specified, must be a key-value pair where \
the key is `form` and the value is a string with a single \
parameter inside '<' '>'. e.g: form = "<login>""#)
fn parse_rank(ecx: &ExtCtxt, kv: &KVSpanned<LitKind>) -> isize {
if let LitKind::Int(n, _) = *kv.value() {
let max = isize::max_value();
if n <= max as u64 {
return n as isize;
} else {
let msg = format!("rank must be less than or equal to {}", max);
ecx.span_err(kv.value.span, msg.as_str());
} else {
ecx.struct_span_err(kv.span, r#"expected `rank = int`"#)
.help(r#"the rank, if specified, must be a key-value pair where
the key is `rank` and the value is an integer.
e.g: rank = 1, or e.g: rank = 10"#)
fn parse_accept(ecx: &ExtCtxt, kv: &KVSpanned<LitKind>) -> ContentType {
if let LitKind::Str(ref s, _) = *kv.value() {
if let Ok(ct) = ContentType::from_str(s) {
if ct.is_ext() {
let msg = format!("'{}' is not a known content-type", s);
ecx.span_warn(kv.value.span, &msg);
} else {
return ct;
} else {
ecx.struct_span_err(kv.span, r#"expected `accept = "content/type"`"#)
.help(r#"accept, if specified, must be a key-value pair where
the key is `accept` and the value is a string representing the
content-type accepted. e.g: accept = "application/json""#)

View File

@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
use utils::*;
use meta_item_parser::{MetaItemParser, RouteDecoratorExt};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use syntax::codemap::{Span, BytePos, /* DUMMY_SP, */ Spanned};
use syntax::ast::{Stmt, Expr, MetaItem, FnDecl};
use syntax::ext::base::{Annotatable, ExtCtxt};
use syntax::ptr::P;
use syntax::print::pprust::{item_to_string, stmt_to_string};
use syntax::parse::token::{self, str_to_ident};
use rocket::{Method, ContentType};
use rocket::content_type::{TopLevel, SubLevel};
pub fn extract_params_from_kv<'a>(parser: &MetaItemParser,
params: &'a KVSpanned<String>) -> Vec<Spanned<&'a str>> {
let mut param_span = params.v_span;
param_span.lo = params.v_span.lo + BytePos(1);
let spanned = span(&*params.node, param_span);
// Analyzes the declared parameters against the function declaration. Returns
// a vector of all of the parameters in the order the user wants them.
fn get_fn_params<'a, T: Iterator<Item=&'a Spanned<&'a str>>>(ecx: &ExtCtxt,
declared_params: T, fn_decl: &Spanned<&FnDecl>)
-> Vec<UserParam> {
debug!("FUNCTION: {:?}", fn_decl);
// First, check that all of the parameters are unique.
let mut seen: HashMap<&str, &Spanned<&str>> = HashMap::new();
for item in declared_params {
if seen.contains_key(item.node) {
let msg = format!(
"\"{}\" was declared as a parameter more than once.", item.node);
ecx.span_err(item.span, msg.as_str());
} else {
seen.insert(item.node, item);
let mut user_params = vec![];
// Ensure every param in the function declaration was declared by the user.
for arg in &fn_decl.node.inputs {
let name = arg.pat.expect_ident(ecx, "Expected identifier.");
let arg = SimpleArg::new(name, arg.ty.clone(), arg.pat.span);
if seen.remove(&*name.to_string()).is_some() {
user_params.push(UserParam::new(arg, true));
} else {
user_params.push(UserParam::new(arg, false));
// Emit an error on every attribute param that didn't match in fn params.
for item in seen.values() {
let msg = format!("'{}' was declared in the attribute...", item.node);
ecx.span_err(item.span, msg.as_str());
ecx.span_err(fn_decl.span, "...but does not appear in the function \
fn get_form_stmt(ecx: &ExtCtxt, fn_args: &mut Vec<UserParam>,
form_params: &[Spanned<&str>]) -> Option<Stmt> {
if form_params.len() < 1 {
return None;
} else if form_params.len() > 1 {
panic!("Allowed more than 1 form parameter!");
let param_name = &form_params[0].node;
let (param_ty, param_ident) = {
// Get the first item in the hashset, i.e., the form params variable name.
let fn_arg = fn_args.iter().filter(|a| &&* == param_name).next();
if fn_arg.is_none() {
// This happens when a form parameter doesn't appear in the function.
// We should have already caught this, so just return None.
return None;
(fn_arg.unwrap().ty.clone(), str_to_ident(param_name))
// Remove the paramter from the function arguments.
debug!("Form parameter variable: {}: {:?}", param_name, param_ty);
let fn_arg_index = fn_args.iter().position(|a| &&* == param_name).unwrap();
// The actual code we'll be inserting.
let $param_ident: $param_ty =
if let Ok(form_string) = ::std::str::from_utf8( {
match ::rocket::form::FromForm::from_form_string(form_string) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(_) => {
// TODO:
// debug!("\t=> Form failed to parse.");
return ::rocket::Response::not_found();
} else {
return ::rocket::Response::server_error();
// TODO: Is there a better way to do this? I need something with ToTokens for
// the quote_expr macro that builds the route struct. I tried using
// str_to_ident("::rocket::Method::Options"), but this seems to miss the context,
// and you get an 'ident not found' on compile. I also tried using the path expr
// builder from ASTBuilder: same thing.
fn method_variant_to_expr(ecx: &ExtCtxt, method: Method) -> P<Expr> {
match method {
Method::Options => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::Method::Options),
Method::Get => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::Method::Get),
Method::Post => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::Method::Post),
Method::Put => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::Method::Put),
Method::Delete => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::Method::Delete),
Method::Head => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::Method::Head),
Method::Trace => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::Method::Trace),
Method::Connect => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::Method::Connect),
Method::Patch => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::Method::Patch),
// Same here.
fn top_level_to_expr(ecx: &ExtCtxt, level: &TopLevel) -> P<Expr> {
use rocket::content_type::TopLevel::*;
match *level {
Star => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::TopLevel::Star),
Text => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::TopLevel::Text),
Image => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::TopLevel::Image),
Audio => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::TopLevel::Audio),
Video => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::TopLevel::Video),
Application => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::TopLevel::Application),
Multipart => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::TopLevel::Multipart),
Message => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::TopLevel::Message),
Model => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::TopLevel::Model),
Ext(ref s) => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::TopLevel::Ext($s)),
// Same here.
fn sub_level_to_expr(ecx: &ExtCtxt, level: &SubLevel) -> P<Expr> {
use rocket::content_type::SubLevel::*;
match *level {
Star => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::SubLevel::Star),
Plain => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::SubLevel::Plain),
Html => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::SubLevel::Html),
Xml => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::SubLevel::Xml),
Javascript => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::SubLevel::Javascript),
Css => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::SubLevel::Css),
EventStream => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::SubLevel::EventStream),
Json => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::SubLevel::Json),
WwwFormUrlEncoded =>
quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::SubLevel::WwwFormUrlEncoded),
Msgpack => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::SubLevel::Msgpack),
OctetStream =>
quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::SubLevel::OctetStream),
FormData => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::SubLevel::FormData),
Png => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::SubLevel::Png),
Gif => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::SubLevel::Gif),
Bmp => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::SubLevel::Bmp),
Jpeg => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::SubLevel::Jpeg),
Ext(ref s) => quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::content_type::SubLevel::Ext($s)),
fn content_type_to_expr(ecx: &ExtCtxt, content_type: &ContentType) -> P<Expr> {
let top_level = top_level_to_expr(ecx, &content_type.0);
let sub_level = sub_level_to_expr(ecx, &content_type.1);
quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::ContentType($top_level, $sub_level, None))
// FIXME: Compilation fails when parameters have the same name as the function!
pub fn route_decorator(known_method: Option<Spanned<Method>>, ecx: &mut ExtCtxt,
sp: Span, meta_item: &MetaItem, annotated: &Annotatable,
push: &mut FnMut(Annotatable)) {
// Get the encompassing item and function declaration for the annotated func.
let parser = MetaItemParser::new(ecx, meta_item, annotated, &sp);
let (item, fn_decl) = (parser.expect_item(), parser.expect_fn_decl());
// Parse and retrieve all of the parameters of the route.
let route = parser.parse_route(known_method);
// Get a list of the user declared parameters in `path` and `form`.
let path_params = extract_params_from_kv(&parser, &route.path);
let form_thing = route.form.unwrap_or_default(); // Default is empty string.
let form_params = extract_params_from_kv(&parser, &form_thing);
// Ensure the params match the function declaration and return the params.
let all_params = path_params.iter().chain(form_params.iter());
let mut user_params = get_fn_params(ecx, all_params, &fn_decl);
// Create a comma seperated list (token tree) of the function parameters
// We pass this in to the user's function that we're wrapping.
let fn_param_idents = token_separate(ecx, &user_params, token::Comma);
// Generate the statements that will attempt to parse forms during run-time.
// Calling this function also remove the form parameter from fn_params.
let form_stmt = get_form_stmt(ecx, &mut user_params, &form_params);
form_stmt.as_ref().map(|s| debug!("Form stmt: {:?}", stmt_to_string(s)));
// Generate the statements that will parse paramaters during run-time.
let mut fn_param_exprs = vec![];
// Push all of the declared parameters.
for (i, param) in user_params.iter().filter(|p| p.declared).enumerate() {
let (ident, ty) = (str_to_ident(param.as_str()), &param.ty);
let fn_item = quote_stmt!(ecx,
let $ident: $ty = match _req.get_param($i) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(_) => return ::rocket::Response::forward()
debug!("Declared FN: {}", stmt_to_string(&fn_item));
// Push all of the undeclared (FromRequest) parameters.
for param in user_params.iter().filter(|p| !p.declared) {
let (ident, ty) = (str_to_ident(param.as_str()), &param.ty);
let fn_item = quote_stmt!(ecx,
let $ident: $ty = match
<$ty as ::rocket::request::FromRequest>::from_request(&_req) {
Ok(v) => v,
Err(_e) => {
// TODO: Add $ident and $ty to the string.
// TODO: Add some kind of loggin facility in Rocket
// to get the formatting right (IE, so it idents
// correctly).
// debug!("Failed to parse: {:?}", e);
return ::rocket::Response::forward();
debug!("Param FN: {}", stmt_to_string(&fn_item));
let route_fn_name = prepend_ident(ROUTE_FN_PREFIX, &item.ident);
let fn_name = item.ident;
let route_fn_item = quote_item!(ecx,
fn $route_fn_name<'rocket>(_req: &'rocket ::rocket::Request<'rocket>)
-> ::rocket::Response<'rocket> {
let result = $fn_name($fn_param_idents);
debug!("{}", item_to_string(&route_fn_item));
let struct_name = prepend_ident(ROUTE_STRUCT_PREFIX, &item.ident);
let path = &route.path.node;
let method = method_variant_to_expr(ecx, route.method.node);
let content_type = content_type_to_expr(ecx, &route.content_type.node);
let rank = option_as_expr(ecx, &route.rank);
let static_item = quote_item!(ecx,
pub static $struct_name: ::rocket::StaticRouteInfo =
::rocket::StaticRouteInfo {
method: $method,
path: $path,
handler: $route_fn_name,
content_type: $content_type,
rank: $rank,
debug!("Emitting static: {}", item_to_string(&static_item));
pub fn generic_route_decorator(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt,
sp: Span, meta_item: &MetaItem, annotated: &Annotatable,
push: &mut FnMut(Annotatable)) {
route_decorator(None, ecx, sp, meta_item, annotated, push);
macro_rules! method_decorator {
($name:ident, $method:ident) => (
pub fn $name(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span, meta_item: &MetaItem,
annotated: &Annotatable, push: &mut FnMut(Annotatable)) {
let mut i_sp = meta_item.span;
i_sp.hi = i_sp.lo + BytePos( as u32);
let method = Some(span(Method::$method, i_sp));
route_decorator(method, ecx, sp, meta_item, annotated, push);
method_decorator!(get_decorator, Get);
method_decorator!(put_decorator, Put);
method_decorator!(post_decorator, Post);
method_decorator!(delete_decorator, Delete);
method_decorator!(options_decorator, Options);
method_decorator!(head_decorator, Head);
method_decorator!(trace_decorator, Trace);
method_decorator!(connect_decorator, Connect);
method_decorator!(patch_decorator, Patch);

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
use utils::*;
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use syntax::tokenstream::TokenTree;
use syntax::ast::Expr;
use syntax::ext::base::{ExtCtxt, MacResult, MacEager};
use syntax::parse::token::Token;
use syntax::ptr::P;
const DEBUG: bool = false;
pub fn routes_macro(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt, _sp: Span, args: &[TokenTree])
-> Box<MacResult + 'static> {
let mut parser = ecx.new_parser_from_tts(args);
let mut paths = parse_paths(&mut parser).unwrap_or_else(|mut e| {
// Prefix each path terminator.
prefix_paths(ROUTE_STRUCT_PREFIX, &mut paths);
// Build up the P<Expr> for each path.
let path_exprs: Vec<P<Expr>> = paths.iter().map(|p| {
quote_expr!(ecx, ::rocket::Route::from(&$p))
// Now put them all in one vector and return the thing.
let path_list = token_separate(ecx, &path_exprs, Token::Comma);
let output = quote_expr!(ecx, vec![$path_list]).unwrap();

View File

@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
use std::ops::Deref;
use syntax::parse::{token};
use syntax::parse::token::Token;
use syntax::tokenstream::TokenTree;
use syntax::ast::{Path, Expr, Ident, MetaItem, MetaItemKind, LitKind, Ty, self};
use syntax::ext::base::{ExtCtxt};
use syntax::codemap::{Span, Spanned, BytePos, DUMMY_SP};
use syntax::ext::quote::rt::ToTokens;
use syntax::parse::PResult;
use syntax::parse::parser::{PathStyle, Parser};
use syntax::ptr::P;
use std::collections::{HashSet, HashMap};
pub fn prepend_ident<T: ToString>(other: T, ident: &Ident) -> Ident {
let mut new_ident = other.to_string();
pub fn append_ident<T: ToString>(ident: &Ident, other: T) -> Ident {
let mut new_ident =;
pub fn span<T>(t: T, span: Span) -> Spanned<T> {
Spanned {
span: span,
node: t,
pub fn dummy_span<T>(t: T) -> Spanned<T> {
Spanned {
span: DUMMY_SP,
node: t,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct KVSpanned<T> {
pub k_span: Span, // Span for the key.
pub v_span: Span, // Span for the value.
pub p_span: Span, // Span for the full parameter.
pub node: T // The value.
impl<T> KVSpanned<T> {
pub fn dummy(t: T) -> KVSpanned<T> {
KVSpanned {
k_span: DUMMY_SP,
v_span: DUMMY_SP,
p_span: DUMMY_SP,
node: t,
impl<T: Default> Default for KVSpanned<T> {
fn default() -> KVSpanned<T> {
impl<T: ToTokens> ToTokens for KVSpanned<T> {
fn to_tokens(&self, cx: &ExtCtxt) -> Vec<TokenTree> {
impl<T> KVSpanned<T> {
pub fn map<U, F: FnOnce(T) -> U>(self, f: F) -> KVSpanned<U> {
KVSpanned {
k_span: self.k_span,
v_span: self.v_span,
p_span: self.p_span,
node: f(self.node),
pub fn get_key_values<'b>(ecx: &ExtCtxt, sp: Span, required: &[&str],
optional: &[&str], kv_params: &'b [P<MetaItem>])
-> HashMap<&'b str, KVSpanned<&'b str>> {
let mut seen = HashSet::new();
let mut kv_pairs = HashMap::new();
// Collect all the kv pairs, keeping track of what we've seen.
for param in kv_params {
if let MetaItemKind::NameValue(ref name, ref value) = param.node {
if required.contains(&&**name) || optional.contains(&&**name) {
if seen.contains(&**name) {
let msg = format!("'{}' parameter appears twice.", &**name);
ecx.span_err(param.span, &msg);
if let LitKind::Str(ref string, _) = value.node {
let mut k_span = param.span;
k_span.hi = k_span.lo + BytePos(name.len() as u32);
kv_pairs.insert(&**name, KVSpanned {
node: &**string,
k_span: k_span,
p_span: param.span,
v_span: value.span,
} else {
ecx.span_err(value.span, "Value must be a string.");
} else {
let msg = format!("'{}' is not a valid parameter.", &**name);
ecx.span_err(param.span, &msg);
} else {
ecx.span_err(param.span, "Expected 'key = value', found:");
// Now, trigger an error for missing `required` params.
for req in required {
if !seen.contains(req) {
let m = format!("'{}' parameter is required but is missing.", req);
ecx.span_err(sp, &m);
pub fn token_separate<T: ToTokens>(ecx: &ExtCtxt, things: &[T],
token: Token) -> Vec<TokenTree> {
let mut output: Vec<TokenTree> = vec![];
for (i, thing) in things.iter().enumerate() {
if i < things.len() - 1 {
output.push(TokenTree::Token(DUMMY_SP, token.clone()));
pub trait MetaItemExt {
fn expect_list<'a>(&'a self, ecx: &ExtCtxt, msg: &str) -> &'a Vec<P<MetaItem>>;
fn expect_word<'a>(&'a self, ecx: &ExtCtxt, msg: &str) -> &'a str;
fn is_word(&self) -> bool;
fn name(&self) -> &str;
impl MetaItemExt for MetaItem {
fn name(&self) -> &str {
let interned_name = match self.node {
MetaItemKind::Word(ref s) | MetaItemKind::List(ref s, _)
| MetaItemKind::NameValue(ref s, _) => s,
fn expect_list<'a>(&'a self, ecx: &ExtCtxt, msg: &str) -> &'a Vec<P<MetaItem>> {
match self.node {
MetaItemKind::List(_, ref params) => params,
_ => ecx.span_fatal(self.span, msg)
fn expect_word<'a>(&'a self, ecx: &ExtCtxt, msg: &str) -> &'a str {
match self.node {
MetaItemKind::Word(ref s) => &*s,
_ => ecx.span_fatal(self.span, msg)
fn is_word(&self) -> bool {
match self.node {
MetaItemKind::Word(_) => true,
_ => false
pub trait PatExt {
fn expect_ident<'a>(&'a self, ecx: &ExtCtxt, msg: &str) -> &'a Ident;
impl PatExt for ast::Pat {
fn expect_ident<'a>(&'a self, ecx: &ExtCtxt, msg: &str) -> &'a Ident {
match self.node {
ast::PatKind::Ident(_, ref ident, _) => &ident.node,
_ => {
ecx.span_fatal(self.span, msg)
pub fn parse_paths<'a>(parser: &mut Parser<'a>) -> PResult<'a, Vec<Path>> {
if {
return Ok(vec![]);
let mut results = Vec::new();
loop {
if ! {
pub fn prefix_paths(prefix: &str, paths: &mut Vec<Path>) {
for p in paths {
let last = p.segments.len() - 1;
let last_seg = &mut p.segments[last];
let new_ident = prepend_ident(prefix, &last_seg.identifier);
last_seg.identifier = new_ident;
pub fn option_as_expr<T: ToTokens>(ecx: &ExtCtxt, opt: &Option<T>) -> P<Expr> {
match *opt {
Some(ref item) => quote_expr!(ecx, Some($item)),
None => quote_expr!(ecx, None)
pub struct SimpleArg {
pub name: String,
pub ty: P<Ty>,
pub span: Span
impl SimpleArg {
pub fn new<T: ToString>(name: T, ty: P<Ty>, sp: Span) -> SimpleArg {
SimpleArg { name: name.to_string(), ty: ty, span: sp }
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
impl ToTokens for SimpleArg {
fn to_tokens(&self, cx: &ExtCtxt) -> Vec<TokenTree> {
pub struct UserParam {
pub arg: SimpleArg,
pub declared: bool
impl UserParam {
pub fn new(arg: SimpleArg, declared: bool) -> UserParam {
UserParam {
arg: arg,
declared: declared
impl Deref for UserParam {
type Target = SimpleArg;
fn deref(&self) -> &SimpleArg {
impl ToTokens for UserParam {
fn to_tokens(&self, cx: &ExtCtxt) -> Vec<TokenTree> {

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use syntax::ast::{Arg, PatKind, Ident};
pub trait ArgExt {
fn ident(&self) -> Option<&Ident>;
fn name(&self) -> Option<String> {
self.ident().map(|ident| {
fn named(&self, name: &str) -> bool {, |a| a == name)
impl ArgExt for Arg {
fn ident(&self) -> Option<&Ident> {
match self.pat.node {
PatKind::Ident(_, ref ident, _) => Some(&ident.node),
_ => None,

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
use std::fmt::Display;
use syntax::parse::token::str_to_ident;
use syntax::ast::Ident;
pub trait IdentExt {
fn prepend<T: Display>(&self, other: T) -> Ident;
fn append<T: Display>(&self, other: T) -> Ident;
impl IdentExt for Ident {
fn prepend<T: Display>(&self, other: T) -> Ident {
let new_ident = format!("{}{}", other,;
fn append<T: Display>(&self, other: T) -> Ident {
let new_ident = format!("{}{}",, other);

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
use syntax::ast::{LitKind, NestedMetaItem, MetaItemKind, Lit};
use syntax::parse::token::InternedString;
pub trait MetaItemExt {
fn name_value(&self) -> Option<(&InternedString, &Lit)>;
fn str_lit(&self) -> Option<&InternedString>;
fn int_lit(&self) -> Option<u64>;
impl MetaItemExt for NestedMetaItem {
fn name_value(&self) -> Option<(&InternedString, &Lit)> {
self.meta_item().and_then(|mi| match mi.node {
MetaItemKind::NameValue(ref s, ref l) => Some((s, l)),
_ => None,
fn str_lit(&self) -> Option<&InternedString> {
self.literal().and_then(|lit| match lit.node {
LitKind::Str(ref s, _) => Some(s),
_ => None,
fn int_lit(&self) -> Option<u64> {
self.literal().and_then(|lit| match lit.node {
LitKind::Int(n, _) => Some(n),
_ => None,

macros/src/utils/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
mod meta_item_ext;
mod arg_ext;
mod parser_ext;
mod ident_ext;
mod span_ext;
pub use self::arg_ext::ArgExt;
pub use self::meta_item_ext::MetaItemExt;
pub use self::parser_ext::ParserExt;
pub use self::ident_ext::IdentExt;
pub use self::span_ext::SpanExt;
use syntax::parse::token::Token;
use syntax::tokenstream::TokenTree;
use syntax::ast::{Item, Expr};
use syntax::ext::base::{Annotatable, ExtCtxt};
use syntax::codemap::{spanned, Span, Spanned, DUMMY_SP};
use syntax::ext::quote::rt::ToTokens;
use syntax::print::pprust::item_to_string;
use syntax::ptr::P;
pub fn span<T>(t: T, span: Span) -> Spanned<T> {
spanned(span.lo, span.hi, t)
pub fn sep_by_tok<T>(ecx: &ExtCtxt, things: &[T], token: Token) -> Vec<TokenTree>
where T: ToTokens
let mut output: Vec<TokenTree> = vec![];
for (i, thing) in things.iter().enumerate() {
if i < things.len() - 1 {
output.push(TokenTree::Token(DUMMY_SP, token.clone()));
pub fn option_as_expr<T: ToTokens>(ecx: &ExtCtxt, opt: &Option<T>) -> P<Expr> {
match *opt {
Some(ref item) => quote_expr!(ecx, Some($item)),
None => quote_expr!(ecx, None),
pub fn emit_item(push: &mut FnMut(Annotatable), item: P<Item>) {
debug!("Emitting item: {}", item_to_string(&item));
macro_rules! quote_enum {
($ecx:expr, $var:expr => $(::$root:ident)+
{ $($variant:ident),+ ; $($extra:pat => $result:expr),* }) => ({
use syntax::codemap::DUMMY_SP;
use $(::$root)+::*;
let root_idents = vec![$(str_to_ident(stringify!($root))),+];
match $var {
$($variant => {
let variant = str_to_ident(stringify!($variant));
let mut idents = root_idents.clone();
$ecx.path_global(DUMMY_SP, idents)
$($extra => $result)*

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use syntax::parse::parser::{PathStyle, Parser};
use syntax::parse::PResult;
use syntax::ast::Path;
use syntax::parse::token::Token::{Eof, Comma};
use syntax::parse::common::SeqSep;
pub trait ParserExt<'a> {
fn parse_paths(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, Vec<Path>>;
impl<'a> ParserExt<'a> for Parser<'a> {
fn parse_paths(&mut self) -> PResult<'a, Vec<Path>> {
|p| p.parse_path(PathStyle::Mod))

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use syntax::ast::{Pat, PatKind, Ident};
use syntax::parse::token;
use syntax::codemap::DUMMY_SP;
use syntax::tokenstream::TokenTree;
use syntax::ext::quote::rt::ToTokens;
use syntax::ext::base::ExtCtxt;
use syntax::ptr::P;
pub trait PatExt {
fn named(&self, name: &str) -> bool;
fn ident(&self) -> Option<&Ident>;
impl PatExt for Pat {
fn named(&self, name: &str) -> bool {
match self.node {
PatKind::Ident(_, ref ident, _) => == name,
_ => false,
fn ident(&self) -> Option<&Ident> {
match self.node {
PatKind::Ident(_, ref ident, _) => Some(&ident.node),
_ => None,

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
use syntax::codemap::{Span, BytePos};
pub trait SpanExt {
fn shorten_to(self, to_length: u32) -> Span;
impl SpanExt for Span {
fn shorten_to(mut self, to_length: u32) -> Span {
self.hi = self.lo + BytePos(to_length);

rustfmt.toml Normal file
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enum_trailing_comma = false
max_width = 85
fn_call_width = 80