Document built-in data guards.

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Sergio Benitez 2023-05-18 18:22:40 -07:00
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@ -52,6 +52,147 @@ impl<'r, S, E> IntoOutcome<S, (Status, E), (Data<'r>, Status)> for Result<S, E>
/// matches, Rocket will call the `FromData` implementation for the type `T`.
/// The handler will only be called if the guard returns successfully.
/// ## Build-In Guards
/// Rocket provides implementations for `FromData` for many types. Their
/// behavior is documented here:
/// * `Data`: Returns the untouched `Data`.
/// - **Fails:** Never.
/// - **Succeeds:** Always.
/// - **Forwards:** Never.
/// * Strings: `Cow<str>`, `&str`, `&RawStr`, `String`
/// _Limited by the `string` [data limit]._
/// Reads the body data into a string via [`DataStream::into_string()`].
/// - **Fails:** If the body data is not valid UTF-8 or on I/O errors while
/// reading. The error type is [`io::Error`].
/// - **Succeeds:** If the body data _is_ valid UTF-8. If the limit is
/// exceeded, the string is truncated to the limit.
/// - **Forwards:** Never.
/// * Bytes: `&[u8]`, `Vec<u8>`
/// _Limited by the `bytes` [data limit]._
/// Reads the body data into a byte vector via [`DataStream::into_bytes()`].
/// - **Fails:** On I/O errors while reading. The error type is
/// [`io::Error`].
/// - **Succeeds:** As long as no I/O error occurs. If the limit is
/// exceeded, the slice is truncated to the limit.
/// - **Forwards:** Never.
/// * [`TempFile`](crate::fs::TempFile)
/// _Limited by the `file` and/or `file/$ext` [data limit]._
/// Streams the body data directly into a temporary file. The data is never
/// buffered in memory.
/// - **Fails:** On I/O errors while reading data or creating the temporary
/// file. The error type is [`io::Error`].
/// - **Succeeds:** As long as no I/O error occurs and the temporary file
/// could be created. If the limit is exceeded, only data up to the limit is
/// read and subsequently written.
/// - **Forwards:** Never.
/// * Deserializers: [`Json<T>`], [`MsgPack<T>`]
/// _Limited by the `json`, `msgpack` [data limit], respectively._
/// Reads up to the configured limit and deserializes the read data into `T`
/// using the respective format's parser.
/// - **Fails:** On I/O errors while reading the data, or if the data fails
/// to parse as a `T` according to the deserializer. The error type for
/// `Json` is [`json::Error`](crate::serde::json::Error) and the error type
/// for `MsgPack` is [`msgpack::Error`](crate::serde::msgpack::Error).
/// - **Succeeds:** As long as no I/O error occurs and the (limited) body
/// data was successfully deserialized as a `T`.
/// - **Forwards:** Never.
/// * Forms: [`Form<T>`]
/// _Limited by the `form` or `data-form` [data limit]._
/// Parses the incoming data stream into fields according to Rocket's [field
/// wire format], pushes each field to `T`'s [`FromForm`] [push parser], and
/// finalizes the form. Parsing is done on the stream without reading the
/// data into memory. If the request has as a [`ContentType::Form`], the
/// `form` limit is applied, otherwise if the request has a
/// [`ContentType::FormData`], the `data-form` limit is applied.
/// - **Fails:** On I/O errors while reading the data, or if the data fails
/// to parse as a `T` according to its `FromForm` implementation. The errors
/// are collected into an [`Errors`](crate::form::Errors), the error type.
/// - **Succeeds:** As long as no I/O error occurs and the (limited) body
/// data was successfully parsed as a `T`.
/// - **Forwards:** If the request's `Content-Type` is neither
/// [`ContentType::Form`] nor [`ContentType::FormData`].
/// * `Option<T>`
/// Forwards to `T`'s `FromData` implementation, capturing the outcome.
/// - **Fails:** Never.
/// - **Succeeds:** Always. If `T`'s `FromData` implementation succeeds, the
/// parsed value is returned in `Some`. If its implementation forwards or
/// fails, `None` is returned.
/// - **Forwards:** Never.
/// * `Result<T, T::Error>`
/// Forwards to `T`'s `FromData` implementation, capturing the outcome.
/// - **Fails:** Never.
/// - **Succeeds:** If `T`'s `FromData` implementation succeeds or fails. If
/// it succeeds, the value is returned in `Ok`. If it fails, the error value
/// is returned in `Err`.
/// - **Forwards:** If `T`'s implementation forwards.
/// * [`Capped<T>`]
/// Forwards to `T`'s `FromData` implementation, recording whether the data
/// was truncated (a.k.a. capped) due to `T`'s limit being exceeded.
/// - **Fails:** If `T`'s implementation fails.
/// - **Succeeds:** If `T`'s implementation succeeds.
/// - **Forwards:** If `T`'s implementation forwards.
/// [data limit]: crate::data::Limits#built-in-limits
/// [`DataStream::into_string()`]: crate::data::DataStream::into_string()
/// [`DataStream::into_bytes()`]: crate::data::DataStream::into_bytes()
/// [`io::Error`]: std::io::Error
/// [`Json<T>`]: crate::serde::json::Json
/// [`MsgPack<T>`]: crate::serde::msgpack::MsgPack
/// [`Form<T>`]: crate::form::Form
/// [field wire format]: crate::form#field-wire-format
/// [`FromForm`]: crate::form::FromForm
/// [push parser]: crate::form::FromForm#push-parsing
/// [`ContentType::Form`]: crate::http::ContentType::Form
/// [`ContentType::FormData`]: crate::http::ContentType::FormData
/// ## Async Trait
/// [`FromData`] is an _async_ trait. Implementations of `FromData` must be