Document FromRequest. Clarify FromFormValue::default.

This commit is contained in:
Sergio Benitez 2016-11-06 17:07:47 +01:00
parent 006a35a8a9
commit ba88fcdc95
2 changed files with 57 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ pub trait FromFormValue<'v>: Sized {
/// Returns a default value to be used when the form field does not exist.
/// If this returns `None`, then the field is required. Otherwise, this
/// should return `Some(default_value)`.
/// should return `Some(default_value)`. The default implementation simply
/// returns `None`.
fn default() -> Option<Self> {

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@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ use outcome::Outcome::*;
use http::{StatusCode, ContentType, Method, Cookies};
/// Type alias for the `Outcome` of a `FromRequest` conversion.
pub type Outcome<T, E> = outcome::Outcome<T, (StatusCode, E), ()>;
pub type Outcome<S, E> = outcome::Outcome<S, (StatusCode, E), ()>;
impl<T, E> IntoOutcome<T, (StatusCode, E), ()> for Result<T, E> {
fn into_outcome(self) -> Outcome<T, E> {
impl<S, E> IntoOutcome<S, (StatusCode, E), ()> for Result<S, E> {
fn into_outcome(self) -> Outcome<S, E> {
match self {
Ok(val) => Success(val),
Err(val) => Failure((StatusCode::BadRequest, val))
@ -17,9 +17,61 @@ impl<T, E> IntoOutcome<T, (StatusCode, E), ()> for Result<T, E> {
/// Trait used to derive an object from incoming request metadata.
/// An arbitrary number of types that implement this trait can appears as
/// parameters in a route handler, as illustrated below:
/// ```rust,ignore
/// #[get("/")]
/// fn index(a: A, b: B, c: C) -> ... { ... }
/// ```
/// In this example, `A`, `B`, and `C` can be any types that implements
/// `FromRequest`. There can be any number of `FromRequest` types in the
/// function signature. Note that unlike every other derived object in Rocket,
/// `FromRequest` parameter names do not need to be declared in the route
/// attribute.
/// Derivation of `FromRequest` arguments is always attemped in left-to-right
/// declaration order. In the example above, for instance, the order will be `a`
/// followed by `b` followed by `c`. If a deriviation fails, the following
/// aren't attempted.
/// # Outcomes
/// The returned [Outcome](/rocket/outcome/index.html) of a `from_request` call
/// determines how the incoming request will be processed.
/// * **Success**(S)
/// If the `Outcome` is `Success`, then the `Success` value will be used as
/// the value for the corresponding parameter. As long as all other parsed
/// types succeed, the request will be handled.
/// * **Failure**(StatusCode, E)
/// If the `Outcome` is `Failure`, the request will fail with the given status
/// code and error. The designated error
/// [Catcher](/rocket/struct.Catcher.html) will be used to respond to the
/// request. Note that users can request types of `Result<S, E>` and
/// `Option<S>` to catch `Failure`s and retrieve the error value.
/// * **Forward**
/// If the `Outcome` is `Forward`, the request will be forwarded to the next
/// matching request. Note that users can request an `Option<S>` to catch
/// `Forward`s.
pub trait FromRequest<'r>: Sized {
/// The associated error to be returned when derivation fails.
type Error: Debug;
/// Derives an instance of `Self` from the incoming request metadata.
/// If the derivation is successful, an outcome of `Success` is returned. If
/// the derivation fails in an unrecoverable fashion, `Failure` is returned.
/// `Forward` is returned to indicate that the request should be forwarded
/// to other matching routes, if any.
fn from_request(request: &'r Request) -> Outcome<Self, Self::Error>;