mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 13:42:05 +00:00
Use 'spawn_blocking' in '#[database]'.
The connection guard type generated by `#[database]` no longer implements `Deref` and `DerefMut`. Instead, it provides an `async fn run()` that gives access to the underlying connection on a closure run through `spawn_blocking()`. Additionally moves most of the implementation of `#[database]` out of generated code and into library code for better type-checking.
This commit is contained in:
@ -64,23 +64,16 @@ pub fn database_attr(attr: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> Result<TokenStrea
let name = &invocation.db_name;
let guard_type = &invocation.type_name;
let vis = &invocation.visibility;
let pool_type = Ident::new(&format!("{}Pool", guard_type), guard_type.span());
let fairing_name = format!("'{}' Database Pool", name);
let span = conn_type.span().into();
// A few useful paths.
let databases = quote_spanned!(span => ::rocket_contrib::databases);
let Poolable = quote_spanned!(span => #databases::Poolable);
let r2d2 = quote_spanned!(span => #databases::r2d2);
let spawn_blocking = quote_spanned!(span => #databases::spawn_blocking);
let request = quote!(::rocket::request);
let generated_types = quote_spanned! { span =>
/// The request guard type.
#vis struct #guard_type(pub #r2d2::PooledConnection<<#conn_type as #Poolable>::Manager>);
/// The pool type.
#vis struct #pool_type(#r2d2::Pool<<#conn_type as #Poolable>::Manager>);
#vis struct #guard_type(#databases::Connection<Self, #conn_type>);
Ok(quote! {
@ -90,53 +83,31 @@ pub fn database_attr(attr: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> Result<TokenStrea
/// Returns a fairing that initializes the associated database
/// connection pool.
pub fn fairing() -> impl ::rocket::fairing::Fairing {
use #databases::Poolable;
::rocket::fairing::AdHoc::on_attach(#fairing_name, |mut rocket| async {
let pool = #databases::database_config(#name, rocket.config().await)
match pool {
Ok(Ok(p)) => Ok(rocket.manage(#pool_type(p))),
Err(config_error) => {
&format!("Database configuration failure: '{}'", #name));
::rocket::logger::error_(&format!("{}", config_error));
Ok(Err(pool_error)) => {
&format!("Failed to initialize pool for '{}'", #name));
::rocket::logger::error_(&format!("{:?}", pool_error));
<#databases::ConnectionPool<Self, #conn_type>>::fairing(#fairing_name, #name)
/// Retrieves a connection of type `Self` from the `rocket`
/// instance. Returns `Some` as long as `Self::fairing()` has been
/// attached and there is at least one connection in the pool.
pub fn get_one(cargo: &::rocket::Cargo) -> Option<Self> {
.and_then(|pool| pool.0.get().ok())
/// attached.
pub async fn get_one(cargo: &::rocket::Cargo) -> Option<Self> {
<#databases::ConnectionPool<Self, #conn_type>>::get_one(cargo).await.map(Self)
impl ::std::ops::Deref for #guard_type {
type Target = #conn_type;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
/// Runs the provided closure on a thread from a threadpool. The
/// closure will be passed an `&mut r2d2::PooledConnection`.
/// `.await`ing the return value of this function yields the value
/// returned by the closure.
pub async fn run<F, R>(self, f: F) -> R
F: FnOnce(&mut #conn_type) -> R + Send + 'static,
R: Send + 'static,
impl ::std::ops::DerefMut for #guard_type {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.0
/// Asynchronously acquires another connection from the connection pool.
pub async fn clone(&mut self) -> ::std::result::Result<Self, ()> {
@ -145,20 +116,8 @@ pub fn database_attr(attr: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> Result<TokenStrea
type Error = ();
async fn from_request(request: &'a #request::Request<'r>) -> #request::Outcome<Self, ()> {
use ::rocket::http::Status;
let guard = request.guard::<::rocket::State<'_, #pool_type>>();
let pool = ::rocket::try_outcome!(guard.await).0.clone();
#spawn_blocking(move || {
match pool.get() {
Ok(conn) => #request::Outcome::Success(#guard_type(conn)),
Err(_) => #request::Outcome::Failure((Status::ServiceUnavailable, ())),
}).await.expect("failed to spawn a blocking task to get a pooled connection")
<#databases::Connection<Self, #conn_type>>::from_request(request).await.map(Self)
// TODO.async: What about spawn_blocking on drop?
@ -1,11 +1,21 @@
error[E0277]: the trait bound `Unknown: Poolable` is not satisfied
error[E0277]: the trait bound `Unknown: rocket_contrib::databases::Poolable` is not satisfied
--> $DIR/database-types.rs:7:10
7 | struct A(Unknown);
| ^^^^^^^ the trait `Poolable` is not implemented for `Unknown`
| ^^^^^^^ the trait `rocket_contrib::databases::Poolable` is not implemented for `Unknown`
::: $WORKSPACE/contrib/lib/src/databases.rs:832:29
832 | pub struct Connection<K, C: Poolable> {
| -------- required by this bound in `rocket_contrib::databases::Connection`
error[E0277]: the trait bound `Vec<i32>: Poolable` is not satisfied
error[E0277]: the trait bound `std::vec::Vec<i32>: rocket_contrib::databases::Poolable` is not satisfied
--> $DIR/database-types.rs:10:10
10 | struct B(Vec<i32>);
| ^^^^^^^^ the trait `Poolable` is not implemented for `Vec<i32>`
| ^^^^^^^^ the trait `rocket_contrib::databases::Poolable` is not implemented for `std::vec::Vec<i32>`
::: $WORKSPACE/contrib/lib/src/databases.rs:832:29
832 | pub struct Connection<K, C: Poolable> {
| -------- required by this bound in `rocket_contrib::databases::Connection`
@ -3,9 +3,19 @@ error[E0277]: the trait bound `Unknown: rocket_contrib::databases::Poolable` is
7 | struct A(Unknown);
| ^^^^^^^ the trait `rocket_contrib::databases::Poolable` is not implemented for `Unknown`
::: $WORKSPACE/contrib/lib/src/databases.rs
| pub struct Connection<K, C: Poolable> {
| -------- required by this bound in `rocket_contrib::databases::Connection`
error[E0277]: the trait bound `std::vec::Vec<i32>: rocket_contrib::databases::Poolable` is not satisfied
--> $DIR/database-types.rs:10:10
10 | struct B(Vec<i32>);
| ^^^ the trait `rocket_contrib::databases::Poolable` is not implemented for `std::vec::Vec<i32>`
::: $WORKSPACE/contrib/lib/src/databases.rs
| pub struct Connection<K, C: Poolable> {
| -------- required by this bound in `rocket_contrib::databases::Connection`
@ -84,9 +84,9 @@
//! # type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, ()>;
//! #
//! #[get("/logs/<id>")]
//! fn get_logs(conn: LogsDbConn, id: usize) -> Result<Logs> {
//! async fn get_logs(conn: LogsDbConn, id: usize) -> Result<Logs> {
//! # /*
//! Logs::by_id(&*conn, id)
//! conn.run(|c| Logs::by_id(c, id)).await
//! # */
//! # Ok(())
//! }
@ -224,9 +224,7 @@
//! The macro generates a [`FromRequest`] implementation for the decorated type,
//! allowing the type to be used as a request guard. This implementation
//! retrieves a connection from the database pool or fails with a
//! `Status::ServiceUnavailable` if no connections are available. The macro also
//! generates an implementation of the [`Deref`](std::ops::Deref) trait with
//! the internal `Poolable` type as the target.
//! `Status::ServiceUnavailable` if connecting to the database times out.
//! The macro will also generate two inherent methods on the decorated type:
@ -235,11 +233,10 @@
//! Returns a fairing that initializes the associated database connection
//! pool.
//! * `fn get_one(&Cargo) -> Option<Self>`
//! * `async fn get_one(&Cargo) -> Option<Self>`
//! Retrieves a connection from the configured pool. Returns `Some` as long
//! as `Self::fairing()` has been attached and there is at least one
//! connection in the pool.
//! Retrieves a connection wrapper from the configured pool. Returns `Some`
//! as long as `Self::fairing()` has been attached.
//! The fairing returned from the generated `fairing()` method _must_ be
//! attached for the request guard implementation to succeed. Putting the pieces
@ -280,8 +277,8 @@
//! ## Handlers
//! Finally, simply use your type as a request guard in a handler to retrieve a
//! connection to a given database:
//! Finally, use your type as a request guard in a handler to retrieve a
//! connection wrapper for the database:
//! ```rust
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
@ -300,8 +297,7 @@
//! # }
//! ```
//! The generated `Deref` implementation allows easy access to the inner
//! connection type:
//! A connection can be retrieved and used with the `run()` method:
//! ```rust
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
@ -320,12 +316,43 @@
//! }
//! #[get("/")]
//! fn my_handler(conn: MyDatabase) -> Data {
//! load_from_db(&*conn)
//! async fn my_handler(mut conn: MyDatabase) -> Data {
//! conn.run(|c| load_from_db(c)).await
//! }
//! # }
//! ```
//! `run()` takes the connection by value. To make multiple calls to run,
//! obtain a second connection first with `clone()`:
//! ```rust
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate rocket_contrib;
//! #
//! # #[cfg(feature = "diesel_sqlite_pool")]
//! # mod test {
//! # use rocket_contrib::databases::diesel;
//! # type Data = ();
//! #[database("my_db")]
//! struct MyDatabase(diesel::SqliteConnection);
//! fn load_from_db(conn: &diesel::SqliteConnection) -> Data {
//! // Do something with connection, return some data.
//! # ()
//! }
//! #[get("/")]
//! async fn my_handler(mut conn: MyDatabase) -> Data {
//! let cloned = conn.clone().await.expect("");
//! cloned.run(|c| load_from_db(c)).await;
//! // Do something else
//! conn.run(|c| load_from_db(c)).await;
//! }
//! # }
//! ```
//! # Database Support
//! Built-in support is provided for many popular databases and drivers. Support
@ -380,18 +407,21 @@
pub extern crate r2d2;
pub use tokio::task::spawn_blocking;
#[cfg(any(feature = "diesel_sqlite_pool",
feature = "diesel_postgres_pool",
feature = "diesel_mysql_pool"))]
pub extern crate diesel;
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
use std::marker::{Send, Sized};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::sync::Arc;
use rocket::config::{self, Value};
use rocket::fairing::{AdHoc, Fairing};
use rocket::http::Status;
use rocket::request::Outcome;
use rocket::tokio::sync::{OwnedSemaphorePermit, Semaphore};
use self::r2d2::ManageConnection;
@ -688,7 +718,7 @@ pub trait Poolable: Send + Sized + 'static {
type Manager: ManageConnection<Connection=Self>;
/// The associated error type in the event that constructing the connection
/// manager and/or the connection pool fails.
type Error;
type Error: std::fmt::Debug;
/// Creates an `r2d2` connection pool for `Manager::Connection`, returning
/// the pool on success.
@ -780,6 +810,184 @@ impl Poolable for memcache::Client {
/// Unstable internal details of generated code for the #[database] attribute.
/// This type is implemented here instead of in generated code to ensure all
/// types are properly checked.
pub struct ConnectionPool<K, C: Poolable> {
pool: r2d2::Pool<C::Manager>,
semaphore: Arc<Semaphore>,
_marker: PhantomData<fn() -> K>,
/// Unstable internal details of generated code for the #[database] attribute.
/// This type is implemented here instead of in generated code to ensure all
/// types are properly checked.
pub struct Connection<K, C: Poolable> {
pool: ConnectionPool<K, C>,
connection: Option<r2d2::PooledConnection<C::Manager>>,
_permit: Option<OwnedSemaphorePermit>,
_marker: PhantomData<fn() -> K>,
// A wrapper around spawn_blocking that propagates panics to the calling code
async fn run_blocking<F, R>(job: F) -> R
F: FnOnce() -> R + Send + 'static,
R: Send + 'static,
match tokio::task::spawn_blocking(job).await {
Ok(ret) => ret,
Err(e) => match e.try_into_panic() {
Ok(panic) => std::panic::resume_unwind(panic),
Err(_) => unreachable!("spawn_blocking tasks are never canceled"),
impl<K: 'static, C: Poolable> ConnectionPool<K, C> {
pub fn fairing(fairing_name: &'static str, config_name: &'static str) -> impl Fairing {
AdHoc::on_attach(fairing_name, move |mut rocket| async move {
let config = database_config(config_name, rocket.config().await);
let pool = config.map(|c| (c.pool_size, C::pool(c)));
match pool {
Ok((size, Ok(pool))) => {
let managed = ConnectionPool::<K, C> {
semaphore: Arc::new(Semaphore::new(size as usize)),
_marker: PhantomData,
Err(config_error) => {
&format!("Database configuration failure: '{}'", config_name));
Ok((_, Err(pool_error))) => {
&format!("Failed to initialize pool for '{}'", config_name));
rocket::logger::error_(&format!("{:?}", pool_error));
async fn get(&self) -> Result<Connection<K, C>, ()> {
// TODO: timeout duration
let permit = match tokio::time::timeout(
).await {
Ok(p) => p,
Err(_) => {
error_!("Failed to get a database connection within the timeout.");
return Err(());
let pool = self.pool.clone();
// TODO: timeout duration
match run_blocking(move || pool.get_timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(0))).await {
Ok(c) => {
Ok(Connection {
pool: self.clone(),
connection: Some(c),
_permit: Some(permit),
_marker: PhantomData,
Err(e) => {
error_!("Failed to get a database connection: {}", e);
pub async fn get_one(cargo: &rocket::Cargo) -> Option<Connection<K, C>> {
match cargo.state::<Self>() {
Some(pool) => pool.get().await.ok(),
None => {
error_!("Database fairing was not attached for {}", std::any::type_name::<K>());
impl<K, C: Poolable> Clone for ConnectionPool<K, C> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self {
pool: self.pool.clone(),
semaphore: self.semaphore.clone(),
_marker: PhantomData,
impl<K: 'static, C: Poolable> Connection<K, C> {
pub async fn run<F, R>(self, f: F) -> R
where F: FnOnce(&mut C) -> R + Send + 'static,
R: Send + 'static,
run_blocking(move || {
// 'self' contains a semaphore permit that should be held throughout
// this entire spawned task. Explicitly move it, so that a
// refactoring won't accidentally release the permit too early.
let mut this: Self = self;
let mut conn = this.connection.take()
.expect("internal invariant broken: self.connection is Some");
f(&mut conn)
pub async fn clone(&mut self) -> Result<Self, ()> {
impl<K, C: Poolable> Drop for Connection<K, C> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(conn) = self.connection.take() {
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(|| drop(conn));
impl<'a, 'r, K: 'static, C: Poolable> rocket::request::FromRequest<'a, 'r> for Connection<K, C> {
type Error = ();
async fn from_request(request: &'a rocket::request::Request<'r>) -> Outcome<Self, ()> {
match request.managed_state::<ConnectionPool<K, C>>() {
Some(inner) => {
match inner.get().await {
Ok(c) => Outcome::Success(c),
Err(()) => Outcome::Failure((Status::ServiceUnavailable, ())),
None => {
error_!("Database fairing was not attached for {}", std::any::type_name::<K>());
Outcome::Failure((Status::InternalServerError, ()))
mod tests {
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
@ -21,40 +21,31 @@ mod rusqlite_integration_test {
struct SqliteDb(pub rusqlite::Connection);
// Test to ensure that multiple databases of the same type can be used
struct SqliteDb2(pub rusqlite::Connection);
async fn deref_mut_impl_present() {
async fn test_db() {
let mut test_db: Map<String, Value> = Map::new();
let mut test_db_opts: Map<String, Value> = Map::new();
test_db_opts.insert("url".into(), Value::String(":memory:".into()));
test_db.insert("test_db".into(), Value::Table(test_db_opts));
test_db.insert("test_db".into(), Value::Table(test_db_opts.clone()));
test_db.insert("test_db_2".into(), Value::Table(test_db_opts));
let config = Config::build(Environment::Development)
.extra("databases", Value::Table(test_db))
let mut rocket = rocket::custom(config).attach(SqliteDb::fairing());
let mut conn = SqliteDb::get_one(rocket.inspect().await).expect("unable to get connection");
let mut rocket = rocket::custom(config).attach(SqliteDb::fairing()).attach(SqliteDb2::fairing());
let conn = SqliteDb::get_one(rocket.inspect().await).await.expect("unable to get connection");
// Rusqlite's `transaction()` method takes `&mut self`; this tests the
// presence of a `DerefMut` trait on the generated connection type.
// Rusqlite's `transaction()` method takes `&mut self`; this tests that
// the &mut method can be called inside the closure passed to `run()`.
conn.run(|conn| {
let tx = conn.transaction().unwrap();
let _: i32 = tx.query_row("SELECT 1", &[] as &[&dyn ToSql], |row| row.get(0)).expect("get row");
tx.commit().expect("committed transaction");
async fn deref_impl_present() {
let mut test_db: Map<String, Value> = Map::new();
let mut test_db_opts: Map<String, Value> = Map::new();
test_db_opts.insert("url".into(), Value::String(":memory:".into()));
test_db.insert("test_db".into(), Value::Table(test_db_opts));
let config = Config::build(Environment::Development)
.extra("databases", Value::Table(test_db))
let mut rocket = rocket::custom(config).attach(SqliteDb::fairing());
let conn = SqliteDb::get_one(rocket.inspect().await).expect("unable to get connection");
let _: i32 = conn.query_row("SELECT 1", &[] as &[&dyn ToSql], |row| row.get(0)).expect("get row");
@ -25,23 +25,26 @@ embed_migrations!();
pub struct DbConn(SqliteConnection);
#[derive(Debug, serde::Serialize)]
struct Context<'a> {
msg: Option<(&'a str, &'a str)>,
struct Context {
msg: Option<(String, String)>,
tasks: Vec<Task>
impl<'a> Context<'a> {
pub fn err(conn: &DbConn, msg: &'a str) -> Context<'a> {
Context { msg: Some(("error", msg)), tasks: Task::all(conn).unwrap_or_default() }
impl Context {
pub async fn err(conn: DbConn, msg: String) -> Context {
Context {
msg: Some(("error".to_string(), msg)),
tasks: Task::all(conn).await.unwrap_or_default()
pub fn raw(conn: &DbConn, msg: Option<(&'a str, &'a str)>) -> Context<'a> {
match Task::all(conn) {
pub async fn raw(conn: DbConn, msg: Option<(String, String)>) -> Context {
match Task::all(conn).await {
Ok(tasks) => Context { msg, tasks },
Err(e) => {
error_!("DB Task::all() error: {}", e);
Context {
msg: Some(("error", "Couldn't access the task database.")),
msg: Some(("error".to_string(), "Couldn't access the task database.".to_string())),
tasks: vec![]
@ -50,11 +53,11 @@ impl<'a> Context<'a> {
#[post("/", data = "<todo_form>")]
fn new(todo_form: Form<Todo>, conn: DbConn) -> Flash<Redirect> {
async fn new(todo_form: Form<Todo>, conn: DbConn) -> Flash<Redirect> {
let todo = todo_form.into_inner();
if todo.description.is_empty() {
Flash::error(Redirect::to("/"), "Description cannot be empty.")
} else if let Err(e) = Task::insert(todo, &conn) {
} else if let Err(e) = Task::insert(todo, conn).await {
error_!("DB insertion error: {}", e);
Flash::error(Redirect::to("/"), "Todo could not be inserted due an internal error.")
} else {
@ -63,42 +66,48 @@ fn new(todo_form: Form<Todo>, conn: DbConn) -> Flash<Redirect> {
fn toggle(id: i32, conn: DbConn) -> Result<Redirect, Template> {
Task::toggle_with_id(id, &conn)
.map(|_| Redirect::to("/"))
.map_err(|e| {
async fn toggle(id: i32, mut conn: DbConn) -> Result<Redirect, Template> {
let conn2 = conn.clone().await.unwrap();
match Task::toggle_with_id(id, conn).await {
Ok(_) => Ok(Redirect::to("/")),
Err(e) => {
error_!("DB toggle({}) error: {}", id, e);
Template::render("index", Context::err(&conn, "Failed to toggle task."))
Err(Template::render("index", Context::err(conn2, "Failed to toggle task.".to_string()).await))
fn delete(id: i32, conn: DbConn) -> Result<Flash<Redirect>, Template> {
Task::delete_with_id(id, &conn)
.map(|_| Flash::success(Redirect::to("/"), "Todo was deleted."))
.map_err(|e| {
async fn delete(id: i32, mut conn: DbConn) -> Result<Flash<Redirect>, Template> {
let conn2 = conn.clone().await.unwrap();
match Task::delete_with_id(id, conn).await {
Ok(_) => Ok(Flash::success(Redirect::to("/"), "Todo was deleted.")),
Err(e) => {
error_!("DB deletion({}) error: {}", id, e);
Template::render("index", Context::err(&conn, "Failed to delete task."))
Err(Template::render("index", Context::err(conn2, "Failed to delete task.".to_string()).await))
fn index(msg: Option<FlashMessage<'_, '_>>, conn: DbConn) -> Template {
Template::render("index", match msg {
Some(ref msg) => Context::raw(&conn, Some((msg.name(), msg.msg()))),
None => Context::raw(&conn, None),
async fn index(msg: Option<FlashMessage<'_, '_>>, conn: DbConn) -> Template {
let msg = msg.map(|m| (m.name().to_string(), m.msg().to_string()));
Template::render("index", Context::raw(conn, msg).await)
async fn run_db_migrations(mut rocket: Rocket) -> Result<Rocket, Rocket> {
let conn = DbConn::get_one(rocket.inspect().await).expect("database connection");
match embedded_migrations::run(&*conn) {
let conn = DbConn::get_one(rocket.inspect().await).await.expect("database connection");
conn.run(|c| {
match embedded_migrations::run(c) {
Ok(()) => Ok(rocket),
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to run database migrations: {:?}", e);
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ mod schema {
use self::schema::tasks;
use self::schema::tasks::dsl::{tasks as all_tasks, completed as task_completed};
use crate::DbConn;
#[derive(serde::Serialize, Queryable, Insertable, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Task {
@ -27,32 +29,38 @@ pub struct Todo {
impl Task {
pub fn all(conn: &SqliteConnection) -> QueryResult<Vec<Task>> {
pub async fn all(conn: DbConn) -> QueryResult<Vec<Task>> {
conn.run(|c| {
/// Returns the number of affected rows: 1.
pub fn insert(todo: Todo, conn: &SqliteConnection) -> QueryResult<usize> {
pub async fn insert(todo: Todo, conn: DbConn) -> QueryResult<usize> {
conn.run(|c| {
let t = Task { id: None, description: todo.description, completed: false };
/// Returns the number of affected rows: 1.
pub fn toggle_with_id(id: i32, conn: &SqliteConnection) -> QueryResult<usize> {
let task = all_tasks.find(id).get_result::<Task>(conn)?;
pub async fn toggle_with_id(id: i32, conn: DbConn) -> QueryResult<usize> {
conn.run(move |c| {
let task = all_tasks.find(id).get_result::<Task>(c)?;
let new_status = !task.completed;
let updated_task = diesel::update(all_tasks.find(id));
/// Returns the number of affected rows: 1.
pub fn delete_with_id(id: i32, conn: &SqliteConnection) -> QueryResult<usize> {
pub async fn delete_with_id(id: i32, conn: DbConn) -> QueryResult<usize> {
conn.run(move |c| diesel::delete(all_tasks.find(id)).execute(c)).await
/// Returns the number of affected rows.
pub fn delete_all(conn: &SqliteConnection) -> QueryResult<usize> {
pub async fn delete_all(conn: DbConn) -> QueryResult<usize> {
conn.run(|c| diesel::delete(all_tasks).execute(c)).await
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use super::task::Task;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use rand::{Rng, thread_rng, distributions::Alphanumeric};
use rocket::local::blocking::Client;
use rocket::local::asynchronous::Client;
use rocket::http::{Status, ContentType};
// We use a lock to synchronize between tests so DB operations don't collide.
@ -15,30 +15,34 @@ macro_rules! run_test {
(|$client:ident, $conn:ident| $block:expr) => ({
let _lock = DB_LOCK.lock();
rocket::async_test(async move {
let rocket = super::rocket();
let $client = Client::new(rocket).expect("Rocket client");
let db = super::DbConn::get_one($client.cargo());
let $conn = db.expect("failed to get database connection for testing");
Task::delete_all(&$conn).expect("failed to delete all tasks for testing");
let $client = Client::new(rocket).await.expect("Rocket client");
let db = super::DbConn::get_one($client.cargo()).await;
let mut $conn = db.expect("failed to get database connection for testing");
let delete_conn = $conn.clone().await.expect("failed to get a second database connection for testing");
Task::delete_all(delete_conn).await.expect("failed to delete all tasks for testing");
fn test_insertion_deletion() {
run_test!(|client, conn| {
// Get the tasks before making changes.
let init_tasks = Task::all(&conn).unwrap();
let init_tasks = Task::all(conn.clone().await.unwrap()).await.unwrap();
// Issue a request to insert a new task.
// Ensure we have one more task in the database.
let new_tasks = Task::all(&conn).unwrap();
let new_tasks = Task::all(conn.clone().await.unwrap()).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(new_tasks.len(), init_tasks.len() + 1);
// Ensure the task is what we expect.
@ -47,10 +51,10 @@ fn test_insertion_deletion() {
// Issue a request to delete the task.
let id = new_tasks[0].id.unwrap();
client.delete(format!("/todo/{}", id)).dispatch();
client.delete(format!("/todo/{}", id)).dispatch().await;
// Ensure it's gone.
let final_tasks = Task::all(&conn).unwrap();
let final_tasks = Task::all(conn).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(final_tasks.len(), init_tasks.len());
if final_tasks.len() > 0 {
assert_ne!(final_tasks[0].description, "My first task");
@ -65,18 +69,19 @@ fn test_toggle() {
let task = Task::all(&conn).unwrap()[0].clone();
let task = Task::all(conn.clone().await.unwrap()).await.unwrap()[0].clone();
assert_eq!(task.completed, false);
// Issue a request to toggle the task; ensure it is completed.
client.put(format!("/todo/{}", task.id.unwrap())).dispatch();
assert_eq!(Task::all(&conn).unwrap()[0].completed, true);
client.put(format!("/todo/{}", task.id.unwrap())).dispatch().await;
assert_eq!(Task::all(conn.clone().await.unwrap()).await.unwrap()[0].completed, true);
// Issue a request to toggle the task; ensure it's not completed again.
client.put(format!("/todo/{}", task.id.unwrap())).dispatch();
assert_eq!(Task::all(&conn).unwrap()[0].completed, false);
client.put(format!("/todo/{}", task.id.unwrap())).dispatch().await;
assert_eq!(Task::all(conn).await.unwrap()[0].completed, false);
@ -86,7 +91,7 @@ fn test_many_insertions() {
run_test!(|client, conn| {
// Get the number of tasks initially.
let init_num = Task::all(&conn).unwrap().len();
let init_num = Task::all(conn.clone().await.unwrap()).await.unwrap().len();
let mut descs = Vec::new();
for i in 0..ITER {
@ -95,13 +100,14 @@ fn test_many_insertions() {
.body(format!("description={}", desc))
// Record the description we choose for this iteration.
descs.insert(0, desc);
// Ensure the task was inserted properly and all other tasks remain.
let tasks = Task::all(&conn).unwrap();
let tasks = Task::all(conn.clone().await.unwrap()).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(tasks.len(), init_num + i + 1);
for j in 0..i {
@ -117,7 +123,8 @@ fn test_bad_form_submissions() {
// Submit an empty form. We should get a 422 but no flash error.
let res = client.post("/todo")
let mut cookies = res.headers().get("Set-Cookie");
assert_eq!(res.status(), Status::UnprocessableEntity);
@ -128,7 +135,8 @@ fn test_bad_form_submissions() {
let res = client.post("/todo")
let mut cookies = res.headers().get("Set-Cookie");
assert!(cookies.any(|value| value.contains("error")));
@ -137,7 +145,8 @@ fn test_bad_form_submissions() {
let res = client.post("/todo")
let mut cookies = res.headers().get("Set-Cookie");
assert_eq!(res.status(), Status::UnprocessableEntity);
@ -205,7 +205,6 @@ request-local state to implement request timing.
[`FromRequest` request-local state]: @api/rocket/request/trait.FromRequest.html#request-local-state
[`Fairing`]: @api/rocket/fairing/trait.Fairing.html#request-local-state
<!-- TODO.async: rewrite? -->
## Databases
Rocket includes built-in, ORM-agnostic support for databases. In particular,
@ -222,7 +221,7 @@ three simple steps:
1. Configure the databases in `Rocket.toml`.
2. Associate a request guard type and fairing with each database.
3. Use the request guard to retrieve a connection in a handler.
3. Use the request guard to retrieve and use a connection in a handler.
Presently, Rocket provides built-in support for the following databases:
@ -301,7 +300,7 @@ fn rocket() -> rocket::Rocket {
That's it! Whenever a connection to the database is needed, use your type as a
request guard:
request guard. The database can be accessed by calling the `run` method:
# #[macro_use] extern crate rocket;
@ -315,9 +314,9 @@ request guard:
# type Logs = ();
fn get_logs(conn: LogsDbConn, id: usize) -> Logs {
async fn get_logs(conn: LogsDbConn, id: usize) -> Logs {
# /*
conn.run(|c| logs::filter(id.eq(log_id)).load(c)).await
# */
@ -329,6 +328,15 @@ fn get_logs(conn: LogsDbConn, id: usize) -> Logs {
syntax. Rocket does not provide an ORM. It is up to you to decide how to model
your application's data.
! note
The database engines supported by `#[database]` are *synchronous*. Normally,
using such a database would block the thread of execution. To prevent this,
the `run()` function automatically uses a thread pool so that database access
does not interfere with other in-flight requests. See [Cooperative
Multitasking](../overview/#cooperative-multitasking) for more information on
why this is necessary.
If your application uses features of a database engine that are not available
by default, for example support for `chrono` or `uuid`, you may enable those
features by adding them in `Cargo.toml` like so:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user