diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 83091228..56d8215c 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -149,4 +149,4 @@ Rocket is licensed under either of the following, at your option: * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) * MIT License ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) -The Rocket website source is licensed under [separate terms](site/README.md#license). +The Rocket website docs are licensed under [separate terms](docs/LICENSE). diff --git a/site/LICENSE b/docs/LICENSE similarity index 92% rename from site/LICENSE rename to docs/LICENSE index 55b5b7e2..d5b7e543 100644 --- a/site/LICENSE +++ b/docs/LICENSE @@ -619,56 +619,3 @@ Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a copy of the Program in return for a fee. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs - - If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest -possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it -free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. - - To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest -to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively -state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least -the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - - {one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.} - Copyright (C) {year} {name of author} - - This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program. If not, see . - -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. - - If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short -notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: - - {project} Copyright (C) {year} {fullname} - This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. - This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it - under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. - -The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate -parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands -might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box". - - You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, -if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. -For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see -. - - The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program -into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you -may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with -the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General -Public License instead of this License. But first, please read -. diff --git a/site/guide/introduction.md b/docs/guide/00-introduction.md similarity index 97% rename from site/guide/introduction.md rename to docs/guide/00-introduction.md index 79ab53c8..f2c6da76 100644 --- a/site/guide/introduction.md +++ b/docs/guide/00-introduction.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Rocket is a web framework for Rust. If you'd like, you can think of Rocket as being a more flexible, friendly medley of [Rails](http://rubyonrails.org), -[Flask](http://flask.pocoo.org/), +[Flask](https://flask.palletsprojects.com/), [Bottle](http://bottlepy.org/docs/dev/index.html), and [Yesod](http://www.yesodweb.com/). We prefer to think of Rocket as something new. Rocket aims to be fast, easy, and flexible. It also aims to be _fun_, and diff --git a/site/guide/quickstart.md b/docs/guide/01-quickstart.md similarity index 87% rename from site/guide/quickstart.md rename to docs/guide/01-quickstart.md index 80f47e31..8e01ac3a 100644 --- a/site/guide/quickstart.md +++ b/docs/guide/01-quickstart.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Before you can start writing a Rocket application, you'll need a **nightly** version of Rust installed. We recommend you use [rustup](https://rustup.rs/) to install or configure such a version. If you don't have Rust installed and would -like extra guidance doing so, see the [getting started](/guide/getting-started) +like extra guidance doing so, see the [getting started](../getting-started/) section. ## Running Examples @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ For instance, the following set of commands runs the `hello_world` example: ```sh git clone https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket cd Rocket -git checkout v0.3.17 +git checkout v0.3 cd examples/hello_world cargo run ``` diff --git a/site/guide/getting-started.md b/docs/guide/02-getting-started.md similarity index 100% rename from site/guide/getting-started.md rename to docs/guide/02-getting-started.md diff --git a/site/guide/overview.md b/docs/guide/03-overview.md similarity index 96% rename from site/guide/overview.md rename to docs/guide/03-overview.md index 42100e68..6305bd27 100644 --- a/site/guide/overview.md +++ b/docs/guide/03-overview.md @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ fn world() -> &'static str { // <- request handler This declares the `world` route to match against the static path `"/world"` on incoming `GET` requests. The `world` route is simple, but additional route parameters are necessary when building more interesting applications. The -[Requests](/guide/requests) section describes the available options for +[Requests](../requests/) section describes the available options for constructing routes. ## Mounting @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ we expected. A version of this example's complete crate, ready to `cargo run`, can be found on -[GitHub](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/tree/v0.3.17/examples/hello_world). +[GitHub](@git/v0.3/examples/hello_world). You can find dozens of other complete examples, spanning all of Rocket's features, in the [GitHub examples -directory](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/tree/v0.3.17/examples/). +directory](@git/v0.3/examples/). diff --git a/site/guide/requests.md b/docs/guide/04-requests.md similarity index 92% rename from site/guide/requests.md rename to docs/guide/04-requests.md index d6382844..4a85a94c 100644 --- a/site/guide/requests.md +++ b/docs/guide/04-requests.md @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ to the root path: ``` The grammar for these attributes is defined formally in the -[`rocket_codegen`](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket_codegen/) API docs. +[`rocket_codegen`](@api/v0.3/rocket_codegen/) API docs. ### HEAD Requests @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ request methods under certain conditions. If a `POST` request contains a body of field has the name `_method` and a valid HTTP method name as its value (such as `"PUT"`), that field's value is used as the method for the incoming request. This allows Rocket applications to submit non-`POST` forms. The [todo -example](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/tree/v0.3.17/examples/todo/static/index.html.tera#L47) +example](@git/v0.3/examples/todo/static/index.html.tera#L47) makes use of this feature to submit `PUT` and `DELETE` requests from a web form. ## Dynamic Segments @@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ fn hello(name: String, age: u8, cool: bool) -> String { } ``` -[`FromParam`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/request/trait.FromParam.html -[`FromParam` API docs]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/request/trait.FromParam.html +[`FromParam`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/request/trait.FromParam.html +[`FromParam` API docs]: @api/v0.3/rocket/request/trait.FromParam.html ### Raw Strings @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ segment, a `RawStr` points to a potentially undecoded string. By contrast, a you want direct but potentially unsafe access to the string (`&RawStr`), or safe access to the string at the cost of an allocation (`String`). -[`RawStr`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/http/struct.RawStr.html +[`RawStr`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/http/struct.RawStr.html ## Forwarding @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ fn files(file: PathBuf) -> Option { } ``` -[`FromSegments`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/request/trait.FromSegments.html +[`FromSegments`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/request/trait.FromSegments.html ## Format @@ -287,8 +287,8 @@ short-circuiting; if one guard fails, the remaining are not attempted. To learn more about request guards and implementing them, see the [`FromRequest`] documentation. -[`FromRequest`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/request/trait.FromRequest.html -[`Cookies`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/http/enum.Cookies.html +[`FromRequest`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/request/trait.FromRequest.html +[`Cookies`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/http/enum.Cookies.html ### Custom Guards @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ be set and removed using the `Cookies` guard. The [cookies example] on GitHub illustrates further use of the `Cookies` type to get and set cookies, while the [`Cookies`] documentation contains complete usage information. -[cookies example]: https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/tree/v0.3.17/examples/cookies +[cookies example]: @git/v0.3/examples/cookies ### Private Cookies @@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ fn logout(mut cookies: Cookies) -> Flash { } ``` -[`Cookies::add()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/http/enum.Cookies.html#method.add +[`Cookies::add()`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/http/enum.Cookies.html#method.add ### Secret Key @@ -432,11 +432,11 @@ usually done through tools like `openssl`. Using `openssl`, a 256-bit base64 key can be generated with the command `openssl rand -base64 32`. For more information on configuration, see the -[Configuration](/guide/configuration) section of the guide. +[Configuration](../configuration/) section of the guide. -[`get_private`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/http/enum.Cookies.html#method.get_private -[`add_private`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/http/enum.Cookies.html#method.add_private -[`remove_private`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/http/enum.Cookies.html#method.remove_private +[`get_private`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/http/enum.Cookies.html#method.get_private +[`add_private`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/http/enum.Cookies.html#method.add_private +[`remove_private`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/http/enum.Cookies.html#method.remove_private ### One-At-A-Time @@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ fn new(input: T) -> String { ... } Any type that implements [`FromData`] is also known as _data guard_. -[`FromData`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/data/trait.FromData.html +[`FromData`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/data/trait.FromData.html ### Forms @@ -525,8 +525,8 @@ forward or failure can be caught by using the `Option` and `Result` types: fn new(task: Option>) -> String { ... } ``` -[`FromForm`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/request/trait.FromForm.html -[`FromFormValue`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/request/trait.FromFormValue.html +[`FromForm`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/request/trait.FromForm.html +[`FromFormValue`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/request/trait.FromFormValue.html #### Lenient Parsing @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ struct Task { .. } fn new(task: LenientForm) { .. } ``` -[`LenientForm`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/request/struct.LenientForm.html +[`LenientForm`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/request/struct.LenientForm.html #### Field Renaming @@ -621,14 +621,14 @@ struct Person { } ``` -The [forms validation](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/tree/v0.3.17/examples/form_validation) -and [forms kitchen sink](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/tree/v0.3.17/examples/form_kitchen_sink) +The [forms validation](@git/v0.3/examples/form_validation) +and [forms kitchen sink](@git/v0.3/examples/form_kitchen_sink) examples on GitHub provide further illustrations. ### JSON Handling JSON data is no harder: simply use the -[`Json`](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket_contrib/struct.Json.html) type: +[`Json`](@api/v0.3/rocket_contrib/struct.Json.html) type: ```rust #[derive(Deserialize)] @@ -645,13 +645,13 @@ The only condition is that the generic type in `Json` implements the `Deserialize` trait from [Serde](https://github.com/serde-rs/json). See the [JSON example] on GitHub for a complete example. -[JSON example]: https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/tree/v0.3.17/examples/json +[JSON example]: @git/v0.3/examples/json ### Streaming Sometimes you just want to handle incoming data directly. For example, you might want to stream the incoming data out to a file. Rocket makes this as simple as -possible via the [`Data`](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/data/struct.Data.html) +possible via the [`Data`](@api/v0.3/rocket/data/struct.Data.html) type: ```rust @@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ The route above accepts any `POST` request to the `/upload` path with response if the upload succeeds. If the upload fails, an error response is returned. The handler above is complete. It really is that simple! See the [GitHub example -code](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/tree/v0.3.17/examples/raw_upload) +code](@git/v0.3/examples/raw_upload) for the full crate. ## Query Strings @@ -723,14 +723,14 @@ fn new(task: Option) { ... } For a concrete illustration on how to handle query parameters, see [the `query_params` -example](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/tree/v0.3.17/examples/query_params). +example](@git/v0.3/examples/query_params). ## Error Catchers Routing may fail for a variety of reasons. These include: * A [request guard](#request-guards) returns `Failure`. - * A handler returns a [`Responder`](/guide/responses/#responder) that fails. + * A handler returns a [`Responder`](../responses/#responder) that fails. * No matching route was found. If any of these conditions occur, Rocket returns an error to the client. To do @@ -755,10 +755,10 @@ rocket::ignite().catch(catchers![not_found]) ``` Unlike request handlers, error handlers can only take 0, 1, or 2 parameters of -types [`Request`](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Request.html) and/or -[`Error`](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/enum.Error.html). At present, the `Error` +types [`Request`](@api/v0.3/rocket/struct.Request.html) and/or +[`Error`](@api/v0.3/rocket/enum.Error.html). At present, the `Error` type is not particularly useful, and so it is often omitted. The [error catcher -example](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/tree/v0.3.17/examples/errors) on +example](@git/v0.3/examples/errors) on GitHub illustrates their use in full. Rocket has a default catcher for all of the standard HTTP error codes including diff --git a/site/guide/responses.md b/docs/guide/05-responses.md similarity index 85% rename from site/guide/responses.md rename to docs/guide/05-responses.md index 63a19aa4..84a1b591 100644 --- a/site/guide/responses.md +++ b/docs/guide/05-responses.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ trait can be returned, including your own. In this section, we describe the `Responder` trait as well as several useful `Responder`s provided by Rocket. We'll also briefly discuss how to implement your own `Responder`. -[`Responder`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/trait.Responder.html +[`Responder`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/response/trait.Responder.html ## Responder @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ decides which to use. For instance, `String` uses a fixed-sized body, while `File` uses a streamed response. Responders may dynamically adjust their responses according to the incoming `Request` they are responding to. -[`Response`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/struct.Response.html +[`Response`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/response/struct.Response.html ### Wrapping @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ struct WrappingResponder(R); A wrapping responder modifies the response returned by `R` before responding with that same response. For instance, Rocket provides `Responder`s in the -[`status` module](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/status/index.html) that +[`status` module](@api/v0.3/rocket/response/status/index.html) that override the status code of the wrapped `Responder`. As an example, the [`Accepted`] type sets the status to `202 - Accepted`. It can be used as follows: @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ fn new(id: usize) -> status::Accepted { ``` Similarly, the types in the [`content` -module](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/content/index.html) can be used to +module](@api/v0.3/rocket/response/content/index.html) can be used to override the Content-Type of a response. For instance, to set the Content-Type an `&'static str` to JSON, you can use the [`content::Json`] type as follows: @@ -59,14 +59,14 @@ fn json() -> content::Json<&'static str> { } ``` -[`Accepted`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/status/struct.Accepted.html -[`content::Json`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/content/struct.Json.html +[`Accepted`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/response/status/struct.Accepted.html +[`content::Json`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/response/content/struct.Json.html ### Errors Responders may fail; they need not _always_ generate a response. Instead, they can return an `Err` with a given status code. When this happens, Rocket forwards -the request to the [error catcher](/guide/requests/#error-catchers) for the +the request to the [error catcher](../requests/#error-catchers) for the given status code. If an error catcher has been registered for the given status code, Rocket will @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ for a custom status code, Rocket uses the **500** error catcher to return a response. While not encouraged, you can also forward a request to a catcher manually by -using the [`Failure`](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/struct.Failure.html) +using the [`Failure`](@api/v0.3/rocket/response/struct.Failure.html) type. For instance, to forward to the catcher for **406 - Not Acceptable**, you would write: @@ -181,13 +181,13 @@ many of these responders in the [`response`] module. Among these are: * [`status`] - Contains types that override the status code of a response. * [`Flash`] - Sets a "flash" cookie that is removed when accessed. -[`status`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/status/index.html -[`response`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/index.html -[`NamedFile`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/struct.NamedFile.html -[`Content`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/struct.Content.html -[`Redirect`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/struct.Redirect.html -[`Stream`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/struct.Stream.html -[`Flash`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/struct.Flash.html +[`status`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/response/status/index.html +[`response`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/response/index.html +[`NamedFile`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/response/struct.NamedFile.html +[`Content`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/response/struct.Content.html +[`Redirect`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/response/struct.Redirect.html +[`Stream`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/response/struct.Stream.html +[`Flash`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/response/struct.Flash.html ### Streaming @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ fn stream() -> io::Result> { ``` -[`rocket_contrib`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket_contrib/index.html +[`rocket_contrib`]: @api/v0.3/rocket_contrib/index.html ### JSON @@ -233,10 +233,10 @@ fails, a **500 - Internal Server Error** is returned. The [JSON example on GitHub] provides further illustration. -[`JSON`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket_contrib/struct.Json.html +[`JSON`]: @api/v0.3/rocket_contrib/struct.Json.html [`Serialize`]: https://docs.serde.rs/serde/trait.Serialize.html [`serde`]: https://docs.serde.rs/serde/ -[JSON example on GitHub]: https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/tree/v0.3.17/examples/json +[JSON example on GitHub]: @git/v0.3/examples/json ### Templates @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ example, if a file ends with `.hbs`, Handlebars is used, while if a file ends with `.tera`, Tera is used. For templates to be properly registered, the template fairing must be attached -to the instance of Rocket. The [Fairings](/guide/fairings) sections of the guide +to the instance of Rocket. The [Fairings](../fairings/) sections of the guide provides more information on fairings. To attach the template fairing, simply call `.attach(Template::fairing())` on an instance of `Rocket` as follows: @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ fn main() { The [`Template`] API documentation contains more information about templates, while the [Handlebars Templates example on -GitHub](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/tree/v0.3.17/examples/handlebars_templates) +GitHub](@git/v0.3/examples/handlebars_templates) is a fully composed application that makes use of Handlebars templates. -[`Template`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket_contrib/struct.Template.html +[`Template`]: @api/v0.3/rocket_contrib/struct.Template.html diff --git a/site/guide/state.md b/docs/guide/06-state.md similarity index 93% rename from site/guide/state.md rename to docs/guide/06-state.md index cf1bb4eb..f88c1a0f 100644 --- a/site/guide/state.md +++ b/docs/guide/06-state.md @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ The process for using managed state is simple: ### Adding State To instruct Rocket to manage state for your application, call the -[`manage`](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Rocket.html#method.manage) method +[`manage`](@api/v0.3/rocket/struct.Rocket.html#method.manage) method on an instance of `Rocket`. For example, to ask Rocket to manage a `HitCount` structure with an internal `AtomicUsize` with an initial value of `0`, we can write the following: @@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ rocket::ignite() ### Retrieving State State that is being managed by Rocket can be retrieved via the -[`State`](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.State.html) type: a [request -guard](/guide/requests/#request-guards) for managed state. To use the request +[`State`](@api/v0.3/rocket/struct.State.html) type: a [request +guard](../requests/#request-guards) for managed state. To use the request guard, add a `State` type to any request handler, where `T` is the type of the managed state. For example, we can retrieve and respond with the current `HitCount` in a `count` route as follows: @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ fn from_request(req: &'a Request<'r>) -> request::Outcome { } ``` -[`Request::guard()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Request.html#method.guard +[`Request::guard()`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/struct.Request.html#method.guard ### Unmanaged State @@ -142,10 +142,10 @@ globally, add `#![allow(unmanaged_state)]` to your crate attributes. You can find a complete example using the `HitCount` structure in the [state example on -GitHub](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/tree/v0.3.17/examples/state) and +GitHub](@git/v0.3/examples/state) and learn more about the [`manage` -method](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Rocket.html#method.manage) and -[`State` type](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.State.html) in the API docs. +method](@api/v0.3/rocket/struct.Rocket.html#method.manage) and +[`State` type](@api/v0.3/rocket/struct.State.html) in the API docs. ## Databases @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ fn handler(conn: DbConn) { ... } To get started, we need to depend on the `diesel` and `r2d2` crates. For detailed information on how to use Diesel, please see the [Diesel getting -started guide](http://diesel.rs/guides/getting-started/). For this example, we +started guide](http://diesel.rs/getting-started/). For this example, we use the following dependencies: ``` diff --git a/site/guide/fairings.md b/docs/guide/07-fairings.md similarity index 88% rename from site/guide/fairings.md rename to docs/guide/07-fairings.md index b0917f3a..5c7ea86b 100644 --- a/site/guide/fairings.md +++ b/docs/guide/07-fairings.md @@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ _unless_ the authentication or authorization applies to all or most of the application. On the other hand, you _should_ use a fairing to record timing and usage statistics or to enforce global security policies. -[`Fairing`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/fairing/trait.Fairing.html -[request guard]: /guide/requests/#request-guards -[request guards]: /guide/requests/#request-guards -[data guards]: /guide/requests/#body-data +[`Fairing`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/fairing/trait.Fairing.html +[request guard]: ../requests/#request-guards +[request guards]: ../requests/#request-guards +[data guards]: ../requests/#body-data ### Attaching @@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ rocket::ignite() .launch(); ``` -[`attach`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Rocket.html#method.attach -[`Rocket`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Rocket.html +[`attach`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/struct.Rocket.html#method.attach +[`Rocket`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/struct.Rocket.html Fairings are executed in the order in which they are attached: the first attached fairing has its callbacks executed before all others. Because fairing @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ events is described below: * **Attach (`on_attach`)** An attach callback is called when a fairing is first attached via the - [`attach`](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Rocket.html#method.attach) + [`attach`](@api/v0.3/rocket/struct.Rocket.html#method.attach) method. An attach callback can arbitrarily modify the `Rocket` instance being constructed and optionally abort launch. Attach fairings are commonly used to parse and validate configuration values, aborting on bad @@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ fairing and determine the set of callbacks the fairing is registering for. A [`on_launch`], [`on_request`], and [`on_response`]. Each callback has a default implementation that does absolutely nothing. -[`Info`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/fairing/struct.Info.html -[`info`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/fairing/trait.Fairing.html#tymethod.info -[`on_attach`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/fairing/trait.Fairing.html#method.on_attach -[`on_launch`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/fairing/trait.Fairing.html#method.on_launch -[`on_request`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/fairing/trait.Fairing.html#method.on_request -[`on_response`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/fairing/trait.Fairing.html#method.on_response +[`Info`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/fairing/struct.Info.html +[`info`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/fairing/trait.Fairing.html#tymethod.info +[`on_attach`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/fairing/trait.Fairing.html#method.on_attach +[`on_launch`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/fairing/trait.Fairing.html#method.on_launch +[`on_request`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/fairing/trait.Fairing.html#method.on_request +[`on_response`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/fairing/trait.Fairing.html#method.on_response ### Requirements @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ impl Fairing for Counter { For brevity, imports are not shown. The complete example can be found in the [`Fairing` -documentation](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/fairing/trait.Fairing.html#example). +documentation](@api/v0.3/rocket/fairing/trait.Fairing.html#example). ## Ad-Hoc Fairings @@ -211,5 +211,5 @@ rocket::ignite() })); ``` -[`AdHoc`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/fairing/enum.AdHoc.html +[`AdHoc`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/fairing/enum.AdHoc.html diff --git a/site/guide/testing.md b/docs/guide/08-testing.md similarity index 81% rename from site/guide/testing.md rename to docs/guide/08-testing.md index 1e3aed16..09332ccd 100644 --- a/site/guide/testing.md +++ b/docs/guide/08-testing.md @@ -14,32 +14,32 @@ instance. Usage is straightforward: 1. Construct a `Rocket` instance that represents the application. - ```rust - let rocket = rocket::ignite(); - ``` + ```rust + let rocket = rocket::ignite(); + ``` 2. Construct a `Client` using the `Rocket` instance. - ```rust - let client = Client::new(rocket).expect("valid rocket instance"); - ``` + ```rust + let client = Client::new(rocket).expect("valid rocket instance"); + ``` 3. Construct requests using the `Client` instance. - ```rust - let req = client.get("/"); - ``` + ```rust + let req = client.get("/"); + ``` 4. Dispatch the request to retrieve the response. - ```rust - let response = req.dispatch(); - ``` + ```rust + let response = req.dispatch(); + ``` -[`local`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/local/index.html -[`Client`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/local/struct.Client.html -[`LocalRequest`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/local/struct.LocalRequest.html -[`Rocket`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Rocket.html +[`local`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/local/index.html +[`Client`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/local/struct.Client.html +[`LocalRequest`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/local/struct.LocalRequest.html +[`Rocket`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/struct.Rocket.html ## Validating Responses @@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ a few below: * [`body_string`]: returns the body data as a `String`. * [`body_bytes`]: returns the body data as a `Vec`. -[`LocalResponse`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/local/struct.LocalResponse.html -[`Response`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Response.html -[`status`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Response.html#method.status -[`content_type`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Response.html#method.content_type -[`headers`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Response.html#method.headers -[`body_string`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Response.html#method.body_string -[`body_bytes`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Response.html#method.body_bytes +[`LocalResponse`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/local/struct.LocalResponse.html +[`Response`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/struct.Response.html +[`status`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/struct.Response.html#method.status +[`content_type`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/struct.Response.html#method.content_type +[`headers`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/struct.Response.html#method.headers +[`body_string`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/struct.Response.html#method.body_string +[`body_bytes`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/struct.Response.html#method.body_bytes These methods are typically used in combination with the `assert_eq!` or `assert!` macros as follows: @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ mod test { The tests can be run with `cargo test`. You can find the full source code to [this example on -GitHub](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/tree/v0.3.17/examples/testing). +GitHub](@git/v0.3/examples/testing). ## Codegen Debug diff --git a/site/guide/configuration.md b/docs/guide/09-configuration.md similarity index 96% rename from site/guide/configuration.md rename to docs/guide/09-configuration.md index 77d96bb5..b82065a8 100644 --- a/site/guide/configuration.md +++ b/docs/guide/09-configuration.md @@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ incoming JSON data. You should use the `limits` parameter for your application's data limits as well. Data limits can be retrieved at runtime via the [`Request::limits()`] method. -[`Request::limits()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Request.html#method.limits -[`Json`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket_contrib/struct.Json.html#incoming-data-limits +[`Request::limits()`]: @api/v0.3/rocket/struct.Request.html#method.limits +[`Json`]: @api/v0.3/rocket_contrib/struct.Json.html#incoming-data-limits ## Extras @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ In addition to overriding default configuration parameters, a configuration file can also define values for any number of _extra_ configuration parameters. While these parameters aren't used by Rocket directly, other libraries, or your own application, can use them as they wish. As an example, the -[Template](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket_contrib/struct.Template.html) type +[Template](@api/v0.3/rocket_contrib/struct.Template.html) type accepts a value for the `template_dir` configuration parameter. The parameter can be set in `Rocket.toml` as follows: @@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ To retrieve a custom, extra configuration parameter in your application, we recommend using an [ad-hoc attach fairing] in combination with [managed state]. For example, if your application makes use of a custom `assets_dir` parameter: -[ad-hoc attach fairing]: /guide/fairings/#ad-hoc-fairings -[managed state]: /guide/state/#managed-state +[ad-hoc attach fairing]: ../fairings/#ad-hoc-fairings +[managed state]: ../state/#managed-state ```toml [development] diff --git a/site/guide/pastebin.md b/docs/guide/10-pastebin.md similarity index 95% rename from site/guide/pastebin.md rename to docs/guide/10-pastebin.md index 0d089935..9b9b5cb9 100644 --- a/site/guide/pastebin.md +++ b/docs/guide/10-pastebin.md @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ string with the specified contents. Rocket will take the string and return it as the body of a fully formed HTTP response with `Content-Type: text/plain`. You can read more about how Rocket formulates responses at the [API documentation for the Responder - trait](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/trait.Responder.html). + trait](@api/v0.3/rocket/response/trait.Responder.html). Remember that routes first need to be mounted before Rocket dispatches requests to them. To mount the `index` route, modify the main function so that it reads: @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ use rocket::Data; use rocket::http::RawStr; ``` -The [Data](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/data/struct.Data.html) structure is key +The [Data](@api/v0.3/rocket/data/struct.Data.html) structure is key here: it represents an unopened stream to the incoming request body data. We'll use it to efficiently stream the incoming request to a file. @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ Here's a first take at implementing the `retrieve` route. The route below takes in an `` as a dynamic path element. The handler uses the `id` to construct a path to the paste inside `upload/`, and then attempts to open the file at that path, optionally returning the `File` if it exists. Rocket treats a `None` -[Responder](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/trait.Responder.html#provided-implementations) +[Responder](@api/v0.3/rocket/response/trait.Responder.html#provided-implementations) as a **404** error, which is exactly what we want to return when the requested paste doesn't exist. @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ fn retrieve(id: &RawStr) -> Option { ``` Unfortunately, there's a problem with this code. Can you spot the issue? The -[`RawStr`](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/http/struct.RawStr.html) type should tip +[`RawStr`](@api/v0.3/rocket/http/struct.RawStr.html) type should tip you off! The issue is that the _user_ controls the value of `id`, and as a result, can @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ provides the tools to prevent this and other kinds of attacks from happening. To prevent the attack, we need to _validate_ `id` before we use it. Since the `id` is a dynamic parameter, we can use Rocket's -[FromParam](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/request/trait.FromParam.html) trait to +[FromParam](@api/v0.3/rocket/request/trait.FromParam.html) trait to implement the validation and ensure that the `id` is a valid `PasteID` before using it. We do this by implementing `FromParam` for `PasteID` in `src/paste_id.rs`, as below: @@ -399,10 +399,10 @@ through some of them to get a better feel for Rocket. Here are some ideas: * Add a new route, `GET //` that syntax highlights the paste with ID `` for language ``. If `` is not a known language, do no highlighting. Possibly validate `` with `FromParam`. - * Use the [`local` module](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/local/) to write + * Use the [`local` module](@api/v0.3/rocket/local/) to write unit tests for your pastebin. * Dispatch a thread before `launch`ing Rocket in `main` that periodically cleans up idling old pastes in `upload/`. You can find the full source code for the [completed pastebin tutorial on -GitHub](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/tree/v0.3.17/examples/pastebin). +GitHub](@git/v0.3/examples/pastebin). diff --git a/site/guide/conclusion.md b/docs/guide/11-conclusion.md similarity index 88% rename from site/guide/conclusion.md rename to docs/guide/11-conclusion.md index 6d8a5eb8..4d276cdb 100644 --- a/site/guide/conclusion.md +++ b/docs/guide/11-conclusion.md @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ guide. The best way to learn Rocket is to _build something_. It should be fun and easy, and there's always someone to help. Alternatively, you can read through the -[Rocket examples](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/tree/v0.3.17/examples) +[Rocket examples](@git/v0.3/examples) or the [Rocket source -code](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/tree/v0.3.17/lib/src). Whatever you +code](@git/v0.3/lib/src). Whatever you decide to do next, we hope you have a blast! diff --git a/site/guide.md b/docs/guide/index.md similarity index 98% rename from site/guide.md rename to docs/guide/index.md index ae51f319..5a4a613e 100644 --- a/site/guide.md +++ b/docs/guide/index.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ This is the official guide. It is designed to serve as a starting point to writing web applications with Rocket and Rust. The guide is also designed to be a reference for experienced Rocket developers. This guide is conversational in tone. For concise and purely technical documentation, see the [API -documentation](https://api.rocket.rs). +documentation](@api/v0.3). The guide is split into several sections, each with a focus on a different aspect of Rocket. The sections are: diff --git a/site/README.md b/site/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index b9e99edc..00000000 --- a/site/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -# Rocket Website Source - -This directory contains the source files for the content on [Rocket's -website](https://rocket.rs). - -## Contents - -This directory contains the following: - - * `index.toml` - Source data for the index (`/`). - * `news.toml` - Source data for the news page (`/news`). - * `overview.toml` - Source data for the overview page (`/overview`). - * `guide.md` - Index page for the [Rocket Programming Guide] (`/guide`). - * `news/*.md` - News articles linked to from `news.toml`. - * `guide/*.md` - Guide pages linked to from `guide.md`. - -[Rocket Programming Guide]: https://rocket.rs/guide/ - -### Guide Links - -Cross-linking to pages in the guide is accomplished via absolute links rooted at -`/guide/`. To link to the page whose source is at `guide/page.md`, for instance, -link to `/guide/page`. - -## License - -The Rocket website source is licensed under the [GNU General Public License v3.0](LICENSE). diff --git a/site/index.toml b/site/index.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 5ad32199..00000000 --- a/site/index.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,193 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# Top features: displayed in the header under the introductory text. -############################################################################### - -[release] -url = "https://crates.io/crates/rocket" -version = "0.3.17" -date = "Sep 29, 2018" - -[[top_features]] -title = "Type Safe" -text = "From request to response Rocket ensures that your types mean something." -image = "helmet" -button = "Learn More" -url = "/overview/#how-rocket-works" - -[[top_features]] -title = "Boilerplate Free" -text = "Spend your time writing code that really matters, and let Rocket generate the rest." -image = "robot-free" -button = "See Examples" -url = "/overview/#anatomy-of-a-rocket-application" - -[[top_features]] -title = "Easy To Use" -text = "Rocket makes extensive use of Rust's code generation tools to provide a clean API." -image = "sun" -button = "Get Started" -url = "/guide" -margin = 2 - -[[top_features]] -title = "Extensible" -text = "Easily create your own primitives that any Rocket application can use." -image = "telescope" -button = "See How" -url = "/overview/#anatomy-of-a-rocket-application" -margin = 9 - -############################################################################### -# Sections: make sure there are an odd number so colors work out. -############################################################################### - -[[sections]] -title = "Hello, Rocket!" -code = ''' - #![feature(plugin)] - #![plugin(rocket_codegen)] - - extern crate rocket; - - #[get("/hello//")] - fn hello(name: String, age: u8) -> String { - format!("Hello, {} year old named {}!", age, name) - } - - fn main() { - rocket::ignite().mount("/", routes![hello]).launch(); - } -''' -text = ''' - This is a **complete Rocket application**. It does exactly what you would - expect. If you were to visit **http://localhost:8000/hello/John/58**, you’d - see: - - Hello, 58 year old named John! - - If someone visits a path with an `` that isn’t a `u8`, Rocket doesn’t - blindly call `hello`. Instead, it tries other matching routes or returns a - **404**. -''' - -[[sections]] -title = "Forms? Check!" -code = ''' - #[derive(FromForm)] - struct Task { - description: String, - completed: bool - } - - #[post("/", data = "")] - fn new(task: Form) -> Flash { - if task.get().description.is_empty() { - Flash::error(Redirect::to("/"), "Cannot be empty.") - } else { - Flash::success(Redirect::to("/"), "Task added.") - } - } -''' -text = ''' - Handling forms **is simple and easy**. Simply derive `FromForm` for your - structure and let Rocket know which parameter to use. Rocket **parses and - validates** the form request, creates the structure, and calls your function. - - Bad form request? Rocket doesn’t call your function! What if you want to know - if the form was bad? Simple! Change the type of `task` to `Option` or - `Result`! -''' - -[[sections]] -title = "JSON, out of the box." -code = ''' - #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] - struct Message { - contents: String, - } - - #[put("/", data = "")] - fn update(id: ID, message: Json) -> Json { - if DB.contains_key(&id) { - DB.insert(id, &message.contents); - Json(json!{ "status": "ok" }) - } else { - Json(json!{ "status": "error" }) - } - } -''' -text = ''' - Rocket has first-class support for JSON, right out of the box. Simply derive - `Deserialize` or `Serialize` to receive or return JSON, respectively. - - Like other important features, JSON works through Rocket’s `FromData` trait, - Rocket’s approach to deriving types from body data. It works like this: - specify a `data` route parameter of any type that implements `FromData`. A - value of that type will then be created automatically from the incoming - request body. Best of all, you can implement `FromData` for your types! -''' - -############################################################################### -# Buttom features: displayed above the footer. -############################################################################### - -[[bottom_features]] -title = 'Templating' -text = "Rocket makes rendering templates a breeze with built-in templating support." -image = 'templating-icon' -url = '/guide/responses/#templates' -button = 'Learn More' -color = 'blue' - -[[bottom_features]] -title = 'Cookies' -text = "View, add, or remove cookies, with or without encryption, without hassle." -image = 'cookies-icon' -url = '/guide/requests/#cookies' -button = 'Learn More' -color = 'purple' -margin = -6 - -[[bottom_features]] -title = 'Streams' -text = "Rocket streams all incoming and outgoing data, so size isn't a concern." -image = 'streams-icon' -url = '/guide/requests/#streaming' -button = 'Learn More' -color = 'red' -margin = -29 - -[[bottom_features]] -title = 'Config Environments' -text = "Configure your application your way for development, staging, and production." -image = 'config-icon' -url = '/guide/configuration/#environment' -button = 'Learn More' -color = 'yellow' -margin = -3 - -[[bottom_features]] -title = 'Query Strings' -text = "Handling query strings and parameters is type-safe and easy in Rocket." -image = 'query-icon' -url = '/guide/requests/#query-strings' -button = 'Learn More' -color = 'orange' -margin = -3 - -[[bottom_features]] -title = 'Testing Library' -text = "Unit test your applications with ease using the built-in testing library." -image = 'testing-icon' -url = '/guide/testing#testing' -button = 'Learn More' -color = 'green' - -# Blocked on Hyper/OpenSSL. -# [[bottom_features]] -# title = 'Signed Sessions' -# text = "Safe, secure, signed sessions are built-in to Rocket so your users can stay safe." -# image = 'sessions-icon' -# url = '/overview' -# button = 'Learn More' -# color = 'green' diff --git a/site/news.toml b/site/news.toml deleted file mode 100644 index 2af65223..00000000 --- a/site/news.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -[[articles]] -title = "Rocket v0.3: Fairings, TLS, Private Cookies" -slug = "2017-07-14-version-0.3" -author = "Sergio Benitez" -author_url = "https://sergio.bz" -date = "July 14, 2017" -snippet = """ -I'm excited to announce that the next major release of Rocket is available -today! Rocket 0.3 is packed with new features and improvements that increase -developer productivity, improve application security, and provide new -opportunities for extensibility. Rocket 0.3 is the culmination of almost 6 -months of work. During this time, more than 225 changes were committed, over 100 -issues (primarily questions and feature requests) were closed, and over 40 pull -requests were submitted. The Rocket community has proven steadfast in their -support: a sincere thank you to everyone involved! -""" - -[[articles]] -title = "Rocket v0.2: Managed State & More" -slug = "2017-02-06-version-0.2" -author = "Sergio Benitez" -author_url = "https://sergio.bz" -date = "February 06, 2017" -snippet = """ -Today marks the first major release since Rocket's debut a little over a month -ago. Rocket v0.2 packs a ton of new features, fixes, and general improvements. -Much of the development in v0.2 was led by the community, either through reports -via the [GitHub issue tracker](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/issues) -or via direct contributions. In fact, there have been **20 unique contributors** -to Rocket's codebase since Rocket's initial introduction! Community feedback has -been incredible. As a special thank you, we include the names of these -contributors at the end of this article. -""" diff --git a/site/news/2017-02-06-version-0.2.md b/site/news/2017-02-06-version-0.2.md deleted file mode 100644 index 0e2ebb93..00000000 --- a/site/news/2017-02-06-version-0.2.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,396 +0,0 @@ -# Rocket v0.2: Managed State & More - - - - - -Today marks the first major release since Rocket's debut a little over a month -ago. Rocket v0.2 packs a ton of new features, fixes, and general improvements. -Much of the development in v0.2 was led by the community, either through reports -via the [GitHub issue tracker](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/issues) -or via direct contributions. In fact, there have been **20 unique contributors** -to Rocket's codebase since Rocket's initial introduction! Community feedback has -been incredible. As a special thank you, we include the names of these -contributors at the end of this article. - -## About Rocket - -Rocket is a web framework for Rust with a focus on ease of use, expressibility, -and speed. Rocket makes it simple to write fast web applications without -sacrificing flexibility or type safety. All with minimal code. - -> Rocket's so simple, you feel like you're doing something wrong. It's like if -> you're making fire with rocks and suddenly someone gives you a lighter. Even -> though you know the lighter makes fire, and does it even faster and better and -> with a simple flick, the rock's still in your brain. -> -> -- Artem "impowski" Biryukov, January 17, 2017, on **#rocket** - -## New Features - -Rocket v0.2 includes several new features that make developing Rocket -applications simpler, faster, and safer than ever before. - -### Managed State - -Undoubtedly, the star feature of this release is **managed state**. Managed -state allows you to pass state to Rocket prior to launching your application and -later retrieve that state from any request handler by simply including the -state's type in the function signature. It works in two easy steps: - - 1. Call `manage` on the `Rocket` instance corresponding to your application - with the initial value of the state. - 2. Add a `State` type to any request handler, where `T` is the type of the - value passed into `manage`. - -Rocket takes care of the rest! `State` works through Rocket's [request -guards](/guide/requests/#request-guards). You can call `manage` any number of -times, as long as each call corresponds to a value of a different type. - -As a simple example, consider the following "hit counter" example application: - -```rust -struct HitCount(AtomicUsize); - -#[get("/")] -fn index(hit_count: State) -> &'static str { - hit_count.0.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); - "Your visit has been recorded!" -} - -#[get("/count")] -fn count(hit_count: State) -> String { - hit_count.0.load(Ordering::Relaxed).to_string() -} - -fn main() { - rocket::ignite() - .mount("/", routes![index, count]) - .manage(HitCount(AtomicUsize::new(0))) - .launch() -} -``` - -Visiting `/` will record a visit by incrementing the hit count by 1. Visiting -the `/count` path will display the current hit count. - -One concern when using _managed state_ is that you might forget to call `manage` -with some state's value before launching your application. Not to worry: Rocket -has your back! Let's imagine for a second that we forgot to add the call to -`manage` on line 17 in the example above. Here's what the compiler would emit -when we compile our buggy application: - -```rust -warning: HitCount is not currently being managed by Rocket - --> src/main.rs:4:21 - | -4 | fn index(hit_count: State) -> &'static str { - | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - | - = note: this State request guard will always fail -help: maybe add a call to 'manage' here? - --> src/main.rs:15:5 - | -15| rocket::ignite() - | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - -warning: HitCount is not currently being managed by Rocket - --> src/main.rs:10:21 - | -10 | fn count(hit_count: State) -> String { - | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - | - = note: this State request guard will always fail -help: maybe add a call to 'manage' here? - --> src/main.rs:15:5 - | -15 | rocket::ignite() - | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -``` - -You can read more about managed state in the [guide](/guide/state/), the API -docs for -[manage](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Rocket.html#method.manage), and the -API docs for [State](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.State.html). - -### Unmounted Routes Lint - -A common mistake that new Rocketeers make is forgetting to -[mount](/guide/overview/#mounting) declared routes. In Rocket v0.2, Rocket adds -a _lint_ that results in a compile-time warning for unmounted routes. As a -simple illustration, consider the canonical "Hello, world!" Rocket application -below, and note that we've forgotten to mount the `hello` route: - -```rust -#[get("/")] -fn hello() -> &'static str { - "Hello, world!" -} - -fn main() { - rocket::ignite().launch(); -} -``` - -When this program is compiled, the compiler emits the following warning: - -```rust -warning: the 'hello' route is not mounted - --> src/main.rs:2:1 - | -2 | fn hello() -> &'static str { - | _^ starting here... -3 | | "Hello, world!" -4 | | } - | |_^ ...ending here - | - = note: Rocket will not dispatch requests to unmounted routes. -help: maybe add a call to 'mount' here? - --> src/main.rs:7:5 - | -7 | rocket::ignite().launch(); - | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -``` - -The lint can be disabled selectively per route by adding an -`#[allow(unmounted_route)]` annotation to a given route declaration. It can also -be disabled globally by adding `#![allow(unmounted_route)]`. You can read more -about this lint in the [codegen -documentation](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket_codegen/index.html). - -### Configuration via Environment Variables - -A new feature that makes deploying Rocket apps to the cloud a little easier is -configuration via environment variables. Simply put, any configuration parameter -can be set via an environment variable of the form `ROCKET_{PARAM}`, where -`{PARAM}` is the name of the configuration parameter. For example, to set the -`port` Rocket listens on, simply set the `ROCKET_PORT` environment variable: - -```sh -ROCKET_PORT=3000 cargo run --release -``` - -Configuration parameters set via environment variables take precedence over -parameters set via the `Rocket.toml` configuration file. Note that _any_ -parameter can be set via an environment variable, include _extras_. For more -about configuration in Rocket, see the [configuration section of the -guide](/guide/overview/#configuration). - -### And Plenty More! - -Rocket v0.2 is full of many new features! In addition to the three features -described above, v0.2 also includes the following: - - * `Config` structures can be built via `ConfigBuilder`, which follows the - builder pattern. - * Logging can be enabled or disabled on custom configuration via a second - parameter to the `Rocket::custom` method. - * `name` and `value` methods were added to `Header` to retrieve the name and - value of a header. - * A new configuration parameter, `workers`, can be used to set the number of - threads Rocket uses. - * The address of the remote connection is available via `Request.remote()`. - Request preprocessing overrides remote IP with value from the `X-Real-IP` - header, if present. - * During testing, the remote address can be set via `MockRequest.remote()`. - * The `SocketAddr` request guard retrieves the remote address. - * A `UUID` type has been added to `contrib`. - * `rocket` and `rocket_codegen` will refuse to build with an incompatible - nightly version and emit nice error messages. - * Major performance and usability improvements were upstreamed to the `cookie` - crate, including the addition of a `CookieBuilder`. - * When a checkbox isn't present in a form, `bool` types in a `FromForm` - structure will parse as `false`. - * The `FormItems` iterator can be queried for a complete parse via `completed` - and `exhausted`. - * Routes for `OPTIONS` requests can be declared via the `options` decorator. - * Strings can be percent-encoded via `URI::percent_encode()`. - -## Breaking Changes - -This release includes several breaking changes. These changes are listed below -along with a short note about how to handle the breaking change in existing -applications. - - * **`Rocket::custom` takes two parameters, the first being `Config` by - value.** - - A call in v0.1 of the form `Rocket::custom(&config)` is now - `Rocket::custom(config, false)`. - - * **Tera templates are named without their extension.** - - A templated named `name.html.tera` is now simply `name`. - - * **`JSON` `unwrap` method has been renamed to `into_inner`.** - - A call to `.unwrap()` should be changed to `.into_inner()`. - - * **The `map!` macro was removed in favor of the `json!` macro.** - - A call of the form `map!{ "a" => b }` can be written as: `json!({ "a": b - })`. - - * **The `hyper::SetCookie` header is no longer exported.** - - Use the `Cookie` type as an `Into
` type directly. - - * **The `Content-Type` for `String` is now `text/plain`.** - - Use `content::HTML` for HTML-based `String` responses. - - * **`Request.content_type()` returns an `Option`.** - - Use `.unwrap_or(ContentType::Any)` to get the old behavior. - - * **The `ContentType` request guard forwards when the request has no - `Content-Type` header.** - - Use an `Option` and `.unwrap_or(ContentType::Any)` for the old - behavior. - - * **A `Rocket` instance must be declared _before_ a `MockRequest`.** - - Change the order of the `rocket::ignite()` and `MockRequest::new()` calls. - - * **A route with `format` specified only matches requests with the same - format.** - - Previously, a route with a `format` would match requests without a format - specified. There is no workaround to this change; simply specify formats - when required. - - * **`FormItems` can no longer be constructed directly.** - - Instead of constructing as `FormItems(string)`, construct as - `FormItems::from(string)`. - - * **`from_from_string(&str)` in `FromForm` removed in favor of - `from_form_items(&mut FormItems)`.** - - Most implementation should be using `FormItems` internally; simply use the - passed in `FormItems`. In other cases, the form string can be retrieved via - the `inner_str` method of `FormItems`. - - * **`Config::{set, default_for}` are deprecated.** - - Use the `set_{param}` methods instead of `set`, and `new` or `build` in - place of `default_for`. - - * **Route paths must be absolute.** - - Prepend a `/` to convert a relative path into an absolute one. - - * **Route paths cannot contain empty segments.** - - Remove any empty segments, including trailing ones, from a route path. - -## Bug Fixes - -Three bugs were fixed in this release: - - * Handlebars partials were not properly registered - ([#122](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/issues/122)). - * `Rocket::custom` did not set the custom configuration as the `active` - configuration. - * Route path segments with more than one dynamic parameter were erroneously - allowed. - -## General Improvements - -In addition to new features, Rocket saw the following smaller improvements: - - * Rocket no longer overwrites a catcher's response status. - * The `port` `Config` type is now a proper `u16`. - * Clippy issues injected by codegen are resolved. - * Handlebars was updated to `0.25`. - * The `PartialEq` implementation of `Config` doesn't consider the path or - session key. - * Hyper dependency updated to `0.10`. - * The `Error` type for `JSON as FromData` has been exposed as `SerdeError`. - * SVG was added as a known Content-Type. - * Serde was updated to `0.9`. - * Form parse failure now results in a **422** error code. - * Tera has been updated to `0.7`. - * `pub(crate)` is used throughout to enforce visibility rules. - * Query parameters in routes (`/path?`) are now logged. - * Routes with and without query parameters no longer _collide_. - -Rocket v0.2 also includes all of the new features, bug fixes, and improvements -from versions 0.1.1 through 0.1.6. You can read more about these changes in the -[v0.1 -CHANGELOG](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/blob/v0.1/CHANGELOG.md). - -## What's next? - -Work now begins on Rocket v0.3! The focus of the next major release will be on -security. In particular, three major security features are planned: - - 1. **Automatic CSRF protection across all payload-based requests - ([#14](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/issues/14)).** - - Rocket will automatically check the origin of requests made for HTTP `PUT`, - `POST`, `DELETE`, and `PATCH` requests, allowing only authorized requests to - be dispatched. This includes checking `POST`s from form submissions and any - requests made via JavaScript. - - 2. **Encryption and signing of session-based cookies - ([#20](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/issues/20)).** - - Built-in session support will encrypt and sign cookies using a user supplied - `session_key`. Encryption and signing will occur automatically for - session-based cookies. - - 3. **Explicit typing of raw HTTP data strings - ([#43](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/issues/43)).** - - A present, the standard `&str` type is used to represent raw HTTP data - strings. In the next release, a new type, `&RawStr`, will be used for this - purpose. This will make it clear when raw data is being handled. The type - will expose convenient methods such as `.url_decode()` and `.html_escape()`. - -Work on Rocket v0.3 will also involve exploring built-in support for user -authentication and authorization as well as automatic parsing of multipart -forms. - -## Contributors to v0.2 - -The following wonderful people helped make Rocket v0.2 happen: - -
  • Cliff H
  • -
  • Dru Sellers
  • -
  • Eijebong
  • -
  • Eric D. Reichert
  • -
  • Ernestas Poskus
  • -
  • FliegendeWurst
  • -
  • Garrett Squire
  • -
  • Giovanni Capuano
  • -
  • Greg Edwards
  • -
  • Joel Roller
  • -
  • Josh Holmer
  • -
  • Liigo Zhuang
  • -
  • Lori Holden
  • -
  • Marcus Ball
  • -
  • Matt McCoy
  • -
  • Reilly Tucker Siemens
  • -
  • Robert Balicki
  • -
  • Sean Griffin
  • -
  • Seth Lopez
  • -
  • tborsa
  • -
- -Thank you all! Your contributions are greatly appreciated! - -Looking to help with Rocket's development? Head over to [Rocket's -GitHub](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket#contributing) and start -contributing! - -## Start using Rocket today! - -Not already using Rocket? Rocket is extensively documented, making it easy for -you to start writing your web applications in Rocket! See the -[overview](/overview) or start writing code immediately by reading through [the -guide](/guide). diff --git a/site/news/2017-07-14-version-0.3.md b/site/news/2017-07-14-version-0.3.md deleted file mode 100644 index ff6b36cc..00000000 --- a/site/news/2017-07-14-version-0.3.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,331 +0,0 @@ -# Rocket v0.3: Fairings, TLS, Private Cookies - - - -I'm excited to announce that the next major release of Rocket is available -today! Rocket 0.3 is packed with new features and improvements that increase -developer productivity, improve application security, and provide new -opportunities for extensibility. Rocket 0.3 is the culmination of almost 6 -months of work. During this time, more than 225 changes were committed, over 100 -issues (primarily questions and feature requests) were closed, and over 40 pull -requests were submitted. The Rocket community has proven steadfast in their -support: a sincere thank you to everyone involved! - -## About Rocket - -Rocket is a web framework for Rust with a focus on ease of use, expressibility, -and speed. Rocket makes it simple to write fast web applications without -sacrificing flexibility or type safety. All with minimal code. - -Not already using Rocket? Join the thousands of users and dozens of companies -happily using Rocket today! Rocket's extensive documentation makes it easy. Get -started now by [reading through the guide](/guide) or learning more from [the -overview](/overview). - -## What's New? - -Rocket 0.3 is a _big_ release, packed with over 100 changes. We highlight the -biggest new features here. For a complete description of everything new and -different in 0.3, please see the [CHANGELOG]. - -[CHANGELOG]: https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/blob/v0.3.0/CHANGELOG.md#version-030-jul-14-2017 - -### Fairings - -Fairings bring structured middleware to Rocket. With fairings, Rocket -applications can hook into the application lifecycle to record or rewrite -information about incoming requests, outgoing responses, and the Rocket -application itself. - -Rocket's fairings are a lot like middleware from other frameworks, but they bear -a few key distinctions: - - * Fairings cannot directly terminate or respond to an incoming request. - * Fairings cannot inject arbitrary, non-request data into a request. - * Fairings _can_ prevent an application from launching. - * Fairings _can_ inspect and modify the application's configuration. - -Fairings are implemented through Rocket's [`Fairing`] trait. The trait consists -of callback methods that Rocket invokes as needed. A fairing can subscribe to -receive callbacks for the following four events: - - * **Attach**: called when a fairing is first registered. - * **Launch**: called immediately before the Rocket application launches. - * **Request**: called just after a request is received. - * **Response**: called when a response is ready to be returned. - -The new [fairings guide] describes fairings in detail, expands on their -limitations and abilities, and includes implementation examples. I encourage you -to experiment with fairings and report your experiences. As always, feedback is -instrumental in solidifying a robust design. - -[`Fairing`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/fairing/trait.Fairing.html -[fairings guide]: /guide/fairings - -### Native TLS Support - -Rocket 0.3 includes built-in, experimental support for TLS, powered by -[`rustls`]. To enable TLS support, compile Rocket with the `tls` feature -enabled. Then, configure file paths to an RSA certificate chain and -corresponding private key in the `Rocket.toml` file or via environment -variables: - -```toml -[global.tls] -certs = "/path/to/certs.pem" -key = "/path/to/key.pem" -``` - -TLS support in Rocket is experimental and not yet recommended for general use -over the internet. Instead, prefer to place Rocket behind a mature reverse-proxy -such as NGINX. That being said, use of Rocket's TLS support is encouraged for -local networking (such as local-only IoT devices) or as required during -development. - -For more details on Rocket's TLS support, see the [configuring TLS] section of -the guide. - -[`rustls`]: https://github.com/ctz/rustls -[configuring TLS]: /guide/configuration/#configuring-tls - -### Private Cookies - -In Rocket 0.3, cookies can be _private_. Private cookies are encrypted using -authenticated encryption, a form of encryption which simultaneously provides -confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity. This means that private cookies -cannot be inspected, tampered with, or manufactured by clients. - -Retrieving, adding, and removing private cookies is done via the new -[`get_private`], [`add_private`], and [`remove_private`] methods on the -[`Cookies`] type. As an example, consider the code below which sets and -retrieves a `user_id` private cookie in two routes: - -```rust -/// Retrieve the user's ID, if any. -#[get("/user_id")] -fn user_id(cookies: Cookies) -> Option { - request.cookies() - .get_private("user_id") - .map(|cookie| format!("User ID: {}", cookie.value())) -} - -/// Remove the `user_id` cookie. -#[post("/logout")] -fn logout(mut cookies: Cookies) -> Flash { - cookies.remove_private(Cookie::named("user_id")); - Flash::success(Redirect::to("/"), "Successfully logged out.") -} -``` - -To encrypt private cookies, Rocket uses the 256-bit key specified in the -`secret_key` configuration parameter. If one is not specified, Rocket -automatically generates a fresh key at launch. - -For more details on private cookies, see the [private cookies] section of the -guide. - -[`Cookies`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/http/enum.Cookies.html -[`get_private`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/http/enum.Cookies.html#method.get_private -[`add_private`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/http/enum.Cookies.html#method.add_private -[`remove_private`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/http/enum.Cookies.html#method.remove_private -[private cookies]: /guide/requests/#private-cookies - -### Form Field Naming - -In 0.2 and below, Rocket always matches form field names to structure field -names exactly when deriving [`FromForm`]. This presented an issue when an -invalid Rust identifier was used as a form field's name. For example, it was not -possible to represent a form with a field name of "type" since `type` is a -keyword and thus an illegal identifier. The following resulted in a compile-time -error: - -```rust -#[derive(FromForm)] -struct External { - type: String -} -``` - -In Rocket 0.3, you can ask Rocket to match against a different form field for a -given structure field by using the `#[form(field = "name")]` field annotation. -As a result, the "type" form field can now be captured using something like the -following: - -```rust -#[derive(FromForm)] -struct External { - #[form(field = "type")] - api_type: String -} -``` - -Rocket will automatically match the form field named "type" to the structure -field named `api_type`. For more details on form field naming, see the [field -renaming](/guide/requests/#field-renaming) section of the guide. - -[`FromForm`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/request/trait.FromForm.html - -### And Plenty More! - -In addition to the four highlighted above, Rocket 0.3 also ships with the -following new features: - - * A [`MsgPack`] type has been added for simple consumption and returning of - MessagePack data. - * [`Rocket::launch()`] returns launch failures ([`LaunchError`]) for - inspection without panicking. - * Routes without query parameters now match requests with or without query - parameters. - * [Default rankings] prefer static paths and routes with query string matches. - * A native [`Accept`] header structure was added. - * The [`Accept`] request header can be retrieved via [`Request::accept()`]. - * All active routes can be retrieved via [`Rocket::routes()`]. - * [`Response::body_string()`] was added to retrieve the response body as a - `String`. - * [`Response::body_bytes()`] was added to retrieve the response body as a - `Vec`. - * [`Response::content_type()`] was added to retrieve the Content-Type header - of a response. - * Data limits on incoming data are [now - configurable](/guide/configuration/#data-limits). - * [`Request::limits()`] was added to retrieve incoming data limits. - * Responders may dynamically adjust their response based on the incoming - request. - * [`Request::guard()`] was added for simple retrieval of request guards. - * [`Request::route()`] was added to retrieve the active route, if any. - * [`&Route`] is now a request guard. - * The base mount path of a [`Route`] can be retrieved via `Route::base` or - `Route::base()`. - * `Config::{development, staging, production}` constructors were added for - [`Config`]. - * [`Config::get_datetime()`] was added to retrieve an extra as a `Datetime`. - * Forms can be now parsed _leniently_ via the new [`LenientForm`] data guard. - * The `?` operator can now be used with `Outcome`. - * Quoted string, array, and table [configuration parameters] can be set via - environment variables. - * Log coloring is disabled when `stdout` is not a TTY. - * [`FromForm`] is implemented for `Option`, `Result`. - * The [`NotFound`] responder was added for simple **404** response - construction. - -[`MsgPack`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket_contrib/struct.MsgPack.html -[`Rocket::launch()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Rocket.html#method.launch -[`LaunchError`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/error/struct.LaunchError.html -[Default rankings]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Route.html -[`&Route`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Route.html -[`Route`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Route.html -[`Accept`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/http/struct.Accept.html -[`Request::accept()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Request.html#method.accept -[`contrib`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket_contrib/ -[`Rocket::routes()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Rocket.html#method.routes -[`Response::body_string()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Response.html#method.body_string -[`Response::body_bytes()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Response.html#method.body_bytes -[`Response::content_type()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Response.html#method.content_type -[`Request::guard()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Request.html#method.guard -[`Request::limits()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Request.html#method.limits -[`Request::route()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Request.html#method.route -[`Config`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Config.html -[`Cookies`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/http/enum.Cookies.html -[`Config::get_datetime()`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Config.html#method.get_datetime -[`LenientForm`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/request/struct.LenientForm.html -[configuration parameters]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/config/index.html#environment-variables -[`NotFound`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/status/struct.NotFound.html - -## Breaking Changes - -This release includes many breaking changes such as support for `serde` 1.0. To -keep this release note short, please see the -[CHANGELOG](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/blob/v0.3.0/CHANGELOG.md#breaking-changes) -for the full list of breaking changes along with a short note about how to -handle the breaking change in existing applications. - -## General Improvements - -In addition to new features, Rocket saw the following improvements: - - * "Rocket" is now capitalized in the `Server` HTTP header. - * The generic parameter of `rocket_contrib::Json` defaults to `json::Value`. - * The trailing '...' in the launch message was removed. - * The launch message prints regardless of the config environment. - * For debugging, `FromData` is implemented for `Vec` and `String`. - * The port displayed on launch is the port resolved, not the one configured. - * The `uuid` dependency was updated to `0.5`. - * The `base64` dependency was updated to `0.6`. - * The `toml` dependency was updated to `0.4`. - * The `handlebars` dependency was updated to `0.27`. - * The `tera` dependency was updated to `0.10`. - * [`yansi`] is now used for all terminal coloring. - * The `dev` `rustc` release channel is supported during builds. - * [`Config`] is now exported from the root. - * [`Request`] implements `Clone` and `Debug`. - * The `workers` config parameter now defaults to `num_cpus * 2`. - * Console logging for table-based config values is improved. - * `PartialOrd`, `Ord`, and `Hash` are now implemented for [`State`]. - * The format of a request is always logged when available. - -[`yansi`]: https://crates.io/crates/yansi -[`Request`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Request.html -[`State`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.State.html -[`Config`]: https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Config.html - -## What's Next? - -Rocket 0.4, of course! The focus of the next major release is two-fold: security -and usability. The following major features are planned: - - 1. **Automatic CSRF protection across all payload-based requests - ([#14](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/issues/14)).** - - This is a carry-over from the 0.3 wishlist. Rocket will automatically check - the origin of requests made for HTTP `PUT`, `POST`, `DELETE`, and `PATCH` - requests, allowing only valid requests to be dispatched. This includes - checking form submissions and requests made via JavaScript. - - 2. **First-class database support - ([#167](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/issues/167)).** - - Connecting a database to Rocket is presently [much wordier than necessary]. - The plan for 0.4 is to minimize the amount of effort. At most, a couple of - lines of configuration and a single line of initialization code should be - required. - - 3. **Typed URL generation from routes - ([#263](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket/issues/263)).** - - Explicitly writing URLs is error-prone. Because routes are fully-typed in - Rocket, it's possible to check that a URL corresponding to a route - type-checks. In the next release, a `url!` macro will be available to - automatically generate URLs for routes in a type-safe manner. - -[much wordier than necessary]: /guide/state/#databases - -## Contributors to v0.3 - -The following wonderful people helped make Rocket v0.3 happen: - -
  • Alan Stoate
  • -
  • Alexey Zabelin
  • -
  • Anton Pirker
  • -
  • Fabrice Desré
  • -
  • Ivar Abrahamsen
  • -
  • Josh Holmer
  • -
  • Joshua Rombauer
  • -
  • Lance Carlson
  • -
  • Lori Holden
  • -
  • Roman Frołow
  • -
  • Ryan Leckey
  • -
  • Stephan Buys
  • -
  • Tomek Wałkuski
  • -
  • Vesa Kaihlavirta
  • -
  • Yong Wen Chua
  • -
- -Thank you all! Your contributions are greatly appreciated! - -Looking to help with Rocket's development? Head over to [Rocket's -GitHub](https://github.com/SergioBenitez/Rocket#contributing) and start -contributing! diff --git a/site/overview.toml b/site/overview.toml deleted file mode 100644 index e4d7ba0a..00000000 --- a/site/overview.toml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,232 +0,0 @@ -############################################################################### -# Panels: displayed in a tabbed arrangement. -############################################################################### - -[[panels]] -name = "Routing" -checked = true -content = ''' -Rocket's main task is to route incoming requests to the appropriate request -handler using your application's declared routes. Routes are declared using -Rocket's _route_ attributes. The attribute describes the requests that match the -route. The attribute is placed on top of a function that is the request handler -for that route. - -As an example, consider the simple route below: - -```rust -#[get("/")] -fn index() -> &'static str { - "Hello, world!" -} -``` - -This route, named `index`, will match against incoming HTTP `GET` requests to -the `/` path, the index. The request handler returns a string. Rocket will use -the string as the body of a fully formed HTTP response. -''' - -[[panels]] -name = "Dynamic Params" -content = ''' -Rocket allows you to interpret segments of a request path dynamically. To -illustrate, let's use the following route: - -```rust -#[get("/hello//")] -fn hello(name: &str, age: u8) -> String { - format!("Hello, {} year old named {}!", age, name) -} -``` - -The `hello` route above matches two dynamic path segments declared inside -brackets in the path: `` and ``. _Dynamic_ means that the segment can -be _any_ value the end-user desires. - -Each dynamic parameter (`name` and `age`) must have a type, here `&str` and -`u8`, respectively. Rocket will attempt to parse the string in the parameter's -position in the path into that type. The route will only be called if parsing -succeeds. To parse the string, Rocket uses the -[FromParam](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/request/trait.FromParam.html) trait, -which you can implement for your own types! -''' - -[[panels]] -name = "Handling Data" -content = ''' -Request body data is handled in a special way in Rocket: via the -[FromData](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/data/trait.FromData.html) trait. Any -type that implements `FromData` can be derived from incoming body data. To tell -Rocket that you're expecting request body data, the `data` route argument is -used with the name of the parameter in the request handler: - -```rust -#[post("/login", data = "")] -fn login(user_form: Form) -> String { - // Use `user_form`, return a String. -} -``` - -The `login` route above says that it expects `data` of type `Form` in -the `user_form` parameter. The -[Form](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/request/struct.Form.html) type is a built-in -Rocket type that knows how to parse web forms into structures. Rocket will -automatically attempt to parse the request body into the `Form` and call the -`login` handler if parsing succeeds. Other built-in `FromData` types include -[`Data`](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/struct.Data.html), -[`Json`](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket_contrib/struct.Json.html), and -[`Flash`](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/struct.Flash.html) -''' - -[[panels]] -name = "Request Guards" -content = ''' -In addition to dynamic path and data parameters, request handlers can also -contain a third type of parameter: _request guards_. Request guards aren't -declared in the route attribute, and any number of them can appear in the -request handler signature. - -Request guards _protect_ the handler from running unless some set of conditions -are met by the incoming request metadata. For instance, if you are writing an -API that requires sensitive calls to be accompanied by an API key in the request -header, Rocket can protect those calls via a custom `ApiKey` request guard: - -```rust -#[get("/sensitive")] -fn sensitive(key: ApiKey) -> &'static str { ... } -``` - -`ApiKey` protects the `sensitive` handler from running incorrectly. In order for -Rocket to call the `sensitive` handler, the `ApiKey` type needs to be derived -through a -[FromRequest](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/request/trait.FromRequest.html) -implementation, which in this case, validates the API key header. Request guards -are a powerful and unique Rocket concept; they centralize application policy and -invariants through types. -''' - -[[panels]] -name = "Responders" -content = ''' -The return type of a request handler can be any type that implements -[Responder](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/trait.Responder.html): - -```rust -#[get("/")] -fn route() -> T { ... } -``` - -Above, T must implement `Responder`. Rocket implements `Responder` for many of -the standard library types including `&str`, `String`, `File`, `Option`, and -`Result`. Rocket also implements custom responders such as -[Redirect](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/struct.Redirect.html), -[Flash](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/struct.Flash.html), and -[Template](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket_contrib/struct.Template.html). - -The task of a `Responder` is to generate a -[`Response`](https://api.rocket.rs/rocket/response/struct.Response.html), if -possible. `Responder`s can fail with a status code. When they do, Rocket calls -the corresponding error catcher, a `catch` route, which can be declared as -follows: - -```rust -#[catch(404)] -fn not_found() -> T { ... } -``` -''' - -[[panels]] -name = "Launching" -content = ''' -Launching a Rocket application is the funnest part! For Rocket to begin -dispatching requests to routes, the routes need to be _mounted_. After mounting, -the application needs to be _launched_. These two steps, usually done in `main`, -look like: - -```rust -rocket::ignite() - .mount("/base", routes![index, another]) - .launch() -``` - -The `mount` call takes a base path and a set of routes via the `routes!` macro. -The base path (`/base` above) is prepended to the path of every route in the -list. This effectively namespaces the routes, allowing for easier composition. - -The `launch` call starts the server. In development, Rocket prints useful -information to the console to let you know everything is okay. - -```sh -🚀 Rocket has launched from http://localhost:8000... -``` -''' - -############################################################################### -# Steps to "How Rocket Works" -############################################################################### - -[[steps]] -name = "Validation" -color = "blue" -content = ''' -First, Rocket validates a matching request by ensuring that all of the types in -a given handler can be derived from the incoming request. If the types cannot be -derived, the request is forwarded to the next matching route until a route’s -types validate or there are no more routes to try. If all routes fail, a -customizable **404** error is returned. - -```rust -#[post("/user", data = "")] -fn new_user(admin: AdminUser, new_user: Form) -> T { - ... -} -``` - -For the `new_user` handler above to be called, the following conditions must -hold: - -* The request method must be `POST`. -* The request path must be `/user`. -* The request must contain `data` in its body. -* The request metadata must authenticate an `AdminUser`. -* The request body must be a form that parses into a `User` struct. -''' - -[[steps]] -name = "Processing" -color = "purple" -content = ''' -Next, the request is processed by an arbitrary handler. This is where most of -the business logic in an application resides, and the part of your applications -you’ll likely spend the most time writing. In Rocket, handlers are simply -functions - that’s it! The only caveat is that the function’s return type must -implement the `Responder` trait. The `new_user` function above is an example of -a handler. -''' - -[[steps]] -name = "Response" -color = "red" -content = ''' -Finally, Rocket responds to the client by transforming the return value of the -handler into an HTTP response. The HTTP response generated from the returned -value depends on the type’s specific `Responder` trait implementation. - -```rust -fn route() -> T { ... } -``` - -If the function above is used as a handler, for instance, then the type `T` must -implement `Responder`. Rocket provides many useful responder types out of the -box. They include: - - * `Json`: Serializes the structure T into JSON and returns it to - the client. - * `Template`: Renders a template file and returns it to the client. - * `Redirect`: Returns a properly formatted HTTP redirect. - * `NamedFile`: Streams a given file to the client with the - Content-Type taken from the file’s extension. - * `Stream`: Streams data to the client from an arbitrary `Read` value. - * Many Primitive Types: `String`, `&str`, `File`, `Option`, `Result`, and - others all implement the `Responder` trait. -'''