The new examples directory...
* Contains a `` explaining each example.
* Consolidates examples into more complete chunks.
* Is just better.
This is now consistent with the serialization of 'Flash' and better
illustrates the purpose of the late 'name' property.
Additionally, take 'Into<String>' instead of 'AsRef<str>' so we only
allocate when necessary.
Launch fairings are now fallible and take the place of attach fairings,
but they are only run, as the name implies, at launch time.
This is is a fundamental shift from eager execution of set-up routines,
including the now defunct attach fairings, to lazy execution,
precipitated by the transition to `async`. The previous functionality,
while simple, caused grave issues:
1. A instance of 'Rocket' with async attach fairings requires an async
runtime to be constructed.
2. The instance is accessible in non-async contexts.
3. The async attach fairings have no runtime in which to be run.
Here's an example:
let rocket = rocket::ignite()
.attach(AttachFairing::from(|rocket| async {
let state = rocket.state::<T>();
This had no real meaning previously yet was accepted by running the
attach fairing future in an isolated runtime. In isolation, this causes
no issue, but when attach fairing futures share reactor state with other
futures in Rocket, panics ensue.
The new Rocket application lifecycle is this:
* Build - A Rocket instance is constructed. No fairings are run.
* Ignition - All launch fairings are run.
* Liftoff - If all launch fairings succeeded, the server is started.
New 'liftoff' fairings are run in this third phase.
Catchers can now be scoped to paths, with preference given to the
longest-prefix, then the status code. This a breaking change for all
applications that register catchers:
* `Rocket::register()` takes a base path to scope catchers under.
- The previous behavior is recovered with `::register("/", ...)`.
* Catchers now fallibly, instead of silently, collide.
* `ErrorKind::Collision` is now `ErrorKind::Collisions`.
Related changes:
* `Origin` implements `TryFrom<String>`, `TryFrom<&str>`.
* All URI variants implement `TryFrom<Uri>`.
* Added `Segments::prefix_of()`.
* `Rocket::mount()` takes a `TryInto<Origin<'_>>` instead of `&str`
for the base mount point.
* Extended `errors` example with scoped catchers.
* Added scoped sections to catchers guide.
Internal changes:
* Moved router code to `router/`.
While offering some utility, the lifetime did not carry its weight, and
in practice offered no further ability to borrow. This greatly
simplifies request guard implementations.
Prior to this commit, it was not possible to test Rocket crates in
production mode without setting a global secret key or bypassing secret
key checking - the testing script did the latter. The consequence is
that it became impossible to test secret key related failures because
the tests passed regardless.
This commit undoes this. As a consequence, all tests are now aware of
the difference between debug and release configurations, the latter of
which validates 'secret_key' by default. New 'Client::debug()' and
'Client::debug_with()' simplify creating an instance of 'Client' with
configuration in debug mode to avoid undesired test failures.
The summary of changes in this commit are:
* Config 'secret_key' success and failure are now tested.
* 'secret_key' validation was moved to pre-launch from 'Config:from()'.
* 'Config::from()' only extracts the config.
* Added 'Config::try_from()' for non-panicking extraction.
* 'Config' now knows the profile it was extracted from.
* The 'Config' provider sets a profile of 'Config.profile'.
* 'Rocket', 'Client', 'Fairings', implement 'Debug'.
* 'fairing::Info' implements 'Copy', 'Clone'.
* 'Fairings' keeps track of, logs attach fairings.
* 'Rocket::reconfigure()' was added to allow modifying a config.
Internally, the testing script was refactored to properly test the
codebase with the new changes. In particular, it no longer sets a rustc
'cfg' to avoid secret-key checking.
This commit makes the `Config.secret_key` conditionally compile on the
`secrets` feature. The net effect is simplified internal code, fewer
corner-cases, and easier to write tests.
This commit removes the `Provider::profile()` implementation of
`Config`. This means that the `Config` provider no longer sets a
profile, a likely confusing behavior. The `Config::figment()` continues
to function as before.
This changes core routing so that panics in all handlers are handled by
emitting a long message explaining that panics are bad and invoking the
500 error catcher. If the 500 error catcher fails, Rocket's default 500
catcher is used.
So. Many. Changes.
This is an insane commit: simultaneously one of the best (because of all
the wonderful improvements!) and one of the worst (because it is just
massive) in the project's history.
* All UTF-8 characters are accepted everywhere in route paths. (#998)
* `path` is now `uri` in `route` attribute: `#[route(GET, path = "..")]`
becomes `#[route(GET, uri = "..")]`.
Forms Revamp
* All form related types now reside in a new `form` module.
* Multipart forms are supported. (resolves#106)
* Collections are supported in forms and queries. (resolves#205)
* Nested structures in forms and queries are supported. (resolves#313)
* Form fields can be ad-hoc validated with `#[field(validate = expr)]`.
* `FromFormValue` is now `FromFormField`, blanket implements `FromForm`.
* Form field values are always percent-decoded apriori.
Temporary Files
* A new `TempFile` data and form guard allows streaming data directly to a
file which can then be persisted.
* A new `temp_dir` config parameter specifies where to store `TempFile`.
* The limits `file` and `file/$ext`, where `$ext` is the file extension,
determines the data limit for a `TempFile`.
* A new `Capped` type is used to indicate when data has been truncated due to
incoming data limits. It allows checking whether data is complete or
* `DataStream` methods return `Capped` types.
* `DataStream` API has been revamped to account for `Capped` types.
* Several `Capped<T>` types implement `FromData`, `FromForm`.
* HTTP 413 (Payload Too Large) errors are now returned when data limits are
exceeded. (resolves#972)
Hierarchical Limits
* Data limits are now hierarchical, delimited with `/`. A limit of `a/b/c`
falls back to `a/b` then `a`.
* `&RawStr` no longer implements `FromParam`.
* `&str` implements `FromParam`, `FromData`, `FromForm`.
* `FromTransformedData` was removed.
* `FromData` gained a lifetime for use with request-local data.
* The default error HTML is more compact.
* `&Config` is a request guard.
* The `DataStream` interface was entirely revamped.
* `State` is only exported via `rocket::State`.
* A `request::local_cache!()` macro was added for storing values in
request-local cache without consideration for type uniqueness by using a
locally generated anonymous type.
* `Request::get_param()` is now `Request::param()`.
* `Request::get_segments()` is now `Request::segments()`, takes a range.
* `Request::get_query_value()` is now `Request::query_value()`, can parse any
`FromForm` including sequences.
* `std::io::Error` implements `Responder` like `Debug<std::io::Error>`.
* `(Status, R)` where `R: Responder` implements `Responder` by overriding the
`Status` of `R`.
* The name of a route is printed first during route matching.
* `FlashMessage` now only has one lifetime generic.
* `RawStr` implements `serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}`.
* `RawStr` implements _many_ more methods, in particular, those related to the
`Pattern` API.
* `RawStr::from_str()` is now `RawStr::new()`.
* `RawStr::url_decode()` and `RawStr::url_decode_lossy()` only allocate as
necessary, return `Cow`.
* `Status` implements `Default` with `Status::Ok`.
* `Status` implements `PartialEq`, `Eq`, `Hash`, `PartialOrd`, `Ord`.
* Authority and origin part of `Absolute` can be modified with new
`Absolute::{with,set}_authority()`, `Absolute::{with,set}_origin()` methods.
* `Origin::segments()` was removed in favor of methods split into query and
path parts and into raw and decoded versions.
* The `Segments` iterator is smarter, returns decoded `&str` items.
* `Segments::into_path_buf()` is now `Segments::to_path_buf()`.
* A new `QuerySegments` is the analogous query segment iterator.
* Once set, `expires` on private cookies is not overwritten. (resolves#1506)
* `Origin::path()` and `Origin::query()` return `&RawStr`, not `&str`.
* Preserve more spans in `uri!` macro.
* Preserve spans `FromForm` field types.
* All dynamic parameters in a query string must typecheck as `FromForm`.
* `FromFormValue` derive removed; `FromFormField` added.
* The `form` `FromForm` and `FromFormField` field attribute is now named
`field`. `#[form(field = ..)]` is now `#[field(name = ..)]`.
* `Json` implements `FromForm`.
* `MsgPack` implements `FromForm`.
* The `json!` macro is exported as `rocket_contrib::json::json!`.
* Added clarifying docs to `StaticFiles`.
* `form_validation` and `form_kitchen_sink` removed in favor of `forms`.
* The `hello_world` example uses unicode in paths.
* The `json` example only allocates as necessary.
* Codegen uses new `exports` module with the following conventions:
- Locals starts with `__` and are lowercased.
- Rocket modules start with `_` and are lowercased.
- `std` types start with `_` and are titlecased.
- Rocket types are titlecased.
* A `header` module was added to `http`, contains header types.
* `SAFETY` is used as doc-string keyword for `unsafe` related comments.
* The `Uri` parser no longer recognizes Rocket route URIs.
This commit reverts most of dea940c7 and d89c7024. The "fix" is to run
attach fairings on a new thread. If a runtime is already running, it is
used. Otherwise, the future is executed in a single-threaded executor.
This commit completely overhauls Rocket's configuration systems, basing
it on the new Figment library. It includes many breaking changes
pertaining to configuration. They are:
* "Environments" are replaced by "profiles".
* 'ROCKET_PROFILE' takes the place of 'ROCKET_ENV'.
* Profile names are now arbitrary, but 'debug' and 'release' are given
special treatment as default profiles for the debug and release
compilation profiles.
* A 'default' profile now sits along-side the meta 'global' profile.
* The concept of "extras" is no longer present; users can extract any
values they want from the configured 'Figment'.
* The 'Poolable' trait takes an '&Config'.
* The 'secrets' feature is disabled by default.
* It is a hard error if 'secrets' is enabled under the 'release'
profile and no 'secret_key' is configured.
* 'ConfigBuilder' no longer exists: all fields of 'Config' are public
with public constructors for each type.
* 'keep_alive' is disabled with '0', not 'false' or 'off'.
* Inlined error variants into the 'Error' structure.
* 'LoggingLevel' is now 'LogLevel'.
* Limits can now be specified in SI units: "1 MiB".
The summary of other changes are:
* The default config file can be configured with 'ROCKET_CONFIG'.
* HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 keep-alive configuration is restored.
* 'ctrlc' is now a recognized config option.
* 'serde' is now a core dependency.
* TLS misconfiguration errors are improved.
* Several example use '_' as the return type of '#[launch]' fns.
* 'AdHoc::config()' was added for simple config extraction.
* Added more documentation for using 'Limits'.
* Launch information is no longer treated specially.
* The configuration guide was rewritten.
In brief, this commit:
* Updates to the latest upstream 'cookie', fixing a memory leak.
* Make changes to 'CookieJar' observable only through 'pending()'.
* Deprecates 'Client::new()' in favor of 'Client::tracked()'.
* Makes 'dispatch()' on tracked 'Client's synchronize on cookies.
* Makes 'Client::untracked()' actually untracked.
This commit updates to the latest 'cookie' which removes support for
'Sync' cookie jars. Instead of relying on 'cookie', this commit
implements an op-log based 'CookieJar' which internally keeps track of
changes. The API is such that changes are only observable through
specialized '_pending()' methods.
Prior to this commit, it was impossible to 'use' a route from a separate
namespace for use in a 'routes!' macro. Naturally, this was a common
source of confusion amongst users. This commit obviates this deficiency
by generating a "proxy" structure that can be imported and converted
into a 'Route'/'Catcher' or their static variants.
This change is largely backwards compatible but can break existing code
when routes are named identically to other types in the namespace.
The user-facing changes effected by this commit are:
* The 'http::Cookies<'_>' guard is now '&http::CookieJar<'_>'.
* The "one-at-a-time" jar restriction is no longer imposed.
* 'CookieJar' retrieval methods return 'http::CookieCrumb'.
* The 'private-cookies' feature is now called 'secrets'.
* Docs flag private cookie methods with feature cfg.
* Local, async request dispatching is never serialized.
* 'Client::cookies()' returns the tracked 'CookieJar'.
* 'LocalResponse::cookies()' returns a 'CookieJar'.
* 'Response::cookies()' returns an 'impl Iterator'.
* A path of '/' is set by default on all cookies.
* 'SameSite=strict' is set by default on all cookies.
* 'LocalRequest::cookies()' accepts any 'Cookie' iterator.
* The 'Debug' impl for 'Request' prints the cookie jar.
This commit aims to make it impossible to modify a 'Route' structure in
a way that violates expectations of a code-generated 'Route'. It removes
'Route::set_uri()' in favor of 'Route::map_base()', which allows for
safe modifications of the route's base.
In a similar vain, this commit also includes the following changes:
* 'Route::path()' was added to safely retrieve the route's 'path'.
* The base of a 'Route' is underlined during launch printing.
* 'Origin::into_normalized()' replaces 'Origin::to_normalized()'.
Prior to this commit, codegen used 'Span' information to generate a
unique id for a given route. This commit changes the id generation to
instead use 1) the route's name and path, 2) a an per-generation
atomically increasing ID, and 3) the ids of the process/thread the
proc-macro is running in. Together, these values should provide a unique
id for a given route, even in the face of the reused processes and
threads, while also removing the dependence on unstable Span features.
This commit adds the 'local::blocking' module and moves the existing
asynchronous testing to 'local::asynchronous'. It also includes several
changes to improve the local API, bringing it to parity (and beyond)
with master. These changes are:
* 'LocalRequest' implements 'Clone'.
* 'LocalResponse' doesn't implement 'DerefMut<Target=Response>'.
Instead, direct methods on the type, such as 'into_string()', can
be used to read the 'Response'.
* 'Response::body()' returns an '&ResponseBody' as opposed to '&mut
ResponseBody', which is returned by a new 'Response::body_mut()'.
* '&ResponseBody' implements 'known_size()` to retrieve a body's size,
if it is known.
Co-authored-by: Jeb Rosen <>
This is largely an internal change. Prior to this commit, the 'Manifest'
type, now replaced with the 'Cargo' type, robbed responsibility from the
core 'Rocket' type. This new construction restores the previous
responsibility and makes it clear that 'Cargo' is _only_ for freezing,
and representing the stability of, Rocket's internal state.
In summary, this commit modifies 'Responder' so that:
* is no longer 'async'. To accommodate, the 'sized_body' methods
in 'Response' and 'ResponseBuilder' are no longer 'async' and accept
an optional size directly. If none is supplied, Rocket will attempt
to compute the size, by seeking, before writing out the response.
The 'Body' type was also changed to differentiate between its sized
'Seek' and chunked body variants.
* ..'&Request' gains a lifetime: 'r, and the returned 'Response' is
parameterized by a new 'o: 'r. This allows responders to return
references from the request or those that live longer.
* Remove 'response::ResultFuture'.
* Re-export 'tokio' and 'futures' from the crate root.
* Make 'ResponseBuilder::sized_body()' and 'async fn'.
* Remove the 'Future' implementation for 'ResponseBuilder'.
* Add 'ResponseBuilder::finalize()' for finalizing the builder.
In order to avoid making 'ResponseBuilder::sized_body' an asynchronous
function, the seeking is deferred until finalization. 'finalize()' is
replaced with '.await', and 'ResponseBuilder::ok()' is an 'async fn'.
* Update 'tokio', 'tokio-rustls', and 'hyper'.
* Remove unused dependencies on some `futures-*` crates.
* Rework 'spawn_on', which is now 'serve'.
* Simplify Ctrl-C handling.
Use I/O traits and types from 'tokio-io' as much as possible.
A few adapters only exist in futures-io-preview and use
futures-tokio-compat as a bridge for now.
* body_string_wait and body_bytes_wait are removed; use `.await` instead
* `dispatch()` is now an async fn and must be .await-ed
* Add `#[rocket::async_test]` macro, similar in purpose to `tokio::test`
* Tests now use either `rocket::async_test(async { })` or
`#[rocket::async_test]` in order to `.await` the futures returned
from `dispatch()` and `body_{string,bytes}()`
* Update '' to reflect the tests that should be passing.
* Cloned dispatch and mut_dispatch() with a live previous response now both fail, due to a (partial) check for mutable aliasing in LocalRequest.
* Some tests are still failing and need example-specific changes.