This commit changes the 'FromForm' trait in two ways:
1. The singular method is now named 'from_form'.
2. The method takes a second parameter: 'strict: bool'.
The 'strict' parameter is used to specify whether form parsing should
be strict or not (i.e. lenient). When parsing is lenient, extra form
fields do not result in an error. This lenient behavior is used by a
new 'LenientForm' data guard type to request lenient form parsing. The
behavior for 'Form' remains unchanged.
This commit changes the way Rocket parses form items. In particular, it now
(liberally) validates form strings, returning a Bad Request on malformed inputs
and Unprocessable Entity on bad parses.
The 'FormItems' iterator was modified to accomodate this. The iterator is now
initialized using 'from': 'FormItems::from(form_string)'. The iterator can be
queried to check for a complete parse using either 'completed()' or
'exhausted()', the latter of which will consume valid keys/values and return
true only if the entire string was consumed.
The 'FromForm' trait now takes a mutable borrow to a 'FormItems' iterator.
The 'Form' and 'FormForm' implementation for 'Form' were modified to use the new
iterfaces and check for 'exhausted' after a parse, returning a Bad Request error
if the iterator cannot be exhausted.
This commit includes the following important API changes:
* The `form` route parameter has been removed.
* The `data` route parameter has been added.
* Forms are not handled via the `data` parameter and `Form` type.
* Removed the `data` parameter from `Request`.
* Added `FromData` conversion trate and default implementation.
* Added `DataOutcome` enum, which is the return type of `from_data`.
* 'FromData' is now used to automatically derive the `data` parameter.
* Moved `form` into `request` module.
* Removed `Failure::new` in favor of direct value construction.
This commit includes the following important package additions:
* Added a 'raw_upload' example.
* `manual_routes` example uses `Data` parameter.
* Now building and running tests with `--all-features` flag.
* All exmaples have been updated to latest API.
* Now using upstream Tera.
This commit includes the following important fixes:
* Any valid ident is now allowed in single-parameter route parameters.
* Lifetimes are now properly stripped in code generation.
* `FromForm` derive now works on empty structs.