# Databases Example This example makes use of SQLite and MySQL. You'll need `sqlite3` and a MySQL client installed: * **macOS:** `brew install sqlite mysql-client` * **Debian**, **Ubuntu:** `apt-get install libsqlite3-dev libmysqlclient-dev` * **Arch:** `pacman -S sqlite libmysqlclient` ## API Implementation This example implements a JSON-based HTTP API for a "blog" using several database drivers: * `sqlx` (`/sqlx`, `sqlx.rs`) * `rusqlite` (`/rusqlite`, `rusqlite.rs`) * `diesel` (sqlite) (`/diesel`, `diesel_sqlite.rs`) * `diesel-async` (mysql) (`/mysql`, `diesel_mysql.rs`) The exposed API is succinctly described as follows, with [`httpie`](https://httpie.io/) CLI examples: * `POST /driver`: create post via JSON with `title` and `text`; returns new post JSON with new `id` http title="Title" text="Hello, world." > { "id": 2128, "text": "Hello, world.", "title": "Title" } * `GET /driver`: returns JSON array of IDs for blog posts http > [ 2128, 2129, 2130, 2131 ] * `GET /driver/`: returns a JSON object for the post with id `` http > { "id": 2128, "text": "Hello, world.", "title": "Title" } * `DELETE /driver`: delete all posts http delete * `DELETE /driver/`: delete post with id `` http delete ## Migrations Database migrations are stored in the respective `db/${driver}` directory. ### `diesel` Diesel migrations are found in `db/diesel/migrations`. They are run automatically. They can be run manually as well: ```sh cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features sqlite DATABASE_URL="db/diesel/db.sqlite" diesel migration --migration-dir db/diesel/migrations redo ``` ### `sqlx` sqlx migrations are found in `db/sqlx/migrations`. They are run automatically. Query metadata for offline checking was prepared with the following commands: ```sh cargo install sqlx-cli --no-default-features --features sqlite DATABASE_URL="sqlite:$(pwd)/db/sqlx/db.sqlite" cargo sqlx prepare ```