// Rocket sometimes generates mangled identifiers that activate the // non_snake_case lint. We deny the lint in this test to ensure that // code generation uses #[allow(non_snake_case)] in the appropriate places. #![deny(non_snake_case)] #[macro_use] extern crate rocket; use std::path::PathBuf; use rocket::request::Request; use rocket::http::ext::Normalize; use rocket::local::blocking::Client; use rocket::data::{self, Data, FromData}; use rocket::http::{Status, RawStr, ContentType, uri::fmt::Path}; // Use all of the code generation available at once. #[derive(FromForm, UriDisplayQuery)] struct Inner<'r> { field: &'r str } struct Simple(String); #[async_trait] impl<'r> FromData<'r> for Simple { type Error = std::io::Error; async fn from_data(req: &'r Request<'_>, data: Data<'r>) -> data::Outcome<'r, Self> { String::from_data(req, data).await.map(Simple) } } #[post( "///name/?sky=blue&&", format = "json", data = "", rank = 138 )] fn post1( sky: usize, name: &str, a: String, query: Inner<'_>, path: PathBuf, simple: Simple, ) -> String { let string = format!("{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}", sky, name, a, query.field, path.normalized_str(), simple.0); let uri = uri!(post1(a, name, path, sky, query)); format!("({}) ({})", string, uri.to_string()) } #[route( POST, uri = "///name/?sky=blue&&", format = "json", data = "", rank = 138 )] fn post2( sky: usize, name: &str, a: String, query: Inner<'_>, path: PathBuf, simple: Simple, ) -> String { let string = format!("{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}", sky, name, a, query.field, path.normalized_str(), simple.0); let uri = uri!(post2(a, name, path, sky, query)); format!("({}) ({})", string, uri.to_string()) } #[allow(dead_code)] #[post("/<_unused_param>?<_unused_query>", data="<_unused_data>")] fn test_unused_params(_unused_param: String, _unused_query: String, _unused_data: Data<'_>) { } #[test] fn test_full_route() { let rocket = rocket::build() .mount("/1", routes![post1]) .mount("/2", routes![post2]); let client = Client::debug(rocket).unwrap(); let a = RawStr::new("A%20A"); let name = RawStr::new("Bob%20McDonald"); let path = "this/path/here"; let sky = 777; let query = "field=inside"; let simple = "data internals"; let path_part = format!("/{}/{}/name/{}", a, name, path); let query_part = format!("?sky={}&sky=blue&{}", sky, query); let uri = format!("{}{}", path_part, query_part); let expected_uri = format!("{}?sky=blue&sky={}&{}", path_part, sky, query); let response = client.post(&uri).body(simple).dispatch(); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::NotFound); let response = client.post(format!("/1{}", uri)).body(simple).dispatch(); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::NotFound); let response = client .post(format!("/1{}", uri)) .header(ContentType::JSON) .body(simple) .dispatch(); assert_eq!(response.into_string().unwrap(), format!("({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}) ({})", sky, name.percent_decode().unwrap(), "A A", "inside", path, simple, expected_uri)); let response = client.post(format!("/2{}", uri)).body(simple).dispatch(); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::NotFound); let response = client .post(format!("/2{}", uri)) .header(ContentType::JSON) .body(simple) .dispatch(); assert_eq!(response.into_string().unwrap(), format!("({}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}) ({})", sky, name.percent_decode().unwrap(), "A A", "inside", path, simple, expected_uri)); } mod scopes { #![allow(dead_code)] mod other { #[get("/world")] pub fn world() -> &'static str { "Hello, world!" } } #[get("/hello")] pub fn hello() -> &'static str { "Hello, outside world!" } use other::world; fn _rocket() -> rocket::Rocket { rocket::build().mount("/", rocket::routes![hello, world, other::world]) } } use rocket::form::Contextual; #[derive(Default, Debug, PartialEq, FromForm)] struct Filtered<'r> { bird: Option<&'r str>, color: Option<&'r str>, cat: Option<&'r str>, rest: Option<&'r str>, } #[get("/?bird=1&color=blue&&&cat=bob&")] fn filtered_raw_query(bird: usize, color: &str, rest: Contextual<'_, Filtered<'_>>) -> String { assert_ne!(bird, 1); assert_ne!(color, "blue"); assert_eq!(rest.value.unwrap(), Filtered::default()); format!("{} - {}", bird, color) } #[test] fn test_filtered_raw_query() { let rocket = rocket::build().mount("/", routes![filtered_raw_query]); let client = Client::debug(rocket).unwrap(); #[track_caller] fn run(client: &Client, birds: &[&str], colors: &[&str], cats: &[&str]) -> (Status, String) { let join = |slice: &[&str], name: &str| slice.iter() .map(|v| format!("{}={}", name, v)) .collect::>() .join("&"); let q = format!("{}&{}&{}", join(birds, "bird"), join(colors, "color"), join(cats, "cat")); let response = client.get(format!("/?{}", q)).dispatch(); let status = response.status(); let body = response.into_string().unwrap(); (status, body) } let birds = &["2", "3"]; let colors = &["red", "blue", "green"]; let cats = &["bob", "bob"]; assert_eq!(run(&client, birds, colors, cats).0, Status::NotFound); let birds = &["2", "1", "3"]; let colors = &["red", "green"]; let cats = &["bob", "bob"]; assert_eq!(run(&client, birds, colors, cats).0, Status::NotFound); let birds = &["2", "1", "3"]; let colors = &["red", "blue", "green"]; let cats = &[]; assert_eq!(run(&client, birds, colors, cats).0, Status::NotFound); let birds = &["2", "1", "3"]; let colors = &["red", "blue", "green"]; let cats = &["bob", "bob"]; assert_eq!(run(&client, birds, colors, cats).1, "2 - red"); let birds = &["1", "2", "1", "3"]; let colors = &["blue", "red", "blue", "green"]; let cats = &["bob"]; assert_eq!(run(&client, birds, colors, cats).1, "2 - red"); let birds = &["5", "1"]; let colors = &["blue", "orange", "red", "blue", "green"]; let cats = &["bob"]; assert_eq!(run(&client, birds, colors, cats).1, "5 - orange"); } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, FromForm)] struct Dog<'r> { name: &'r str, age: usize } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, FromForm)] struct Q<'r> { dog: Dog<'r> } #[get("/?&color=red&")] fn query_collection(color: Vec<&str>, q: Q<'_>) -> String { format!("{} - {} - {}", color.join("&"), q.dog.name, q.dog.age) } #[get("/?&color=red&")] fn query_collection_2(color: Vec<&str>, dog: Dog<'_>) -> String { format!("{} - {} - {}", color.join("&"), dog.name, dog.age) } #[test] fn test_query_collection() { #[track_caller] fn run(client: &Client, colors: &[&str], dog: &[&str]) -> (Status, String) { let join = |slice: &[&str], prefix: &str| slice.iter() .map(|v| format!("{}{}", prefix, v)) .collect::>() .join("&"); let q = format!("{}&{}", join(colors, "color="), join(dog, "dog.")); let response = client.get(format!("/?{}", q)).dispatch(); (response.status(), response.into_string().unwrap()) } fn run_tests(rocket: rocket::Rocket) { let client = Client::debug(rocket).unwrap(); let colors = &["blue", "green"]; let dog = &["name=Fido", "age=10"]; assert_eq!(run(&client, colors, dog).0, Status::NotFound); let colors = &["red"]; let dog = &["name=Fido"]; assert_eq!(run(&client, colors, dog).0, Status::NotFound); let colors = &["red"]; let dog = &["name=Fido", "age=2"]; assert_eq!(run(&client, colors, dog).1, " - Fido - 2"); let colors = &["red", "blue", "green"]; let dog = &["name=Fido", "age=10"]; assert_eq!(run(&client, colors, dog).1, "blue&green - Fido - 10"); let colors = &["red", "blue", "green"]; let dog = &["name=Fido", "age=10", "toy=yes"]; assert_eq!(run(&client, colors, dog).1, "blue&green - Fido - 10"); let colors = &["blue", "red", "blue"]; let dog = &["name=Fido", "age=10"]; assert_eq!(run(&client, colors, dog).1, "blue&blue - Fido - 10"); let colors = &["blue", "green", "red", "blue"]; let dog = &["name=Max+Fido", "age=10"]; assert_eq!(run(&client, colors, dog).1, "blue&green&blue - Max Fido - 10"); } let rocket = rocket::build().mount("/", routes![query_collection]); run_tests(rocket); let rocket = rocket::build().mount("/", routes![query_collection_2]); run_tests(rocket); } use rocket::request::FromSegments; use rocket::http::uri::Segments; struct PathString(String); impl FromSegments<'_> for PathString { type Error = std::convert::Infallible; fn from_segments(segments: Segments<'_, Path>) -> Result { Ok(PathString(segments.collect::>().join("/"))) } } #[get("/<_>/b/", rank = 1)] fn segments(path: PathString) -> String { format!("nonempty+{}", path.0) } #[get("/", rank = 2)] fn segments_empty(path: PathString) -> String { format!("empty+{}", path.0) } #[test] fn test_inclusive_segments() { let rocket = rocket::build() .mount("/", routes![segments]) .mount("/", routes![segments_empty]); let client = Client::debug(rocket).unwrap(); let get = |uri| client.get(uri).dispatch().into_string().unwrap(); assert_eq!(get("/"), "empty+"); assert_eq!(get("//"), "empty+"); assert_eq!(get("//a"), "empty+a"); assert_eq!(get("//a/"), "empty+a/"); assert_eq!(get("//a//"), "empty+a/"); assert_eq!(get("//a//c/d"), "empty+a/c/d"); assert_eq!(get("//a/b"), "nonempty+"); assert_eq!(get("//a/b/c"), "nonempty+c"); assert_eq!(get("//a/b//c"), "nonempty+c"); assert_eq!(get("//a//b////c"), "nonempty+c"); assert_eq!(get("//a//b////c/d/e"), "nonempty+c/d/e"); assert_eq!(get("//a//b////c/d/e/"), "nonempty+c/d/e/"); }