//! Types representing various errors that can occur in a Rocket application. use std::{io, fmt}; use std::sync::atomic::{Ordering, AtomicBool}; use yansi::Paint; use http::hyper; use router::Route; /// [unstable] Error type for Rocket. Likely to change. #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum Error { /// The request method was bad. BadMethod, /// The value could not be parsed. BadParse, /// There was no such route. NoRoute, // TODO: Add a chain of routes attempted. /// The error was internal. Internal, /// The requested key/index does not exist. NoKey, } /// The kind of launch error that occured. /// /// In almost every instance, a launch error occurs because of an I/O error; /// this is represented by the `Io` variant. A launch error may also occur /// because of ill-defined routes that lead to collisions or because a fairing /// encountered an error; these are represented by the `Collision` and /// `FailedFairing` variants, respectively. The `Unknown` variant captures all /// other kinds of launch errors. #[derive(Debug)] pub enum LaunchErrorKind { Bind(hyper::Error), Io(io::Error), Collision(Vec<(Route, Route)>), FailedFairings(Vec<&'static str>), Unknown(Box<::std::error::Error + Send + Sync>) } /// An error that occurs during launch. /// /// A `LaunchError` is returned by /// [rocket::launch](/rocket/struct.Rocket.html#method.launch) when launching an /// application fails for some reason. /// /// # Panics /// /// A value of this type panics if it is dropped without first being inspected. /// An _inspection_ occurs when any method is called. For instance, if /// `println!("Error: {}", e)` is called, where `e: LaunchError`, the /// `Display::fmt` method being called by `println!` results in `e` being marked /// as inspected; a subsequent `drop` of the value will _not_ result in a panic. /// The following snippet illustrates this: /// /// ```rust /// # if false { /// let error = rocket::ignite().launch(); /// /// // This line is only reached if launching failed. This "inspects" the error. /// println!("Launch failed! Error: {}", error); /// /// // This call to drop (explicit here for demonstration) will do nothing. /// drop(error); /// # } /// ``` /// /// When a value of this type panics, the corresponding error message is pretty /// printed to the console. The following illustrates this: /// /// ```rust /// # if false { /// let error = rocket::ignite().launch(); /// /// // This call to drop (explicit here for demonstration) will result in /// // `error` being pretty-printed to the console along with a `panic!`. /// drop(error); /// # } /// ``` /// /// # Usage /// /// A `LaunchError` value should usually be allowed to `drop` without /// inspection. There are two exceptions to this suggestion. /// /// 1. If you are writing a library or high-level application on-top of /// Rocket, you likely want to inspect the value before it drops to avoid a /// Rocket-specific `panic!`. This typically means simply printing the /// value. /// /// 2. You want to display your own error messages. pub struct LaunchError { handled: AtomicBool, kind: LaunchErrorKind } impl LaunchError { #[inline(always)] pub(crate) fn new(kind: LaunchErrorKind) -> LaunchError { LaunchError { handled: AtomicBool::new(false), kind: kind } } #[inline(always)] fn was_handled(&self) -> bool { self.handled.load(Ordering::Acquire) } #[inline(always)] fn mark_handled(&self) { self.handled.store(true, Ordering::Release) } /// Retrieve the `kind` of the launch error. /// /// # Example /// /// ```rust /// # if false { /// let error = rocket::ignite().launch(); /// /// // This line is only reached if launch failed. /// let error_kind = error.kind(); /// # } /// ``` #[inline] pub fn kind(&self) -> &LaunchErrorKind { self.mark_handled(); &self.kind } } impl From for LaunchError { #[inline] fn from(error: hyper::Error) -> LaunchError { match error { hyper::Error::Io(e) => LaunchError::new(LaunchErrorKind::Io(e)), e => LaunchError::new(LaunchErrorKind::Unknown(Box::new(e))) } } } impl From for LaunchError { #[inline] fn from(error: io::Error) -> LaunchError { LaunchError::new(LaunchErrorKind::Io(error)) } } impl fmt::Display for LaunchErrorKind { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { match *self { LaunchErrorKind::Bind(ref e) => write!(f, "binding failed: {}", e), LaunchErrorKind::Io(ref e) => write!(f, "I/O error: {}", e), LaunchErrorKind::Collision(_) => write!(f, "route collisions detected"), LaunchErrorKind::FailedFairings(_) => write!(f, "a launch fairing failed"), LaunchErrorKind::Unknown(ref e) => write!(f, "unknown error: {}", e) } } } impl fmt::Debug for LaunchError { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.mark_handled(); write!(f, "{:?}", self.kind()) } } impl fmt::Display for LaunchError { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { self.mark_handled(); write!(f, "{}", self.kind()) } } impl ::std::error::Error for LaunchError { #[inline] fn description(&self) -> &str { self.mark_handled(); match *self.kind() { LaunchErrorKind::Bind(_) => "failed to bind to given address/port", LaunchErrorKind::Io(_) => "an I/O error occured during launch", LaunchErrorKind::Collision(_) => "route collisions were detected", LaunchErrorKind::FailedFairings(_) => "a launch fairing reported an error", LaunchErrorKind::Unknown(_) => "an unknown error occured during launch" } } } impl Drop for LaunchError { fn drop(&mut self) { if self.was_handled() { return } match *self.kind() { LaunchErrorKind::Bind(ref e) => { error!("Rocket failed to bind network socket to given address/port."); panic!("{}", e); } LaunchErrorKind::Io(ref e) => { error!("Rocket failed to launch due to an I/O error."); panic!("{}", e); } LaunchErrorKind::Collision(ref collisions) => { error!("Rocket failed to launch due to the following routing collisions:"); for &(ref a, ref b) in collisions { info_!("{} {} {}", a, Paint::red("collides with").italic(), b) } info_!("Note: Collisions can usually be resolved by ranking routes."); panic!("route collisions detected"); } LaunchErrorKind::FailedFairings(ref failures) => { error!("Rocket failed to launch due to failing fairings:"); for fairing in failures { info_!("{}", Paint::white(fairing)); } panic!("launch fairing failure"); } LaunchErrorKind::Unknown(ref e) => { error!("Rocket failed to launch due to an unknown error."); panic!("{}", e); } } } }