use super::rocket; use rocket::local::{Client, LocalResponse}; use rocket::http::Method::*; use rocket::http::Status; use rocket_contrib::Template; macro_rules! dispatch { ($method:expr, $path:expr, $test_fn:expr) => ({ let client = Client::new(rocket()).unwrap(); $test_fn(&client, client.req($method, $path).dispatch()); }) } #[test] fn test_root() { // Check that the redirect works. for method in &[Get, Head] { dispatch!(*method, "/", |_: &Client, mut response: LocalResponse| { assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther); assert!(response.body().is_none()); let location: Vec<_> = response.headers().get("Location").collect(); assert_eq!(location, vec!["/hello/Unknown"]); }); } // Check that other request methods are not accepted (and instead caught). for method in &[Post, Put, Delete, Options, Trace, Connect, Patch] { dispatch!(*method, "/", |client: &Client, mut response: LocalResponse| { let mut map = ::std::collections::HashMap::new(); map.insert("path", "/"); let expected = Template::show(client.rocket(), "error/404", &map).unwrap(); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::NotFound); assert_eq!(response.body_string(), Some(expected)); }); } } #[test] fn test_name() { // Check that the /hello/ route works. dispatch!(Get, "/hello/Jack", |client: &Client, mut response: LocalResponse| { let context = super::TemplateContext { name: "Jack".into(), items: vec!["One", "Two", "Three"] }; let expected = Template::show(client.rocket(), "index", &context).unwrap(); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok); assert_eq!(response.body_string(), Some(expected)); }); } #[test] fn test_404() { // Check that the error catcher works. dispatch!(Get, "/hello/", |client: &Client, mut response: LocalResponse| { let mut map = ::std::collections::HashMap::new(); map.insert("path", "/hello/"); let expected = Template::show(client.rocket(), "error/404", &map).unwrap(); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::NotFound); assert_eq!(response.body_string(), Some(expected)); }); }