# Except for the secret key, none of these are actually needed; Rocket has sane # defaults. We show all of them here explicitly for demonstrative purposes. [global.limits] forms = "64 kB" json = "1 MiB" msgpack = "2 MiB" "file/jpg" = "5 MiB" [debug] address = "" port = 8000 workers = 1 keep_alive = 0 log_level = "normal" hi = "Hello!" # this is an unused extra; maybe application specific? is_extra = true # this is an unused extra; maybe application specific? [release] address = "" port = 8000 workers = 12 keep_alive = 5 log_level = "critical" # don't use this key! generate your own and keep it private! secret_key = "hPRYyVRiMyxpw5sBB1XeCMN1kFsDCqKvBi2QJxBVHQk="