name: Documentation Problem description: Report an issue with or suggest documentation. labels: ["docs"] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: > **Thanks for taking the time to report a documentation issue!** Documentation problems include everything from typos to missing or incorrect technical details in any of the following: - [Rocket's Website]( - [The Rocket Programming Guide]( - [API Docs]( - [Content on GitHub]( If we've written it, we want to know how it can be improved. - type: dropdown validations: required: true attributes: label: What kind of documentation problem are you reporting? multiple: true options: - Typo (PRs welcome!) - Unclear Docs - Undocumented Feature - Broken Links - Rendering Issue - Grammar Issue - Technical Problem - Other - type: input validations: required: true attributes: label: Where is the issue found? description: Please provide a direct link to the documentation. placeholder: "ex:" - type: textarea validations: required: true attributes: label: What's wrong? description: > Please describe what's wrong with the documentation. - type: checkboxes attributes: label: System Checks description: "Please confirm all of the following:" options: - label: I confirmed that the issue still exists on `master` on GitHub. required: true - label: I was unable to find a previous report of this problem. required: true