name: CI on: [push, pull_request] env: CARGO_TERM_COLOR: always jobs: test: name: "${{ }} ${{ }} (${{ matrix.platform.toolchain }})" runs-on: ${{ matrix.platform.distro }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: platform: - { name: Linux, distro: ubuntu-latest, toolchain: stable } - { name: Windows, distro: windows-latest, toolchain: stable } - { name: macOS, distro: macOS-latest, toolchain: stable } - { name: Linux, distro: ubuntu-latest, toolchain: nightly } test: - { name: Debug } - { name: Examples, flag: "--examples" } - { name: Contrib, flag: "--contrib" } include: # Additional tests on Linux/stable. - platform: { name: Linux, distro: ubuntu-latest, toolchain: stable } test: { name: Core, flag: "--core" } - platform: { name: Linux, distro: ubuntu-latest, toolchain: stable } test: { name: Release, flag: "--release" } - platform: { name: Linux, distro: ubuntu-latest, toolchain: stable } test: { name: Testbench, flag: "--testbench" } - platform: { name: Linux, distro: ubuntu-latest, toolchain: stable } test: { name: UI, flag: "--ui" } fallible: true # Allow tests on nightly to fail. - platform: { toolchain: nightly } fallible: true # Use the bigger 'C:/' from the "Switch Disk" step - platform: { name: Windows } working-directory: "C:\\a\\${{ }}\\${{ }}" steps: - name: Checkout Sources uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Free Disk Space (Linux) if: == 'Linux' run: | echo "Freeing up disk space on Linux CI" df -h sudo rm -rf /usr/share/dotnet/ sudo rm -rf /opt/ghc sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/boost sudo rm -rf /usr/local/graalvm/ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/.ghcup/ sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/powershell sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/chromium sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/android sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules sudo rm -rf "$AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY" sudo docker image prune --all --force df -h - name: Install Native Dependencies (macOS) if: == 'macOS' run: | brew install mysql-client libpq sqlite coreutils brew link --force --overwrite mysql-client brew link --force --overwrite libpq echo "/usr/local/opt/mysql-client/bin" >> "$GITHUB_PATH" # vcpkg --triplet x64-windows install libmysql libpq sqlite3 openssl # + vcpkg/installed/vcpkg (in particular, the status file) - name: Install Native Dependencies (Windows) if: == 'Windows' run: | curl -fsLS -o vcpkg.7z 7z x vcpkg.7z -y -bb0 xcopy .\vcpkg $env:VCPKG_INSTALLATION_ROOT /s /e /h /y /q vcpkg integrate install echo "VCPKGRS_DYNAMIC=1" >> "$env:GITHUB_ENV" echo "VCPKG_ROOT=$env:VCPKG_INSTALLATION_ROOT" >> "$env:GITHUB_ENV" echo "$env:VCPKG_INSTALLATION_ROOT\installed\x64-windows\lib" >> "$env:GITHUB_PATH" - name: Install Native Dependencies (Linux) if: == 'Linux' run: | sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y libmysqlclient-dev libpq-dev libsqlite3-dev - name: Install Rust uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@master id: toolchain with: toolchain: ${{ matrix.platform.toolchain }} components: rust-src - name: Cache Example Workspace if: == 'Examples' uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2 with: workspaces: examples key: ${{ }}-${{ steps.toolchain.outputs.cachekey }} - name: Cache Root Workspace if: != 'Examples' uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2 with: key: ${{ }}-${{ steps.toolchain.outputs.cachekey }} # Don't run out of disk space on Windows. C: has much much space than D:. - name: Switch Disk (Windows) if: == 'Windows' run: | Get-PSDrive cp D:\a C:\ -Recurse Get-PSDrive - name: Run Tests continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.fallible || false }} working-directory: ${{ matrix.working-directory || github.workspace }} run: ./scripts/ ${{ matrix.test.flag || '' }} -q shell: bash