//! Ensures Rocket isn't compiled with an incompatible version of Rust. use yansi::{Paint, Color::{Red, Yellow}}; fn main() { const MIN_VERSION: &str = "1.46.0"; if let Some(version) = version_check::Version::read() { if !version.at_least(MIN_VERSION) { let msg = "Rocket requires a more recent version of rustc."; eprintln!("{} {}", Red.paint("Error:").bold(), Paint::new(msg).bold()); eprintln!("Installed version: {}", Yellow.paint(version)); eprintln!("Minimum required: {}", Yellow.paint(MIN_VERSION)); panic!("Aborting compilation due to incompatible compiler.") } } else { println!("cargo:warning=Rocket was unable to check rustc compiler compatibility."); println!("cargo:warning=Build may fail due to incompatible rustc version."); } if let Some(true) = version_check::is_feature_flaggable() { println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=nightly"); } }