# The Rocket Programming Guide Welcome to Rocket! This is the official guide. It is designed to serve as a starting point to writing web applications with Rocket and Rust. The guide is also designed to be a reference for experienced Rocket developers. This guide is conversational in tone. For concise and purely technical documentation, see the [API documentation](https://api.rocket.rs). The guide is split into several sections, each with a focus on a different aspect of Rocket. The sections are: - **[Introduction](introduction/):** introduces Rocket and its philosophy. - **[Quickstart](quickstart/):** presents the minimal steps necessary to run your first Rocket application. - **[Getting Started](getting-started/):** a gentle introduction to getting your first Rocket application running. - **[Overview](overview/):** describes the core concepts of Rocket. - **[Requests](requests/):** discusses handling requests: control-flow, parsing, and validating. - **[Responses](responses/):** discusses generating responses. - **[State](state/):** how to manage state in a Rocket application. - **[Fairings](fairings/):** provides an overview of Rocket's structured middleware. - **[Testing](testing/):** how to unit and integration test a Rocket application. - **[Configuration](configuration/):** how to configure a Rocket application. - **[Pastebin](pastebin/):** a tutorial on how to create a pastebin with Rocket. - **[Conclusion](conclusion/):** concludes the guide and discusses next steps for learning. ## Getting Help The official community support channels are the `#rocket` IRC channel on the [Mozilla IRC Server](https://wiki.mozilla.org/IRC) at `irc.mozilla.org` and the bridged [Rocket room on Matrix](https://riot.im/app/#/room/#mozilla_#rocket:matrix.org). If you're not familiar with IRC, we recommend chatting through [Matrix via Riot](https://riot.im/app/#/room/#mozilla_#rocket:matrix.org) or via the [Kiwi web IRC client](https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.mozilla.org/#rocket). You can learn more about IRC via Mozilla's [Getting Started with IRC](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/QA/Getting_Started_with_IRC) guide.