use std::collections::HashMap; use super::rocket; use rocket::testing::MockRequest; use rocket::http::*; use rocket_contrib::Template; const TEMPLATE_ROOT: &'static str = "templates/"; #[test] fn test_submit() { let rocket = rocket(); let mut request = MockRequest::new(Method::Post, "/submit") .header(ContentType::Form) .body("message=Hello from Rocket!"); let response = request.dispatch_with(&rocket); let cookie_headers: Vec<_> = response.headers().get("Set-Cookie").collect(); let location_headers: Vec<_> = response.headers().get("Location").collect(); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::SeeOther); assert_eq!(cookie_headers, vec!["message=Hello%20from%20Rocket!".to_string()]); assert_eq!(location_headers, vec!["/".to_string()]); } fn test_body(optional_cookie: Option>, expected_body: String) { let rocket = rocket(); let mut request = MockRequest::new(Method::Get, "/"); // Attach a cookie if one is given. if let Some(cookie) = optional_cookie { request = request.cookie(cookie); } let mut response = request.dispatch_with(&rocket); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok); assert_eq!(response.body_string(), Some(expected_body)); } #[test] fn test_index() { // Render the template with an empty context to test against. let mut context: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new(); let template = Template::show(TEMPLATE_ROOT, "index", &context).unwrap(); // Test the route without sending the "message" cookie. test_body(None, template); // Render the template with a context that contains the message. context.insert("message", "Hello from Rocket!"); // Test the route with the "message" cookie. let cookie = Cookie::new("message", "Hello from Rocket!"); let template = Template::show(TEMPLATE_ROOT, "index", &context).unwrap(); test_body(Some(cookie), template); }